Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Krasnaya
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Note: Your gender identity won't affect my choice in writing with you. I just seek out people who play male characters while I play female roles, as I prefer to include romance and adult content, I personally had great experience writing with female identifying partners who played male roles. And yeah, you gotta be comfortable with writing adult content (profanity, violence and smut, no fade to black)

The Dragon Age epic

I'm back at this phase again and the desire to do these roleplays would not leave me be. So I had several ideas for separate stories and a bonus idea that isn't tied necessarily to the games, but it can be a potential prequel to the Origins based in Orlais. In case you'd be interested in doing a long term roleplay that is based on the games and actually have ends that lead to new beginnings and content from the next game, I'm your gal.

Second and Inquisition based rps are my biggest craves. However if someone offers to be my long-term partner for all of the ideas chronologically, you'll get my undivided attention.



These are the pairings for the following plot ideas. My characters will be highlighted in bold:

  • Non-game based, optional prequel to Origins: Orlesian Bard/Assassin x Honorable knightish thrope (but you're still free to pick out your role regarldess)
  • Origins: Up to debate (I'm honestly flexible about this idea. I can play a mage or rogue, elf, Qunari warrior or a human Chantry sister turned rogue/mage, it doesn't matter, we can decide together, they naturally need to be Grey Wardens)
  • Siege of Kirkwall, aka the Second game: Human Assassin Leader (Hawke based character) x Qunari from Arishok's group
  • Inquisition, sequel to the second game: same Human Assassin Leader x same Qunari, now Tal-Vashoth (turned Inquisitor)

We can play all of these as far as I'm concerned. If you're a Dragon Age fan, we'll get along real well, there's no doubt about it. I know not many people are comfortable with playing Qunari, which is on high demand for me. I've played countless DA roleplays with human and elf characters, it had left me wanting something different. So if you're comfortable with playing a pretty good and accurate Qunari character for second and third games, I'll fucking love you.

Another note, if we end up working all of the plots chronologically, we can always use our main characters again in the future from the previous stories, be it as protagonists, side characters or have a massive impact as someone who had done something great in the past, much like it was with Hawke and Warden in the second and third game.

As for the Canon side characters, should we include them? Up to you! I'm down for playing Canon characters from the games anytime, as long as they're treated as side characters. But I'm also down for making new side characters based on the Canons and carry their roles for the sake of the story.

Now, onto the plots!

Non-game based idea/optionally pre-Origins plot


I'm obsessed with the whole bard culture, especially in the Orlesian setting, as I love the drama and intrigue, all the Orlesian kitsch that would leave one breathless at the sight of artistry and luxury. So I'd definitely play an Assassiny masked bard, a seductress up to no good who enjoys playing the Game. This is actually tied to my character that I want to use for second and Inquisition games and it is a far more complex character storyline. This may play into the whole deal of Orlais Empire in Ferelden before Loghain drove them off, long before the Fifth Blight started. However, in case we'll do a continuation of the stories like the Origins timeline and so forth, I'd make the timeline a little bit more different so the Empire wasn't driven off decades ago, but more recent. Or, in case there's some other event that is more recent in Orlais and a bit before the Blight, I'd be down to play it out. As long as it is tied to the deadly Orlesian Game, intrigue and drama, I'm down.

Ideally, I'd prefer an honorable character, a knightish trope for this for your character, because I enjoy the idea of the dynamic where a respected and honorable member of society is dealing with a charming troublemaker, but it's not obligatory, you still have complete freedom in choosing what character you want to play.

Origins and the Fifth Blight


For this, at least for my own character, I'd use a Grey Warden who wouldn't be showing up anymore in the stories after the Origins storyline, at least not as a protagonist, though that really depends on how this story goes. I don't have much to add to this, as it would follow the game in its entirety as it is, with of course freedom for us to tackle plots and things in ways we want and have to deal with consequences accordingly. I'm always down to add new additional things to the table to make our roleplay feel fresh.

I don't have specific demands for characters, as this is something I'd like to discuss with my partner on what sort of characters we can make together for the plot.

