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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Triantafyllo
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

sorry this is so informal by the way its just easier for me to write this way?? idk just ignore me


(There’s a TLDR at the very bottom for all of this if you want!)

GENDER: male

AGE: 19

RACE: spider-hybrid?? Idk man

SKIN COLOR: black (black black not African American)

EYE COLOR: red irises


HAIR STYLE: short and a little messy

BUILD: he a weak boi lmaoo

HIGHT: 5’ 3”

has 4 humanoid arms (2 out of each side of his body) and 6 giant spider arms out of his back (YES I KNOW THATS 10 AND NOT 8 BUT I THINK ITLL LOOK BETTER AESTHETICALLY SO)

- homemade bombs/gasses mostly,

- plus he can put armor on the ends of his spider arms so that they’re sharp (but also he forgets to bring the armor a lot soo…)

- Most of the time wears this trench coat-lab coat combo thing (color/texture of trench coat but style of a lab coat)

- w sleeves only for his 4 humanoid arms- his spider arms have just holes they’re pokin out of,

- n prolly a black tshirt

- and some black pants ig


- talks in long strings of barely coherent words you barely catch when exited (which is often),

- is very half-glass-full kinda guy,

- gets back on his feet easily emotionally (or so it seems),

- gives people lots of chances.

- He a very clumsy boi- his arms get tangled a lot (especially when he’s excited)

- and they also knock stuff over a lot, which is bad in a lab (his natural habitat),

- but he has made a lot of really good cleaning solutions!

- Also, he really just hides his emotions/pushes them down all the time,

- and when he gets mad he becomes the most terrifying guy ever. Like gets-in-your-head mad-scientist crazy-serial-killer kinda terrifying. Oh, and he can do crazy painful and crazy trippy things to you with his science. So… :]

- kinda… uh… forgets abt morality when he’s discovering somthn new.

- Like he’ll do some unethical stuff to figure out why stuff works

- Like “ITS FOR SCIENCE GOSHDARNIT WHY CANT U C THAT D:<” is his excuse for pretty much everything

- Its kinda like the “greater good” thing like “ok so what one or two ppl get hurt now in the research? itll help like a million mor ppl later so”

- (he wont usually go to the extent of killing/permanently hurting someone, but everything else is kinda fair game for him)

- is OBSESSED with alchemy/how science connects to magic/just magic and science and in general. (and also a bit in engineering.)

- He’s way better at science than magic though, which is frustrating to him.

- He’s currently trying to catalog/understand like… all of magic. Just like- everything.

- Will not accept some things should be left mysterious/undiscovered/untampered with.

- Also is constantly inventing new ways to combine things- aka making a new type of deadly gas/a new element/a (theoretical) cure to a sickness, etc.

FEARS: the unknown/things that cannot be understood/things he doesn’t understand

- is kinda bad at understanding emotions/emotional situations.

- Like he dosn’t know what a ‘personal’ question is…

- Also like if someone gets sad his response is trying to come up with logical reasons they shouldn’t and…

- ya its just real awkward and bad lmao.

- rly good at makin sciency stuff ig

- OH AND ALSO he has venomous fangs :D (but be hardly ever uses them unless he has to)

- Has been without parents from since before he can remember

- He stayed with an older avian woman from since he can remember to abt age 12

- But then she got wigged out bc he was showing slightly villainous tendencies- he was like killing all the magic animals he found to study them and trying (slash sometimes bribing or threatening if they really wouldnt comply) magical people to let him study them too (NOT KILL just like give some blood or a few feathers or scales or smthn)

- So she kicked him out

- Luckily she had taught him basic survival skills and he made his way in the world

- until he finally got a job w a blacksmith bc he could like figure out how to make/determine the best metals or smthn like that idk (he did this in exchange for a place to stay n food)

- Eventually he got bored n left n finally found a much more (for now) interesting job in The Anomalous Mystery Foundation!

