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Zeroth Post

Local Void Forces
Planetary Defense Forces
Orbital Defense Platform 1
Orbital Defense Platform 2
Orbital Defense Platform 4
Orbital Defense Platform 6
Battlefleet Trecentis
Cruor Regis, Oberon class Battleship
Roc Of The Emperor, Nemesis class Fleet Carrier
Terris, Gothic class Cruiser
Ignan Res, Gothic class Cruiser
Nemesis of Traitors, Lunar class Cruiser
Keye Numeros, Lunar class Cruiser
2 x Turbulent class Heavy Frigate
11 x Sword class Frigate
Local Ground Forces
88th Magna Iron Guard
12th Magna Iron Guard
50th Magna Iron Guard
2nd Magna Planetary Defense Army
4th Magna Planetary Defense Army
91st Magna Planetary Defense Army

Inbound Forces
Gulf Marchers Chapter Detachment - Thayr
Rulior Braeces Tagates, Strike Cruiser
Tria Mies, Sword class Frigate
Kulor Vestes, Sword class Frigate
58 x Firstborn
3 x Dreadnought
Black Templars Karia Crusade - Psyker Landshark
Tenacity of Sigismund, Strike Cruiser
Graftus, Hunter class Destroyer
Reductor, Hunter class Destroyer
Tempest Lance, Gladius class Frigate
45 x Firstborn
20 x Primaris
20 x Neophytes
1 x Dreadnought
2 x Bike Squads
2 x Predator Annihilator
4 x Rhino
2 x Land Raider Crusader
Salamanders Chapter Detachment - Gunther
Fire Ark, Strike Cruiser
Fire Lord, Nova class Frigate
Forgehammer, Nova class Frigate
76 x Firstborn
8 x Primaris
2 x Dreadnought
2 x Repulsor Executioner
6 x Land Raider Redeemer
Lightstrikers Chapter Detachment - GOATPlumber
The Lord of Ascension, Strike Cruiser
Marquis of Enlightenment, Destroyer
Mankind’s Strength, Destroyer
60 Primaris
1 x Gladiator
2 x Land Raider
Blood Ravens Chapter Detachment - Rothurage
Ravenous Spirit, Strike Cruiser
Raven’s Wings, Sword class Frigate
The Ravager, Sword class Frigate
70 x Firstborn
2 x Dreadnought
Sons of the Harvest Chapter Detachment - Ruiner
The Coming Rain, Strike Cruiser
Sanguinem Ore, Nova class Frigate
Shield of Fools, Hunter class Destroyer
Arm of the Cradle, Gladius class Frigate
The Grand Caravan, Civilian Flotilla
19 x Firstborn
43 x Primaris
2 x Invader ATV
1 x Armoured Supply Crawler
1 x Dreadnought
Battlefleet Charadon Detachment
2 x Battleship
10 x Cruiser
20 x Escort
83rd Battlegroup Detachment
Krieg 505th Siege Regiment
92nd Cadian (Mechanized)
12th Roane Deepers
23rd Terrax Guard (Mechanized)

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Gulf Marchers Chapter

Founding Chapter: UNK
Founding: UNK
Chapter Master: Uzar Acoraren
Homeworld: UNK
Fortress-Monastery: Luminor Karos Impres, Battle-Barge
Colours: Slate blue, white trim, brick red helm
Specialty: Rapid assault

Void Strength Present:
Rulior Braeces Tagates, Strike Cruiser, former Corinus class Grand Cruiser
Tria Mies, Sword class Frigate
Kulor Vestes, Sword class Frigate
Ground Strength Present:
1st Company
Total Strength: 8 Firstborn
Fleetmaster Cassiel Amocis
Fleet Apothecary Gremos Voyer
Fleet Librarian Damerek Telus
Fleet Librarian Tyreller Sahas
(4) Fleet Command Squad
3rd Company
Total Strength: 50 Firstborn, 3 Dreadnought
Captain Malan Lothso
(2) Lieutenant
(1) Company Ancient
(4) Command Squad
(6) 4 Tactical Squad
(8) 1 Assault Squad
(5) 2 Devastator Squad
(1) Librarian Dreadnought
(2) Venerable Dreadnought

Rumored to be originally a Chapter bound to a singular world in the far reaches of the Imperium of Ultramarines gene-stock, the Templars Gallant, it is said that a fleet of Drukhari raiders attacked their Fortress World in M37, raising it to the ground after the Chapter had made several strong victories against them. A period of a hundred years followed since that incident, at which time the Gulf Marchers began to operate on the Imperium’s outer borders with impunity. They now operate as a fleet-based chapter, roving even beyond the borders of the Imperium to strike xenos targets at will. Of course, rumors of their operation prior to M37 and the destruction of the Templars Gallant circulate as well, often with the Gulf Marchers fighting similar to as they do now.

