Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Patch notes to the Doctrine of Combat Supremacy (DOCS) will be posted here to be kept together and not get spread all over the OOC. To sate the curiosity of anyone wondering by, the DoCS is for the Symphony of Espers RP.

4/11/2022 update

-SoE Patch Note Page created.

-All heal notes can now heal any wound, albite with less or more effectiveness than others. You may need to cast a healing melody many times to compleatly heal a wound, but the effects are more or less instantaneous. More details about healing wounds to come at a later date.


Minor Heal: Mana cost (2)
Bolsters the body’s natural ability to heal. On an esper: Cuts and bruises heal in 6 seconds, deep lacerations and broken bones heal in 6 hours, and missing limbs or vital organs are mended in 6 days. If used with an AoE note, the speeds decrease to minutes/days/weeks respectively. Higher rank healing notes can better heal higher rank wounds.

Heal: Mana cost (6)
Bolsters the body’s natural ability to heal. On an esper: Cuts and bruises heal instantly, deep lacerations and broken bones heal in 6 seconds, and missing limbs or vital organs are mended in 6 hours. If used with an AoE note, this note behaves like Minor Heal. Higher rank healing notes can better heal higher rank wounds.

Major Heal: Mana cost (18)
Bolsters the body’s natural ability to heal. On an esper: Cuts, bruises, deep lacerations, and broken bones heal instantly. Missing limbs or vital organs are mended in 6 seconds. If used with an AoE note, this note behaves like Heal. Higher rank healing notes can better heal higher rank wounds.


Minor Heal: Mana cost (2)
Bolsters the body’s natural ability to heal. On an esper: Cuts and bruises can be healed completely, but Minor Heal is only 50% effective on deep lacerations and broken bones, and 25% effective on missing limbs or vital organs. If used with an AoE note, this note is only half as effective as it would normally be. Higher rank healing notes can better heal higher rank wounds.

Heal: Mana cost (6)
Bolsters the body’s natural ability to heal. On an esper: Cuts, bruises, deep lacerations, and broken bones can be healed completely, but Heal is only 50% effective on missing limbs or vital organs. If used with an AoE note, this note is only half as effective as it would normally be. Higher rank healing notes can better heal higher rank wounds.

Major Heal: Mana cost (18)
Bolsters the body’s natural ability to heal. On an esper: Any wound can be healed completely. If used with an AoE note, this note is only half as effective as it would normally be. Higher rank healing notes can better heal higher rank wounds.

-Craft, Build, and Construction have been merged into the Construction note. It's cheaper, but now the build size is controlled by the rank of the note.


Craft: Mana cost (2)
Makes a solid obstacle, trinket, etc out of an esper’s element at the target area. The obstacle can be no larger than a 1X1 foot cube. Making complex things such as a stop watch or a scale is impossible. Lasts 10 minutes.

Build: Mana cost (4)
Makes a solid obstacle, bridge, etc out of an esper’s element at the target area. The obstacle can be no larger than a 5X5 foot cube. Whatever is built, it cannot have a complex shape, such as feature corridors, trick walls, etc. Lasts 10 minutes.

Construction: Mana cost (8)
Makes a solid obstacle, fort, etc out of an esper’s element. The obstacle can be no larger than a 25X25 foot cube. Some level of complexity is allowed, such as making drawbridges and doors. Machinery and equally complex items cannot be made. Lasts 10 minutes.


Construction: Mana cost (4)
Makes a solid obstacle out of an esper’s element. The obstacle’s size is dependent on the rank of the melody. at E rank, it can be no larger than a 5x5 cube. Every rank above E increases the max dimensions by 5 feet. Some level of complexity is allowed, such as making drawbridges and doors. Machinery and equally complex items cannot be made. Lasts 10 minutes.

-Purify and Dispel are worded better for clarity.


Purify: Mana cost (6)
Removes debuffs and negative magical effects from the target, such as curses and also cures poisons/diseases. Effects must be equal to or weaker to the rank of the melody to be effectively removed. Will not heal wounds, fix physical afflictions, or unbind magical constructs such as those created with a restrain note.

Dispel: Mana cost (6)
Removes positive magical effects from the target, such as barriers, magical strength, and other enchantments. This note can also be used to destroy magical constructs and banish summoned creatures. Effects must be equal to or weaker to the rank of the melody to be effectively removed. Monsters that enter the world directly from the elemental chaos are immune to this effect.


Purify: Mana cost (6)
Removes debuffs and negative magical effects from the target. Effects must be equal to or weaker than the rank of the melody to be removed. Will not heal wounds, fix physical afflictions, or unbind magical constructs such as those created with a restrain note.

Dispel: Mana cost (6)
Removes positive magical effects from a target. If the target is a magical construct, it will be destroyed instead. Effects/constructs must be equal to or weaker to the rank of the melody for it to work.

-Portal's mana cost has been dropped from 8 to 4, as it was too expensive for a melody that needed to be cast twice.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
Avatar of BrokenPromise

BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

-Construction given slightly more versatility, and its durability has been clarified.


Construction: Mana cost (4)
Makes a solid obstacle out of an esper’s element. The obstacle’s size is dependent on the rank of the melody. at E rank, it can be no larger than a 5x5 cube. Every rank above E increases the max dimensions by 5 feet. Some level of complexity is allowed, such as making drawbridges and doors. Machinery and equally complex items cannot be made. Lasts 10 minutes.


Construction: Mana cost (4)
Makes a solid obstacle out of an esper’s element. The obstacle’s size is dependent on the rank of the melody. At E rank, It cannot have a volume greater than a 5x5 cube. The final shape of the Construction need not fit inside a cube, but none of its dimensions can go beyond double the cube’s size. Every rank above E increases the max dimensions by 5 feet. Some level of complexity is allowed, such as making drawbridges and doors, but machinery and equally complex items cannot be made. Constructions are brittle, but retain defenses equal to the rank of the melody. Lasts 10 minutes.

