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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Sp00ki
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Sp00ki 無限の日食

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<Snipped quote by Sp00ki>

Whenever you want. Just ping this account when you do. Do you have a setting preference?

Not really, no.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Techspert
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<Snipped quote by Techspert>

Not really, no.

Alright, what about a dance club? Or would something else work better?
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Sp00ki
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Sp00ki 無限の日食

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<Snipped quote by Sp00ki>

Alright, what about a dance club? Or would something else work better?

I could... Probably make it work, what are your other ideas?
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Techspert
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<Snipped quote by Techspert>

I could... Probably make it work, what are your other ideas?

Sparse forest at night, top of a roof, abandoned mansion, overall I'm not very picky.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Sp00ki
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Sp00ki 無限の日食

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<Snipped quote by Sp00ki>

Sparse forest at night, top of a roof, abandoned mansion, overall I'm not very picky.

Forest actually sounds like it might work.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Techspert
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<Snipped quote by Techspert>

Forest actually sounds like it might work.

Sweet. Set him up doing whatever he is in the forest and I'll send her.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by The Odeoron
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The Odeoron Benjamin - The Anastharriyon - MR

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Alright, I'm putting certain things in separate hiders. This might explain the entire universe I've just had in my head.

That should explain a few things, if any questions are needed, feel free to ask.

Also, it should be pointed out that the Cyrus in this current RP is not the same as the one mentioned up above, although they are pretty similar.


Man.... Ya'll developped a whole novel here... i'mma... i'mma beginn processing now

Also, i totally LOVE IT!

Roadkill... or er... Sp00ki... Such fun times! Heh!
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Webmaster
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Webmaster Katherine

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<Snipped quote by Techspert>

Forest actually sounds like it might work.

Quick reminder that everything out of ** is considered verbal.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Valiance
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<Snipped quote by Sp00ki>

Quick reminder that everything out of ** is considered verbal.

The only exception to this is if I say “nuh uh”.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by The Odeoron
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The Odeoron Benjamin - The Anastharriyon - MR

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Sp00ki Yoy! Mah guy!

Considering the whole story you managed to forge, which is taking place in your universe, and i read and got penned down some notes.

Here's some short clarifications:

The current happenings with @Etcetera @Memory and Benjamin, are the core root of a multiverse cluster named Axis 98. It is a sort of infinitude complex of realities nestled together under the eldritchian dominion of two opposite mega entities, one is Alioth Shemmenmorth (The One Who is Bright) and Truest Outer C'thon or Lubb Derbyloth (The One whom shall not be formed) Chaos and Order, Darkness and Light... the whole Spiel.

Alioth is a being that "fathered" or spawned countless tier of deities upon deities upon deities (Many of whom have not been even created yet but are in the works)

Similarly C'thon a reverse of Alioth, has his own domain, the outer void.

Now Alioth's most relevant deity, is the God and Allfather of Benjamin's multiversal network, Yaldabaoth, or known to humans there as Almighty God... well... to avoid actual religious names, we call him from that specific reality's perspective as "The One True God"

He reigns over myriad heaven networks in a fractallic fashion - meaning he has several tires of heavens ruling over lesser heavens, and the lowest of them all is Cyentriss where Cyrus was first introduced as a soul who died in his universe.

From that original story with Cyrus, i presume your whole universe @Sp00ki is happening in some playing field equal to Benjamin's Mundus universe? Which is now dead, and is supposed to be a sort of parallel modified version of the very distant future of The Boys tv show universe.

So i hope i set things clearer, but please tag me with more questions so we can all make sense of this better.

@Legend Begins / @Memory / @Etcetera is fully in the books with the whole structure of this place, but i don't think i ever made a full statement of this structure, like you did, publicly here...

@Sp00ki And one final question about who's trying to make a deal with C'Thon... in this place, reaching low enough into the outer void, nearing the event horizon (Point of no return - and the actual frontier of trues C'Thon's actual domain) is very difficult, very horrifying, and very... Lovecraftian... so which of your characters was trying to do that, and how do they play out in your cannon, existing within AXIS 98?
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Sp00ki
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Sp00ki 無限の日食

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@The OdeoronThe one who is trying to make deal with C'thon is Diavolo's son, Diego Volo, which technically makes Diego the step brother to Cyrus since Cyrus married Kyo-Kyo, who is Diego's sister.

