...Maybe it just works like Mules, where you get the best of both but the chromosomes for reproduction get all kinds of fudged up so they can't do the do?
The Irish Tree said
...Maybe it just works like Mules, where you get the best of both but the chromosomes for reproduction get all kinds of fudged up so they can't do the do?
Haemonculus said
That sounds legit. Awesome genes, 'cept can't reproduce. QQ The ultimate birth control.
ERode said
Except, you know, then they'll just clone them and have 20,000 disposable OP Mules on their side.Heck, I can imagine the Dust Mining companies doing something like that. Having their mine shaft supervisors impregnate all the faunus woman so they can secretly raise a work force of Mules. So dastardly...just like something the Schnee Dust Company would do.
ERode said
What has been read can not be unread.That being said...genetically, is that even possible? I mean, it's like a human trying to impregnate an ape. That 2% difference in genetic code makes it pretty much impossible.
The Irish Tree said
Well, going back to donkeys and horses, they are genetically compatible due to similar enough genes, so if we were to draw a real world comparison aside from that, we'd be pretty hard-pressed. Think of it like how Superman can have kids, even though he's not anywhere close to being human in terms of genetic code. It works because the setting says it does, and unless Monty gets into the nitty gritty, we might never get a definite answer.
Haemonculus said
Superman has like super.... you know what? I'm not gonna go down that road. @_@How were the faunus even made? Like... are they technically mules in a sense?
ERode said
EXACTLY. That's why Arara's so suspicious about them. Humans and Grimm were both mentioned in the Creation Myth, so what the hell are Faunus? Just another evolution of an animal? Except why is there such a massive variety of them?
Essentially, she sees them as sub-human mutants, or some advanced ape. Maybe Faunus were originally the creation of humans, which was why humans thought themselves as superior the first place.
The Irish Tree said
...Seriously, if they were mules, then that means that beastiality was not only a thing, IT WAS A BIG THING! Get your head outta the gutter with that. Now, a more likely thing was that they were some sorta offshoot from human evolution, likely taking on traits of certain animals through evolutionary magic that DOES NOT work that way. But hey, it's Monty's setting, the beautiful thing about settings is that you could make air into jelly and it'd be alright as long as they breath jelly. Moral of the story: DAMMIT MONTY, LEARN TO BIOLOGY!
The Irish Tree said
...Dat akward moment where I have no idea what to have Tarkus do aside from walk in a straight line. Morella was looking at Isaac right? I'm just checking if Nef is using his forbidden GM power of .
ERode said
Well...Asuras hasn't posted a CS, if I remember correctly...XDAnd mind explaining the first map? Is there a public map drawing thing we can use, so we don't have to constantly upload new revisions of the map?
Krayzikk said
I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean. Explain?(I sent you my requests by PM, but to recreate them here for anyone who might be curious (#totallynotegotistical), I'd prefer a team that Alistair's on to have either Kiora, Arara or KK)
The Irish Tree said
...What I REALLY wanna know is if there's a faunus for every animal imaginable...IF THERE'S A MANTIS SHRIMP KIND, WE'RE FUCKING DED. D.E.D. DEDYOU SEE THIS ROCK? HE COULD THROW IT THROUGH YOUR BRAIN MANG.But I mainly ask because cat faunus are a thing, but do they come in all the different species of cats? Callico, Persian, other cat types? MONTY, WE DEMAND ANSWERS, WHICH IS WHY WE DON'T ASK!
ERode said
That doesn't make much sense though, because that would mean that Faunus were complete retards incapable of making their own kingdoms. In the Creation Myth, it stated that Humans were made from dust, and Grimm then followed. Then, HUMANS made their kingdoms...and where exactly were the faunus in all this?What if...they were originally Grimm who have regained their soul (think about how all the Grimm are based off animals)...THE MYSTERY IS REAL.
ERode said
That doesn't make much sense though, because that would mean that Faunus were complete retards incapable of making their own kingdoms. In the Creation Myth, it stated that Humans were made from dust, and Grimm then followed. Then, HUMANS made their kingdoms...and where exactly were the faunus in all this?What if...they were originally Grimm who have regained their soul (think about how all the Grimm are based off animals)...THE MYSTERY IS REAL.