Hidden 5 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 4 days ago


"It smell like broke in here." - Upon arriving in the Earth Kingdom

Character Age:
Character Gender:
Character Race:
Fire Nation
By admission of her father—who she had been learning from since the age of six—Zara is "pretty good" at Firebending. It's a mark of pride for her.
Having grown up on a rugged, volcanically active island, Zara is rather athletic for a girl her age. Between the rigors of every day life and the exercises that accompanied her bending training, she has built quite the pool of physical stamina, especially in regards to aerobic tasks. The remoteness of her home has also instilled her with fairly sharp survivalist skills; she is capable of finding shelter and forage for herself and others in most non-extreme climates, though her talents are most at home in tropical regions.
To put it plainly, Zara isn't a very good people person. It's certainly not for lack of trying—she genuinely enjoys social interaction—but simply a result of poor social skills. She's awkward, lacks for manners at times, and is prone to letting her excitement get the better of her. Combine this with the naivety born from her tribal upbringing and it's rather easy to manipulate her good-nature with simple placation and faux kindness.
A remaining few pieces of golden jewelry & a wicker backpack containing a large, black egg.
Where did they come from? What made them who they are?
Supporting Cast:
Are there any NPCs of note in their story? If so fill out their details here!
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 4 days ago

The Blue Beetle


#1: First Contact

Lower Manhattan, New York City. 12:14 am

For the length of the journey between the academy and the minor clan quarter, Mitsuko remained as she usually was—silent. It was for the best, as she had little to say in response to Shunpei's absentminded inquiry as to her apple like complexion's origin. She was already ashamed enough to break her composure in such an uncontrollable way in front of their sensei, and the teasing that followed from Tsume did little to abate that feeling. Devoid of meaningful contribution, she cast her gaze towards the ground and opted to follow closely behind her nascent squad, led by the intrepid Hatake into parts that, for someone of her relatively high station, were totally unknown. She had never enjoyed much freedom to explore the village, remaining within the confines of the Hyūga compound when she was not at the academy.

It went without saying the new surroundings did not do much to help the anxiety of the day, but it provided a somewhat welcome distraction from her embarrassment. It was easy to surmise that this portion of the village was where the less well-to-do members of the population lived; the buildings were not so large or well-crafted, the streets were left to standards of cleanliness far below what she was accustomed to, and the people themselves fell marginally beneath the high aesthetic standards of her clansmen. It made her nervous, in truth. She felt like more of an outsider here than she normally did, and that feeling did not leave her even as they approached their apparent destination. For the first time since they passed through the gates of the academy, Mitsuko rose her head to steal more than a passing glance, and looked upon the dingy restaurant Shunpei had decided on.

"It's, uhm... quaint." She murmured to no one in particular, uncertain how to politely phrase her trepidation. She didn't have the opportunity to indulge in restaurants back home, though mother occasionally allowed her to buy snacks from the push-carts that set up within their quarter during festivals and celebrations. While Shunpei expressed his shock at their sensei's presence—something Mitsuko had oddly not paid much mind to, in spite of her hyper vigilance during the journey—the young Hyūga looked worriedly at that run-down ramen stand, then back to her team mates.

Would the food be safe? Surely the sanitation standards in this part of town couldn't be that high... Shunpei was familiar with it though, so surely the food couldn't have been too dangerous. How would she pay for it? She hadn't received an allowance in all her years, and they hadn't yet begun to take missions. Was Shunpei going to pay for them? How could he afford such extravagance if he lived in this part of the village? Ramen had meat in it, didn't it? Did they serve any food without meat in it? Meat was a luxury, and as such was rarely featured in her home. She didn't much like the idea of eating animals anyway, and the thought of a cute little pig having to die to sate her opulence made her almost as anxious as the food vendor in front of her did. When she noticed her team mates making to take a seat, she steeled herself against the cacophony of thoughts swirling in her mind and swallowed hard.

"Gambaro, Mitsuko." She whispered to herself, and pushed past the curtains separating the street from the counter, taking a seat on one of the many stools next to Shunpei.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

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| 𝐆 𝐑 𝐄 𝐘 𝐖 𝐀 𝐑 𝐃 𝐄 𝐍 𝐀 𝐑 𝐂 𝐇 𝐈 𝐕 𝐄 |

"Cursed? You have me mistaken. The only one here who bears a curse is you—the curse of my ire."

| 𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐑 𝐀 𝐂 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑 𝐈 𝐍 𝐅 𝐎 𝐑 𝐌 𝐀 𝐓 𝐈 𝐎 𝐍 |

Aldwin Howe
Male (He/Him)

| 𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐑 𝐀 𝐂 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑 𝐀 𝐏 𝐏 𝐄 𝐀 𝐑 𝐀 𝐍 𝐂 𝐄 |