- (they needed someone that knew the mechanics of magic/science rly well or somethn maybe??)

Also if yall know Varian from the tanged ep series and Sherlock from Sherlock (the one played by Benedict Cumberbatch) Jack’s kinda based on them both a little

- Jack is a 19-year-old, black-skinned spider-hybrid with red eyes and messy black hair. He has a slender build, standing at 5'3", and possesses four humanoid arms and six spider legs.

- Personality: Enthusiastic, optimistic, and often speaks in a rapid, incoherent manner. Emotionally resilient and forgiving, but can be clumsy and forgetful. Tends to suppress emotions, but becomes menacing when angered, using science to inflict harm.

- Moral Compass: Driven by curiosity and a disregard for leaving things unexplored, Jack often engages in ethically questionable practices for scientific progress. Fears the unknown and the incomprehensible.

- Interests: Obsessed with the connection of magic and science, and seeks to catalog and understand all aspects of magic. Skilled in scientific endeavors but struggles with performing magic, social interactions, and emotional understanding.

- Backstory: Abandoned at a young age and raised by an avian woman until his fascination with magic and science led to his expulsion. Worked as a blacksmith's apprentice before joining the Anomalous Mystery Foundation.

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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Sky Blue
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Sky Blue "Good, evil, I reject them both!" / God of Wrath

Member Seen 4 days ago

TEAM: "you don't have a side anymore. none of us do. we're on our own side."

THEMEs: 'what's up danger?' and 'insanity hardmode megalovania'.


GENDER: male

AGE: 6,000 (looks 19)

RACE: demon.


SKIN COLOR: pale, like a vampire.

EYE COLOR: white sclera, yellow irises, and black, vertical pupils.

HAIR COLOR: Dark red

HAIR STYLE: short and a little messy

BUILD: he weak as fu-

HIGHT: 5’ 11”


- uzi with bottomless ammo that is extra damaging to angels.

- commically large wooden mallet.

- always tired.

- not glass half full, or glass half empty, but rather, pour me another glass.

- emotionally neutral, just hates everyone equally.

- doesn't give people many chances, slow to trust.

- Screw morality i do what i want!

- Its kinda like the “greater good” so frick you.

- doesn't understand people, or morality, so he's a philosopher for fun.

FEARS: being alone.

- Doesn't really care what people want, and just does what he wants instead.

- can make miracles happen because apparently, "heaven never changes it's passwords."

- he has venomous fangs

- can shapeshift slightly, but always has his same eyes.

- Can summon a flaming car to him at all times.

Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Sillyman59
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Sillyman59 several jerry's in a trenchcoat

Member Seen 4 mos ago


gender: male
occupation: the founder
age: unknown, somewhere in the millions
he is a god.
personality traits;
strict, if needed,
a silly dad in general
a sorta "what glass? this room has thousands" guy
good betrayer.
raccoon in tuxedo
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by McNephelim
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McNephelim "So... Here i found you..."

Member Seen 1 hr ago

NAME: Myrddin Ambrosius


AGE: (40s I’m free ladies) 2000+ (Looks in his early 60s)

RACE: (Im totally 100% Human, Don’t say nothing more…) Cambion (Half-Human/Half-Demon), but refer to him as Half-Human, he can get quite really angry if you mention his demon side. (GOD DAMMIT!!!)

NATIONALITY: None, but he was born on modern day Wales (that’s true, also it was better than today)

SKIN COLOR: Caucasian


HAIR COLOR: White (You need to have seen my red haired youth, i was IRRESISTIBLE.)

HAIR STYLE: Slightly short and messy

BUILD: Muscular

HEIGHT: 7 ft (212 cm)



- A Pocket Knife (It can damage “special” creatures.)

- A Pen (it is secretly a wand)



- A black coat.

- A red shirt with the words “PARTY ANIMAL”.

- Regular black pants.

- A pair of black shoes.

