Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by XianaEvermor
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XianaEvermor Tragic Villain

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Come out, come out, wherever you are~," Chiroptera's voice lilted over the piles of scrap as she stepped with slow, purposeful strides through the yard. "C'mon, Grimm... why don't we make today our last date? Those Eagle 5000 XS UHD optics will make fine additions to the colony... They'll look real~ nice next to the 3000 series eyes I took from you last year. That hydraulic jaw? Just think of how many implants I can tear out of your friends with that."

F-ffuck, Grimm hissed quietly in response to the eerie, humorless monotone. The quiet flutter of wings overhead alerted him to the fact that stepping out from the engine compartment of the wrecked semi-tractor he was hiding in would immediately get him spotted. He held his breath and tried to quiet the pounding of his heart as one of her beastly, taloned, digitigrade cybernetic feet silently fell into view just a few paces outside the grill. He flinched as his audio implants registered the harmonic *ping* of muted ultrasonic waves bouncing off the outside of the compartment.

The microscopic vibrations caused a bolt to dislodge and bounce out of an adjacent scrap pile. Chiroptera's movements were like lightning. Grimm's UHD optics barely registered that she was out of frame. An afterimage seared his vision for a moment while the optics compensated, and he cringed away from the shriek of an integrated mono-molecular vibro-sword rending rusted steel and air alike.

Confrontations with that predatory, cybernetic wraith were always tense. She had some kind of hyper-advanced neural acceleration or wired reflex unit that seemed to defy the laws of physics. Probably some fucked up Tinker implant. It made her ungodly fast- the boys were always drooling over it like it was some kind of cybernetic Holy Grail. "If we could only-," they'd say, while scrawling up plans for an ambush some hotheaded scrapper would undoubtedly fuck up. Even if they did manage to pry it out of the bitch, they'd all kill each other fighting over it. Idiots.

To make matters worse, his call for help had only yielded the shrieks of over-amped cyberpsychos screaming about some cloaked lady and Rat pulling swords out of thin air, and something about Mantablack pulling a tasty haul from Shieldtown. Like, no wonder everyone considered them uncivilized monsters right? Not that he could talk: he'd done his fair share of "forcefully repossessing" implants, and other unsavory things. The only thing that made this situation different was that his one fear in this wretched world was gliding around outside like a goddamn ghost just steps away, and he could feel the amped emotions of the nearby swarm itching at the back of his skull.

Rip. Kill. Consume. Revenge.

Chiroptera paused in her stride, turning her masked face towards something in the distance only she could perceive. Grimm nearly took the attack of opportunity. The reason he didn't? Well... that's how he lost his first pair of eyes.

"What luck," she breathed, knocking on panels with her alloy knuckles in "Shave-and-a-hair-cut..." as she strode past. "Two-bits!" banged against the engine compartment loud enough to make him jump. "Looks like 'all I can eat' over at Shieldtown, and all~ your little friends are coming. Hope I see you there, Grimm..."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by XianaEvermor
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XianaEvermor Tragic Villain

Member Seen 1 mo ago

[The Den]

[A Sepokku / XianaEvermor Collaboration]

“Cute kid, reminds me of my sister.” She could still imagine Luolan’s crying face, like she had left yesterday. The girl was probably old enough to have lost most of the baby-fat around her face by now. Putting both her hands in her pockets, Astrid mused about the Den, found families, and the cost of protecting others as she followed closely behind Wolf.

“She is… a handful,” Wolf murmured, chuckling with a tired note and idly rubbing a hand over the numerous scratches and scars on her cybernetic arm.

Astrid couldn’t help but smile as she thought of the pouting girl Wolf had shooed away, “On the contrary, I walked into a situation unexpected enough to qualify myself as flummoxed…” She looked around the room a bit, the well-kept furniture that held the mark of age. How long had these people been hiding out here? How many wanderers had come here seeking respite, and how many had found it? The thought made her almost hesitant to ask for help. They would be taking on risk for her sake, and she wasn’t even sure she could be honest about why. Not that she knew why in Jahannam, JAHANNAM wanted to know about the bombing.

She gave Wolf another once-over, seeing the stranger in a new light. Good people like her were hard to come by in Titan’s Fall. “I’m Astrid, Grunewald. Formerly of the Children of the Skye. Some people ‘round here have heard of ‘em.” Her words slowly lowered to a mumble as she said the last part. “You know… On second thought, I’m not sure I should be asking you for help. You seem like you have your hands pretty full with…” Her left arm gestured to everything around them lamely. “Wouldn’t want the Horde following you back here.”