Five foot ten inches, with a lean musculature.
Fair of skin, with chestnut brown hair kept short and deep cerulean eyes.
His eyes are a deeper, darker shade of blue than most, akin to looking into the sea rather then the sky.
Aldwin typically bedecks himself in the styles of Ferelden; tunics and trousers of blacks and browns, with leather boots and gloves to keep his appendages safe. Atop it he wears an olive green surcoat, with the symbol of the Wardens having been recently stitched in. A strap of cracked brown leather is used to secure his staff to his back when it isn't in use, and a similar belt around his waist holds the hilt that marks him as a Knight-Enchanter, ready to be drawn and channeled at a moment's notice. Though his clothing flows and breathes like the robes so many mages wear, they are not robes, and he has a great disdain for the garb of his brethren.
Despite having spent more time a mage than a nobleman, Aldwin holds himself with a posture of pride and authority. He carries a certain unfitting severity on his otherwise gentle features, as if to command respect from those he interacts with. His eyes are expressive, and he tends to wear his emotions on his sleeve in spite of his best attempts to remain stoic and aloof. He has a bad habit of fiddling with his hands when nervous.

| 𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐑 𝐀 𝐂 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑 𝐈 𝐍 𝐍 𝐄 𝐑 𝐖 𝐎 𝐑 𝐊 𝐈 𝐍 𝐆 𝐒 |

The Grey Wardens are a means to an end for Aldwin—he is a scion of the Vigil, and his place was not to remain in a Circle for the rest of his days, rotting under the disdainful gaze of the Templars. He seeks glory and honor, something the Wardens in their prestige can provide him, and in return offers the boons of magic he has carefully cultivated over the years of his imprisonment.
  • Honorable: Aldwin conducts himself with honesty and integrity—he is not the kind to lie or act underhandedly.
  • Courageous: It cannot be said Aldwin is a craven. He will risk life and limb to do what he must.
  • Empathetic: It is perhaps because of his captivity that Aldwin is a man sensitive to the feelings and desires or others, and tries not to trample upon those.
  • Impulsive: Aldwin is a man who is quick to act and this often bites him when patience would serve better.
  • Stubborn: Once he's dug his heels in on a position, you'll have an easier time coaxing a mule than you will convincing him otherwise.
  • Temperamental: Aldwin is quick to anger and prone to let is show.
  • Pretty girls with pointy ears.
Righteousness. Aldwin wants to be remembered like the heroes in the story books, who dispensed justice and remained true to themselves and their creed even against the worst of adversities. He will always try to do what he thinks is right, no matter the consequences, to live up to this self-inflicted expectation.

| 𝐌 𝐀 𝐆 𝐄 |

☐ 𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖚𝖓𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 | -1

☐ 𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖙𝖚𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 | 0

☒ 𝕮𝖚𝖓𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 | 0
Arcane Lore

☐ 𝕯𝖊𝖝𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖞 | +2

☒ 𝕸𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖈 | +4

☐ 𝕻𝖊𝖗𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 | -2

☐ 𝕾𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖙𝖍 | 0

☒ 𝖂𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖕𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖗 | +1

For Aldwin, the way of the Knight-Enchanter is more than just a simple specialization of his skills as a mage. It was his salvation from the maddening doldrums of the Circle. It was an outlet for his energy, something he could dedicate his body to in favor of the bookish learning so many of his fellows engaged in. It was a way for him to remember where he came from, to fight in the front like his father's knights. It was the way he could turn his curse into a boon, a boon worth being wielded by the man he wanted to be. To be a Knight-Enchanter was to be more than a simple mage to be tolerated, but a warrior to be respected.

Aldwin's usage of his powers follow this trend; he summons forth his razor thin blade of magical energy and wades into battle with the others, conjuring walls of force and barriers to keep him safe where plate could not. With his magic he bolsters himself and his comrades, endowing them with vigor unnatural and imbuing their blades with fire and ice and lightning all. He is a protector as much as he is a killer, a healer as much as he is a bane, using his abilities for the good of his allies just as often as he uses them to cut down his foes.

