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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Thayr
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They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines such that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity.

They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear.

As the galaxy burns in war, Humanity engaged against every wretched assortment of xenos scum which creation has seen fit to form from the Ork to the Aeldari to the Tau, upon the great periphery of the known galaxy a new threat has emerged. Their identity unknown, the astropathic images of the foe fragmented and meaningless, yet all which is needed to be known is that, once again, the worlds of the Emperor of Mankind are threatened and must be protected. You, Chapters of the reverend Adeptus Astartes, have been called to action in defense of the Karia system, defense of Hive World Tergatus Magna and mining station Ruitegier.

Your forces are not whole, your strength not complete. In the periphery of the Imperium, no Chapter lays claim to that status. What meager forces can be mustered, however, must be sent for the Karia system lies on the knife’s edge of ruin. Without aid, it is certain to fail despite the efforts of the Astra Militarum and the Planetary Defense Force.

The Emperor Protects.

  • Posting frequency is expected at a minimum of one month. If taking time away from posting, please inform the GM with your general plan going forward while you are unavailable. The GM will have control of these forces during that period.
  • Players have control over their Chapter assets, both on the strategic and tactical level. Force losses due to engagements will be mutually agreed upon between the GM and respective player, and progress by your forces should always be reasonable. We don’t have Titus leading from the front here, after all.
  • OPFOR movements and developments will be given in summation posts by GM. OPFOR progress will be mutually agreed upon between the GM and respective players. Astra Militarum and PDF movements and developments will be given in these summation posts as well.
  • A degree of familiarity with the setting is expected. If questions arise on aspects of the setting, by all means please ask.
  • Players are encouraged to create and develop their own subplots and narratives.
  • Discord participation is encouraged, but not required.

@Gunther @Rothurage @GOATPlumber
Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Ruiner
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Ruiner Hyper Bastard

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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Thayr
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Oh well that's an interesting different thing that I didn't entirely expect! I like the start of it all.

I'm really curious on a few aspects...
- How individual Astartes are referred to among The Cornucopiad (Cornucopiad Marines? Corn Marines?)
- How they got into the dual times of Assassination and Civilian Evac. The latter makes sense with where they're from, but maybe you moreso mean "Strategic Strikes" than Assassination since Astartes probably want to kill staffs, not generals.
- How the Mechanicum feels about The Coming Rain - unless it's more a modification to a smaller warship to create a full Strike Cruiser using the components of the colony ship, which more makes sense I think.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Ruiner
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Ruiner Hyper Bastard

Member Seen 16 hrs ago


I'm not sold on the Cornucopiad as the Chapter name and will switch to using it as a reference to the command staff. As for the speciality I wasn't exactly sure how to word it so I'll spill it here and see what I can do with it.

If they had a true Specialty it would be mortal morale enhancement, the Sons of the Harvest have an incredibly tight bond with the mortals of their Homeworld and the citizens of the imperium as a whole, seeing themselves as shephards and humanity as their flock or the bees to their keepers. So when a company goes to war its to either protect population centers from encroaching hordes, facilitate the evacuation of civilians if the planet should fall, or avenge them should they find nothing left to protect.

On the flipped side of the coin, the Sons of the Harvest inspire the flock so much that once mewling mobs get whipped into mobs of wild zealotry in the the defense of their homes.

I guess on an individual level the Adtartes of the Sons of the Harvest are great duelists, accurate shots even by astartes standards, and patient/stubborn to dig in on the defense, but as a Chapter they don't really shine in the eyes of the Highlords of Terra or their Astartes peers in ways that they would value.

As for The Coming Rain my idea for it has always been that it's oversized and undergunned, in terms of ship to ship combat at least. It's Strength comes from the fact that it holds so much supplies in reserve with an ability to craft arms and armor, grow food and medicines through sophisticated hydroponic systems, and support a staff of Chapter Serfs who are willing to jump into the fires of war as eagerly as their lords and masters. On paper the Mechanicum are... fine, with The Coming Rain since, officially, it was an Explorator fleet Archmagos that created the thing, but the fleet was lost and the Techpriests who inhabit it now have been fully naturized after 2,000 years of service. Off the books they'd really like to peel it apart because the launch bays and drop pod launchers are more advanced than their counterparts.
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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Black Templars - Karia Crusade