“Well. Firstly, if you’re going to stay here for any length of time you may wish to pick another name,” Wolf began. “I’m… familiar with the Children of the Skye, but who you were in the past isn’t important. The Den is where you come to leave all that behind and start with a clean slate,” she explained. For a moment Wolf’s eyes flicked up and to the right: HK had left her in passive recording mode, but there had to be something going on outside since HK was scrambling the Manta Interceptor with the Lockdown Suite, and “Black Betty,” the enormous flying sedan that was basically a gun they'd ripped out of a wrecked A-10 and slapped thrusters on to the catapult. Wolf resisted the urge to run out and check on what was happening. The girls would call her if something got out of hand.

“As far as Halcyon is concerned, we’re unofficially considered part of ShieldTown. We pay for our part of the tithe in the security and services we provide to our neighbor, if that’s what you’re worried about. They also know better than to come snooping around here or trying to settle old grudges,” she quipped. Wolf had sent them a pretty clear message and a bill for the damages last time that had happened. The Dragon, of course, wasn’t pleased. The thought brought an amused smile to her face.

"I'm not, that is to say, I don't-" A new name did sound nice. Something more refined than the ones she'd haphazardly been stuck with. She shook her head to dispel the notion before she could succumb to the temptation, "I just need help getting topside. If you think you can assist me with that, and it won't cause any blow-back on you from the Horde, I'd be very grateful."

She grew quiet for a moment while she carefully thought of what exactly to say. "I'm sure you heard about the explosion in Justice Square. The rest of my family is up on the Plates, some of them not far from there; I need to check on them." None of that had been a lie so far, she nodded slightly before continuing, "And, if it isn't too much trouble, I was hoping we could arrange to have my bike sent up with me? It was a gift from my sister, and she'd kill me if I showed up without it." Telling Wolf more would go a long way to cementing trust between the two, but... Her eyes darted about the room, spartan by necessity, refugees only a few rooms away; thoughts of that little girl's golden eyes, and that feeling of something crawling in the back of her mind while she shared that psychic view of the ocean.

There was no reason to divulge further, these people had their own problems. "I know it's asking a lot, and I don't know when I'd even be back to repay you." Her right hand anxiously reached behind her back, closing around her left upper arm. “I could pay; not much, but I have some Clat on me. I can pay more if you accept credits.”

Wolf’s chair creaked as she leaned back in it, maintaining eye contact with Astrid. She supported her elbow with one arm and pressed a knuckle to her upper lip in thought. The dimming lights and the resonating *thud* of the catapult through the bulkheads above them reminded her that HK was too busy to verify Astrid’s statements. News traveled rapidly in the Undercity, and Astrid’s story tugged on her heartstrings, but was that enough to put herself and her pack at risk for someone she didn’t know? The thought gnawed at her for a solid minute and her cybernetic wolf ears twisted to follow the sound of someone dashing down a hallway in another part of The Den.

“Well…,” she muttered uneasily. “The Lifter won’t breach the surface with your rig.” Wolf didn’t know Jade either when she shot the two men accosting her and brought JAHANNAM down on the pack. “Unless you can carry that thing while climbing the crater wall we’re booking a trip on one of the elevators,” Wolf muttered while staring off into the space between. HK was busy, so she was queuing intel reports from The Den’s servers manually to her HUD. From what she could tell, Freight had been hit pretty hard by some unknown masked Deviant followed by the Hunt. They’d missed a scheduled lift trip. Probably scrambling like hell to get it moving again.

“Someone move the ‘Vulture’ to the catapult when there’s a spare moment, please,” Wolf muttered into her sub-vocal vox. The faint sound of a double-click reply was only just lost to the ambient room noise. “I haven’t pissed off the Dragon in a while… Tell you what: I’ll get you to the surface to check on your family. You bring me back something pretty next time you’re in town and we’ll call it even,” Wolf smirked.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by XianaEvermor
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XianaEvermor Tragic Villain

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Hidden 1 yr ago Post by druidquest
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druidquest 魔法少女

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Máire sent up a cloud of ash as she hit the ground on the other side of the portal, her arm flipping her back into the air and landing her on her feet. She only had time to cast a quick glance at her surroundings before a new cacophony of alarms ripped her attention back toward Shieldtown, a glimmering blue dome on the horizon. Five miles out? No, closer to seven. Far enough that she wouldn’t be getting back quickly on foot.