One thing to point out is that Diego absorbed Diavolos decaying body because of a power obsession that he shared with his father, but he couldn't absorb all of it because part of it is in Echo, because plot that makes things more confusing.

So Diego, being the power obsesser that he is, began to hunt down Echo in the form of Lymbo because of more plot that will be preserved for later in a plastic container.

Anyways, Echo left his reality before Diego did, which I should point out is not the same reality of this Cyrus, and Diego of course had to follow into the rift, but they ended up in separate places.

Another thing I should mention is what Manifests Diego has.
Those being: Time Control and Shapeshifting.
Yeah, he got lucky, really lucky...

There are a lot of things that are probably confusing, but I should say, this is still a work in progress.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by souleaterfan320
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The sun sets upon a day long over. The end of what was was is nigh. The weight of reality sets in...

.....What will rise when the new day dawns?

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by The Monitor 2
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The Monitor 2 Morningstar-Lumyell

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<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

*steps away from you*
Why are you here?

My post still is relevant enough despite the correction of the typo hahahahah
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by The Odeoron
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The Odeoron Benjamin - The Anastharriyon - MR

Member Seen 1 day ago

Listen up all, here's how you approach this game for a newbie, @Sp00ki @Nate1008:

2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by LordDX
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LordDX The Corrupted

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The Journal below you states the "vessel"'s information...

Name: Kira Brand.

Most Vessels are given a name at birth, hence this one being named "Kira" by the king himself. He was given the last name of "Brand" to establish his role. Sadly, the king didn't know of this Vessel's dark secret within, hence the king's demise following weeks later.

Appearance's of a godly Vessel are rare, but this one seems to have many...He's been around since I, the journalist, was born. His current appearance is below this writing:

The following below is what was obvious about Kira's description:
Sex: Male
Race: MINE

Race: God Vessel

Height: 6.5 feet roughly (around 2 meters)

Weight: 144 lbs

Birthplace: Pale Kingdom's palace, Hollownest
Extra information regarding Kira Brand: Kira seems to be a Vessel who learns quickly, adapts swiftly in situations, and whose speed, stamina, and strength makes him nearly indestructible in sword combat. He has claimed many foe occupying lands for the Pale Kingdom, making him by far the most brave and feared across our universe. He was personally favorited by the Pale King. The Pale King's wife, however, feared what was to come in the future if he became a failed Vessel, and so, she fled and was never seen again. There's a myth that goes around that Kira Brand terminated her himself, but that is merely a myth.
Here is my data regarding Kira Brand...for that was just the scholar history which vessels were taught around near creation:

