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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by BunniesOfDoom
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BunniesOfDoom Just a bunch of bunnies in a trench coat

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As the barkeep came out from behind the area, food in hand, Julian practically leapt with joy. It smelled so good and he was starving. When the food was place in front of him, he grabbed a roasted vegetable and shoved it in his mouth. "Friends?" he said, still chewing on the veggie. "No, no, no. These three have found themselves in a bit of a predicament." He put another vegetable in his mouth and chewed happily. He then grabbed the tray of food and slide it in front of himself. He wasn't sure if she was planning on him sharing this food with the raccoons at the table but that was not going to happen. He was far too hungry to share.

"You see," he said as he shoved a piece of meat into his mouth, tucking it in his cheek so he could talk properly. "This one," he said as he patted Rookie on the top of his head. "Found a magical orb that he probably shouldn't have and now a there's a universe after them. Which is interesting." He happily started to chew the piece of meat, giving a low purr of pleasure at the taste. "Wonderful food Ameila, wonderful food." He knew she didn't out right tell him her name but the raccoons. But Julian took it as if she had personally introduced herself to him instead.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Dark Light
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The barmaid gave a little nod of appreciation.

"So @BunniesOfDoom, will you be staying here?" She forced a sound of inconvenience into her voice but it was slightly obviously put on.
"We have rooms upstairs, I guess I could find you one."
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Sillyman59
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"Hey, uh, can us three actually get (separate) menus? We have been to so many universes, and there is a lot of cuisine. But, for drinks, We'll be fine with water," said Rufus.
"as if they have that," said Rummage.
"Why wouldn't they?" Came out of Rookie's blather hole.
"remember that universe with sulfuric acid instead of water?"
"yeah, yeah I do."

Hidden 1 mo ago Post by BunniesOfDoom
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BunniesOfDoom Just a bunch of bunnies in a trench coat

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Julian watched the raccoons and the barkeep, giving a slight shrug as she asked if he wanted a room. "I hadn't planned on staying but seeing how interesting this place is, perhaps I will stay." He took another piece of meat and popped it into his mouth. He let out a grumble of enjoyment before peering down at the multitude of raccoons.

"So magical orb?" He really, really wanted to get his hands on that orb. Not because he wanted to realm jump, he can do that just fine already, but because he wanted to see what kind of item was causing these three little critters so much trouble but it seemed like they were content to just out right ignore him and his attempts at viewing the magical item. He just watched as they went about discussing the drinks they have had in other realms and he felt his mouth pucker as if he ate something sour. He was not a fan of being ignore. So he had a choice to make. He could grab the critters and shake the orb out of them, that one was his personal favorite, or he could just wait until they acknowledged him across the table. Unfortunately for the raccoons, Julian just really wasn't a patient man. So with a sigh and a look of determination similar to when he was attempting his experiments, he slid his chair back from the table and stood.

He gave his arms a shake as if shaking off dust before he took a few steps over to the raccoon that they had named the orb keeper. He quietly hummed to himself before he reached down and attempted to pick the raccoon up, right out of his chair. He would then give the raccoon a variable shake as if he could materialize the orb out of thin air. "Let. Me. See. That. Orb!" his words punctuated with a shake of the critter.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Triantafyllo
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Mordechi’s feet dragged slowly through the more sludge than snow of what seemed a frozen forest.

But why did his feet drag?

Why did he move so slowly, feel so terribly lethargic? He wasn’t cold (he was never cold), he had been multitudes more exhausted before, and was still able to hunt down any beast.

Plus, hadn’t he gotten what he wanted, ultimately? Now he could see all the places he read about, if he wanted. He could even build a library, collect his own books to read at his leisure.

He could do almost anything he wanted now.

So then why, oh why, did his feet drag?

Why did he feel so soul weary?

Perhaps, for the first time, he was lonel- and then the inn appeared.

He had unwittingly walked into what in springtime would be a meadow, but for now was coated with a layer of glittering snow, a little inn centered quaintly in the circular opening of trees.

It looked a simple lodging, made of bricks and logs and planks, a soft orange glow coming from the windows. But more than that, much more than that, the smell of food.

Mordechai’s mouth began to water. Mordechi nearly smiled. Nearly. Perhaps he was not soul weary! Likely he was merely hungry, and the inn was sure to have food, and so he entered-

-and immediately froze at the completely absurd sight in front of him. What seemed a Kaftos Ektroma, but couldn’t be, cause of the huge wings that hung from his back, was shaking some sort of furry black and white animal, and yelling something about an orb??

“Uhh…” Mordechi stared.

Was the man trying to… assert dominance over the animal?? Or something…???