Founding Chapter: Imperial Fists
Founding: Second Founding
Chapter Master: High Marshal Helbrecht
Homeworld: N/A (Fleet-based)
Fortress-Monastery: Gloriana-class Battleship Eternal Crusader
Colours: Black with white
Specialty: Close-quarters shock assault

Void Strength Present:
Tenacity of Sigismund: Strike Cruiser
Graftus: Hunter-class Destroyer
Reductor: Hunter-class Destroyer
Tempest Lance: Gladius-class Frigate

Ground Strength Present:
Total strength: 45 Firstborn, 20 Primaris, 20 Neophytes, 1 Dreadnought
Marshal Hartmut Otmar
Castellan Reinhardt
Apothecary x2
Chaplain x2
Techmarine x3
Sword Brethren Assault Terminators x10
Sword Brethren x10
Crusader Squad (5 Firstborn, 5 Neophytes) x2
Primaris Crusader Squad (5 Primaris, 5 Neophytes) x2
Assault Intercessors w/ Jump Packs x10
Bike Squads x2
Predator Annihilator x2
Rhino x4
Land Raider Crusader x2

Hastily assembled from the remnants of a previous crusade that had taken heavy losses in its victory, the Karia Crusade hurtles at full speed towards the system. As the commander of the previous campaign, Marshal Hartmut leads a contingent of Black Templars in Karia's defense. While the crusade has received a small influx of Primaris Marines in an attempt to shore up its numbers, it is not nearly enough to replace the casualties inflicted against it previously during its campaign against a Khornate invasion.

Additionally, while the Karia Crusade has been entrusted with one of the Chapter's Black Swords and the Armor of Faith, the previous Emperor's Champion fell in combat at the conclusion of its last campaign, and no new Champion has arisen as of yet.

Recruitment & Training:
As usual for a Black Templars contingent, aspirants are recruited from Chapter Keeps on various worlds that the Templars have touched down upon. When roughly two dozen Neophytes are available at a Chapter Keep and have been approved by the keep's Castellan and the Chapter's Apothecaries and Chaplains, they are dispatched to a crusade fleet for the next stage of their induction.

Under Marshal Hartmut's force organization, the Karia Crusade has a higher proportion of mechanization in its ranks, as it had not lost as much materiel compared to battle-brothers in previous engagements. This contingent focuses heavily on mechanized assault, with virtually no Marines on foot without transport of some kind.

Notable Relics:
The Indomitable March: Artificer Armor based on the Mk. III "Iron" pattern, worn by Marshal Hartmut.
Aquila Favonia: Eviscerator chainsword, wielded by Sword Brother Geraldus.
Champion's Wargear: The Black Sword and Armor of Faith carried into battle by the Emperor's Champion. Currently lie unused.

Notable Members:
Castellan Reinhardt:
Leads the Assault Terminators into battle. Led a heroic defense of Hive Tertius in campaigns past. Armed with Terminator armor, Thunder Hammer, and Storm Shield.

Sword Brother Geraldus:
Leader of Assault Squad Geraldus. Notable for having beheld Rogal Dorn in the flesh before he was selected for the Primaris project. Armed with the Aquila Favonia and a Jump Pack.
Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Thayr Submitted the detachment, the fourth and seventh companies
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Thayr
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Black Templars - Karia Crusade

Approved. Dorn's teachings are many, and the Black Templars know no other creed.

Approved. Vulkan smiles upon his sons and their fire.
Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by GOATPlumber
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GOATPlumber The GOAT