Máire’s eyes dropped to the portal, now barely the size of a baseball. She thrust her hand back into the blackness, her arm severing below the elbow as it closed. She had done what she could, now. If Máire had misjudged and SIlver Fang hadn’t come through here, she would at least have a way of getting back on track.

She turned back toward the wastes, the near-imperceptible reticles of her eyes turning back and forth as they scanned the area for the ever-dwindling energy signature of the Ripper she was hunting. Silver Fang was meant to be one of the Templar’s finest; doubtless if Máire had picked up the trail with a starting lag, Fang was already on the cusp of running them down.

Her HUD tagged something. Not a Ripper. It looked like a woman, not far from where Máire had come through the portal, marching through the dust. A sword lanced through the air, and Máire was pulled after it.

Máire’s hand flopped into the damp floor of the sewer like an undesired sea bass, tips of her fingers dangling over the water flow. It sat still for a moment, silver dust drifting silently off the stump where it had been severed by the portal. Then the dust froze in mid air, hanging in the shards of light poking through the open manhole cover, before reversing direction and rejoining the amputated limb.

The hand bulged and shifted, silver sand flowing over itself as it reformatted and rebuilt itself into a new form resembling a lizard, its head replaced by a stumpy, featureless tendril that raised itself up to the air as though trying to catch a scent. The metallic “reptile” then twisted itself around, reorienting its direction, before skittering up the wall of the sewer and back through the manhole, vanishing onto the streets above with astonishing velocity for what should have by rights been a dead hand rotting with the sewage.
Hidden 1 yr ago 10 mos ago Post by fate0013
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fate0013 The Mad

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by chaotix14
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chaotix14 The seething anger

Member Seen 5 mos ago

It certainly was an experience being carried around like a 200 pound sack of potatoes at blistering speeds by the local number one Templar. Then again, not the worst way he has ever crossed a distance and would probably still be more comfortable than being fireman carried by Alex. Seeing as how Yue made her way towards the edge of town it seemed she wanted to meet up with the other Templar first, and that meant looking for Zolya. "Flock of ravens on your left, she's over there." He yelled as soon as he spotted those feathered menaces against the blue of the dome... Was it just him or was that dome excessively spiky this time?

After a very rough and jostled ride Raudd was dumped near Zolya to recuperate for a moment while Fang with frustration pouring out of her every move went after the Templar that had decided to once again evade rendezvous. "Don't know what you're gonna do, I'm gonna take a couple of your wolves and find Alex. Something is very wrong with him, and I think he might be actually angry." Raudd said as to his sister the moment his senses properly reset and he got his bearings again. "Alex angry? And how exactly are you gonna find him? I'm coming with you." She replied as Raudd mounted the stag that the second problematic Templar had left behind.

"Follow the trail of destruction I guess, you hear that sound of smashing machinery, that's probably Alex ripping apart the rippers." He retorted as he took off in the direction he had been hearing the wave of destruction move towards with his sister in hot pursuit as she sent out her Ravens to look for the hero in blue... Or red or green, though hopefully blue.

However it did not take long before they crossed paths with some friendly cybernetically enhanced fiends themselves. A rare rush of adrenaline shot through Raudd's head as he watched the ripper raise an intergrated shotgun to the head of a small child in a struggle over some crappy prosthetic leg the kid had. Not thinking he charged the ripper with the stag piercing it's arm and it's torso onto the antlers like a macabre cybernetic ornament as the stag continued it's charge fiend first into a nearby building.

Zolya in the meantime had rushed over to help the kid, and more importantly make sure what Raudd was going to do to the ripper wasn't going to be seared onto the boy's retina's for the rest of his life. She'd seen that spark of fire, and the result wasn't going to be pretty.

As the dust settled from the impact and the cyber fiend got his first look at his assailant he was met with the sight of the viking axe in hand standing next to the stag that was pinning him against a solid steel barrier, axe blade already launched into a vicious attack. If there was any reading the expression on either face even through the cyber addiction fueled psychosis there were clear notes of dread. Raudd's on the other hand would be more befitting on a berzerker, rage, vengeance, and a fire fueled by resentment could be read in his eyes as the axe came down on the ripper's one free arm.