What is known is that the Gulf Marchers are seldom seen on worlds under the eye of the Inquisition, often recruiting from backwater worlds and even human worlds beyond the Imperium’s reach. Their requests for equipment are rare with little warning, their tithing of recruits even more like lightning.
Recruitment & Training:
Recruited from the cavernous holds of their own vessels, the worlds dotting the edge of Imperial space, and the backwater worlds beyond, the method between all of these remains very similar. Gulf Marcher vessels are known to approach with little to no warning, declaring to the world that the Emperor of Mankind has declared their writ to recruit as need be upon his ordered crusade by most all available intersystem communications methods. Following this, Astartes squads are deployed to the surface of the world to round up large portions of the population, dividing up to ten percent of healthy, viable males into groups of fifty before ordering the groups to fight until only one remains to stand. While not to the death, these culls are known to be highly violent. After the prospective Astartes are identified, they are loaded aboard the vessels and the Gulf Marchers depart the system.

The Gulf Marchers yet make use of both hands-on training programs and the ancient practice of Hypno-Indoctrination. Training recruits through close quarters drill aboard their vessels, with occasional deployments of prospective Astartes to a world’s surface for environmental training. Void drills are common, both in the breaching of enemy vessels and the defense of one’s own, with prospective Astartes often pitted against one-another. Final assessments are conducted with the embedment of the recruit into a Tactical Squad for a ground deployment.
Notable Relics:
Founder’s Panoply - Mk VIII “Errant” Power Armor, worn by Captain Malan Lothso
Khadima - Gladius, wielded by Sergeant Meras Gla
Notable Members:
Reverend Ancient Tang Herek
Librarian Dreadnought of 3rd Company. Alleged internment during the Noloptis Crusade of M33. Battle honors are not legible due to heavy damage of the outer shell. Armed with Seismic Hammer with integrated Thunder Hammer components, Power Fist, integrated Storm Bolter
Sergeant Meras Gla
Sergeant of 2nd Line Squad, 3rd Company. Present during the Verix Xenocides, the Cleansing of Braecia, the Mstt Raids. Armed with Umbra pattern Bolter, Godwyn-Branx Pattern Bolt Pistol, Khadima Gladius
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Black Templars - Karia Crusade

Founding Chapter: Imperial Fists
Founding: Second Founding
Chapter Master: High Marshal Helbrecht
Homeworld: N/A (Fleet-based)
Fortress-Monastery: Gloriana-class Battleship Eternal Crusader
Colours: Black with white
Specialty: Close-quarters shock assault

Void Strength Present:
Tenacity of Sigismund: Strike Cruiser
Graftus: Hunter-class Destroyer
Reductor: Hunter-class Destroyer
Tempest Lance: Gladius-class Frigate

Ground Strength Present:
Total strength: 45 Firstborn, 20 Primaris, 20 Neophytes, 1 Dreadnought
Marshal Hartmut Otmar
Castellan Reinhardt
Apothecary x2
Chaplain x2
Techmarine x3
Sword Brethren Assault Terminators x10
Sword Brethren x10
Crusader Squad (5 Firstborn, 5 Neophytes) x2
Primaris Crusader Squad (5 Primaris, 5 Neophytes) x2
Assault Intercessors w/ Jump Packs x10
Bike Squads x2
Predator Annihilator x2
Rhino x4
Land Raider Crusader x2

Hastily assembled from the remnants of a previous crusade that had taken heavy losses in its victory, the Karia Crusade hurtles at full speed towards the system. As the commander of the previous campaign, Marshal Hartmut leads a contingent of Black Templars in Karia's defense. While the crusade has received a small influx of Primaris Marines in an attempt to shore up its numbers, it is not nearly enough to replace the casualties inflicted against it previously during its campaign against a Khornate invasion.

Additionally, while the Karia Crusade has been entrusted with one of the Chapter's Black Swords and the Armor of Faith, the previous Emperor's Champion fell in combat at the conclusion of its last campaign, and no new Champion has arisen as of yet.