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Founding Chapter: Iron Hands
Founding: Ultima Founding
Chapter Master: Ceris Antonius - A talented marine of immense potential, though his experience, much like his fellow marines in the chapter, is very low compared to what you would expect from seasoned Chapter Master. He himself is a talented Apothecary, which is not surprising considering the tendency for their homeworld to crop up medical experts.
Homeworld: Plotinus, a world dedicated to the training of medical personnel to be sent across the entire Imperium. It is said that the Night Lords once descended upon the planet, and terrorized the world during the Great Crusade. The memory still lingers in the culture of the planet, and as such, they are immensely suspicious of any outsiders that grace their system, and are utterly terrified of the memory of the Night Haunter.
Fortress-Monastery: Yura, a massive, Nemesis-class Carrier gifted to the chapter for their exemplary support in various campaigns of the Ultramarines. It is a rather gaudy, beautiful piece of art, as it has been retrofitted by the chapter to embody their ideals of Beauty, Freedom and Enlightenment.
Colours: White and Gold
Specialty: The speciality of the Lightstrikers is the entrenchment into a particular area, the creation of decentralized bases across the battlefield, and of course, the treatment of allied forces with cybernetics, such as replacing the severed limbs of a marine with cybernetic counterparts. In addition, they also bring battle servitors to battle.
Void Strength Present:
The Lord of Ascension: Strike Cruiser specializing in stealth.
Marquis of Enlightenment: Destroyer equipped to produce arms and wargear in orbit of a planet.
Mankind’s Strength: Destroyer specializing in stealth operations and long-range void combat.
Ground Strength Present:
Captain Phobos Medea
Total: 60 Primaris Marines, 3 Tanks
3 Apothecaries
2 Primaris Librarians
5 Tech Marines
5 Primaris Incursors
10 Primaris Hellblasters
20 Primaris Intercessors
5 Primaris Terminators
1 Gladiator
2 Land Raiders
History: The history of the Lighstrikers is rather sparse, as the little experience they have was mostly support roles during campaigns and crusades of other Chapters. It is said that the first marines of the chapter were acquainted with the Blood Angels and Salamanders, and were taught the ways of war by these Chapters. Because of this, they have a distinct rejection of their parent Chapter’s disregard for humanity, but still retain the affinity towards cybernetics. To them, the ascension and improvement of mankind must be harmonized with the most beautiful parts of humanity, and that humanity must have its wings spread in order to reach the brink of transcendence. As such, they have a particular affinity towards the seeking out of STCs and various technologies of the past, as they believe that humanity was on the cusp of something truly great before the Age of Strife, though this is merely a form of speculation on their part.
Recruitment & Training: The recruitment practices of the Lightstrikers is notable in that they lean heavily into intellectual tests more so than their brethren in other Chapters. The first of these tests relies on the abilities of the initiate to identify various deceptions and trickeries, as well as the identifiable taint of assorted threats ranging from Xenos information hazards to the deception of Chaos. The last of these tests is a simple one: to see if they have retained the enlightened parts of their humanity throughout all the tests. If the initiate has become something inhuman, then they are rejected and their prospect of receiving Geneseed are broken. Nevertheless, they still possess rigorous training regiments and recruitment requirements on the physical side of things.
Notable Relics: The Chapter has only one relic, an old piece of technology dating back to the Age of Strife— the result of an STC— which resembles some sort of box at first glance, but quickly deploys various advanced nanobots to construct fortifications. Currently, the relic is known as the “Sophic Receptacle” due to its ability to take in data from the outside world and construct fortifications that are most suited to the environment it finds itself in. However, the fortifications are rather subpar, and are secondary to the true function of the Receptacle, which is the creation of a factory in which organic beings can be retrofitted with various cybernetic augmentations— though the data that the Receptacle has absorbed is only that of the modern day and of the same level as the tech of the Mechanicus. The “factory” itself takes quite a while to build, and is only about the size of a small base of operations, which barely makes it a factory at all.
Notable Members: The most notable members of the Chapter are the “Twin Tempests,” a pair of Librarians that once assisted the Ultramarines in a campaign to such an extent that they were given honorary gifts from the Chapter Master of the Ultramarines himself. Those being two ceremonial swords given to each of them. Of course, the specialize in support roles, such as healing and reinforcing the capabilities of other marines, but have very little actual experience on the field.

Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Thayr
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago


Accepted. The Gorgon looks upon these new sons with favor. May they not displease him.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Rothurage
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Rothurage 90s Kid

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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Thayr
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Blood Ravens

Accepted. While the Emperor's Tarot is obscured in your ordained mission, know that He smiles upon all who deliver the xenos to death.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Ruiner
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Ruiner Hyper Bastard

Member Seen 16 hrs ago


Alright, got it done.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Thayr
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

--The Sons of the Harvest--

Accepted. Let the foes of the Imperium know their scythes.
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