-Craft makes a return for different type of constructions:

Craft: Mana cost (2)
Make tools out of an esper’s element. The tool's size is dependent on the rank of the melody. At E rank, it can be no larger than a 1x1 cube. Every rank above E increases either the dimensions of the tool by 1 foot or the quantity of Crafts by 1. If other notes are used along with Craft, they can be imbued in the tools created and released when the tool is consumed/struck against a target. Using Craft like this will lower the rank of the imbued notes by one for each extra tool created. As an example, an elixir of protection made with a silver cast note would normally have a rank of C, but if two potions were made instead of one, they would be rank D each.

- Zone better clarified


Zone: Mana cost (4)
Creates a zone at a target area that solid objects can pass through. The zone can be any simple shape the caster wishes, from a pillar to a wall to a carpet. So long as the shape is no larger than a 20 X 20 foot cube. All effects after this mod are applied to anything inside the designated area as it persists. Instantaneous notes like damage and heal are gradually applied to anything inside the zone and need to remain there for a full 6 seconds to receive the full effect of those notes. Timed effects like acceleration affect targets as long as they are in the zone. The zone lasts for 6 seconds.


Zone: Mana cost (4)
Creates a zone at a target area that solid objects can pass through. The zone can be any simple shape the caster wishes, from a pillar to a wall to a carpet. So long as the shape is no larger than a 20 X 20 foot cube. All effects after this mod are applied to anything inside the designated area as it persists. Instantaneous notes like Push and Dispel are gradually applied to anything inside the Zone and need to remain there for a full 6 seconds to receive the full effect. Timed effects like Magic Sense and Speedster affect targets as long as they are in the zone. The zone lasts for 6 seconds.

-Rain has been reworked and split into two separate modification notes, Rain and Scatter.


Rain: Mana cost (2)
When placed before a projectile cast note, the projectile will break apart into multiple projectiles overhead and rain down over an area. When it descends. The area can be no larger than a 30 foot circle, and it’ll be smaller if the projectile cannot achieve maximum height. Not recommended indoors,


Rain: Mana cost (2)
The melody comes from an area fifty to a hundred feet above the casting esper. The usual tells of preparing a melody happens where the melody is going to come from, and is obvious enough that espers will notice it being cast.

Scatter: Mana cost (2)
Causes a cast to be split into several smaller projectiles mid-flight, creating a shotgun-like scatter. The scatter can be no wider than 20 feet, and the projectiles can only affect a target once per melody. The center of the scatter must follow the trajectory of the cast.

-Channel is better clarified as a multi-hit modification for melodies.


Channel: Mana cost (2)
When placed before a cast note, it allows the cast to be sustained for 6 seconds. Projectiles are fired like that of a machine gun, beams persist for several seconds, Spawns can be maintained, and touch and self spells have a lingering effect. The drawback is that the power of such melodies are reduced, and sustained/repeated contact with the target is necessary for the effects to proc with full strength. The melody can be cast again if the esper wishes to sustain the melody longer.


Channel: Mana cost (0)
The melody has the ability to multi-hit. It is delivered in several bursts (up to 3) which can be aimed at one or multiple targets. The rank of the melody is unaffected, but the potency or duration of each effect are divided among the bursts. The bursts can be aimed at different parts of a target, or different targets if they are close enough together.

-Fixed a typo, Extend and Full Extend were always supposed to work for the whole melody.


Extend: Mana cost (2)
Makes the next effect note with a duration last 12 seconds longer.

Full Extend: Mana cost (4)
Makes the next effect note with a duration last 30 seconds longer.


Extend: Mana cost (2)
Make notes with a duration last 12 seconds longer.

Full Extend: Mana cost (4)
Make notes with a duration last 30 seconds longer.

-Removed Contract. It’s vague, and we’ve since moved past the need for more notes that make other notes stronger.


Contract: Mana cost (4)
Make the next effect with a duration last half as long, but be twice as potent.

-Delay has been clarified.


Delay: Mana cost (0)
Adds a time delay before the rest of the notes activate. Swirls of elemental energy let all know the melody isn’t over. The duration of the delay can be decided by the esper, but it cannot be changed after the melody is cast. It can be anywhere between instant to 30 seconds.


Delay: Mana cost (0)
Adds a delay before the rest of the melody activates. The duration of the delay can be up to 30 seconds, but must be decided before the melody is cast.

-Expiration, too, has been clarified.


Expiration: Mana cost (0)
After all the effects with a duration before this note expires, the next notes are allowed to activate.


Expiration: Mana cost (0)
Delays the next notes until all other notes in the melody have run their duration.

-Bend no longer “consumes the source”


Bend: Mana cost (0)
The melody is cast from a source of the esper’s element. The source is consumed by the spell relative to how powerful it is.


Bend: Mana cost (0)
The melody is cast from a source of the esper’s element.

-Bounce’s placement requirements have been removed, and now has clearly defined conditions and a mana cost.


Bounce: Mana cost (0)
When placed before a cast note, this mod causes projectiles and beams to bounce. Effects will trigger on each bounce, and weaken after each activation. Mods can be used to prevent undesirable activations.


Bounce: Mana cost (2)
Causes the Melody to bounce up to three times. Each bounce triggers the melody and lowers its effects by one rank, but never below E.

-Orbit and Dynamo worded better.


Orbit: Mana cost (0)
If the cast activates on a humanoid, the effects orbit them for a minute. Works well with construction effects

Dynamo: Mana cost (0)
If the cast activates on a humanoid, it turns into a projectile that orbits around them.