Novice Journeyman

  • Arcane Lance: A bolt of arcane energy flung from the mage's hands or staff. All mages have this ability.
  • Arcane Shield: The mage conjures a protective aura that deflects incoming attacks for as long as this mode is active.
  • Barrier: The mage or an ally is enveloped in a telekinetic field that repels significant damage.
  • Elemental Weapon: While this spell is active, the caster's staff channels its base elemental power across the entire party, enchanting the weapons of allies to give them additional elemental damage.
  • Heal: The mage imbues an ally with restorative energy, knitting flesh and mending bone.
  • Heroic Aura: The mage enhances the party's aptitude in battle for as long as this mode is active.
  • Haste: The mage imbues the party with speed for a short time.
  • Spirit Blade: The mage creates a blade of solid magic to make melee attacks against nearby enemies.

| 𝐄 𝐐 𝐔 𝐈 𝐏 𝐌 𝐄 𝐍 𝐓 & 𝐁 𝐄 𝐋 𝐎 𝐍 𝐆 𝐈 𝐍 𝐆 𝐒 |

  • Acolyte Staff (Fire)
  • Spirit Blade Hilt
  • Lyrium-infused Silver Ring
  • Traveler's Clothes
  • Riding Horse?
  • Dagger
  • Health Poultices
  • Backpack, water skin, flint & steel, sleeping roll
  • Medical supplies
  • Miscellaneous herbs and plant matter
  • A signet ring, bearing the symbol of the Howe family
  • A suspicious book titled Dalish Darlings

| 𝐑 𝐄 𝐋 𝐀 𝐓 𝐈 𝐎 𝐍 𝐒 𝐇 𝐈 𝐏 𝐒 |

Your character's opinion. Copy & Paste as many times as needed.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 3 mos ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 4 days ago


“Our best course of action might be what's called a 'tactical withdraw'.”
True Self
Charles Gaillard




Weapon of Choice

Earth, Metal; Divination, Enhancement, Protection

Playstyle & Attitude
Battlefield Controller; Pragmatist

C H A R L E S G A I L L A R D : A L L T H A T G L I T T E R S
C H A R L E S G A I L L A R D : A L L T H A T G L I T T E R S
Affluence. Privilege. Prestige. These words describe much of the life Charles Gaillard has led. While he was not born into the ultra-wealthy, Charles' parents skirted the margins just enough to ensure their son would never want for anything, be it material things or, as he grew from boy to man, opportunities to climb ever higher on the social ladder and secure a position even higher than their own. A natural extrovert and keen study, it was all but assured that Charles' schooling was an easy affair. He passed through his secondary schooling at the top of his class. When it came time for higher education, familial connections assured him a place in the Ivy League. As connections spawned connections and his magnetic personality won him fast friends during his raucous college years, a degree in business and finance transitioned him to a cushy position at a prestigious New York firm.

And so life turned and turned. Financially secure and content in the business of making money off of other's money, Charles' life played out like so many others. He tomcatted around for a while, met that special someone, tied the knot, and bought a house out in Queens. Their marriage proved fruitful, and three beautiful children followed. It was familiar. Comfortable.

It was boring.

For those so deprived, a lifestyle of conspicuous consumption seemed luxurious beyond measure. But for Charles, a lifetime of so easily achieving one's desires did little to quell his desires. So he found a thrill in other things. Alcohol, women, and the occasional illicit substance. Evermore he found himself at home less and less, focusing more on his career than his family. His excuses grew lamer and lamer. Eventually, his wife stopped asking what was on his breath, or where that glitter came from. Eventually, he stopped bothering to make up the stories. It was familiar. Comfortable.

Until it wasn't.

Three days after his youngest set off for Upstate, she served him in the papers. It hurt, at first. Then it hurt even more when he realized how much it hurt. It was easy to become bored with routine. With the constants in life. To take them for granted and push them from one's mind in search of something new and exciting. But all too often, only after it is too late, does one realize just how necessary they are. That was a lesson even Columbia failed to teach him.

The divorce went as smoothly as could be expected, after twenty years of marriage. And in the absence of his wife and children, Charles fell back into bad habits. But substance abuse, he knew, was a young man's game. So in place of the bottle, he searched for other frontiers to occupy his mind. Virtual reality was a strange one, especially for an old hound like himself, but it was cheaper than pills. Pariah Online swiftly became a refuge to escape a reality that, for the first time in a long time, ceased to readily welcome him.

A N D E R S : T H E W A L L W H I C H S T I N G S
A N D E R S : T H E W A L L W H I C H S T I N G S
Anders has been playing Pariah Online since day one of its launch—as he pre-ordered it a few days after the lawyers finalized his divorce—and so considers himself something of an old hand, even if the game is relatively new. A smooth-talking wisecracker, he proves to be an amiable and entertaining partner, though popular as he may be with random party members, he's made only a few concrete bonds in the game. Instead, he fancies himself a wanderer, moving from place to place and helping out wherever newer players need it. His experience in dealing with more difficult raids and tendency to enable more reckless DPS players assures that he has little difficulty sliding in and out of parties.