Siege of Kirkwall aka the Second game


This is the plot where I do want to focus in on some interracial relationship between a human and a Qunari, and is a story that will lead to the Inquisition timeline. With a Qunari loyal the ways of the Qun, meeting a free spirited human who leads him to freedom at the end of the events, only for years later when the tear opens in the sky for him to become the most important individual in Thedas. An epic tale and romance, if you ask me.

Although, most Canon side characters from the second game may not show up here, as I have a list of original side characters I'd like to use. MC is actually the same character from the optional pre-Origins plot, just with a different identity which will be important in the Inquisition timeline.

My character is an Assassin leader of an organization who came to Kirkwall. They had a run in with Isabela and her crew, which led to MC getting the Tome, unaware at the time that this Tome is the root of a major issue in Kirkwall - the Qunari. Upon realizing what this Tome actually is when they arrive to Kirkwall, MC with her right hand man decides to speak with Arishok and to return that bloody thing to its rightful owners, unfortunately the Tome was taken by someone in her crew who had wanted to blackmail MC and had taken the Tome to someone who holds leverage in Kirkwall. So with a made up story, MC would stand before Arishok to tell him that someone they know holds the Tome and they plan to cause a disaster. And with her trusted right hand man who knows Qunlat helping the situation, they manage to convince Arishok to help them out in retrieving the Tome, sending his men to this mission, among which YC is one of them.

MC will more or less have the same role as Hawke in this instance, which will earn her the same reputation by the end. Our characters bond during this journey, following the similar quests as in the game, having some of the more important side characters in the story until it reaches the infamous conclusion - Varric, Cassandra, Anders, Isabela, and maybe Fenris, including a desired character you'd like to include. YC had learned a lot from MC which in the end it affects his decision in turning against Arishok and it results with his freedom and becoming Tal-Vashoth as he leaves the Qun. Our characters, no matter if they end up cordial or in a fight, will separate and will not see each other again - until the Inquisition timeline.

MC fakes her own death in the meantime. She used to be the leader of a secretive Assassin organization only to become a renown figure, which she did not like. The death of Hawke would reach the news across Thedas, as well as YC. She had such an impact on his life, it surely wouldn't leave him feeling indifferent

The Inquisition


A direct follow up after the second game, I'm only interested in playing this as a sequel to the story prior to this one.

YC ends up following the Herald's storyline as the one who can close the Rifts. The Qunari who had become the Inquisitor, which works even better with the direct follow up from the second game, knowing Varric, Cassandra and through the two of them there is Leliana who support him against the Chantry's aggressive reactions. I would be down to play a side character for a while before my Hawke character comes into play.

This time, MC doesn't come as presenting as the Assassin leader, instead as a masked Orlesian pirate assassin who is well known and quite legendary - the same character of mine I'd play in ore-Origins idea I have shared. Whenever she puts up this masked identity, MC is like a completely different person. She comes with a ship and masked pirate men offering to aid the Inquisition but keeping up the act the entire time. At first YC would be none the wiser as to who this is, but eventually he should slowly realize that it indeed is her.

The plot will follow the game, so I've nothing set in mind yet that I feel I'd like to additionally add, but everything is open for discussion!

In conclusion...


Everything is up for discussion! The only thing I don't want to change is the pairing idea for the second and third game. As for everything else, it's open for planning, adjusting and changing.

There will be some of my original content tied to my main character that will be in the pre-Origins, second and third game, such as the two assasing and pirate organizations. Nothing game changing that would meddle with the lore and world itself.

All that's left to do is to send me a PRIVATE MESSAGE. Not here, don't post here, it annoys me more than I care to admit.

However, I will heavily judge a person based on their first message they send me. I need to know from the start if we're compatible. If you send me just a line of text in inbox, I'm not gonna bother reading, let alone respond.

Given that I did my best to let you know here everything you need to know about me as a writer, I want you to be detailed about yourself when you send me a message. If I captured your attention, I think its only fair you try to do the same to capture my attention!
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Krasnaya
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Krasnaya
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Krasnaya
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Krasnaya
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Krasnaya
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