Recruitment & Training:
As usual for a Black Templars contingent, aspirants are recruited from Chapter Keeps on various worlds that the Templars have touched down upon. When roughly two dozen Neophytes are available at a Chapter Keep and have been approved by the keep's Castellan and the Chapter's Apothecaries and Chaplains, they are dispatched to a crusade fleet for the next stage of their induction.

Under Marshal Hartmut's force organization, the Karia Crusade has a higher proportion of mechanization in its ranks, as it had not lost as much materiel compared to battle-brothers in previous engagements. This contingent focuses heavily on mechanized assault, with virtually no Marines on foot without transport of some kind.

Notable Relics:
The Indomitable March: Artificer Armor based on the Mk. III "Iron" pattern, worn by Marshal Hartmut.
Aquila Favonia: Eviscerator chainsword, wielded by Sword Brother Geraldus.
Champion's Wargear: The Black Sword and Armor of Faith carried into battle by the Emperor's Champion. Currently lie unused.

Notable Members:
Castellan Reinhardt:
Leads the Assault Terminators into battle. Led a heroic defense of Hive Tertius in campaigns past. Armed with Terminator armor, Thunder Hammer, and Storm Shield.

Sword Brother Geraldus:
Leader of Assault Squad Geraldus. Notable for having beheld Rogal Dorn in the flesh before he was selected for the Primaris project. Armed with the Aquila Favonia and a Jump Pack.
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Founding Chapter: XVIII Space Marine Legion
Founding: First Founding (ca. 700.M30)
Chapter Master: Tu’Shan
Homeworld: Nocturne
Fortress-Monastery: Prometheus
Colors: Green, Black, & Gold
Specialty: Close Combat & Anti-Armor

Void Strength Present:
Fire Ark, Strike Cruiser
Fire Lord, Nova class Frigate
Forgehammer, Nova class Frigate

Ground Strength Present:
Fourth Company “The Branded”
Total Strength: 3 Primus, 20 Firstborn, 2 Ironclad Dreadnoughts, & 2 Repulsor Executioners
Captain Vox Tiberius Dacien (P) wearing Salamander’s Mantle
Chapter Ancient/Standard Bearer – Delphium Vespasias
(2) Lieutenants (P)
(4) Command Squad (P)
(5) Hellblaster Squad
(10) Aggressor Squad /w Gravis Pattern Power Armor wielding either flame gauntlets or boltstorm gauntlets.
(2) Ironclad Dreadnought
(3) Repulsor Executioner

Seventh Company “Sons of Nocturne”
Total Strength: 5 Primus 56 Firstborn 6 APCs
Captain Lucius Jacobi (P) carrying the Burning Halo artifact
(2) Lieutenants (P)
(1) Apothecary Quintus Mausus
(1) Epistolary
(2) Chaplain (P)
(4) Command Squad
(10) 2 Terminator Assault Squads
(10) 3 Assault Squads
(6) Land Raider Redeemer APCs


The history of the Salamanders Chapter is long and storied. The Salamanders are currently rebuilding their the 2nd company. The 1st & 3rd companies are on the home planet, Nocturne. The 5th & 6th companies have been deployed to a distant planet with the 4th and 7th companies tapped to deal with the most recent threat in the Karia system, to defend the Hive World Tergatus Magna and mining station Ruitegier. Captain Vox Dacien, hero of the Salamanders Chapter is given command of the detachment consisting of two companies, the Firedrakes and the Sons of Nocturne.

Recruitment & Training:

Recruits are selected from the best warriors on the home world, Nocturne. Those not selected for the XVIII Legion aka.: The Salamanders are permitted to serve in the Astra Militarum. Aggression and psychotic-level killer instincts are among the most valued traits in a recruit. Recruits enter the selection process between the ages of 16 – 18 to become members of the Adeptus Astartes. It is at this time in the soldier’s life when their bodies can adapt to an implant inserted into their body. The implants are keyed to male genes, so therefore only male soldiers are used. Only a small percentage of people are compatible with the implants and hypno-suggestion necessary to turn them into Marines. Before the implantation process begins, the potential recruit receives tissue compatibility tests and psychological screening. If the testing proves successful, the recruit becomes an aspirant. After the organ implantation process begins, he becomes a neophyte. When the final implant is in place and the requisite training and hypnotherapy are complete, he becomes a full brother.