Though, he supposed it didn’t really matter. All he wanted was food.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts, and with heavy footsteps full of snow he abled over to the bar, pulled out a stool, and sat. It seemed the bartendress was attending to the man and his… pet, at the moment, so he waited patiently to be attended to.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Dark Light
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"We don't really do menus, let me know what you are after and I'll see what we can do." The barmaid managed to inform the raccoons before one of them was hoisted into the air.
Sternly staring at Julian she was about to scold him when another newcomer entered, notably bringing with them far less chaos than the previous few.

"Same goes for you, what can I get ya?" She asks the traveller.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Sillyman59
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Sillyman59 several jerry's in a trenchcoat

Member Seen 21 min ago

As the suited man was attacking rookie, the two other raccoons went below the table and nodded. they knew what to do.
As "Julien" or whatever his name was was attacking their BROTHER, the raccoons snuck into the trench coat.
Suddenly, a six-foot figure in a trench coat tapped on his shoulder.
"Hello sir. it seems your behavior is pretty..."
suddenly, before Julian could respond, a strange bulge was moving down the sleeve. suddenly...
"TRASHY!" BAM! rufus had jumped out and latched himself to the guy's face!
as Julian took rufus off, rufus took out his portal gun and his two bros.
As rufus created the portal, he said two things,
"JJ, you should know that we did training for this! also, it's in my guidebook, section 4 chapter 65 and page 1187!"
As he showed off the page, he said one more thing,
as he chucked a suitcase full of ten million dollars, he disappeared, and so did the portal.
There was no trace of the raccoons, except a few scratches on the table, and a leash for rummage.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Triantafyllo
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He didn’t have to wait long, as the bartendress asked for his order almost a moment after. He barely had a second to ponder what sustenance an Upperworld inn might have before, suddenly, a tall, dark figure in a trenchcoat seemingly materialized behind the man holding the black and white creature.

Mordechai instinctively jumped out of his seat and reached for his sword, but his hand grabbed empty air. He had barely enough time to scold himself in forgetting that the weapon had been taken from him before another black and white animal suddenly leapt from the mysterious figure’s sleeve onto the other man’s face with a cry. Then, just as quickly, the thing took out some sort of device and made what Mordechi could only assume was a portal, chattering on all the way, until, finally, it let out one last rapid sentence and all three animals disappeared, leaving behind a black rectangular box with a handle.

Mordechi stared.

The animals had spoken.

What the hell.

They had created a portal! Just like that.

What the hell.

However, he supposed it seemed the threat was gone, so…

He slowly allowed himself to relax his stance, and carefully eased back onto the barstool he had been at. He cleared his throat, a little awkwardly, then called, “Um, do you happen to have any kind of meat?”
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by BunniesOfDoom
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BunniesOfDoom Just a bunch of bunnies in a trench coat

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Julian didn't seem to be getting any answers from the raccoon he was shaking. He didn't even see an orb drop out either. He would have stopped either way but a tap on the shoulder had him turning to find himself face to face with a man that wasn't there a moment ago. He raised an eyebrow. The man spoke about his behavior but before Julian could respond, there was a furry torpedo launching itself directly into Julian's face.

"Mother fu-" his words caught off as the thing latched onto his face and clung with sharp little claws. Julian released the raccoon he had a hold on to grab a hold of the one on his face. He pulled, feeling its little claws dragging along his scalp and cheeks. He ripped the raccoon off before reaching up to feel along the side of his face, feeling the burning sensation of claw marks there. He moved his hand in front of his face to see that it was tinted with blood as well. "My face! It's the only thing going for me!"

He went to go throw the raccoon but it had wiped out some kind of gun. A portal appeared where he shot and Julian sneered at the thing. "You vile," he took a step towards the raccoons, "disgusting, little VERMIN!" He reached out to snatch one of them before they disappeared into the portal but, alas, he was too slow. "I better not get a disease!" He called out into the air where the portal was. He felt along his face again, releasing a low hiss at the burning sensation that occurred. "God damn rodents," knowing full well that raccoons were not part of the rodent family. He dabbed at his face with his sleep and huffed as he picked up the tray of food. He completely ignored the suitcase of money. He didn't have any use for the stuff.

He made his way to the bar and sat down at it, grumbling all the while about his face was his only ticket and he needed it to be in pristine condition. He set his tray down at the bar before taking a seat at it. He cursed once more before he stuck another piece of meat in his mouth.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Dark Light
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The barmaid didn't even blink at the commotion, just casually picking up the briefcase like it was nothing and smirking at Julian.