Saying it was a clean cut would be an overstatement the ripper had attempted to protect his arm by shielding it with his hand resulting in it partly slicing partly ripping the fingers in it's path off the hand, and when the axe made contact with the upper arm the flesh rended quickly to energy blade of the axe. However the bone yielded more resistance and felt like trying to hack through a gnarled piece of wood and snapped crudely as the full force of the swing came down on it. The rippers scream and following pleadings that followed the sound of the arm flopping lifelessly onto the ground could probably be heard streets away, luckily Zolya had isolated the kid from the horrible sound of the murder ready ripper finding his equal treatment less than pleasant. "You're never gonna hurt anyone." Raudd snarled at the creature struggling against the stags pin and he wound up another big swing.

This time when the blade made contact it was across the metallic skull enhancements the ripper had. A mixture of wet metallic crunches, cracks and smashing sounds followed as Raudd unobstructed by the ripper re-engineered the cybers skull into a modern art exhibition. The result of which had more in common with the aftermath of falling into a junkyard's metal press than a cybernetic enhancement, and if the ripper wasn't already past tense it would be soon enough given the amount of blood and other mechanical fluids it had lost in the process of it's execution.

After kicking the macabre antler decoration free from the stag head into a secluded trash pile he returned to Zolya and upon seeing that the kid was fine he was finally able to calm himself down somewhat, but it was practically guaranteed that the next ripper they were to come across would share the priors fate for daring to associate with such trash and as a sacrifice to quell Raudd's anger.

Leaving the kid to it's fate with god knows how many rippers still on the loose just didn't sit well with either of them, and they took a little detour to bring him to a shelter of some kind, or rather a little resistance strongpoint where there were at least some people with weapons and armor to protect the civilians. After the detour it didn't take the siblings all that long to get back to tracking their target, especially not given he'd left a trail of broken and trashed bodies in his wake, some still breathing others having been dealt with, but most looked to have some additional trauma that didn't look like Alex's unusual savagery. "Is...Is Alex usually that violent?" "No, he's not. And that's why I'm worried."
Hidden 12 mos ago 10 mos ago Post by fate0013
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fate0013 The Mad

Member Seen 6 days ago

Tucked in one of the more dismal and out of the way corners of Northbridge was one of many hideaways found in some hole-in-the-wall or forgotten back-end alley. The ramshackle door would be easily missed, but shine as black light over it and you could see the paint and writings on the wall around it. Neon designs of organic Gigeresque imagery fused with street graffiti. All wrapped around lettering that constituted a sign for the hidden establishment.

The paint and taggings were well kept, and the signal pheromone's some of the Cult of Flesh members used were strong here. It was definitely the place Kiran was looking for. He knocked on the door five times in a circle pattern and waited. Moments later, an eye slit was pulled to the side. A voice like someone who chained smoked all their life growled out in mild irritation.

"Password?" A pair of toad like eyes glared out from the slit.

Kiran smirked, pulling their hood back and giving the doorman a cheerful look. "Do I really need one?" He batted his eyelashes almost innocently before their tail whipped out from behind them, Its stinger extending and pointed at the doorman's exposed eyes.

"Shit!?" The eye slit was slammed shut as multiple locks were undone before the door was thrown open, revealing a large, almost literal toad of a bouncer stepping aside and bowing their head. "S-sorry boss. D-didn't know it was you." The man gulped loudly as Kiran walked past. The scorpion tail trailed behind, Its stinger gently tracing the whimpering bouncer's chin for an agonizing second as The mad tinker mad their way into the den.

Black lighting made the halls explode with colors. Some of the splatters on the walls and ceiling may of may not have been blood. The thumping music became louder and louder as he approached a second pair of double doors. Pulling their hood back on, Kiran let out a satisfied sigh as he pushed forward.

The air was thick with sickly sweet fumes and raging hormones.
Cortex was a gang hideout in some sense, but it was also equal parts a club, drug den, and underground fight ring. In the mass of bodies mingling and getting lost in the atmosphere, not a single one was unaugmented or mutated. There were a rare few that just barely looked human anymore, flesh twisted and sculpted Into beautiful and terrifying images one would normally only see in fiction or media. Some danced, some drank, others partook in the copious amounts of narcotics that were plentiful. Outside of the bar/dispensary that took up one side of the room and the dance floor space, a good chunk of the room was dominated by a roped off pit. Said pit was full of cultists in what could be best described as a bloody "bare fisted" brawl. Ironically one of the fighters did appear to have bear paws for hands.