Kira Brand was supposed to oppose and annihilate the light for the sake of everything he's known. No Vessel can think, feel emotion, talk, breathe, or even digest food. But Kira, Kira had only one thought.
One day, upon a battle against the Nightmare Troupe leader Hexous, he was slashing and easily dodging/blocking the Troupe leaders attacks easily, nothing was wrong. But when he returned to the Palace, he had found out the King had been assassinated from the Light's influenced current Vessel, Ghoul Brand. The Vessel felt something from his head and in his heart, something he had never felt before. He felt anger, sorrow even. He sought revenge upon the Light, but he didn't realize that because of his newfound feeling and thoughts, that he couldn't seal it himself.
When he spotted Ghoul Brand years later, he didn't think of anything but revenge, for the Pale King- his creator- was the only thing he ever had to keep him in check. Drawing his massive sword, he challenged the corrupted host, Ghoul Brand to a battle to the death. Ghoul Brand didn't take a moment to deny, he drew his slightly sharpened sword doused in the orange corruption and a fallen Vessels void- which is what they're made of within- and slashed at him. Kira Brand was easily dodging his attacks and parrying perfectly amongst the fight.The fight lasted roughly ten minutes, corruption spilling from Ghoul Brand's wounds, yet still fighting.
Ghoul Brand stopped half way through the fight, his old self trying to regain control of the light's influence, causing him to stab himself with his sword repeatedly in the gut, but was no use. And not even a minute later, the Light regained control and continued battling Kira Brand. Kira finished the fight with a great cut, splitting Ghoul Brand in half. The Light emitted from the Vessel he had slain, and so, he focused his energy and attempted to seal it away within himself to prevent anymore slaughter of those in his kingdom. But, as he did so, he felt pain everywhere within him. Since he had a conscience now, he couldn't contain the influence and power it had, for that was no normal vessel, it was THE vessel that had supposedly sealed it long ago before discovered that Ghoul Brand failed to do so because of the same events.
Kira Brand's eyes swelled with orange corruption now dripping from his eyes slowly. He was infected, with the God of Light. When he returned to the gates, he brought millions of infected does that had fallen years before. Since he was infected, he could manipulate the living, and the dead easily. The gate fell within 20 minutes, with Kira Brand, staring at the chaos. He watched his siblings, which is what young vessels are called, get torn apart and their void spilling on the floor. The raid didn't last long, but the screams lasted for what seemed like days.
The kingdom collapsed, everyone was either infected, or not sane enough to realize that there may be a way to fight back. Kira Brand personally hunted down survivors, for he didn't want to take chances of an uprising. Unfortunately, there are no survivors recorded that have survived. His abilities are complex are hard to deal with...He has always been able to regenerate swiftly, blast void (now corruption) with a spell, and an ability to course through the air for as long as he pleases.
His abilities are most uncommon for vessels, for a healing ability such as regeneration of void of body takes a long time to master, but since he has been corrupted, it has seemed to enhance his healing drastically. He cannot attack as he is regenerating, but he attempts to make it quick.
His spell is commonly taught from birth among siblings, they're taught this spell to either attempt to become a mage Vessel, or even an entertainer! Since taught, he has enhanced his blast by focusing on one or multiple targets and delivering a piercing blast that rips a hole into their chest, the corruption within takes advantage of this and uses it to increase the infection.
His flight however is not really an ability, more of a birth gift from the Pale King, Moth's cloak. It allows the bearer to fly in the air, however, the user cannot stay still or attack as they do so, for the cloak could be destroyed.

When Kira Brand was young, he was gifted by another god, one of void. He granted him the ability to see within dreams and even mess with them and have a void within so strong, it could fuse with light.
However, Kira found a way to split dimensions, causing the Light's influence to spread. All he requires, is one victim's mind, and if he is able to annihilate them from within the dream, he can open a rift to any dimension that catches his corrupted eye. However, despite corruption, his old self may still be within the corruption, struggling to gain control, but that is just a theory.
He prefers to be alone in his corrupted state, but when he wasn't influenced, he was more outgoing and more careful with mortal beings. He tends to get along with those loyal to the light...or to those who see him for who he used to be, and aren't scared of his intentions.
According to my studies, the last mortal who's done that, was given more days to survive before he fought back after Kira Brand delivered a disturbing gift of hearts of those who opposed him. He did this to the Pale King to show what he accomplished in the past, meaning that there may still be a chance to make him more aware of what he's become, and maybe to snap out of the Light's influence.

Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Memory
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Hey, thanks for the character sheet! Have you read the rules on the first page and/or have any questions about our posting style and IC background?

As for followup questions, how did this character leave their dimension? Would they get along with the group or are they more of a lone wolf (I ask because it's difficult to do interaction-based RPs if a char doesn't interact)? Can you expound on the nature of their abilities?
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by LordDX
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LordDX The Corrupted

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Of course! I can edit it some more! I have plenty of free time to do so now anyways so I shall get to it!
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Memory
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Of course! I can edit it some more! I have plenty of free time to do so now anyways so I shall get to it!

Sounds good, no rush. Just looking for direct answers for those couple Q's.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by The Odeoron
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The Odeoron Benjamin - The Anastharriyon - MR

Member Seen 1 day ago

Of course! I can edit it some more! I have plenty of free time to do so now anyways so I shall get to it!

hey, for what it's worth, interesting and rather metal character concept, i'm into it seriously! But consider separating the information into paragraphs to make it easier to read. ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by LordDX
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LordDX The Corrupted

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@The Odeoronof course! on it!
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