Mika hated it when Bobby frowned because of something she either did or said, this time was no different. It was a reason for her needing to get it all off her chest and explain all their states the moment she let go of him. Not only that, she was convinced that if she held onto him any longer she would just utterly break down once more and never let him go. He wasn’t just her uncle in her eyes, he was her father. Even when her parents were around, Bobby treated her with more respect than her own dad ever did. So even now as an adult, she felt like such a small young girl when he held her and was glad she had come home alive.
His reaction to her updates about Duke wasn’t surprising to her in the slightest and she was almost thankful that it was her who broke the news to him about Duke, and not anyone else. Then came the words that she was partly expecting from him about Cason and Nat. “I know…none of us were expecting it. You’ll have to chat with Nat about it all privately. But yes, I do mean that kind of something and I agree it’s out of character for her, it’s making me worried and I know if I hadn’t seen the clues myself then I wouldn’t believe it” she replied to him before she yawned and he let go of her shoulders.
She listened to his words intently, needing his wisdom more than ever right now. “Okay” she said one last time with a nod before she had whispered to Bobby reminding him to be civil with Cason, especially in front of Natalia. She walked into the kitchen, waiting for others to eventually all gather in there whilst grabbing a beer, cracking it open and taking a long hard swig with a sigh afterwards. She had no idea how much longer she could possibly stay awake for and hoped that the beer would help to just knock her out when the time came round. Leaning against the worktop as she usually did, crossing one foot over the other she tried to still block out everything that had gone down as she wanted to forget some of the sights she witnessed. Disembodied demons being one of the big ones.
She was convinced that when she did eventually fall asleep, that would be one thing that would no doubt haunt her dreams and she really didn’t want to wake up in a cold sweat because of it. She heard Bobby greet Natalia, feeling relieved that they were all eventually filing into the house but it was Dean she was most concerned about. He was just as confused and haunted by Duke coming back from the dead as she and Esme were and she had no idea how harshly everything was going to hit him now they were in a place they could relax and shred the stress off their shoulders.
Nat saw how cautious Cason still was when it came to entering the house and she really couldn’t blame him. It wouldn’t have surprised her if Bobby did do extra precautions after the last demon ambush in the house and like Cason, she didn’t want anything to harm him after everything that he had possibly gone through. So when he trusted her words, she was glad he followed her inside before she greeted Bobby. Bobby’s words felt so on brand for him and she knew he would never disappoint when it came putting out drinks for them all.
She headed straight for the kitchen with Cason following behind, noting how he did the respectful thing to Bobby by letting go of her hand. She didn’t like the fact they were hiding their closeness from the man, but she understood it. Seeing all the options on the table that Bobby had put out for them all, Nat tried to decide what she was in the mood for as she also watched Cason just pour himself a large bourbon. She eventually chose a beer like Mika had clearly done and gave Cason a smile back as she sat in a chair opposite him, even though every part of her wanted to sit next to him.
His comment about being the least damaged person in their group did make her smirk a little bit as he wasn’t exactly wrong in that statement, but the idea of a ‘family show’ about to happen brought dread to her mind. It made her realise that Bobby probably wouldn’t let any of them leave his sight until information was fully divulged to him on what actually happened. She weighed up her options on what would be better when it came ‘getting her looked at’ as Cason put it before she finally came to a decision. “You. You’ve already seen the worse before Cass healed a lot of me, only difference now is much better lighting. You know where I was hurt” she said to him. If anyone tried to stop him from looking her over, they’d get an earful from her.
After talking, she took a swig of her beer and sighed as it went down her throat. She didn’t realise just how dry her mouth was until she took that first sip and had to tell herself not to just chug the entire bottle down. Looking up, she saw Mika was watching the two of them, but also seemed partly spaced out so instead of questioning her, she just looked down again and more to Cason as she heard all the others filing in finally.
Seeing Anna close to shivering got Sam all the more worried about her. He was glad to be able to get her inside after a few of the others had already got in, hearing small bits of chatter between Cason and Nat in the kitchen. The fact that Mika was being so quiet was one of two things; something to be really concerned about or something to just put down to one of her moments where she needed to not talk for a while. He gave Bobby a nod to say hello as he saw him give Anna a smile of sympathy whilst Duke looked like death walking. He too followed Anna’s gaze to the staircase that led to the basement and the demon proof panic room, his heart breaking just that bit more as he saw she was worried about going down there again.