Kiran Slipped past the crowds and mad it to the bare. One of the bartenders, a multi-armed woman with patches of iridescent scales on her skin That was in the process of making multiple drinks came to serve him.

"What can I get cha?"

"A Synapse Scorcher. On nitrogen, no ice."

The bartender faltered for a moment before quirking an eyebrow. "Got a death wish there buddy?"

Kiran Leaned over the counter, Still smiling. "I think i can handle my signature drink love. By the way, Is Finger's in? I have some business that requires his-" Kiran gave an amused snort. ",Delicate touch." "

The bartender's eyes widened. Her 'Primary" hands immediately going to work making an amber colored drink that looked like it had bursts of green static dancing inside the liquid. "He's down bellow. shouldn't be too busy for you." She kept herself professional, not even shaking as she poured the lethal cocktail.

Kiran took the glass, sniffed it before taking a sip. It trailed down the throat with a spicy and minty flavor. what came next was a pleasantly warm numbness. To anyone else though, the Synapse Scorcher would be an agonizing experience like swallowing ground up glass and being injected with some demented form of neurotoxin. Kiran liked to put their augmentations through their paces.

He left the woman a generous tip before moving on. The bartender took the two strings of clat, not sure anyone believe her if she said she made a drink the "God" of the cult approved of. Not that the club's boss would give her a raise for something like that.

Walking down a flight of stairs littered with electronic cables mounted on the walls and spilling on the steps, Kiran was careful not to trip before entering what looked like a server room from hell. Given the flesh growths on some of the tech and what looked like grown brain tissue plugged up to various computer towers.

A thin man sat in a chair in the back of the room. working on multiple keyboards and flicking their eyes between several screens. each of his hands had far too many fingers of varying lengths. Cyber plugs and various medical equipment were attached to him in almost asymmetrical placements that he didn't seem to care about.

Kiran walked up behind the man, taking in the various screens while sipping at their drink. "Fingers."

The man didn't even stop or look away. "Boss."

"I've got a job for you. one that I'm working on. Personally."

That put a pause to the man's work. He turned his head to regard the tinker. Large, unblinking compound eyes stared for minute before Fingers scared face split into a needle toothed grin. "I'm listening~"
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by XianaEvermor
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XianaEvermor Tragic Villain

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Fang's feet skittered across the rough concrete of ShieldTown's Streets, attempting to find enough friction or stability to stop the pointy semi-tractor of flesh and metal from pushing her clear across town as its sword-like claws skittered lamely against Forgemaster's armor. She was only just holding the gnashing mandibles away from her face and keeping it from grappling her entirely with a straight-arm. That luck wouldn't last... eventually it'd find a gap and cut into her under-suit.

"C'mon...," she grunted with a note of frustration as her heel skipped off a rock and buckled her knee for a moment. Fang braided [Silver] threads down her leg and stomped as the Collector thrust her out of an alleyway and into the thoroughfare next to ShieldTown's wall. The pair stopped abruptly as the concrete shattered beneath her, and the tail end of the creature buckled and jack-knifed like a de-railed train. Her HUD outlined Raudd and Zolya in her peripheral as she pushed with her toes to buy enough leverage for a straight punch directly to the collector's thorax.

The impact echoed through the alleys and streets like a gunshot. The force ripped a plate of armor off its back and hurled it into the side of someone's house as the collector tumbled after it, scrabbling at steel armored walls and concrete to regain its footing. Fang took a breath, pulling time to a crawl to buy a moment to think.

What's the plan here?

Got pulled away from an endangered citizen, need to get back to her.

Can't delegate this though, too dangerous.

What do I have to work with?


Reinforced buildings. Some juicy corners. Lots of concrete.

Many hard and durable surfaces. Iffy traction: liable to skate over the surface of these streets if I'm not careful.

And the creature? ... Strong, but can't overpower me. Fast but can't outpace me... confined quarters. many pointy ends.

Some bruises. Armor is holding. Friendlies in the line of fire...