Orbit: Mana cost (0)
The melody activates and the effects orbit the target once every second for as long as the effects persist. Build notes last 6 seconds unless extended by another note.

Dynamo: Mana cost (0)
The melody turns into a projectile with the same effects as the melody (minus the dynamo note) and orbits the target for 30 seconds.

-Homing is better clarified


Homing: Mana cost (2)
When placed after a cast note, it has homing abilities. Faster casts have less time to home in on a target, and are less accurate.


Homing: Mana cost (2)
Melody homes in on a chosen target. Attempts to dodge the melody through reflexes alone will fail, but it will not avoid obstacles such as cover or barriers.

-Piercing gets a nice buff and a simpler description.


Piercing: Mana cost (2)
When placed after a cast note, the cast is able to easily pierce mundane materials. The spell has no difficulty piercing wood and flesh, but has a harder time getting through denser materials like steel and reinforced concrete.


Piercing: Mana cost (2)
The melody is able to pierce up to three obstacles/targets with arcane defense lower than the melody’s rank. Can also peirce weapons with a lower sentinel score than the melody. Every time the melody pierces a target, its rank lowers by one.

-Recoil no longer has a positional requirement, because those are dumb lol. Also fixed the description and added a small mana cost.


Recoil: Mana cost (0)
If put after a cast note, the recoil of the spell is enough to launch the caster backwards!


Recoil: Mana cost (2)
The melody has a recoil, which affects the caster as if they also cast [Self][Push], with Self being the same quality as the melody.

-Avoid given better parameters and a mana cost.


Avoid: Mana cost (0)
If put after a cast note, makes a projectile shy away from objects that aren't the designated target.


Avoid: Mana cost (2)
The melody will make adjustments to its flight path to avoid obstacles on the way to its target. It will avoid stationary obstacles and obstacles that move as fast as a thrown stone. Melee attacks and faster projectiles can intercept a melody with an Avoid note. Avoid does not make the melody more accurate or cause it to track the target.

-Exact damage and effects of Ignite clarified/revamped, with a slightly higher mana cost.


Ignite: Mana cost (2)
Causes the target to burn. Non-flammable objects might smolder and go out, but everything else will need to do something about the flames or risk getting engulfed. Flames can be put out by the usual methods. Burns for 6 seconds.


Ignite: Mana cost (4)
Causes the target to burn with an intense flame. Ignite initially causes a minor wound (no wound on espers/magi) and then inflicts a moderate wound (minor wound on espers/magi) for every 6 seconds they remain aflame. Flames can spread across the body and to other targets, but will never cause extra wounds. Fires created with Ignite can be suffocated like real fires, or stomped/patted out by espers and monsters. Only targets that can catch fire can be affected by Ignite.

- Freeze now has its effects better clarified. And now works with all non-melody based attacks.


Freeze: Mana cost (2)
Causes part of the target to freeze over. Frozen targets can move, but are brittle and can be more easily shattered by melee attacks or physical ranged attacks.. Lasts 6 seconds.


Freeze: Mana cost (2)
Causes part of the target to freeze over. Frozen targets can move, but are brittle. Non-melody attacks such as instruments, mundane weapons, and hard falls create more severe wounds. Lasts 6 seconds.

-Flight’s Push/Pull resistance has been removed, and movement speed is now based on the rank of the melody.


Flight: Mana cost (6)
Allows the target to fly for 6 seconds. Higher ranks can make the target more resistant to push/pull effects. If the grade of the push/pull effect is below that of the flight note, they will only be moved the normal distance.


Flight: Mana cost (6)
Allows the target to fly for 6 seconds. Movement speed, and only movement speed, is based on the rank of the note.

-Mass now provides some physical defense, and makes the target heavier.


Mass: Mana cost (2)
Increases chaos defense by one rank for 6 seconds, provided the rank of this note is equal to or greater than the target’s chaos defense, During this time, they are also impervious to movement effects like push, pull, and quake so long as the spells rank isn’t greater than the rank of this melody.


Mass: Mana cost (2)
Increases physical and chaos defense by one rank for 6 seconds, provided the rank of this note is equal to or greater than the target’s chaos defense. During this time, they are also impervious to movement effects like push, pull, and quake so long as the spell's rank isn’t greater than the rank of this melody. The target’s weight also doubles.

-Obfuscate’s area of effect clarified, cost and duration reduced.


Obfuscate: Mana cost (4)
Shrouds the target in a shadow that makes them invisible and silent. The shadow fades after 12 seconds, and doesn’t move with the target.


Obfuscate: Mana cost (2)
Shrouds the target in a stationary shadow that makes them invisible and silent. The shadow is almost impossible to notice if used inside another shadow or another sensible location. The shadow is only slightly larger than the target, and will not hide them if they move outside of it. Aoe and zone notes will make the shadow bigger, but everyone inside the shadow will be able to see each other clearly. Lasts 6 seconds.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BrokenPromise
Avatar of BrokenPromise

BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


~ Supplemental Glamors (PR & BACKUP) are now their own thing and are upgraded/changed by events in the RP.

~ Various clarifications have been made to the DoCS to make it better reflect the RP.

~ It's official, Logic/Conditional/Multi-cast notes no longer need to be one of your selected notes to be used.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BrokenPromise
Avatar of BrokenPromise

BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Post SoH First Operation Patch Notes:

-Push/Pull has been reworded for clarity.

-As well as Zone/Aoe.

If a note’s effects are dependent on what part/side of a target they hit, the caster may choose any part of a target so long as it’s inside the zone and can be seen from the zone’s center.

If a note’s effects are dependent on what part/side of a target they hit, the caster may choose any part of a target so long as it’s inside the area of effect and can be seen from AoE’s center.

