
Eat@Huxley is a very popular restaurant chain named after the Huxley family who created it. They usually do not accept students to work there, but they are making an exception for the very first time. The selected students are invited to work at the first and main location in the Rosewood village for their first month. Afterwards, if their training would turn out to be a success, they will be allowed to work at their preferred location. Some of them are very excited and honored, while others were forced by their parents who tried to teach them values. Some used their connections to get accepted, while others impressed Human Resources during the tough three month long hiring process. However, on the very first day, a couple of the students who weren't in the mood to work decided it would be a good idea to prank the employees who were training them. Sadly, they told their boss about what happened and because of that, the chain started reconsidering their decision to hire students. The only reason that the students were allowed to continue their training period was because one of them proposed to organize all of the food and materials for the next day when an inspector would come. A task this big is supposed to take them all night, even if they work together.

All of them stay behind when working hours are over. It's dark outside, they were all alone and no one was getting paid for this. No one is happy about the situation. Some of them decide to start working on their task anyways, while others are sulking or stealing and eating some of the food, not being bothered by the security cameras being on. Then suddenly, while organizing the materials, one of the students finds an old box covered in dust. It seemed to be a board game called Elevane. Excitedly, they present it to the others. It might be a good idea to play the game, bond with each other and then continue to work all together. That idea working out perfectly might be naive, but what other choice did they have? However, when they open up the box, they don't see a board. All they see is a couple of playing pieces, a platform that only fits one piece and an opening on it for a card to come out of. It seemed as if the box wasn't complete, because there was no mannual or cards to put in the opening. One student tries to put their chosen piece on the platform and to their surprise, a card does come out of the opening. And so the mysterious game of Elevane begins.


This roleplay is inspired by the Jumanji and Zathura movies, but you do not need to have seen them in order to be able to participate. In contrast to the movies, there won't be a physical board present before the game starts. If you are wondering how the progress of the game will be shown, I can tell you that the real world will become the board. Stairs made out of colorful light will appear step by step. Every time a playing piece moves forwards, a new step will appear and a hologram of the playing piece in this position will be shown. The physical version will always be kept by the characters themselves, since they need to put it on the platform during their turns in order to get a card that explains what happens. Additionally, there will also be options available for your characters to choose from, actions you can take. These will appear as holograms in front of you, similar to the board being shown as a hologram. These options will decide the progress of your character in the game.

Keep in mind that the challenges for your characters can be dangerous. In contrast to the movies, the effects of the cards will not be limited to creatures being summoned into the real world. Unfamiliar creatures will appear, but the environment will change as well - buildings, your friends and family members. Everything your characters know and experience can change in a matter of seconds and can make them second guess their own senses. This means that it is possible for them to lose their lives during the game. This does not mean that you as a participant are thrown out of the roleplay. I will give you to choice to either wait until you are summoned back through one of the drawn cards or be summoned as a completely new character that you create - if you are tired of your current character for example - which will be someone who was stuck in the game or someone from within the game who is not a real person.


Since this roleplay is about a game, make sure that you have enough time to post when it's your character's turn to play. Of course I understand that real life is more important and I certainly do not expect you to be able to post every single day. Just make sure that no one has to wait a whole month for you to put down one single post when they are ready to write anytime. Make sure that everyone has to same availability and make sure to keep communicating OOC. Inbetween the turns of your character, you can be as active as you choose to. If you want to take a very active role in reacting to the cards other characters draw and the effects that cause them, then that's fine. If you don't want to do that, that's fine too. However, there is a possibilty for tasks that require teamwork among the participants. These will not happen regularly, but they might happen.

The GM will not act as a player of the game. The role of player is reserved for the participants in this roleplay who do not have anything to do with the decsions about the cards and their effects. What the GM will write is the initial post explaining the current situation - such as the time of day, the season, the starting point and the current environment - as well as the posts every turn explaining what cards are drawn and what happens because of them. Creatures that are summoned for example will be played by the GM. Clearly, what is on the card and the effects because of them will always be decided by the GM. However, I will always encourage participants to give their ideas for cards and effects of the cards in OOC or a PM. Every idea can be pitched and I will always genuinely consider including them. Also, if you prefer it, you can always ask the GM in a PM to explain the card your character draws if you want to include the reaction of your character to the card in the post you write about your turn instead of having to wait for the GM to post.

The amount of participants will not be limited. The amount of players that the game allows will depend on the interest present. If only two people want to participate, then the game can be for two to four players. If seven people are interested, then the game can be for six to eight players. At least two people have to be interested for the roleplay to be able to start.

Character Sheet Elements

Appearance (real life picture, anime picture, drawing, ...)
Body type (how do they look: tall, short, curvy, skinny, ...)
Clothing style

Age (keep in mind that they are college or university students)

Family members

Playing piece in the game (choose one of the two and specify the color)
The job they are training for at the restaurant
History about how and why they ended up at Eat@Huxley