Relentless assault. Pull it out into the open across town where I have the advantage. End it quickly.

Fang stepped after the collector before it could regain its balance, spinning the weapon wheel in her HUD until her hand closed around the shaft of Alex's spear, materializing in a flash of white. Windows shuddered as she whipped past, the spear sang electric bass in low "E." The collector was angling to intercept. Fang bounced herself up and skipped off a wall to change angles, driving the spear down towards a seam in the collector's armor that looked like it was protecting some vital plumbing. It twisted a sword up and sparks flew as the collector's arm was sheared off.

It was just enough of a deflection to throw her strike off target and gouge the armor. Fang let go of the spear as she felt the shaft bend, allowing it to spin in place as it ricocheted off the collector instead of getting flung from her grip. She deflected an overhead slash with her forearm as her momentum carried the two together.

It was leveraging the confined space to keep up with her. Perception enhancing implants… this was starting to feel eerily familiar to the fights she had with Violet Glass a couple years previous. Fang turned her shoulder into the collector and checked it to the ground, grabbing the spear as her feet found the street again. She swung the flat side of the spear awkwardly, and it crashed like a cymbal as it slapped the collector’s torso. Her feet found traction and she hauled on the end of the spear, feeling it flex and trusting that it wouldn’t break as she swept up the collector. Servos and hydraulics complained as Fang crushed it into the reinforced corner of somebody’s house.

The collector’s limbs bent and folded at uncomfortable angles as it braced itself against the building and shoved down on top of her. Fang was off balance as its full mass hit her shoulders. Change of plan… hopefully Raudd wasn’t rushing into that intersection. She let herself fall back, rolling with the momentum and planting her feet on the collector’s thorax. When she felt her shoulders rolling up, Fang braced her hands against the ground and took a breath, shoving with her whole body and launching the collector. It tumbled back through the intersection chased by sparks as it twisted and flailed to try and find purchase on something before hitting ShieldTown’s outer wall.

Fang was in motion as soon as her feet touched the ground, twirling the spear’s point into position and aiming with her free hand. She dug her toes into to the concrete pushing off for one step before planting, twisting through her hips and throwing the spear. It boomed through the intersection like a cannon shot, and cracked like thunder as it impaled the collector against ShieldTown’s wall. The collector’s thorax was crushed by the force, splintering the wall, and sending a shockwave rippling through the defensive perimeter and dome overhead. There was a short but tangible pause before the spear’s pommel sparked and fired its rocket thruster, shuddering lamely as the collector’s spindly legs writhed in its final moments.

Fang’s breath hissed out of her helmet’s vents as she took a moment to regain her bearings. There was only a moment or two to catch her breath before she needed to get back to that trapped civilian.

Dean really wasn’t kidding when he said that thing was rocket powered…
Hidden 10 mos ago Post by fate0013
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fate0013 The Mad

Member Seen 6 days ago

Why? Why the hell did the world feel like it was crashing down around him? Oils, blood replacements and cybernetic lubricants dripped from Alexander's jagged form in a display of cybernetic gore. The jagged spikes and scales of blue glass glowed eerily through the oil slick as it ground and cracked while he stumbled down a street he couldn't name in his current daze. He didn't appear to be all there mentally, looking confused but still searching for any Ripper they could see. It was a wonder how Alex still had the mental faculties to leave all of his "victims" both alive and in less then critical conditions. Their mental states from being crippled and dismembered was still more then questionable.

The Thunderdome glitched along with his armor. Red and green light cut through the blue tint that had bathed the whole of Shieldtown since the barrier formed. Spikes artifacted, cracked, and warped in any which way possible. Some buildings came centimeters from suddenly becoming pincushion by a dozen glitchy and flickering spikes of hardlight death.

Buildings over a block away were locked down and sealed. Not a single window was open, nobody so much as took a glance outside. Whether it was out of fear of the Ripper's or the Shieldtown rogue having seemingly gone mad was anyone's guess.
Alex paused, remembering something. He looked behind him, Looking at the street riddled with the moaning and `blubbering forms of Ripper's that couldn't get away in time. The one he had been dragging by their one remaining leg was pulled around and lifted into the air. Their fear stricken face dangling upside-down and forced to make eye contact with Alex.
There was a pregnant pause as Alex looked the cyborg up and down for a minute that dragged on far too long for anyone's comfort. most of their face looked like it had been carved away. Eye sockets replaced with an array of sensors and cracked optical lenses making them look like a scrapped together tactical spider. It was nearly impossible to read their expression if it wasn't for their quivering lip.