-Rain was renamed to “Sky Call” as the original name no longer reflected the note’s purpose. You may need to open and close your copy of the Melody Cost Calculator for it to import the new list.

-Restrain note clarified, along with slow.

-Healing note revision for clarity.
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by BrokenPromise
Avatar of BrokenPromise

BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The elemental note buff is here!

Since the last RP, a lot of the elemental notes have not gotten too much use outside of a certain girl using them to stylishly skate all over the palace. We wanted to make elemental notes a more integral part of everyone’s play style. But a lot of them are too situational, too confusing, and the bulk of them can be replaced by regular notes. Hopefully this update will give espers more reason to use elemental notes.

The goal with the elemental note update was to:

-Make all notes useful regardless of your genre’s grade.
-Make elemental notes more powerful/interesting.
-Make them cost slightly less than if they were scaled with other notes. This did make some of them more expensive...

And without further ado…

Fire: The giver and taker of life, but it’s always been a destructive and dangerous magic for espers. Only Ignite is an expensive and weak DoT note with easy counters and Fever is a confusing “STR Down” Debuff. The new Ignite might convince some espers they don’t need to carry around Damage X. Fever is getting replaced, which will mark the third time Fire had one of its notes totally reworked. Rather than focusing on a debuff or fire protection, “Ferver” leans hard into Fire’s offensive play style and lets espers get a little more wild.

Ignite: Mana cost (4)
Causes the target to burn with an intense flame. Ignite initially causes a minor wound (no wound on espers/magi) and then inflicts a moderate wound (minor wound on espers/magi) for every 6 seconds they remain aflame. Flames can spread across the body and to other targets, but will never cause extra wounds. Fires created with Ignite can be suffocated like real fires, or stomped/patted out by espers and monsters. Only targets that can catch fire can be affected by Ignite.

Fever: Mana Cost (2)
Causes the target’s body to heat up, which results in a loss of strength. Melee weapon attacks go down a rank in damage, ranged attacks go down one rank in sentinel, and it is more difficult to lift heavy objects for 6 seconds.
Ignite: Mana cost (4)
Causes the target to go up in flames, doing the same amount of damage as a damage note, but over an entire human sized target or a monster up to three times as big as a human. Damage is reapplied every 6 seconds.

Ignite usually lasts 6 seconds, but can be extended or put out early just like normal flames. Rolling, moving to a body of water, or entering an oxygen free environment are a few ways to extinguish Ignite. However, targets that are splashed with oils, gasoline, or other flammables will burn for an extra 6 seconds.

Ferver: Mana Cost (4)
The target is filled with fiery emotion and becomes indomitable. They ignore all debuffs and can fight on as if they were in perfect condition, minus any limbs they may be missing. Lasts 6 seconds.

Any damage that someone under the effect of Ferver might suffer is reduced by 10%, and an additional 10% for each rank over D. If an attack would kill a fervered target, they instead fall unconscious, ferver ends, and they are critically injured by the attack.

Aqua: The only player who used this genre ICly performed well, but the DOCS has been evolving and a lot of the notes could use a bit of clarity as well as a reason to use these notes above bronze. Also it just makes sense to add a speed debuff to freeze.

Freeze: Mana cost (2)
Causes part of the target to freeze over. Frozen targets can move, but are brittle. Non-melody attacks such as instruments, mundane weapons, and hard falls create more severe wounds. Lasts 6 seconds.

Slick: Mana Cost (2)
Human sized Targets or a 2X2 area becomes slick for 6 seconds. A target can be made partially slippery or fully slippery. As an example, an esper can make their shoes slick to allow them to slide like an ice skater, or they can make an enemy entirely slick to make climbing stairs difficult. Slick affects one's movement, rather than finer motor movements. They will not drop their weapons due to slippery hands nor lose any weapons or equipment they are wearing/carrying. Slick targets can be moved three times as far by push/pull effects if they aren’t airborne.
Freeze: Mana cost (4)
Causes the target to freeze over, reducing its movement speed. Frozen targets are brittle and treat all sources of damage as being 1 rank higher. Frozen targets move 10% slower and an additional 10% for each rank over D. Lasts 6 seconds.

Slick: Mana Cost (4)
Human sized Targets or a 2X2 area becomes slick for 6 seconds. A target can be made partially slippery or fully slippery. As an example, an esper can make their shoes slick to allow them to slide like an ice skater, or they can make an enemy entirely slick to make climbing stairs difficult. Targets will not drop their weapons due to slippery hands nor lose any equipment they are wearing/carrying. Slick targets can be moved three times as far by push/pull effects if they aren’t airborne.

When cast as a buff, Slick’s rank can be used in place of speed or sentinel for escaping grapples, avoiding projectiles, or any other use where being faster or more slippery can help avoid damage. When used as a debuff or obstacle, slick’s rank is used to determine how difficult it is to traverse and is contested by an appropriate stat.

Wind: Flying has always been powerful, but storm could use a bit of a rework to make it functionally different than barrier and reflect. We could use a defense VS rapid fire attacks.

Storm: Mana cost (4)
The target of this note is surrounded in spinning winds which can deflect attacks, increasing SENTINEL against Physical and Ranged attacks by 1 rank. This bonus stacks if the attack is both Physical and Ranged. Lasts 6 seconds.

Also during storm’s duration, it can deflect a single ranged attack/melody that is equal to the rank of the melody. Two attacks that are a rank lower, three attacks at a rank below that, etc. Melodies like projectiles and beams are curved to fly past the intended target. Storm cannot protect from spawned melodies or attacks without projectiles.
Storm: Mana cost (4)
The target of this note is surrounded in spinning winds which can deflect attacks, increasing SENTINEL by 1 rank. Lasts 6 seconds.