“Come on…let’s get a drink before the others drink it all dry” he remarked, in an attempt to try and distract her from what could be, as well as distracting himself. He didn’t want to have to put her down there, knowing how much she hated the process last time but he also knew if the bed was made up down there it would have been a reasonable suggestion by someone. He walked with her to the kitchen to see everyone except for Dean had so far got inside, which wasn’t a shock as they had passed Dean on their way in. He grabbed a beer off the table and went to stand in a corner that was closest toward Nat as he still hadn’t seen for himself just how badly she was hurt in the asylum. He was worried about her, as he was about everyone, but he couldn’t bring himself to stray too far from Anna either.
He listened to the chit chat between them, catching the end of Nat’s reply to Cason. He wanted to check her over himself, but it was clear Nat had made her decision and only Cason seemed to matter to her nowadays. He looked up from his bottle in his hand when Dean finally came inside with Bobby following him in and asking for the story of what exactly happened. “Everything went wrong Bobby” he began to speak when it was clear no one else was going to speak up.
“It started off as a simple recon job and we just got ambushed from all sides. That’s when it started going wrong. Anna and Cason got taken into this barn, Duke got stabbed, Nat got knocked off a roof gaining a serious head injury. Due to her injury we all left her in the impala whilst going back for the other three but then Nat got kidnapped by the time we got back to the cars. Demons took her back to the asylum…” he began to explain but when he got to the word ‘asylum’ he couldn’t bring himself to continue, so he looked around the group to see who could continue on for him as he really didn’t want to.
Nat certainly didn’t want to talk about it but she knew she would have explain some of that stuff herself as she was the only one who knew exactly what happened to her. “They took me because they wanted Esme back there and to mess with the others…as well as myself. Said they weren’t done with me when Sam got me out last time.” she began to explain, trying not to let her voice break or look at anyone as she spoke as she didn’t want to see their faces when she said what she was about to. “They only kept me conscious by breaking my shoulder with a h-hammer along with slashing at my neck with a knife, arm and hip…got punched in the face a few times when I wouldn’t give in to their mind games” she described. “I tried to get away but I was strapped to a gurney. A gurney that they then threw in a water torture pool and tried drowning me and I blacked out by that point, I don’t know what else happened until Cason yanked me out and got me to wake up” she finally said.
Sam listened to her add to the story, every word she spoke made him feel worse about not going with Dean and Mika to get her. “Oh Nat…” he said quietly, but gave Cason a thankful look for getting to her in time. He saw how Nat couldn’t look at any of them as she spoke and he didn’t blame her in the slightest. That girl was scarred and not just physically.
Mika hated it when Bobby frowned because of something she either did or said, this time was no different. It was a reason for her needing to get it all off her chest and explain all their states the moment she let go of him. Not only that, she was convinced that if she held onto him any longer she would just utterly break down once more and never let him go. He wasn’t just her uncle in her eyes, he was her father. Even when her parents were around, Bobby treated her with more respect than her own dad ever did. So even now as an adult, she felt like such a small young girl when he held her and was glad she had come home alive.
His reaction to her updates about Duke wasn’t surprising to her in the slightest and she was almost thankful that it was her who broke the news to him about Duke, and not anyone else. Then came the words that she was partly expecting from him about Cason and Nat. “I know…none of us were expecting it. You’ll have to chat with Nat about it all privately. But yes, I do mean that kind of something and I agree it’s out of character for her, it’s making me worried and I know if I hadn’t seen the clues myself then I wouldn’t believe it” she replied to him before she yawned and he let go of her shoulders.
She listened to his words intently, needing his wisdom more than ever right now. “Okay” she said one last time with a nod before she had whispered to Bobby reminding him to be civil with Cason, especially in front of Natalia. She walked into the kitchen, waiting for others to eventually all gather in there whilst grabbing a beer, cracking it open and taking a long hard swig with a sigh afterwards. She had no idea how much longer she could possibly stay awake for and hoped that the beer would help to just knock her out when the time came round. Leaning against the worktop as she usually did, crossing one foot over the other she tried to still block out everything that had gone down as she wanted to forget some of the sights she witnessed. Disembodied demons being one of the big ones.
She was convinced that when she did eventually fall asleep, that would be one thing that would no doubt haunt her dreams and she really didn’t want to wake up in a cold sweat because of it. She heard Bobby greet Natalia, feeling relieved that they were all eventually filing into the house but it was Dean she was most concerned about. He was just as confused and haunted by Duke coming back from the dead as she and Esme were and she had no idea how harshly everything was going to hit him now they were in a place they could relax and shred the stress off their shoulders.
Nat saw how cautious Cason still was when it came to entering the house and she really couldn’t blame him. It wouldn’t have surprised her if Bobby did do extra precautions after the last demon ambush in the house and like Cason, she didn’t want anything to harm him after everything that he had possibly gone through. So when he trusted her words, she was glad he followed her inside before she greeted Bobby. Bobby’s words felt so on brand for him and she knew he would never disappoint when it came putting out drinks for them all.