"Mmh." His grunt portrayed enough anger and frustration to make the Ripper flinch. Kind of impossible to empathize with people that willingly chopped people up for parts. Alex didn't show any sign that he was aware or cared that some of the people might have been kidnapped, forcibly augmented and hopped up on drugs until they were raving cyber psychos.

Alex dropped the poor soul and moved on at a trundling pace. He seemed fit to just continue hunting the fanatical cyborgs until he felt better at this point, Dove having been kidnapped was barely even in his thoughts at this point. He didn't even know the face of the Ripper that took them. Hell, Alex wasn't even trying to question anyone anymore. It was impossible to think straight anymore.
A glance down a side street caught his attention, spotting a group of Ripper's frozen stock still having realized they had been noticed. There was just a second stillness before Alex exploded forward.

He didn't even hear them surrender through his rekindled tunnel-visioned anger.

The dome flickered and glitched.
Hidden 9 mos ago 9 mos ago Post by ZombiesAnHyenas
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Hidden 9 mos ago Post by XianaEvermor
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XianaEvermor Tragic Villain

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Leaving Shieldtown after Thunderdome Protocol physically hurt. The girls had assured her that that they had everything under control. Vi had radioed that she was en-route to locate Jade, and Wolf had seen the cyber-warrior crash into a wave of Ferals on their way out. Getting pressed against Astrid's back during their ride to Freight made up for the anxiety a little.

[HK] had slaved [Albatross-02] to Wolf's receiver, and the matte drone sailed silently behind them like a wraith on insulated thrusters. It had a couple of AGM-65 Mavericks, and a .50 Cal machinegun along with the Enhanced Observation suite. Not a lot of ordinance, but in a pinch nothing turned the tables like a surprise missile from a platform nobody knew was there. Wolf knelt on the lip of the overlook where they had stopped while [Albatross-02] highlighted all the Halcyon goons wandering around in the open, and a few inside buildings that pinged on thermal. The structures of Freight weren't very well insulated, thankfully.


No, [HK], I know we want this elevator but we aren't here to conquer it. This is a stealth mission.

Wolf rolled her eyes a little as [HK] highlighted several infrastructure targets for AGM strikes insistently. It was still technically considered "stealth" if nobody was around to talk about what happened, and sowing chaos in the settlement would be so easy. Wolf stamped out the notion firmly.

Stealth means nobody knew we were there, [HK].


"Well... Looks like we're dealing with about twenty that aren't working or otherwise distracted. They're spooked, moving in full fireteams. Looks like someone did a number on one of their transports, and a large number of them are still cleaning up from the early Hunt. No Rippers, thankfully,"


[HK] drew a NAV-line into the Elevator facility for the [Vulture] drone on her back to follow.

Yes, [HK] we can get in and out that way without being seen, that doesn't get Astrid inside.


Ugh. Fine. I'll ask. Brat.

"If we cause too big a disturbance they'll probably lock down the Elevator again, but from what I can tell it looks like they're in a hurry to launch it. Got any ideas?"
Hidden 8 mos ago Post by Sepokku


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Astrid frowned slightly while looking at Wolf. She pondered how to answer the question, running her her left hand through her mess of raven hair, subconsciously working her fingers through a tangle. "Uhhh...." She drew a blank before puffing out both of her cheeks and admitting, "No. Not really. If I had any of the sort, I wouldn't have came to you." Crossing her arms, she added lamely, "I don't like asking people for help..."

Never one to be deterred, she clapped a hand onto Wolf's shoulder, "I assume the brute force attempt counts as 'too big' of disturbance?" In an instant Astrid shifted, her skin becoming a whirling pool of quicksilver. "Then... I don't suppose you could add a motorcycle to the freight manifest?"

The Scottish woman's form whirled before rising up slightly, like a mini tsunami, crashing down onto the bike, engulfing it in a wash of silver liquid. Then, in half a second, her form stabilized the bike, its engine letting out a low drone as the turbine started up. "You might also need to cause a distraction so no one notices a bike driving itself onto the elevator."
Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by ZombiesAnHyenas
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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by XianaEvermor
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XianaEvermor Tragic Villain

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Fang stared a the collector for what felt like a long minute. Its legs twitched and writhed like a dying roach, which sent an unpleasant sensation down her spine. Whatever it was has been twisted into a sick monster. It's in more pain than I could imagine. There's no saving it. Put the animal down. It's mercy.