"Would serve you right if you did catch something." She said before heading back towards the bar.
"Alright, one mystery meat coming up." She called out loudly, stashing the briefcase in a low cupboard and then heading through the back door into the kitchen.
Hidden 28 days ago Post by Sillyman59
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Sillyman59 several jerry's in a trenchcoat

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the three raccoons are out of breath
"especially when its for my least favorite bro..." ("HEY!") ("aww! sweet ol' rummage!")
"this is too crazy to handle, first I get picked up by James... ("or was it JJ?") ("no, I think it was Jackson...") ...and then i'm being held like a football!"
the three raccoons decide to lay low for the night.
after all, this is life for the raccoons. (forgot to do that last post! sorry!)
Hidden 27 days ago Post by Dark Light
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With the raccoons gone and the Phoenix eating, the tavern returned to some semblance of civility. Then, as if attacking the moments temporary peace, the tavern doors violently swing open. A strong chilling breeze comes rushing in bringing with it a few flakes of snow and the silhouette of a large man.

With a groaning creak the doors swing shut behind him and his form is visible in the light. Human, tall, muscular, leather jacket, tattooed chest.

With a wide grin he look around the room, then throwing his arms out wide he loudly bellows to the roof. "It's good to be home!"

Hidden 27 days ago Post by BunniesOfDoom
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BunniesOfDoom Just a bunch of bunnies in a trench coat

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Julian let out a low groan as he heard the front door of the tavern open violently. Instead of turning in his bar stool to see the newcomer properly. He just leaned his head back, his hair falling down to hang around his head and it's little feather tassles dropping with it as well. He watched, upside down, as the man stepped through the door, brining with him the child of the cold air. Julian just idly watched, even popping a small potato into his mouth and giving a shrug at the new man. He seemed to be a regular and for once, Julian wasn't going to make a scene. He planned to just continue eating his food and probably ordering a room for the night.

Julian straightened and turned to his food, content to just munch happily but when the man's scent finally drifted away from the scent of cold and snow, Julian froze and inhaled deeply.

There was no mistaking that foul scent anywhere. Julian took a moment to take a few more deep breathes, making sure he was not mistaken. He didn't want to go and hurt some poor man who just happened to have the scent of the wolf on him. But no, there was no mistaking it, that mam was a werewolf.

He stood quickly, the barstool under him making a loud skidding noise on the ground as he did so. "Well," he said as he turned around to face the man, "look what the cold blew in. If it isn't a flea ridden, bath missing, eat you and your fucking children, werewolf." All while he spoke, he was rolling up the only remaining sleeve, getting it up and out of the way so he wouldn't lose it but after fumbling with it for a moment, he gave up and just ripped it off to match the other. He tossed it behind him as his fiery eyes remained locked on the man.

"You mongrels just can't leave things well enough alone, can you?" One thing you should know about Julian. He hates Werewolves, likes absolutely hates them. He had an instance where a pack of them attacked attacked his nest, taking out his eggs and his mate at the same time. He never forgave them after that and every werewolf that has since crossed his path has been met with brutal hostility from him ever since. He really hates Werewolves.
Hidden 26 days ago 26 days ago Post by Dark Light
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The werewolf's cocky grin only grew as Julian went on.
Flashing him a final toothy grin he ignores him and turns to the wall beside him, caressing it with a hand as he spoke to it.
"For me? A welcome home present? Ahwww, ya shouldn't 'ave."

He gives the wall a playful little pat then turns his gaze back to the Phoenix. "Mostly right." He growls. Predatory eyes fixing on him. "Ain't got no fleas."

He starts to roll out his neck as he continues to address Julian but not before giving himself a mock sniff.

"Ooh, Has been a while since I had bath, maybe once I'm done kicking your butt. I do prefer to bath after a meal, things tend to get-" he licks his lips "-bloody. Tell me, got any kids I can have for desert?"

The taunt was pure coincidence, using the insults Julian had accused him of, he had no inside knowledge on this stranger.@BunniesOfDoom
Hidden 26 days ago Post by Sillyman59
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Sillyman59 several jerry's in a trenchcoat

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as the raccoons escaped, they felt a hunger.
"ok, this time i agree with you."
"gimme the orb."
"ok, but if things go south..."
as rufus looked into the orb, he saw something:
the scream was so loud, it probably got the neighbor's attention.
he got to the bar, diner, whatever it was.
as rufus sneaked past the man, he thought of a wonderful idea.
as he got the food (to go, of course,) he stuck a stick of dynamite in jj? jukeus? well, whatever his name was, rufus stuck a stick of dynamite in their pocket, and lighted it. then dipped with the food.
"im back! and i got your favs!"
this is life for the raccoons :D
Hidden 26 days ago Post by BunniesOfDoom
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BunniesOfDoom Just a bunch of bunnies in a trench coat

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Julian watched the wolf, the feathers along his arms rising up like goosebumps as he watched the wolf roll his neck. Julian took his vest off and placed it casually on the bar stool, like he had all the time in the world. He turned back to the wolf as he asked if Julian had any children for him to devour. He only smiled with a predatory grin as he rolled his shoulders, flexing his wings as he did so. He reached down to grab a hand full of potatoes.