Notable Relics:

Salamander’s Mantle - Crafted from the skins of the lava salamanders native to Nocturne, the Salamanders' Mantle is a scaled cloak worn by heroes of the Salamander Chapter. As well as a status symbol, the scales of the Nocturne salamanders also provide unrivaled protection against fire. Worn by Captain Dacien, Senior Sergeant Stiegler, Sergeant Kolb and Sergeant Wolfram.

The Burning Halo artifact - The Burning Halo is an intricately wrought force field projector forged by the Primarch Vulkan. When activated the Burning Halo projects a powerful defensive barrier; when it is struck, it converts the kinetic energy of the impact into an explosion of searing flame, directed back at the attacker. Carried by Captain Jacobi, leading the Sons of Nocturne.

Notable Members:

Captain Vox Tiberius DacienHero of the Salamanders Leading the detachment from the Salamanders as well as the Firedrakes into Tergatus Magna. Captain Dacien led the charge against the Orks during the Third War for Armageddon (998.M41). At that time, Lieutenant Vox Dacien served under Master Tu’Shan. But it was Captain Dacien who was tasked to lead the charge that saved stopped the Orks’ attack.

Senior Sergeant Bernhardt StieglerHero of the Salamanders served with distinction with Captain Pellas Mir'san, 2nd Company during the Talladus War (M42). He was with Captain Mir’san when they charged the bridge over the river Carmine that broke the Heretics’ attack.

Sergeant Günter KolbHero of the Salamanders was the sole surviving member of his squad during the Third War for Armageddon. His squad defended a section of a Rok fort the Orks insisted on taking. When the battle ended, nine Salamanders lay dead along with more than one hundred Orks. Only Sergeant Kolb remained standing. He received the title of Hero of the Salamanders and the coveted Salamander’s Mantle.

Sergeant Kurt WolframHero of the Salamanders Sergeant Wolfram participated in an assault on a Rok Fort the Orks had secured during the Third War for Armageddon. When his lieutenant perished during the assault, Sergeant Wolfram took command of the platoon and pushed his marines forward to retake the fort. He also received the title of Hero of the Salamanders and the Salamander’s Mantle.

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Ruiner Hyper Bastard

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

--The Sons of the Harvest--

Founding Chapter:UNKNOWN
Founding: 13th Dark Founding
Chapter Master: Vohst Ashkeladd
Homeworld: Vostkadd's Cradle
Fortress-Monastery: Materholm, a fortress wrought from the original ship that made landfall on the planet that would become Vostkadd's Cradle.
Colours: Straw yellow, chrome trim, umber arms.
Specialty: Marksmanship/Sabotage
Void Strength Present:
The Coming Rain, a bloated strike cruiser that is home to the 4th Grand Caravan Company. Grafted with some of the technology from the original colony ship that seeded Vostkadd's Cradle with human life before the times of Long Night, the old beast is armoured thick and can lay down a rain of orbital cannonfire and drop pods in a class all its own by sacrificing Lance and torpedo capabilities.

Sanguinem Ore - Nova Class Frigate

Shield of Fools - Hunter Class Destroyer

Arm of the Cradle - Gladius Class Frigate

The Grand Caravan - A flotilla of largely unarmed freighters that house stores of high quality rations, replacement tools, manufactured arms and armour, and the ability to deploy them to surviving PDF or Astra Militarum forces on the battlefield.

Ground Strength Present:
4th Grand Caravan
Cornucopiad Command Squad
Captain Huldran Grosse

Draugen Grosse, Librarian of the 4th Grand Caravan

Ancient Vassik, Standard-bearer

Garde Manger Fossagrim, Chaplain and Apothecary both

Trailmaster Vespic Krawl

Lieutenants Vosk-Firstborn and Currio-Primaris

Primaris Techmarine "Smidyr" Helstadt

10x Firstborn Tactical marines, chainswords, missed launcher, combi-flamer
20x Primaris Intercessors, stalker bolt rifles
5x Primaris Hellblasters w/ Assault Plasma Incinerators
5x Man Devastator Squad, Heavy Bolters
5x Reivers
10x Scouts
5x Scout bikes
2x Invader ATV
1x Armoured Supply Crawler
1x Venerable Dreadnought "Brother Barkus"

The Pilgrim Horde - Mobs of trained militias and death Cult zealots supported by the crusaders armed by Pontifex Astra Kristantin, a hanger on to the roving 4th Grand Caravan. Instead of joining the front lines the Pilgrim hordes tend to be deployed around places of importance to the Imperial Creed. Legally contentious with “Formal” Admunitorum creeds.

