5 September 2031. Aliens taking on a human form landed on the planet Earth. They came with great stories about the fantastic possibilities of their home planet. Promises were made about saving our planet from the toxic actions of humanity and making it equally phenomenal. Sadly, our people were naive enough to believe everything that was said to us by the aliens. For some reason, we thought that beings smart enough to find us from that far away and intelligent enough to take our form and understand our languages would have good intentions towards us. It really seemed as if that was the case. They were only here for a visit and to learn more about us, not to do anything to us. Our thinking was simply that stupidly innocent. We gave them a - what we thought to be temporary - home. A roof above their heads. More food and drinks than one can ever imagine being in one place. Enough blankets to never be cold again. Air conditioning to keep them cool if the heat was too much to bare. We served them as slaves in the hope that they would share even the tiniest bit of knowledge they had that we could not figure out on our own. They were superior. We knew that. That's why we treated them as the gods they seemed to be.

11 February 2035. Finally, the aliens were done planning their attack on us. By this time, even the people who were suspicious of them at first had accepted them into their hearts. They had behaved so well until then that they convinced literally every single one of us to trust them. Once in a while, people would wonder why they weren't returning to their home planet to report back, but they always turned out to have an excuse that did indeed sound plausible. However, now that their preparations were done, everything would change. Everything. For the first time since we met them, they would show us magical abilities. Even though their human bodies seemed to limit their magic to certain boundaries, they still looked like gods. We assumed that the human bodies weren't their real bodies and thus the temporary forms they took on to make us more comfortable - or that they needed to take on, because our eyes wouldn't be able to perceive their actual bodies - was limiting them. Because that was our believe, we hardly fought back. Some people died trying, but the majority of us simply didn't have the heart or the power to even attempt. Most of humanity was locked up in houses the aliens had transformed into jails that were unable to escape from if one didn't have magical powers. We thought our lives were over, that we were going to die there, that we were going to go extinct.

12 August 2035. Apparently, the aliens weren't the only creatures who found our planet to be a lovely vacation spot, possibly a second home. Another creature made their presence known: Celeste. No one knows who or what Celeste is, where she came from or why. No one had ever seen what she looks like. If she even is a she. The only thing we knew, was that she didn't like the aliens anymore than we did at that point. She considered this as a barbaric and foolish fight between two of the dumbest races to exist. Her voice would sound as if it was coming from everywhere. It sounded close by and at the same time very far away. Her voice wasn't particularly high, but it wasn't particularly low either. She sounded like a robot, but at the same time completely different from a robot. We couldn't place it. She was too different to be compared with anything or anyone we knew. She decided to stop time on the whole planet, but to keep our hearts beating. This way, both humans and aliens were locked inside their own bodies. She planned for this to go on for eternity.

28 December 2046. The aliens finally had gathered enough magical energy to stop the spell for exactly three people: two aliens and one human being were randomly picked to be unfrozen. They represented both of our races when talking to Celeste and begging her to give us a chance. A chance to prove ourselves to be worthy. After days of constant begging, she ultimately decided to give in to our desires. We were given a chance to win our freedom back. Seven people were picked to represent both of our races. Sadly, those seven people represented the seven deadly sins: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride. Knowing that these people were our only shot at getting our freedom back was... well... disappointing to say the least. We had to prove to Celeste that we were smart and kind creatures who were above fighting and only thinking about ourselves. Picking the worst people out of all of us cannot be called an honest chance. Unfortunately, there was no way of arguing with Celeste. This was the only chance we would ever be given by her.

The selected seven people were locked inside one building. They were not allowed to go outside under any circumstances, not even in the beautiful garden surrounding the building. They were only able to watch it through the locked windows. Living inside the building seemed like their worst nightmare as they all received one single, personalized instruction to follow during their whole stay. Whenever they broke the rule, they were to be punished.

Lust was not allowed to physically go near the others. They weren't allowed to touch them or even breath the same air as them. Whenever they were in the same room as the others, they had to keep a distance as if we were still in some kind of pandemic. Even looking too long at the same person could be punished.

Gluttony was only allowed to eat once every three days, while only drinking two glasses of water each day. Every single day, they would feel dehydrated and as if they were dying from starvation.

Greed was only allowed to leave their bedrooms at 7am, 1pm and 9pm. Each time, they could only stay out for one whole hour. During their stay in their bedroom, others were allowed to come inside and leave, but no objects were allowed to be brought in. Only people and the clothes they were wearing could enter and leave. The bedroom was as boring as can be, having white walls, a wooden floor and only the basic necessities with no decorations whatsoever.

Sloth was allowed an hour of sleep for every whole day that they stayed awake. If they were awake for two days straight without sleeping or even a nap, they were allowed to sleep two whole hours. At the same time, they were forced to exercise at least one hour every day.

Wrath wasn't allowed to say or do anything negative. They could earn one swear word for each good deed that they did for someone else in the building. At the same time, their legs were paralyzed from 5pm until 11am. They were given a wheelchair that they could manually move themselves.

Envy wasn't allowed to express any sign of envy through their actions, words, facial expressions or even their thoughts. Every time they would appear to be jealous of - for example - someone's shiny hair, they would lose parts of their own hair.

Pride was made older by Celeste. Suddenly, they looked, felt and behaved like a traditional 80 years old person. They lost the looks they were so proud of and would physically often need help from others due to being in an older body.

The challenge started 1 January 2047 and would end on 1 January 2048. Can the humans and aliens overcome their flaws and convince Celeste to give everyone their freedom back?