"'Fraid not. Haven't had much luck as of late." He took a step to the side, rounding a table until we was just across the way from the wolf with nothing between them, popping a small potato into his mouth as he did so. "But judging by your smell, I imagine you're in the same boat as me but don't worry," Julian said around a mouth of potato. He flexed his hands, the claws along his fingers igniting for a moment as he spoke, "I'll be sure to burn the dirt right off ya. Probably the hair too. Maybe skin. Hell, I might go ahead and just burn you right down to ash and see if you revive like me." He dramatically swallowed before flashing a vicious smile to the werewolf.

"Potato?" He asked as he held up a potato in front of his face. The smile dropped from his face, the goofy exterior taking a dramatic shift. It was as if someone had flicked a switch and Julian was in serious mode instantly. He lightly tossed the potato to the man before throwing his other hand out and ignited a fireball in his palm. The fired it directly in the potatoes wake, heading straight for the werewolf. Fun time was over. Fight time had begun.

However, little did Julian known that, that filthy little vermin had placed a lit stick of dynamite into his pants pocket as he ran off with the food and at that moment, the fuse was halfway through its path. In a mere moments, it wouldn't just be Julian who was throwing fire about.
Hidden 26 days ago 26 days ago Post by Dark Light
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This was not the same self loathing, wolf hating, lycan that left the tavern all those years ago. No, he had come to terms with his 'condition'. Embraced it even. Now he and the beast were as one. (He had worse demons to worry about after all.)
The wolf's supernatural senses kept him alert to everything as or it before it happened. The dynamite did not go unnoticed.

He was fast for his size, dodging the fire ball at the last moment with a twist and side step, this movement also put him close to a nearby confused and frightened patron who was simply here for a meal. Julian had already interrupted the poor man once before.

Nonchalantly, Clayton pulls a pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket and takes one in his lips before returning his stash to where it came from. Speaking around it he scoffs.

"Think ya can get a bit closer this time? I wanna light my cigarette."
Hidden 26 days ago Post by BunniesOfDoom
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Julian watched the wolf slip around his ability and he felt a broad grin split his face in two. This fight was going to be a good one, one for the history books.

He let out a good laugh as she straightened, allowing his body to relax in a smooth stance. "Smooth moves there puppy boy." He popped the last potato into his mouth, chewing absently as he slowly stalked Clayton. The patron behind the wolf stood up and got put of the way. These people had seen what Julian would do just to entertain himself. Gods know what he's going to do in a fight.

"What's your name pup? I figure if I'm going to give you a pounding, I might as well know your name." His fiery eyes were locked on Clayton, watching every little twitch of his muscles, noting the flexing and relaxing of his muscles as he moved about.
Hidden 26 days ago 26 days ago Post by Dark Light
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He felt no need to reply to this man and instead mused with a throaty "Hmm"

As the patron left his table the werewolf picked up the discarded knife and fork, never taking his eyes off his opponent.
"Would be rude of me not to use cutlery."
Then two things happened.
The cigarette hanging from his lips suddenly lit as if touched by an invisible flame and immediately after he used that lupine strength and speed to hurl the cutlery at Julian with a viscous speed and force.

The knife and fork, both thrown at once, had a lot of power behind them but not accuracy. One was on a path for somewhere just off mid chest while the other would be lucky to skim an arm.@BunniesOfDoom
Hidden 26 days ago Post by Triantafyllo
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Mordechi had gotten out of his seat the moment the winged man sitting next to him had, widening to a warrior's stance as the air got thicker and thicker with insults. He watched how the muscles in the winged man’s shoulders tightened with trained eyes, how the new man’s lips curled ever so slightly in a hint of a snarl. And he noticed how, suddenly, strangely, a blur of black and gray fur whipped close to the winged man, but was gone just as suddenly. Had he slipped something into his pocket? Or perhaps-

But then the tension broke with a whiz as a fiery bullet was just barely avoided by the newcomer, his doge bringing him quite close to Mordechi.

But this wasn’t his fight. He saw no reason to intervene. What would he gain? Burns and bruises and bites?
So he shifts back a couple of steps, giving the new man some room as he casually takes out a cigarette, and as the winged man stalks towards him.

The air grows thick again, the newcomer picks up a fork and a knife, and then cutlery fly.

[hope its okay that i interpreted the patron as Mor! Moving back was what he was going to do anyway so i thought it would work.]
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