The game serves as an outlet for Anders' less appealing qualities. It allows him to seek the thrills that keep him titillated in a risk-averse way, carefully weighing the pros and cons of every engagement with the assurance even a mistake ultimately costs little more than a few minutes of wasted time. His focus on crowd-controlling and directing the flow of fights allows him to maintain a sense of control over the situations he finds himself in. An appealing prospect, given what awaits him when the headset is set aside. Perhaps most importantly, though he would be hard-pressed to admit it, it gives him a chance to prove he can be what he was not for his family. A positive influence. A protector. To prove he can be there when he is needed.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

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6' 0" | 178 lb. | 17 | 2nd Year | Male

Noriaki has always been someone ruled by his emotions; he is a passionate person by nature, with all the advantages and pitfalls that comes with. He is courageous, audacious, and possesses a strong sense of personal justice. His hotblooded temperament leads him to be in equal parts reckless, tempestuous and prone to outburst. Following his expulsion from his previous highschool and the stain it left on him, he finds himself ever more struggling to contain his fiery temper, and increasingly disillusioned with his peers, leading him to lash out in stubborn defiance—another strong trait of his.




Noriaki's transformation isn't especially dazzling. His eyes lose their natural, bright blue hue in return for a vibrant, slit-eyed violet coloration. Complete with devilish fangs and a dark, black and purple jacket like something out of a JRPG, he looks more like an anti-hero than the righteous rabbelrouser he might like to pretend he is.


The circumstances of Noriaki's birth are, mercifully, uncommon enough. Born to a single mother just old enough to have graduated highschool, his early years were nothing to be envious of. His mother worked hard to provide a meager life for them, often leaving him with friends during work nights until he was old enough to fend for himself in their tiny Osaka apartment. It wasn't a bad life—he never went hungry, nor unloved—but it wasn't a fair one either. He hated seeing his sole parent work so hard just to scrape by, seeing the scorn society seemed to feel for her just because his dad wasn't in the picture. These early experiences shaped who he was. He learned to fight through struggle by example, and learned that the world wasn't a perfectly just place despite what his grade school teachers said. Perhaps most importantly, he learned that he didn't like that.

It was a recipe for disaster, to say the least. Full of piss and vinegar and with a dire lack of guidance at home, young Noriaki found himself scuffling with other youths more often than not. He had no outlet for his temper, or the indignation he felt when they pitied him for his home life. He wouldn't find one until he enrolled into junior highschool. Just like his temper, he was big for his age, and when his homeroom teacher suggested he join the school's baseball team, he took to it like a duck took to water. He had the talent to be good, and the drive to turn that talent into something meaningful. It also didn't hurt that being on the team provided incentive to keep the worst of his impulses in check.

Baseball was the driving force that kept the youth on the straight and narrow, away from the worse crowds that his circumstances might have driven others into. He made it into a fairly prestigious highschool in the Osaka area by way of recommendation from his coaches, and found his stride on the team during his first year. By all accounts, he had a bright future in the sport—a year or two on the team, and a Koshien was almost assured. From there, maybe even a pro career, if his advisers were telling the truth. The potential to rise so far made his inevitable fall so much more tragic.

Towards the end of his first year, he snapped. To hear it told, he stormed into the locker room after practice and assaulted the club's captain with a bat, leaving him on crutches for the rest of the year after that bat broke not one, but both of his knees before the coach could get to them. The reasons were certainly the subject of rumor—jealousy at his position, mistreatment gone too far, a girl—but he wasn't privy to most of it, on account of the subsequent expulsion and introduction to the juvenile justice system. The whole affair robbed him of his last few months of freshmen year, his prospects, and his passion.

It was only by his markedly good behavior up until that point, and perhaps the oh so hated pity he was subjected to due to his familial situation, that he got off relatively light. They wanted to make sure his punishment didn't interfere with his education. So, he was allowed to attend school in the following spring after a stint in juvenile detention, albeit in another city after his mother insisted on getting a new start—the rumors hadn't just stopped filled school, but the neighborhood as well.

So his arrival in Kyoto was foretold.

Works part-time at a convenience store on weekends. Really likes cats.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 4 days ago

晴明 恵子


Physical Description
Despite the larger-than-life persona she tries to project, Keiko is in fact quite the opposite. Standing at only five feet in height, she is shorter than most girls in the valley, and fittingly lithe. Her features are soft and child-like, accentuated by her large, chestnut colored eyes that twinkle with a usually playful mirth. Framing her curiously innocent profile is an untidy mane of dark, lustrous brown hair, always sticking up this way and that, just as wild as the girl who bears it. The thick locks help highlight the relative paleness of her skin by comparison, smooth and unblemished despite the dirt beneath her fingernails or the devil-may-care manner she carries herself—an indication of her scholarly background, and one of the few she bears.

