Hidden 5 days ago Post by Jazz
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Damien listened carefully as he filled his plate carefully before digging in. Even though he was really hungry, he showed a little bit of restraint.

He tried not to sigh out loud but he did feel his shoulders sag at the shift in mood regarding Ana. "To be fair we have found out the culprit of the cursed ones and even weren't prepared to find out that Ana was able to cure the cursed ones. So if anything she finds trouble to fix them without killing." He explains casually after finishing his second mouthful.
Hidden 5 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Grant looked over at him and said “it seems that’s the case. But how much do we know of the Purple Witch? She only appeared during the war. There’s no knowledge of her existence before then…are you sure she’s not part of this Panic Discords Plan?”

Dante jumped up and said “I’m not letting these rumors start again! She went thru the same thing during the war! Fangs thinking she was helping the humans!”
Hidden 5 days ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Damien could see the logic behind Lord Grant's words but to know for sure would be to go back where he dread to go back he knew his Tribe would have any records on the Purple Witch if there was anything at all since they were knowledge seekers.

With a heavy sigh Damien set his cutlery gently down on the table. "If it would make you feel any better i can go see my Tribe's librarians. If there is anything on the Purple Witch, they would surely have any record of it." He says, his words tight and straightforward.
Hidden 5 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Dante looked at him and said “no. She has done more good than anyone. Why should she have to keep proving her worth? She’s done nothing wrong”

Grant said “Dante, you are being blinded by your loyalty. It’s admirable. But your debt to her doesn’t wipe her past. We don’t know her past. It’s about time she told us some truth…”

Dante stood there, shaking in anger.
Hidden 5 days ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Damien figured sadly that he might strike a nerve there but whatever could he think of to somewhat appease someone. Though now that he was listening to Lord Grant he was noticing a few things himself.

"Yes, Dante is loyal to Lady Shade. However from what I understand he sees what she is trying to accomplish. Also I can see where you are also blind yourself, no offense. You seem to only see what you want to understand, but did you think to try and befriend her? Help be an ally, a friend that could possibly gain her trust and see what Dante has seen and what I am only beginning to see and understand?" He asks before looking to Lord Grant before continuing.

"From what I have witnessed so I don't see what everyone refers to as the Purple Witch. I see a woman trying to cure cursed ones and taking on the burden of saving lives of every race despite the backlash and criticism that is being said behind her back or being said to her. But that's just my few days of observation. I doubt it would count for anything." Damien says the last bit with such a casual tine that he doesn't expect to be believed or is ready for being accused or barked at for his brash explanations. Like it's been done before.
Hidden 4 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Grant listened to him and said “you may be right master wolf…but we can’t be sure of anything. But you make valid points” Dante smiled at Damien and nodded in thanks.

The Lord said next “I guess I will have to wait and see what unfolds…she is a hero to many of the war…I just don’t like not knowing where she came from”
Hidden 3 days ago Post by Jazz
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"That is understand. But you can't force personal information such as that without a good form of trust and the person ready to share it. Sometimes it can be a great source of pride or a great source of shame that either is hard to reveal without risk." Damien explains. He glances toward Dante before looking back to Lord Grant.

"Either way our bigger and official cause of trouble is Panic Discord." Damien tells him. "She is the one Miss Shade trying to stop."
Hidden 3 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Grant sighed and said “all true points…I guess we will just have to wait and see how this turns out. But I will say this. If your witch ends up being a threat to our people…I will end her”
Hidden 2 days ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Damien had take a deep breathe in order not to raise out of his chair and retaliate but knew it was futile when he was sure that the vampire could end him without breaking a sweat. "I understand." He said while wondering why he was reacting this way. He looks to Dante ready to stop him if need be for his own sake.
Hidden 2 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Dante was shaking worse and said “you bare your fangs at her and I’ll tear your blood from your body!” He jumped up and glared at the Lord but suddenly a hand grabbed him. Duke Vale was suddenly behind his brother and said “easy brother…breathe…”
Hidden 2 days ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Damien had gone to get up to stop when he'd seen the blur of his brother come to stop Dante from doing what he might regret. For now he got up and got infront of Dante to block his view of Lord Grant. "Easy now, Dante."
Hidden 2 days ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Dante was breathing hard, his eyes glowing in his rage. Then he muttered “for my brothers sake I’ll hold back but I won’t next time…” Dante moved and left the room, the doors banging against the walls.

Vale sighed softly and said “sorry my lord…his a passionate man…always has been”
Hidden 23 hrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Master Assassin

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Damien sighs softly after he Dante leaves and sits back and goes back to casually eating the breakfast he had on his plate. Behind the action he was thinking while his wolf felt anxious. Wondering what he could do to make sure that they stayed away from Ana while fixating on the Panic Discord. This was becoming bothersome indeed.

While at the castle behind the stage, Alex who had gone back to find the boy had shifted as a bloodhound and sniffed out around the area coming to the floor hatch as he men searched and followed. She stopped and pointed to the hatch as one of the men opened for her to see what was inside.
Hidden 2 hrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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The Duke sighed and said “I will handle things from here my lord. I am granting my protection for the Witch and her team. I won’t let my brother be taken in” Grant nodded and got up. “As you wish” he left the room

Vale sighed and said “sorry about him…very old school and does not trust outsiders. I won’t let anyone act against Ana after all she’s done for my brother…”

When the door was open they could hear faint crying. Deeper into the tunnel. And the fresh scent of blood.
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