Here's mine for consideration as well~

Can't you hear the ocean calling you?

Annis Peregrine


Her hat gives her an extra couple of inches to her height, and her shorter stature is made up with her attitude. Between that and a violent swing from her staff at any perceived disrespect to the red heads height, sharp blue eyes and a sharper tongue swiftly following behind it to cut someone back down to size. Tattoos and runes run up and down her arms, some look like they were done in blood, others just because she thought they were pretty. On the slimmer side, smaller bodies make for climbing the ropes easier, she's able to slip in and out of smaller places a lot easier and will find herself into those situations after a pretty rock or a precariously perched plant to throw into her next poultice.

Annis could always hear the sea, well correctly hear the dead trapped at the bottom of the waves, sailors and passengers alike who have lost their lives to the Great Mother. A street orphan in a dock city; she found whatever work was offered. Fixing nets, climbing masts to run lines, diving to help clear the ships hull of barnacles and the like, fetching trinkets thrown by jilted lovers to sell for cheap coin. Eventually she found proper work on a cargo ship, transporting rum and sugar between the islands, a few crumbs of knowledge on how to sail from older sailors taking pity on the curious girl, or just answering her enough for her to leave them alone before sending her back to the galley to help cook and clean. She didn't mind she had a knack for cooking, though her creations were questionable at best as she would much rather mix together ingredients to see what would happen than to care of it was edible or not. Inevitably, as if the fate of every cargo ship they were attacked by pirates, and seeing the chance to learn something new, she switched sides. Traveling that way she found a witch doctor, someone else who could hear the sea as she could. The older man, took her in and told her the stories and taught her what it meant to be 'Sea Blessed.' That's what he called it, he taught her how to fight and swear and then when they were suppose to set sail together he disappeared, leaving behind his staff and a note saying she was meant for more than just hanging on his purse strings.

Can hear the oceans ghost, occasionally she can communicate and channel them but has little control over what ghost answers, adept at making potions and cooking.

Trying to find out what the sea wants from her.

Can't you hear the ocean calling you?

Annis Peregrine


Her hat gives her an extra couple of inches to her height, and her shorter stature is made up with her attitude. Between that and a violent swing from her staff at any perceived disrespect to the red heads height, sharp blue eyes and a sharper tongue swiftly following behind it to cut someone back down to size. Tattoos and runes run up and down her arms, some look like they were done in blood, others just because she thought they were pretty. On the slimmer side, smaller bodies make for climbing the ropes easier, she's able to slip in and out of smaller places a lot easier and will find herself into those situations after a pretty rock or a precariously perched plant to throw into her next poultice.

Annis could always hear the sea, well correctly hear the dead trapped at the bottom of the waves, sailors and passengers alike who have lost their lives to the Great Mother. A street orphan in a dock city; she found whatever work was offered. Fixing nets, climbing masts to run lines, diving to help clear the ships hull of barnacles and the like, fetching trinkets thrown by jilted lovers to sell for cheap coin. Eventually she found proper work on a cargo ship, transporting rum and sugar between the islands, a few crumbs of knowledge on how to sail from older sailors taking pity on the curious girl, or just answering her enough for her to leave them alone before sending her back to the galley to help cook and clean. She didn't mind she had a knack for cooking, though her creations were questionable at best as she would much rather mix together ingredients to see what would happen than to care of it was edible or not. Inevitably, as if the fate of every cargo ship they were attacked by pirates, and seeing the chance to learn something new, she switched sides. Traveling that way she found a witch doctor, someone else who could hear the sea as she could. The older man, took her in and told her the stories and taught her what it meant to be 'Sea Blessed.' That's what he called it, he taught her how to fight and swear and then when they were suppose to set sail together he disappeared, leaving behind his staff and a note saying she was meant for more than just hanging on his purse strings.

Can hear the oceans ghost, occasionally she can communicate and channel them but has little control over what ghost answers, adept at making potions and cooking.

Trying to find out what the sea wants from her.