Also during Storm’s duration, it can deflect ranged attacks such as machine gun fire and melodies. Any ranged fire aimed at the target must be closer than 75 feet to hit the target. Every rank Storm is over D decreases this range by 15 feet. Storm cannot protect from spawned melodies or attacks without projectiles, such as laser beams.

Lightning: It’s fine, but Paralysis is weirdly complicated and Speedster is just too expensive for what it offers. Now Paralysis is simpler and easier to understand while Speedster is less expensive.

Paralysis: Mana cost (4)
Causes the target to briefly lose the ability to control the part of their body that was struck. Limbs lose the ability to move, the torso affects the respiratory system, and a headshot causes the target’s vision to blur, drastically reducing accuracy over distance. If used with an AoE, the note can only activate a single debuff on the target(s) based on what part of them it touched first. Lasts 6 seconds.

Speedster: Mana cost (4)
Target’s speed ranks up once for 6 seconds, and they can run across “less than ideal” surfaces, such as bodies of water and walls, so long as they don’t stop running.
Paralysis: Mana cost (4)
Causes the target to lose control of their body, briefly becoming a ragdoll. A target will fall prone, drop any items they are holding, and will fail tasks that require concentration, such as entering a password or casting a melody. An esper will never drop their instrument unless they choose to do so. A target with high arcane resistance can resist some of the effects, and might be able to remain standing or maintain concentration. More vulnerable targets will be helpless for longer.

Speedster: Mana cost (2)
Target’s speed ranks up once for 6 seconds, and they can run across “less than ideal” surfaces, such as bodies of water and walls, so long as they don’t stop running.

Nature: The red-haired stepchild of the esper world. Unless you’re Oros the Mad, there’s almost no reason to use these notes. Even with a stackable slow debuff, Poison takes waaaaaay too much effort for what it offers, It’s just a DoT that takes half an operation to activate, while Transform is an underwhelming melee buff/weapon transformation with no reason to cast above bronze. Let’s change that. Activating neurotoxin/acid is actually possible on a single cast, and transform offers a reason to use it above bronze.

Poison: Mana cost (2)
Causes the target to become poisoned, which ranks down their speed for 6 seconds. Stacks refresh the duration and stack up to three times provided it is cast by the same esper each time. The third stack also inflicts “neurotoxin,” which does severe damage to arteries near the target area after 6 seconds. If the target has no arteries, it will instead inflict “acid” and vaporize a large portion of the target's form in 6 seconds.

Transform: Mana cost (2)
The target can transform parts of their body into claws and such to be used as weapons or tools. Attacks like this are a single rank higher than an esper’s base weapon. Transformations last 6 seconds.
Poison: Mana cost (4)
Causes the target to become poisoned, which ranks down their speed as the debuff persists. After 3 post cycles, the debuff becomes “neurotoxin,” which does severe damage to arteries near the targeted area. If the target has no arteries, it will instead inflict “acid” and vaporize a large portion of the target's form. The number of post cycles required for the Poison debuff to transform goes up or down depending on how many ranks the target’s arcane defense is over/under the rank of this note.

Poison activates instantly on monsters, and does as much damage as a “Damage X” note would cast at its rank.

Transform: Mana cost (2)
The target can transform their limbs to be used as weapons or tools, such as tendrils, living vines, claws, or other shapes related to your element. The new length of anything made from this note can be 1 foot longer than the existing weapon/limb, and add an extra foot for every rank the note is over D. Attacks from transformed weapons/limbs are a single rank higher than an esper’s base weapon. Transformations last 6 seconds.

Earth: What’s here is good, it’s just not nearly versatile enough. Quake now has a damage component that makes it really good for armored or hard targets. Mass is also getting an upgrade to make it more than something to grief gravity/push/pull gamers. It’s cost is going up, but it’s a substantial upgrade!

Quake: Mana cost (2)
The effect causes a target to get knocked down, or can cause a surface to shake in a range of 15 feet. Will cause brittle materials like stone and glass to shatter.

Mass: Mana cost (2)
Increases physical and chaos defense by one rank for 6 seconds, provided the rank of this note is equal to or greater than the target’s chaos defense. During this time, they are also impervious to movement effects like push, pull, and quake so long as the spell's rank isn’t greater than the rank of this melody. The target’s weight also doubles.
Quake: Mana cost (2)
Uses seismic-like force to damage a target. The damage dealt is comparable to a damage note but does significantly more damage to structures and hard targets such as shields, shells, or hard bodied constructs. A D rank note is enough to blow a 3x3 foot hole through a sheetrock wall. It can do this with wood at C rank, stone at D, and metal at B, with respect to the varying thicknesses those walls are usually made to. Targets with magical defenses and/or are extra thick will need 1/2 extra ranks for the desired effect. If Quake’s rank is too weak, the target will only shake on impact. If Quake is stronger than the material, the hole will get 1x1 bigger for every rank over the material.

This note does not have the same effect on targets with construction-like attributes, such as espers or monsters with more durable flesh. It does bypass those defenses and does as much damage as a damage note normally would to a target.

Mass: Mana cost (4)
The target becomes more dense, and their flesh hardens. Increases chaos defense by one rank. Physical defense also changes to this note’s rank if it’s higher. The target is also impervious to movement effects like push, pull, slow, and gravity notes. The target’s weight also doubles. Lasts for 6 seconds.

Light: Reveal is too situational, so it’s going to reveal a lot more to the caster now. Purity… will get its update later. It’s fine for now.

Reveal: Mana cost (2)
The target is unable to use spells to hide it’s position, and their body is wreathed in a glowing light for 6 seconds.
Reveal: Mana cost (2)
The target is unable to use spells to hide it’s position, and their body is always visible to the caster for 6 seconds. In addition to this, they know if the target is a monster or human, and can get a rough idea of its durability and magical might. At C rank, the caster also learns its strongest and weakest attributes for defense (its stats, essentially). At B rank, the caster also learns the nature of its weapon and its strongest and weakest attribute. At A rank, the caster also gains a rough idea of any specials the target might have. At S rank, the caster also knows what the target is thinking, but the target is also aware of this.