Sairyn's cold words rang through Fang's mind. Words he had spoken to her when a collector had made its way to the surface and caused a panic in one of the Executive sectors. She had balked at his orders to kill it. It never felt right to take a life.

Monsters were made.

Fang turned her head to check on Raudd and Zolya, and her HUD highlighted them moving towards the town interior. Right. Couldn't dally. She got pulled away from an endangered civilian. The spear came free with a firm tug and dissolved into white light with a flourish as she turned to get her bearings. According to the map her HUD was generating, she'd been pushed nearly to the opposite side of town by the Collector. Going back the way she came meant navigating some narrow alleys, but the wall did curve around back to her destination. She could go faster around the perimeter where there were fewer obstructions.

She took a breath, feeling the world slow to a crawl as she pushed off.

The Knight got taken away.

Try not to panic. Jade gulped large, unsteady breaths while she tried to maintain feeling in her feet. The Collector was incredibly heavy, and it's pointy ends dug painfully into her flesh as she tried to squirm out from underneath it. The wind cracked and rushed around her angrily, biting into any crevice it could find and slashing at the soft tissue beneath.

Crowded. She had managed to get her knife free as Rippers poured over the wall. Paul had stopped moving. His thoughts were static. Collectors drugged their victims with a pretty intense cocktail of tranquilizers, so that wasn't surprising. Probably for the best, he'd be as terrified as she was.


Voices approaching. Cackles and sneers, thickly coated with the wet rattle of cybernetic rejection. She froze as Ripper thoughts drifted through the weave. Of the things they would do. How they would cut her up. Force experimental implants on her. Drug her.

For a second she was back in Northbridge with a Jahannam thug forcing her down, ripping her clothes. They were standing over her, and all she could do was brandish her knife at them lamely with a shaking hand. Her gun was pinned in the Collector's mouth, and even then... only nine bullets left in it.

A loud scrape on the concrete at the wall grabbed her attention. A streak of silver and a shower of sparks, leaving a hundred foot gouge in the wall as it bled off speed around the curve. The Rippers all turned in time to get scattered like bowling pins. The Knight reappeared in a shower of dust and gravel. For a fraction of a second the knight was a coiled reptilian beast buffeting enemies with its wings, and lashing with its whip-like tail. Her reactions were lightning... in fact Jade swore she saw an errant bolt of electricity in the blur. She even smelled ozone.

It was a dance of terrifying speed and grace as the Rippers were taken down and restrained in expanding foam that smelled of almost sickening sweetness. The body of the collector creaked and groaned as it was lifted, and Jade gasped raggedly for air as the pressure on her chest was released. She managed to pull her gun out of the Collector's mouth and wriggle free before it crashed back down to the ground a few feet away.

"Wait!" The knight paused. Anxiety. Worry. "It's not empty. Paul!" Informed Jade. Guilt. "Name? What's your name?" She was still shaking. Everything felt wobbly. Ears perked up and turned towards her. Cute. A vox clicked on.

"Silver Fang."

Woman's voice. Her visor peeled away into a braid down the back of her helmet, revealing a pixelated LED display. Red circles for eyes; small triangle nose. It mimicked her expression. Concern. Fang gently rolled the collector until she found Paul, peeling him out of the prison of synthflesh and steel on its back. The restraints were strong enough to totally immobilize its victim, and Fang was pulling the finger-like appendages off the collector as though she were cracking crab legs. Jade couldn't suppress a shudder, but tried to remain vigilant for more Rippers nonetheless.

"Can't stay here. Are you hurt?" Fang had Paul over one of her shoulders. It didn't seem to impede her at all. Jade was in awe of the raw strength, and wondered for a moment if Fang could lift Aegis.

"A little. I can walk."

The dome flickered and glitched above them, causing Fang to stop and look up. Worry etched the animated display on her helmet for a moment. Jade bit the inside of her lips. Aegis wasn't okay.

"Paul first. Shelter nearby: any reinforced building. I-... I can't carry him. I...," Jade fumbled for words for a moment before Fang just nodded.

"Lead the way."
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