In spite of her potential for beauty, Keiko does not consider herself to be especially feminine, and does not dress as such. Her wardrobe is typically comprised of loose, comfortable kimono of a subdued color paired with the typical, tucked hakama of the village's laborers. Knee length black tabi and accompanying straw sandals clad her delicate feet, and she usually dawns a long, sleeveless haori when out and about in the village, the mon of her adoptive family painstakingly sewn into its back.

Character Conceptualization
Keiko's story is one of an outsider. Having been born beyond the idyllic peace of the village, in a hamlet that as far as anyone knows—or will never know—befell some sad fate or another, Keiko was dealt the black mark of a stranger despite having only ever known the lake and fields of Heiseina. She was but a toddler when she arrived, brought home by the village's Signkeeper one chilly fall day and taken in as a daughter in spite of their lack of relation.

In all ways, she was raised as a Seimei, a respected family of lore keepers who had for generations carefully catalogued and disseminated the Signs that kept life in Heiseina running smoothly. Yet she was never quite afforded the respect of her mother or late grandfather. In a community so small and traditional, any external entity was met with suspicion. Suspicion which colored the young girl's view of the utopia she called home from the earliest years.

It made raising an already difficult little girl all the harder. Precocious from the get-go, Keiko proved herself to be a bright, willful child. One aware enough to recognize the scorn that was leveled her way and respond in kind. She quickly developed the reputation of a troublesome little nuisance, in spite of her mother's best attempts to keep her in line while simultaneously fulfilling her own duties as Signkeeper.

Acting out was all the young Keiko could do to rebel against the injustices she felt—Heiseina was a picturesque settlement, where everybody knew everybody and everyone got along. But nobody seemed to want to get along with her. Just as they rejected her, she rejected them, and her developmental years were marked by an ever growing divide as her own actions worked to further ostracized her from her peers and their families. It wasn't until she was ten or eleven years old—when she began her Sign training—that things began to change, however slightly. Rambunctious as she was, her mother had deemed that she should begin putting her excess energy into learning the family's trade, an excellent decision in hindsight.

Inquisitive and curious, Keiko took to Signcraft like a duck to water. It occupied her keen mind, and provided her an avenue for praise in place of scolding she had become accustomed to. More importantly, it also sent a message to the community; she would be a useful contributor to the village as a whole, and would one day succeed her mother in her capacity of Signkeeper. As she grew from troublesome girl to quarrelsome young woman, Signcraft became her outlet and safe haven, something she excelled at that gave her worth, and made others acknowledge her even if they had misgivings in accepting her.

But no longer is she a girl. Now a woman grown, Keiko must contend with a fast approaching future. One of responsibility and dignity, of finding acceptance and belonging among those she had subtly railed against her entire life. If only she knew just how important finding that acceptance would be, in the trials to come.
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 4 days ago



[Name] Odessa Ulani Thaddeus Isabella Samara
[Callsign] Pegasus
[Gender] Female
[Age] 26
[Rank and Designation] Main-Class Constellation
[Place of Birth] Core Territories; Okeanos
[Official Statement] "This odyssey, too, has a purpose."


[Anti-Barrier Sword] #15: Heaven & Earth Gauntlets
[Anti-Barrier Quotient] 30%
[Physical Description]
Though possessing an ostentatious name, the Heaven & Earth Gauntlets are rather tame in their appearance. A series of AB-alloyed metal plates overlaid atop carbon nano-mesh fabric disguise a network of miniaturized internal servos, designed to provide their wielder with the manual dexterity of uncovered hands while encasing their limbs in a pair of weapons capable of withstanding blows launched at speeds approaching that of light. Though lacking decoration, the dark, smoky metal seems to have an almost cobalt coloration that shines through when its wielder channels the wrath of the heavens through it.
The Heaven & Earth Gauntlets are so named because of their affinity for that which bridges the gap between: lightning. Those who possess Anomaly abilities within the purview of electricity find their abilities enhanced when channeled through them, increasing their output significantly. The gauntlets have a tendency to 'drink' in the power that flows through them, becoming increasingly iridescent as the charge within grows more and more powerful. Their metallic shells have been scorched more than once by impromptu flares of plasma caused by wielders spontaneously vaporizing enemy and surrounding alike once the energy within had reached a feverish peak.

[Anomaly] Two Heavens
[Origin] Polarity
Ostensibly an ability to manipulate one's own electromagnetic field, Two Heavens is an Anomaly steeped more heavily in philosophy than it is science. The concept of the internal and external, of activity and passivity, has a tradition in the martial world stretching back to the days of Old Earth. Those adept in the usage of Two Heavens take this tradition to heart, perfecting first their inner selves—the so-called esoterikós ouranós—through intense self-discipline and meditation, such that they might control the incredible power inherent to their lineage. The counterpart to this, the exoterikós ouranós, is honed through rigorous physical conditioning and training in the martial arts, such that their bodies might handle the incredible strain of what is to come. Only once a wielder has mastered both aspects might they move on to channeling the true strength of their ability.