She headed straight for the kitchen with Cason following behind, noting how he did the respectful thing to Bobby by letting go of her hand. She didn’t like the fact they were hiding their closeness from the man, but she understood it. Seeing all the options on the table that Bobby had put out for them all, Nat tried to decide what she was in the mood for as she also watched Cason just pour himself a large bourbon. She eventually chose a beer like Mika had clearly done and gave Cason a smile back as she sat in a chair opposite him, even though every part of her wanted to sit next to him.
His comment about being the least damaged person in their group did make her smirk a little bit as he wasn’t exactly wrong in that statement, but the idea of a ‘family show’ about to happen brought dread to her mind. It made her realise that Bobby probably wouldn’t let any of them leave his sight until information was fully divulged to him on what actually happened. She weighed up her options on what would be better when it came ‘getting her looked at’ as Cason put it before she finally came to a decision. “You. You’ve already seen the worse before Cass healed a lot of me, only difference now is much better lighting. You know where I was hurt” she said to him. If anyone tried to stop him from looking her over, they’d get an earful from her.
After talking, she took a swig of her beer and sighed as it went down her throat. She didn’t realise just how dry her mouth was until she took that first sip and had to tell herself not to just chug the entire bottle down. Looking up, she saw Mika was watching the two of them, but also seemed partly spaced out so instead of questioning her, she just looked down again and more to Cason as she heard all the others filing in finally.
Seeing Anna close to shivering got Sam all the more worried about her. He was glad to be able to get her inside after a few of the others had already got in, hearing small bits of chatter between Cason and Nat in the kitchen. The fact that Mika was being so quiet was one of two things; something to be really concerned about or something to just put down to one of her moments where she needed to not talk for a while. He gave Bobby a nod to say hello as he saw him give Anna a smile of sympathy whilst Duke looked like death walking. He too followed Anna’s gaze to the staircase that led to the basement and the demon proof panic room, his heart breaking just that bit more as he saw she was worried about going down there again.
“Come on…let’s get a drink before the others drink it all dry” he remarked, in an attempt to try and distract her from what could be, as well as distracting himself. He didn’t want to have to put her down there, knowing how much she hated the process last time but he also knew if the bed was made up down there it would have been a reasonable suggestion by someone. He walked with her to the kitchen to see everyone except for Dean had so far got inside, which wasn’t a shock as they had passed Dean on their way in. He grabbed a beer off the table and went to stand in a corner that was closest toward Nat as he still hadn’t seen for himself just how badly she was hurt in the asylum. He was worried about her, as he was about everyone, but he couldn’t bring himself to stray too far from Anna either.
He listened to the chit chat between them, catching the end of Nat’s reply to Cason. He wanted to check her over himself, but it was clear Nat had made her decision and only Cason seemed to matter to her nowadays. He looked up from his bottle in his hand when Dean finally came inside with Bobby following him in and asking for the story of what exactly happened. “Everything went wrong Bobby” he began to speak when it was clear no one else was going to speak up.
“It started off as a simple recon job and we just got ambushed from all sides. That’s when it started going wrong. Anna and Cason got taken into this barn, Duke got stabbed, Nat got knocked off a roof gaining a serious head injury. Due to her injury we all left her in the impala whilst going back for the other three but then Nat got kidnapped by the time we got back to the cars. Demons took her back to the asylum…” he began to explain but when he got to the word ‘asylum’ he couldn’t bring himself to continue, so he looked around the group to see who could continue on for him as he really didn’t want to.
Nat certainly didn’t want to talk about it but she knew she would have explain some of that stuff herself as she was the only one who knew exactly what happened to her. “They took me because they wanted Esme back there and to mess with the others…as well as myself. Said they weren’t done with me when Sam got me out last time.” she began to explain, trying not to let her voice break or look at anyone as she spoke as she didn’t want to see their faces when she said what she was about to. “They only kept me conscious by breaking my shoulder with a h-hammer along with slashing at my neck with a knife, arm and hip…got punched in the face a few times when I wouldn’t give in to their mind games” she described. “I tried to get away but I was strapped to a gurney. A gurney that they then threw in a water torture pool and tried drowning me and I blacked out by that point, I don’t know what else happened until Cason yanked me out and got me to wake up” she finally said.
Sam listened to her add to the story, every word she spoke made him feel worse about not going with Dean and Mika to get her. “Oh Nat…” he said quietly, but gave Cason a thankful look for getting to her in time. He saw how Nat couldn’t look at any of them as she spoke and he didn’t blame her in the slightest. That girl was scarred and not just physically.