Darkness: It’s pretty unique, but there’s no reason to cast it above bronze. UNTIL NOW! The new Obfuscate features a lingering invisibility effect after something leaves a shadow, and the duration of Intangible can now be increased. However, anti-telefrag measures have been put in place to prevent it from being used as a strictly offensive ability.

Obfuscate: Mana cost (2)
Shrouds the target in a stationary shadow that makes them invisible and silent. The shadow is almost impossible to notice if used inside another shadow or another sensible location. The shadow is only slightly larger than the target, and will not hide them if they move outside of it. Aoe and zone notes will make the shadow bigger, but everyone inside the shadow will be able to see each other clearly. Lasts 6 seconds.

Intangible: Mana cost (4)
The target becomes intangible for up to 2 seconds. During this time they can not be targeted by melodies, cannot cast melodies, cannot attack, but can pass through any solid surface at will. Should something be inside them when they solidify, their mass that occupies that space will be lost to the void. Extreme care should be used when passing through things. Intangible targets are still visible, but have a transparent appearance. Extend and full extend do not extend the duration of this note. This note can be resisted by the target if their arcane defense is greater than the note’s rank.
Obfuscate: Mana cost (2)
Shrouds the target in a stationary shadow that makes them invisible and silent. The shadow is almost impossible to notice if used inside another shadow or another sensible location. The shadow is only slightly larger than the target, and will not hide them if they move outside of it. Aoe and zone notes will make the shadow bigger, but everyone inside the shadow will be able to see each other clearly. Lasts 6 seconds.

The first time something leaves the shadow’s vicinity, it is invisible for 2 seconds. The duration for this lingering invisibility increases by 1 second for every rank over D Obfuscate is cast at.

Intangible: Mana cost (4)
The target becomes intangible for up to 2 seconds, and an additional second for every rank over D. During this time they can not be targeted by melodies, cannot cast melodies, cannot attack, but can pass through any solid surface at will. Should something be inside them when they solidify, they will simply blink in front of whatever they were inside. Intangible targets are still visible, but have a transparent appearance. Extend and full extend do not extend the duration of this note. This note can be resisted by the target if their arcane defense is greater than the note’s rank.

Gravity: What can’t gravity do? Of all the elemental notes, this is the one that’s been over-performing. There’s also hardly a reason to cast it above bronze. So this one is getting a small nerf. Rather than being contested by the target’s arcane defense, Gravity’s effectiveness is dependent on how high its grade is. It’s the only fair way to do it, as gravity has a lot of reasons to cast on self, allies, and foes.

Weightless: Mana cost (4)
The target loses all mass for 6 seconds, causing them to float. They retain their momentum they had before becoming weightless. Push/Pull effects are very potent on weightless targets. Greater resistance means the target retains some of its weight.

Suspend: Mana cost (4)
Gravity acts on all sides of a target, suspending it in place for 6 seconds. Greater resistance allows targets to move, albeit slowly.
Weightless: Mana cost (4)
Non-monster targets become lighter for 6 seconds. At ranks D/C/B/A/S, they lose 20/40/60/80/100% of their weight, and Push/Pull effects become that much more potent on them. Weightless works as intended on targets under 400 lbs, as that is the maximum amount of weight it can affect. Thus, a rank S Weightless note cast on a 600 LB boulder will still weigh 200 lbs. Monsters on the other hand will always be rendered fully weightless so long as they are under 400 LBs, but this amount can be increased by 200 lbs for every rank the note is over D.

Suspend: Mana cost (4)
The target is anchored to its center of mass at the time this note activates, or the center of an area modification such as AoE or Zone. This has a sort of rubber banding effect where the target is always pulled towards the anchor, but much more forcefully outside a certain range. At ranks D/C/B/A/S, the target can move most easily 20/15/10/5/0 feet from the anchor before the pull of gravity inevitably yanks them back. lasts for 6 seconds.

Hidden 8 mos ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The complete blink rework is finished! It’s the same blink you know and love, just now with a time delay that makes it easier to punish at lower casts. Naturally, Transplace got a small update too.


Blink: Mana cost (4)
Instantly teleport to where the effect activates. Teleportation fails if the spell activates in an area that cannot fit the teleporting esper. The esper can also decide not to teleport where the effect activates, but the mana spent on the note will still be expended.

At rank D, Blink allows an esper to Blink to a location. But higher ranks allow for blinking with other items. C allows for some small items to be taken along with you, B allows larger items or children, A lets you blink with an adult, and S lets you blink with an 800 LB creature or machine. Any target you attempt to blink with must be willing.

Transplace: Mana cost (8)
Same as above, only the caster swaps places with the target so long as the target is as large as an adult human or smaller. The caster can also choose not to swap, but will have to expend the mana regardless.

The target of a transplace note can resist the note if their arcane defense rank is higher than that of the note.

Blink: Mana cost (4)
Teleport to where the effect activates after a short delay. At rank D, the delay is two seconds. Each rank above D shaves a half second off the teleportation delay, until it’s nonexistent at rank S. Espers, magi, and some monsters know when the casting esper is going to teleport after it’s been cast. Teleportation fails if the spell activates in an area that cannot fit the teleporting esper. The esper can also decide not to teleport where the effect activates, but the mana spent on the note will still be expended.

At rank D, Blink allows an esper to Blink to a location. But higher ranks allow for blinking with other items. C allows for some small items to be taken along with you, B allows larger items or children, A lets you blink with an adult, and S lets you blink with an 800 LB creature or machine. Any target you attempt to blink with must be willing.