Combining their inner and outer worlds, Two Heavens adepts become a font of incredible energy, generating absurd amounts of electricity within themselves. Born from their own bodies, the lightning which courses through them does them no harm, but instead empowers them beyond their means. Their muscles produce a force that is inconceivable even amongst the lauded Warrior Families, their perception of the world slowing as they move at the speed of the electricity crackling along their very nerves. A master of the Two Heavens is a force of nature, the eye of the storm, power made flesh. Their fury is made known in brief, near-instant exchanges, obliterating their foes in brilliant flashes of light, and leaving only thunder and the lamentation of enemies in their wake.

For many who possess an Anomaly, utilizing their power comes to them as second nature, commanding oceans of flame or tearing very fabric of space as easily as a bird takes to wing. Those whose blood carries the Two Heavens are not given such an easy path. Lightning is dangerous, faster and unpredictable. Merely directing it requires the utmost respect and precision, much less coursing it through one's self to force their body to achieve heights previous thought impossible. Two Heaven adepts must exercise the utmost focus when utilizing their abilities, carefully measuring their every move in the instant before it is made and only exerting themselves as much as precisely necessary. It is a taxing Anomaly to make use of, not only mentally, but also physically. As their cousins under the auspices of Limit might best understand, the candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long, and those who channel the primordial might of the heavens through flesh and bone burn brighter than most could ever hope to.

[Surface-level Impression]
Odessa can best be described as reassuring, if not approachable. She is cool and collected, possessing a certain comforting serenity that belies the steely conviction beneath her unflappable exterior. Kind by nature, she often finds herself looking after the welfare of others, especially those comrades whom she has had the opportunity to fight beside before. Nurturing and stoic in equal parts, one might be forgiven for thinking her gentle. A notion that is quickly replaced when she enters the field of battle.

A seasoned veteran and warrior, the peaceful tranquility that underpins her behavior outside of battle turns to a cold fury in the face of the archenemy, like a deadly calm before the storm. She is as ruthless as she is fearless while fighting the enemies of mankind, efficiently dispatching her opponents with a dead-eyed composure that rattles even fellow Constellations. Woe be unto those who make themselves her enemies, for Odessa is a woman of absolute faith in both her sense of justice and the conviction to see that justice is done by her own hand, regardless of what their affiliation may be.

[Personal History]
Born amidst a terrible hurricane during the dog days of Okeanos' long summer, the howling winds and crack of lightning served as an omen for the tempestuous and stormy youth that Odessa was to lead. The child of a decorated Constellation and his beloved wife, there was little doubt that greatness would come to her in time—a notion backed up by rigorous testing when she grew old enough. With a high aptitude for the Anomaly latent in her genes and exceptional scores on her physical exams, it was a foregone conclusion that she would follow in the footsteps of her father and his father before him and become one of humanity's chosen defenders.

Aptitude was not enough to guarantee her such a position of pride, however. Her line held itself to higher standards than more pragmatic families. She was brave and bold and strong and swift, yes, but also impetuous and reckless, more focused on playing at arms than refining herself in silent meditation and careful contemplation. An abundance of heat in her blood, an affinity for the exoterikós ouranós, would impede her hopes of mastering the Two Heavens which had propelled their family to prominence nearly a century before.

A course correction was required. When the time came for the wild young Odessa to enroll in training for the Constellation program, she was not placed with some off-worlder who might encourage such a cataclysmic lack of balance in the pursuit of martial excellence, but instead with an older, more prudent hand: her grandsire, the so-called Old Wolf of Okeanos. A seasoned warrior and survivor of many clashes against the archenemy, Autolycus, whose true name now sprawled into the dozens, was a harsh taskmaster who had little patience for his granddaughter's foolhardiness. He had seen firsthand what tragedies such impulsiveness wrought upon the battlefield mankind found itself ever losing ground upon, much less how disastrous it could be for those who thought to command the primal forces of the heavens. Something he vowed to teach her.

And something she learned. Bit by bit. Lesson by painful lesson. The fires in her never quite died out, but they did temper in time. She learned that if she was to master the world beyond her, she needed first to master the world within. Once she committed that principle to heart, once she found discipline within herself rather than outside herself, she excelled. Whatever progress might have been lost to the willful arrogance of youth was more than made up for under her grandfather's watchful eye. As she neared womanhood, and her official induction into the ranks of the lauded Constellations, her capricious nature reared itself for one final time, a parting shot to Okeanos. On the eve of her graduation, Odessa found herself with child.

