Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Alucroas
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Alucroas The Raging Singularity

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

This is a high-powered open challenge with no limit on how many can join. Expect extreme levels of destruction and carnage. This is not the battle to be holding back in. Otherwise, this isn't meant to be a novella thread, but do bring decent grammar, and keep whatever narratives you do or don't bring consistent enough to be comprehensive.

Lastly, and to repeat myself, this fight is 100% guaranteed to escalate to obscene proportions if the intro didn't spell it out already. I will not hold back, and neither should you.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Spider Pickle
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Spider Pickle [i]minecraft spider noises[/i]

Member Seen 3 days ago

Long time no see o/

I'd like to apply with a character I made but never used, a Lucario named Typh... underwhelming-sounding character i know but it'd really fit the fight, given how "true nothingness" is being affected and a creature is fucking up the fabric of reality. ItreallydoesfitTyphasacharacteriswear lmao. And we never did get to fight. Now seems like a good time to.

(Typh is an unwitting goddess of the void/chaos from which all spawned and the oblivion into which all things become non-existent, is why I think she'd be a good fit)
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Spider Pickle
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Spider Pickle [i]minecraft spider noises[/i]

Member Seen 3 days ago

@Alucroas If that character won't work for you, I've been developing a fully original character from scratch: A "space priestess" who wields a negative-mass sword using her innate connection to all matter in her vicinity to account for how unintuitively it would move (not to mention telekinesis as a fallback for when chasing it with her hands becomes infeasible). Her fighting style would be partially inspired by the swordfighting aspect of Tai Chi, but of course in space and with the caveat of the feedback loop present in this exotic weapon: "you pull sword -> sword pulls you (which is the same as you pulling the sword due to relativity)".
Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Alucroas
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Alucroas The Raging Singularity

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

@Alucroas If that character won't work for you, I've been developing a fully original character from scratch: A "space priestess" who wields a negative-mass sword using her innate connection to all matter in her vicinity to account for how unintuitively it would move (not to mention telekinesis as a fallback for when chasing it with her hands becomes infeasible). Her fighting style would be partially inspired by the swordfighting aspect of Tai Chi, but of course in space and with the caveat of the feedback loop present in this exotic weapon: "you pull sword -> sword pulls you (which is the same as you pulling the sword due to relativity)".

That sounds like it'll work as a starting point if you're looking to be able manipulate cosmic forces. Otherwise, as far as character types go, I only ask that people bring their own original creations. After that, it's up you and whoever else decides to join on what to bring.
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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Spider Pickle
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Spider Pickle [i]minecraft spider noises[/i]

Member Seen 3 days ago

I'm going to be unavailable for a couple-few days, so I probably will have time to make a reply on the 22nd or 23rd. So no rush!
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Alucroas
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Alucroas The Raging Singularity

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

I am going to give other people a chance to decide if they want to join before responding. This post is actually a few months old and a few people who it was shown to private told me I should use it as a free for all trial by fire/gauntlet, so that's what I intend to do.
Hidden 28 days ago Post by LimeTime966
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LimeTime966 The green guy coming for your organs.

Member Seen 4 days ago

I'm interested, but don't know where to start. I read the first message.
Hidden 45 min ago Post by Sky Blue
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Hidden 42 min ago 39 min ago Post by Sky Blue
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Loki Nicholas nightingale

"No! I don't spread evil! I spread chaos! there's a difference, dahling. evil is bad; chaos is utterly hilarious."


Male usually. (shapeshifter...)


unrestricted shapeshifting. ( yes I know it's broken, it's meant to be. )

he can cook and fight but that's kinda it. everything else is just copying those around him.

DEF strong headed, rly funny, either takes himself super seriously or not at all lol. kind- he fights for justice in that everyone gets what they deserve (kinda like karma) but also can forgive. While he is usually a kind person, he is trying to show his good side and tends to snap if confronted with his pride.

Loki's consciousness has existed for eons, but due to him being in a mortal body, he only remembers the 17 years he's spent in that body. Loki used to be the norse god Loki, (I based him off of the version in marvel comics when he becomes a good guy) but his mind was banished to earth after trying to kill thor, and nearly succeeding. While other religious deities exist, they probably won't be as important to the story. Thor is watching over Loki, and pities him, hoping he can be redeemed. Odin is… stubborn. And hela thinks he should die.
Loki’s father was a silver dragon, ( a good dragon that socializes a lot ) and Loki’s mother is a kitsune. His mom was kidnapped by slaver’s who sold her for profit, and Loki is trying to find her. Loki also had a dryad girlfriend, but even though he wanted to stay with her, he had to leave her behind in order to save his mother. They ended on good terms though.
A good insult
Pissing people off for literally no reason other than to see how they react.

bugs and bad people.

spooders! deep water.

Can only doggy paddle, as he taught himself to swim by watching animals. fire makes it so he can't change his form.

Possesses a sword that can absorb any elements, granting Loki their respective abilities.

Instant reaction time. Near invincible.

Theme Song:
"insanity hardmode megalovania"
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