Transplace: Mana cost (8)
Same as above, only the caster swaps places with the target so long as the target is as large as an adult human or smaller. The caster can also choose not to swap, but will have to expend the mana regardless.

The target of a transplace note can use their arcane defense to resist transplace for an extra second for each rank their arcane defense is over the note, or transplace sooner. Those below the note’s rank are unable to affect the timing of transplace.

And of course, this necessitated the reworking of the cast notes. Nothing major here, just definitive times to assist with balancing other notes down the road, and Blink/Transplace. Most importantly, there’s a compose and cast time. Compose indicates how long it takes for an esper to convert their mana into a melody, and cast is how long it takes to release that energy and hit their target. Most of the time you’re just going to add these times together to get your total cast time. However, there have been a few instances of espers “composing” their melodies behind cover and then “casting” them when there’s an opening. Under these circumstances, there’s less time for an opponent to react. Basically, it’s just some nerd shit to make GM rulings more fair.

Also changing how things are worded because it’s too clunky and we generally don’t care how notes are ordered in a melody.


Bronze Projectile: Difficulty (6) Base Rank (D)
Silver Projectile: Difficulty (9) Base Rank (C)
Gold Projectile: Difficulty (12) Base Rank (B)
Diamond Projectile: Difficulty (15) Base Rank (A)

Launches a projectile that flies faster than a stone throw, but slower than a bullet. When the projectile strikes something, it triggers the next note on it.

Bronze Self: Difficulty (4) Base Rank (D)
Silver Self: Difficulty (6) Base Rank (C)
Gold Self: Difficulty (8) Base Rank (B)
Diamond Self: Difficulty (10) Base Rank (A)

The melody is channeled inside one’s own body. The next note only affects the caster. If a single point for the spell is necessary, the caster may select any point on their body, but it will still only affect them.

Bronze Touch: Difficulty (4) Base Rank (D)
Silver Touch: Difficulty (6) Base Rank (C)
Gold Touch: Difficulty (8) Base Rank (B)
Diamond Touch: Difficulty (10) Base Rank (A)

The esper channels their magic into their hands, feet or instrument, and the next note activates on contact with whatever they touch/hit.

Bronze Beam: Difficulty (8) Base Rank (D)
Silver Beam: Difficulty (12) Base Rank (C)
Gold Beam: Difficulty (16) Base Rank (B)
Diamond Beam: Difficulty (20) Base Rank (A)

After a small charge window with a “tell” (glowing energy, gathering particles, etc) the esper can fire a beam. The beam travels in a straight line, fires near instantly, and activates the next note on impact.

Bronze Spawn: Difficulty (12) Base Rank (D)
Silver Spawn: Difficulty (18) Base Rank (C)
Gold Spawn: Difficulty (24) Base Rank (B)
Diamond Spawn: Difficulty (30) Base Rank (A)

With focus and little else, the esper can choose a point and activate effects there. Spawn is the slowest to cast, and has an obvious “tell.”

Trigger: Difficulty (0) Base Rank (Dependent on rank mark was made with)
Causes any number of marks the esper has placed to trigger. Can’t be cast with any other notes.

Bronze Self: Difficulty (4) Base Rank (D)
Silver Self: Difficulty (6) Base Rank (C)
Gold Self: Difficulty (8) Base Rank (B)
Diamond Self: Difficulty (10) Base Rank (A)

The melody is channeled inside one’s own body. After composing the melody for half a second, it is instantly cast. If a single point for the spell is necessary, the caster may select any point on their body, but it will still only affect them without something like an Area or AoE note.

Bronze Touch: Difficulty (4) Base Rank (D)
Silver Touch: Difficulty (6) Base Rank (C)
Gold Touch: Difficulty (8) Base Rank (B)
Diamond Touch: Difficulty (10) Base Rank (A)

The esper channels their magic into their hands, feet or instrument. After composing the melody for half a second, it takes a fraction of a second to cast the melody on whatever they touch/hit.

Bronze Projectile: Difficulty (6) Base Rank (D)
Silver Projectile: Difficulty (9) Base Rank (C)
Gold Projectile: Difficulty (12) Base Rank (B)
Diamond Projectile: Difficulty (15) Base Rank (A)

After composing a melody for half a second, the esper may launch a projectile that flies faster than a stone throw, but slower than a bullet. It generally takes about a half a second for a projectile to fly from the esper’s hand and hit the target.

Bronze Beam: Difficulty (8) Base Rank (D)
Silver Beam: Difficulty (12) Base Rank (C)
Gold Beam: Difficulty (16) Base Rank (B)
Diamond Beam: Difficulty (20) Base Rank (A)

An esper can fire a beam or a high speed projectile that flies in a straight line. It takes half a second to compose the melody. While the beam fires instantly, it takes a full second for an esper to line up their shot and ensure they are accurate.

Bronze Spawn: Difficulty (12) Base Rank (D)
Silver Spawn: Difficulty (18) Base Rank (C)
Gold Spawn: Difficulty (24) Base Rank (B)
Diamond Spawn: Difficulty (30) Base Rank (A)

With focus and little else, the esper can choose a point and activate a melody there without a clean shot. It takes half a second to compose a spawn melody, but two seconds to cast it.

Trigger: Difficulty (0) Base Rank (Dependent on rank mark was made with)
Causes any number of marks the esper has placed to trigger. Is composed and casted with a thought, making it the fastest cast note of them all. If you ignore the setup, that is.

Might as well revise casting melodies so that the above makes more sense. This is more for clarity than a real change.