- And a pair of white leather gloves.


- A flower shirt

- white shorts

- red flip-flops


- He is very joyful and likes to laugh.

- Also he is quite innocent, don't really understanding dark humor.

- 2,500 year old dork.

- Good at teaching stuff.

- “I don’t understand, is there still water on the glass?”

- Laid back and fun.


- He is too laid back almost reaching the slob territory.

- Sometimes he likes to party a bit too much

- He usually teases more than necessary.

- Sometimes wakes up a bit mad, this leads to some unnecessary cross fire between his working partners.


- He has a very “old” way of morality, this makes it hard for him to process the subject if it has some relation with morality, though he is more bendable if the subject involves demons


- He likes teaching others with his knowledge of magic, he also really wants to learn how to use a computer, as the maximum in his knowledge is how to use the online messenger.

- He enjoys alchemy/chemistry, crafting “potions”, compounds and cures, he is not so good at doing cures though.

- He sometimes enjoys arts and craft, making clay figures where he most shines.


- His own demon side


- His favorite food is chocolate sundae

- His least favorite food is roasted beef, too salty


- A bunch of useless and silly talents he has gained over the years (like: parkour, skating, interpretative dance, cooking, etc)

- Ancient Documents analyzer, thank to his knowledge and magic analysis, he is relatively good at analyzing ancient documents.

- Master Magician, has been a magician for more than a thousand years, though he has gotten rusty after some… events…

- Half-Demon Physiology, he hadn't use it in a very long time.

BACKSTORY: (Skip if not interested.)

- Long time ago, Myrddin was born from the unholy cross of a human male and a female demon, he lived alone during most of his childhood using his demonic nature to survive, a woman found him after she had let him steal food from her, she was a magician, she raised him up, turned him into a great wizard, his name became a legend in both the human and magic world, his name changed shape in history, from Myrddin to Merlin.

- A lot of things happened after, but in short, he ended up sealed for more than a thousand years, just unleashing right now from his sealing, he decided to check how much the world had changed from when he was there, but sadly, he got short of money, so he decided to join a foundation to at least raise a bit of money.
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by KarmaX


Member Seen 3 mos ago


Gender: Female

Height: 6'5

Eye color: Green Irises, Black Sclera

Hair: Jet Black

Skin color: Ivory

Build: Lean, Muscular


Age: (???)

Karma is an unknown species that escaped an underground facility named Laboratory 935. There's not much else documented on the building nor the subject besides rare footage of her transforming into a demonoid-like creature.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Lime
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Lime Green guy upstairs

Member Seen 10 days ago

NAME: Dave


AGE: 34

RACE: Mutated Changeling



HEIGHT: 6'4"

APPEARANCE OTHERS: As a Changeling, he can change into anything with a close enough number of limbs as his base form of 2 arms and 2 legs. He can appear to have more, but they just stay limp.

- Glock 9. It has infinite ammo, and passes through solid objects until it hits the object of his choice.

- Changes, but mostly trench coats & well tailored suits.

-Funny, serious at times, kinda romantic.

- Just does what he wants, and sometimes helps others.

- Likes romcoms, and horror movies. Mostly watches tv and plays games like The Myth of Vard: Edge of the Darkness.

- People finding out he's a mutant.

- One of the top 5 speedrunners in The Myth of Vard: Edge of the Darkness.

- Can shapeshift (to an extent), he can make his limbs into weapons like, for example swords, and he can summon his gun anytime. The mutation gives him superhuman abilities, such as extremely high jumping height, able to sprint at 23 mph, and hold an 18 wheeler if he tried extremely hard. He's shock resistant, so bullets do nothing more than bruise him a bit. He can also shapeshift his clothes, as they change with him.

BACKSTORY: Born as a normal changeling, he signed up for an experiment at 21, and the experiment was a smashing success. but he's not allowed to tell anybody about it. Otherwise lives the life of an average Joe schmoe.
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