History: As a chapter of the 13th Dark Founding any fact of their origin is hidden under a Bull Absolute from the Inquisition and they aren't very forthcoming with that knowledge. What is known is that very soon after their deployment to the Segmentum Tempestus in the later years of M35 all contact was lost until a minor Rogue Trader house broke through into their space at the tail end of M38. At some point in their past the Battle Barge that housed the whole chapter was forced to land on the agriworld of Vostkadd's Cradle where they would stay, losing their original history and heraldry to a combination of death, invasion, and ion storms ravaging datastacks.

Forever changed by their closeness with the peasantry, when the rogue trader came only the oldest Librarian could even speak in something that resembled High Gothic and after a time pacts were made, materials traded, and maps exchanged. After several decades of repair the Sons of the Harvest were ready to return to the galactic fold while the Rogue Trader was free to establish their Dynasty along the untapped potential of the frontiers.

In the millenia that passed the Sons of the Harvest have made a name for themselves not amongst their Astartes peers or the aristocrats of the Imperium, but the Astra Militarum and peasantry they so often come to the rescue of.

Recruitment & Training: By necessity the Grand Caravans of the Sons of the Harvest travel on crusade, either cherry picking from the orphan peasantry of the world's they visit or drawn up from the enforcer clans of the Caravan. Scouts are taught to cultivate situational awareness and marksmanship above all else, to find weaknesses in supply lines and exploit them or eliminate an officer with a single shot. Separating the wheat so that the chaff smash themselves against the ceramite wall of their Battle-Brothers.

When these lessons are perfected and a Scout ascends to the rank of Astartes they eventually get sorted into one of two parts, “The Brash” who stand shoulder to shoulder with each other, barking war cries and thumping chests at the vanguard of peasant holdouts while the “The Reaping” center their aim on the heads of officers and the weak points of warmachines, removing them from the equation.

Notable Relics:
Vorpal Orizon - Artificer Astartes sniper rifle not matching known mass produced models, wielded by Trailmaster Krawl to devastating effect.

Battle Standard of the 4th - A large adamantine pole affixed with a tapestry showing a large Son of the Harvest strangling the life out of an unrecorded Xenos species in one hand while offering a full cornucopia to small, outreaching hands in the other. An integrated vox system built into the standard ensure that Ancient Vassik's wrath is heard above the din of battle.

Svartre - A large staff made of an unknown xeno hardwood with exotic, psychoactive metals studding its length. A potent force weapon passed from one Librarian to the other since before the forgotten time.

Leuan's Cauldron - No more a simple cauldron than a Thermal Lance is a metal stick. The exact origins of this biochemical crucible are lost in the fables of the Chapters history, a tale of hunger so great that the Astartes turned to boiling metals and rubbers to soften them for mortal consumption. What is known is that it is capable of rendering down biomatter into nutritious slurry, refining combat drugs out of organs, and the more mundane utility of crafting high quality meals to impress delegates or celebrate holidays.

Notable Members:
Librarian Draugen Grosse: Librarian, blood brother of Captain Huldran Grosse, and the first Son of the Harvest to cross the Rubicon Primaris. Draugen is trying to drag the Sons of the Harvest into the modern day, much to the consternation of his Chapter Master who sees no benefit to shedding their isolationism or accepting the Primaris into the ranks. Undeterred, Draugen has leveraged his relationship with the Captain to strike deep into Imperial space to prove his theories right and hopefully show the Chapter there is more they could do besides minding the border.

Brothers Bou and Lukan - Driver and Gunner of the Invader ATV “Eludo Fragor”, the pair were children when the Horus Heresy ravaged the stars and stole The Emperor's dream. Prone to seemingly insane acts of vehicular carnage.

Pontifex Astra Graivus Kristantin V - The current descendant of the original Kristantin who joined the 4th Caravan when they saved the Forgotten world of Devos 3 from Ork invasion. The family has served the 4th for over a millennium, accounting the movement, storage, and manufacture of supplies while cultivating death cults, training crusaders, and whipping toothless fools into well drilled militias ready to defend the holy places of the Emperor.
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