CASTING MELODIES: When an esper wishes to cast a spell, they simply choose notes they have access to and arrange them to create the desired effect. Each note has a mana cost and increases the difficulty multiplier, save for cast notes which have no cost but establish the base difficulty of the spell. If you add the mana cost up and multiply it by the total difficulty, you can see how much mana the melody will cost. If it is not greater than your current mana points, you may deduct them and cast the melody. Complex melodies can quickly eat away all your mana, so cast wisely. There is a calculator available for doing all the math for you, but if you would like to learn how to do the calculations yourself, that will be explained later.

Notes activate in sequential order, going from left to right. The cast note determines when the next note “activates.” If a bunch of effects are together, they will all activate at once unless a mod alters the timing.

And lastly, the melody will have a rank to determine how powerful the notes are. This is tied to the cast note that you use to cast your melody, but other notes can cause a melody’s rank to go up or down, such as [Powerful] and [Quicken]

CASTING MELODIES: To cast a melody, an esper chooses from a pool of notes they have access to for a desired effect. Each note in a melody has a mana cost which is added together and multiplied against a difficulty multiplier, which is affected by the cast note and number of notes being used. If the esper has enough mana points to cast the melody, then it can be cast. Complex melodies can quickly eat away all your mana, so cast wisely. There is a calculator available for doing all the math for you, but if you would like to learn how to do the calculations yourself, that will be explained later.

Melodies are not instantly barfed into reality. Once the mana cost is paid, that mana needs to be “composed” into a melody, at which point it can then be cast. Composing melodies is not subtle. An esper, magus, or intelligent monster will know you are composing a melody, but not what it does. There are almost always cues, like a fireball manifesting in an esper’s hand or light particles collecting in front of a wand. And that’s the more subtle part of a melody. Casting melodies is noisy and followed by flashy effects. A target can take evasive action and avoid getting hit if they are shrewd enough.

And lastly, the melody will have a rank to determine how powerful the notes are. This is tied to the cast note that you use to cast your melody, but other notes can cause a melody’s rank to go up or down, such as [Powerful] and [Quicken]

And finally, Quicken and Powerful are getting an adjustment now that compose/cast times are more concrete. I know I said quicken would make melodies cast instantly, but what I had meant to say was that they would be composed instantly. My B.


Powerful: Mana cost (0)
The melody is twice as slow or takes longer to activate, but the effects are all stronger by a single rank.

Quicken: Mana cost (0)
The melody is twice as fast or quicker to activate, but the effects are all weaker by a single rank.

Powerful: Mana cost (0)
The melody’s compose time is doubled, but the melody is stronger by a single rank. If two melodies would finish casting at the same time, the one with a Powerful note will always be a little slower. Can’t be used in a melody with the Quicken note.

Quicken: Mana cost (0)
The melody is composed instantly, but is weaker by a single rank. If two melodies would finish casting at the same time, the one with a Quicken note will always be a little faster. Can’t be used in a melody with the Powerful note.

Time for that Summon rework huh? Hopefully the new tech, lower mana cost, and better explanation of its capabilities will make them more useful in combat. Craft will be getting a little love later on, but this should be a marked improvement for summons.


Summon: Mana cost (4)
Creates a minion who can fight on the esper’s behalf. They are made out of their element, and while they can’t cast melodies they are capable of manipulating simple machinery(pushing buttons on controllers, actions that require low precision/reflexes) and fighting. They are stronger than humans but their fighting abilities are weak when compared to an esper. The grade of their weapons and defenses are equal to the grade of the note used to create them.

Summon: Mana cost (2)

Creates a minion who can fight on the esper’s behalf. Minions can be the size of an adult human, twice as big, or half the size. All of their non-stat attributes are relative to a human scaled up or down depending on if the summon was made larger or smaller than an adult human. IE: A summon twice as big as a human has double the reach and strength a human would have, regardless of what form it takes. They are capable of following simple commands, such as “flip that switch” or “protect the cargo”. Their fighting abilities are weak when compared to an esper, but can hold their own against monsters that aren’t smart enough to work around them. The grade of their weapons and defenses are equal to the grade of the note used to create them, and any damage they deal is arcane.

Minions can only fight in melee, but they can use tools such as weapons made with the Craft note. Additionally, notes used along with a Summon note can instead imbue the minion created with the melody, allowing it to use any effect note it’s been imbued with on touch a single time. Minions cannot be imbued with modification notes.

Purify and Dispel: Demystified! Also they will now weaken negative effects with the possibility of removing them completely.


Purify: Mana cost (6)
Removes debuffs and negative effects caused by physical/chaotic afflictions, such as tear gas or a poisonous breath attack. Effects must be equal to or weaker than the rank of the melody to be removed. Will not heal wounds, fix physical afflictions, or unbind magical constructs such as those created with a restrain note.

Dispel: Mana cost (6)
Removes positive magical effects from a target. If the target is a magical construct, it will be destroyed instead. Effects/constructs must be equal to or weaker to the rank of the melody for it to work.

Purify: Mana cost (6)
Weakens or removes negative effects caused by physical/chaotic afflictions, such as tear gas or a poisonous breath attack.

Physical effects are weakened by 25/40/55/70/85/100% at rank E/D/C/B/A/S respectively.

Chaotic effects are ranked down 0/1/2/3/4/5 steps at rank E/D/C/B/A/S respectively. If an effect would be ranked below E rank, it is removed instantly.

Purify will not heal wounds, and can only remove a single effect on each target it hits, caster’s choice.

Dispel: Mana cost (6)
Weakens or removes arcane effects or unbinds arcane constructs.

Arcane effects/constructs are ranked down 0/1/2/3/4/5 steps at rank E/D/C/B/A/S respectively. If an effect would be ranked below E rank, it is removed instantly.

Dispel will not heal wounds. If trying to remove arcane effects, dispel can only remove a single effect on each target it hits, caster’s choice.

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