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Hidden 1 day ago Post by Crawkid
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Crawkid The excitable one

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Some shadowy contracted familiars would drag the other three down to the labyrinth with them, the boss lady speaks up as the duststorm grows wilder behind them, covering their tracks.

"I will handle introductions, Dante. You get a mana stone for this poor girl.

Everyone of them, even the ones that need to be interrogated, should be brought to a room with a cot, a chair, a small table, a glass, and a pitcher of water. Once the elf is alone with Ash, she smiles gently, "So...you are Chi's guest. Welcome. I'm his boss, Astra"


Meanwhile, chi is floppy and goopy in someone's arms.
Hidden 1 day ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Dante bowed his head and said “of course my lady. Your wish is my command”

Later on Ash was lying on the cot, the mana stone glowing next to her. Dante was sitting by the cot, treating the small injuries she had. He said softly “looks like her mind took a nasty hit before chi pulled her through…her mana core opposite by the looks. She will need to take it easy for a couple of hours at least…”

Then Ash stirred and opened her eyes slightly, the room fuzzy for a few seconds. Then she tried to sit up and Dante helped her. Ash looked around and saw Astra sitting there. Dante stood and bowed to his mistress. “I’ll leave you two alone to chat. Call if you need me” then he shifted into a bat and flew out of the room thru the opening in the ceiling.

Ash looked at the elf and said “I’m Ash…I didn’t think Chi had a boss…I figured he was a stray…what is this place? And why am I here?”

Aura was cleaning Chi’s slime with her soft flame, burning off anything nasty mixed in. “So who’s your friend Chi? She’s cute…”
Hidden 1 day ago Post by Crawkid
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Crawkid The excitable one

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Chi expands slightly, and then slightly jiggles. A content sighs as the left over particulates are expunged. Finally, he begins to shift again, but its still a slow sift. Not wanting to expend too much of himself, he shifts to a small kid. Not overly big, not overly complicated. Infact he only gave himself a white sack for clothes, and didnt bother with hair. "...That girl from the shop that can make lifelike robots. I messed up a contract, and ended up in her shop....then those black robots came by. Apparently to take her cores. One saw me and took aim and she jumped in the way....things just kind of kept going after that. I don't think either of us are in good shape, but I made it home"

Asta chuckles, and takes a seat. "....Well he is old enough, and roams around as he pleases. But even strays need a safe place to rest. ANd if youre kind enough, they might choose you as their place. As it so happens, there was a time that stray decided that the scrapyard was going to be his hoe. We happen to agree on that. Eventually, he noticed us and started asking questions. And we fed him and gave him a place to sleep, when he asked for it."
Hidden 1 day ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Aura frowned as she brought over a mana stone for him and lit it with her own mana. “Chi you need to stop using contracts when you’re that drunk. But maybe fate stepped in knowing that girl would need your help” she smiled at him and pushed her flame colored hair off her shoulder.

Ash listened to her explanation and said “that sounds like him…from the short time I’ve known him. But now I’m wondering what you are doing here? And…why did he seem to know more about me then normal folks…”
Hidden 1 day ago Post by Crawkid
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Crawkid The excitable one

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Chi wrinkles his nose at the talk of fate, but reaches towards the mana stone to try to syphon some of the energy into himself. "I'll take it into consideration" he says, a faint smile as he attempts to tease a bit, even though he is tired and worn out from the last few days.

"Well, for the first question. We came here, because we don't really want to be found by most folks. And a normal building is just too easy to raid. Oh, dont worry. We're not the bad guys, but people might think we are. And as for the second question....well, he is very observant. But beyond that, you're a notable figure in the city." a pause, "...did you not know that?"
Hidden 1 day ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Aura rubbed his head and said “just rest my kitty cat. You’ve had a bad few days. We will take care of everything. Right Dante?” The fang appeared from the shadows and smiled. “Of course. We are family right? We all stick together no matter what. Do you wish this tinker to be family as well?”

Ash blinked and said “no I didn’t…figured I’m known for my bots but apart from that I don’t see myself as an important person?”
Hidden 1 day ago Post by Crawkid
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Crawkid The excitable one

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

The small humanoid shifter spread out over aura's lap to enjoy head pats, and recharge his mana "Meow~"

But the Dante appears, giving Chi pause to frown and thik about it, rolling the mana stone betwee his hands "...That is up to her. Her don't forcably recruit...so right ow she's just a nice girl that I saved....but she saved me so, we're kind of even."

He plays with the mana stone a bit more, still thinking "...but I wonder how much Astra will end up telling her..."


"Your bots are important" she nods slowly, "perhaps you don't understand now, but I can tell you your cores are...precious. ANd unfortunately, a bit of a lynchpin right now"
Hidden 23 hrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Dante raised an eyebrow and said “wait…she’s the tinker with the perfect cores? The almost life like machines that think for themselves? May you have brought us a find Chi. Not sure what the mistress will do…”

Aura said softly as she pet Chi “she seems nice. I don’t want her to get hurt…but the boss has her plans…”

Ash frowned and asked “what kind of pin? What does my orbs have to do with anything apart from my machines.” Then she thought of those attacks Bane had talked about. “Wait…the others attacked…does this have to do with that?”
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