Whether purposeful or not, the conception of her daughter halted any hopes of quickly progressing as a Constellation. The armies of humanity had little use for a woman with a child in her belly, and the precious bloodline the child bore was too valuable to potentially sacrifice in the hopes of an expedient promotion. The traditions of her family, still but fledglings compared to the storied ranks of the Sol's most prestigious, further compounded the issue. Their focus on strong foundations barred a child from being left by both parents in the first two years of life. As Odessa refused to name her daughter's sire, she was planet-bound for the foreseeable future.

Some called her feckless. Others, a coward, using her child to escape her duties. She paid them little mind. The baby, Thelema, was born after many long months of such scorn. And in holding that smallest, most innocent soul in her arms, Odessa found within herself a font of something she had lacked for much of her life. She found prudence. She found restraint.

It was difficult to commit to danger and recklessness when someone so dear depended upon one. Raising her daughter for those precious few years was an eye-opening experience for a young woman who had, until that point, lived life for herself first and foremost, a woman of force and activity rather than consideration and thoughtfulness. As she watched her flesh and blood grow from a helpless infant to a bright, vibrant little girl eager to learn about the world, Odessa too learned. And in those lessons, she would find salvation when the call to war finally reached Okeanos.

No longer forbidden from service as a Constellation, Odessa was gifted with the mantle of Pegasus. All the better prepared for the rigors of battle by her long rest, she remained a Stardust-class for only a few months, ascending to the rank of Proto just in time for a dire front to open in humanity's unending war against the Aberrations: the Battle of Planet Pray.

Until that point, Odessa had only dealt in skirmishes and clean-up operations in the wake of more experienced Constellations. The battle for Pray did not seem like it would be much more trying than those most minor of clashes she had known. The initial days of the conflict were tame. All went as expected for a mid-level incursion into occupied human space. Then the Crownguard arrived, and her baptism in battle rapidly devolved into a baptism by fire.

The arrival of a Crownguard was a disaster for the world it landed upon. It was not uncommon for a single one to overpower an entire planet in a day and lay waste to dozens of humanity's best in the process. The surface of Pray was cursed not only with one but two Crownguards only four days into its defense. Before the week was done, they had carved a bloody swathe through the valiant defenders of the world. Forty-three Constellations perished, among them three separate Supernovas—each the veteran of a hundred such battles—and the Main-class Constellation that had taken Odessa under her wing.

By the end of the week, the remaining Constellations managed to finally put down one of the beasts, and send its companion fleeing for its life after one of their number struck a wounding blow against it. Without the Crownguard to support their offensive, and with the remaining Constellations buoyed by the defeat of such an incomprehensible force of nature, Pray was fully liberated before the month came to a close, though much of its surface lay in ruin. It was a victory for humanity. A Pyrrhic victory, but a victory all the same.

It was also an important experience for Odessa. Her first taste of true battle. Of true fear. Of true [i]fury[/i]. Were she the same arrogant pup that came striding from the Old Wolf's den feeling all the invincibility of a young fool, she may yet have perished in that treacherous world. But thoughts of home, thoughts of her daughter, kept her disciplined when she otherwise wished to cave to instinct. Her love for Thelema kept her spirit strong when all seemed lost. Through care and experience, she learned wisdom, and through wisdom, she managed to leave the planet Pray on her own two feet and carry on to other battlefields across the domain of mankind.

The years that followed went swiftly. A survivor of Pray, she quickly found herself promoted to the rank of Main-class before year's end by virtue of how ferocious the fighting had been. Years bled into years as she bounced between active front to active front, honing her skills as a warrior and a leader of men. Every time a Constellation stepped onto the surface of a world, there were no guarantees of victory, of living on to see another day. Pray had taught her that much, and much earlier than most. With her beloved daughter coming of age and beginning her tutelage under that same steely Old Wolf that had molded her into a force of nature, however, the campaign to defend Alora seemed promising. It seemed hopeful.

And it seemed she would swiftly be proven wrong.

Home World

[Planet Description]
Okeanos is as lush and verdant a world as one is likely to find outside of the ancient gardens-worlds of the Milky Way. It is so named for the massive freshwater sea that bisects the planet in two, like the fabled river for which it is named. As this ocean wraps around the length of the planet's equator, the waters are warm and rich with fauna, some of which reach truly monstrous sizes, supported by the abundance of oxygen in the atmosphere and the abundance of smaller prey. The ocean plays host to a series of archipelagos and island chains that dot its pristine waters, with two large, mountainous continents in the north and south where the majority of the population make their homes. Okeanos has a full four seasons thanks to its stable rotation, with hot summers and temperate winters separated by equally mild autumn and spring. Owing to its vast ocean and warm temperatures, Okeanos is wracked by intense storms throughout its hottest months, with some islands vanishing entirely into nation-sized hurricanes at the height of the storm season.

Okeanos, though welcoming on a surface level, is a planet of extremes. The floodplains along its coasts and larger archipelagos are fertile enough that, in combination with its rich sea, the planet's population has had little difficulty cultivating the necessary food supply to sustain itself. The seasons, barring summer, are mild and temperate enough that open-air settlements are the norm, defying the more advanced arcologies of other colonized worlds in its sector. But these things come at a cost. Summer brings with it violent storms capable of wiping out entire nation-states, and the primeval sea that produces innumerable aquatic sustenance also plays host to aggressive, monstrous mega-fauna capable of dragging the largest vessels to a watery grave. This duality has instilled a distinctive devil-may-care attitude in its populace. The world is a paradise with the potential for cruelty unimaginable. Therefore, the people reason, it is best to live well and to live boldly while one has the chance, and to seize every opportunity presented to them before the mercurial hands of fate twist the fortune against them.

The relative plenty of Okeanos means that the populace needs not to trouble themselves over matters of food or energy security, giving rise to a culture of warrior-scholars the likes of which their ancient progenitors would be proud. Its government is organized into an aristocratic representative democracy, wherein members of its founding families are elected by the citizenry based on who will see to their needs the best and, increasingly, who can manage the demands of the UAS without jeopardizing their way of life.

[Warrior Family]
Descended from a black sheep of the Symtropantos line, the Perseid family are a relatively new arrival to Okeanos, appearing only after the defeat of Belle during the Chandra conflict of 168 IC. Having lost every comrade he had come to love throughout the war, Perseus found comfort and rest on the ocean planet's shores, charmed by the starkly optimistic views of the locals. It was on Okeanos that the experiences he had weathered—and the wisdom of the dead—that he formulated the doctrine that would go on to govern the family which would one day carry his name. Fathering a plethora of children on a dozen wives, it would only be after his death in 182 IC, and after those children rose to prominence in the fight against the Aberrations, that the Perseid line was formally acknowledged as a fledgling Warrior Family. By then, their code had been formalized. Sons and daughters of the Perseid line were to live courageously, but not recklessly. They were to act with wisdom and temperance, be just in deed and honest in word, and demonstrate a near fanatical loyalty to their comrades, not only those born of their blood but especially those born from battle. This dedication is best demonstrated by the tradition of enthýmisi, or remembrance.

A pariah for his lack of ability amongst the Symtropantos, Perseus cast off his birth name and vowed to become the most shining beacon of humanity, a Constellation, without them. He managed to achieve this feat in no small part the assistance of his fellows in the rigorous training process. These comrades of his, of whom he thought the world, answered the call to bring down the Hive-Mother Belle, and he so accompanied them. Yet to his despair, all but Perseus perished, one after another, in the fight to break the Queen's Crownguard and vanquish the foul beast for the good of man. When the monster was slain, the victory all mankind felt could only be pyrrhic for Perseus. New Constellations would file in to replace his dear companions, picking up their weapons and carrying on where they left off.

Crushed by the thought they might yet be forgotten, Perseus began the tradition of enthýmisi, memorializing the dead by taking their names onto his own, replacing the stain of Symtropantos with those who cherished him and were cherished in kind. This tradition is carried on by his descendants, who begin their lives bearing only the name their mothers gift them. As they live and learn, love and lose, their names grow, and every sacrifice is immortalized as part of their very identity. The oldest Perseids have names that stretch into the dozens, each a beloved friend now lost to the archenemy, each a reminder of why they fight.

Perseids are therefore a proud and dependable family. They fight for their beliefs without regret, pursue their justice without pause, and defend their companions with unmatched ferocity. Their commitment to defeating the Aberrations goes beyond the simple desire for survival, but a deep and ingrained sense of duty, both to those who have been lost before them and those who will be lost long after they too have passed on. Only with the final defeat of the Hive-Mothers will their purpose, set out by Perseus himself, be fulfilled, and only then will their grim determination be halted.

Notable Contacts


[Relation to Subject]

Odessa's only child and the light of her life. Thelema is a bright little girl of eight years old, and by all accounts, surpasses even her mother in potential as a Constellation. Precocious by nature, she lacks the fiery streak of Odessa's youth in favor of a curious intelligence that precedes her years. Like many from the more stable Warrior Families, Thelema idolizes her mother and great-grandfather, who serves as her primary guardian in Odessa's absence. She wishes to one day follow in their footsteps as a Constellation all her own, something that she has only just begun journeying towards as of the beginning of the year.

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