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Hidden 3 yrs ago 1 mo ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter / Maybe Soldier Boy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: AnnaBeth

Species: Human appearance/Escaped “special child” of Lilith

Age: 23


Relation to characters (optional): Being one of Lilith earliest experiments, AnnaBeth is drawn to the other special children, like Sam. She always seems to end up near them, and now...specially Sam Winchester.

In 1983, there was a contest in Hell. Who could present Lucifer with the ultimate vessel? Lilith proposed all women, being she was the original First Lady, and the first woman to rebel. Azazel was more equitable with his choices, making sure they covered all spectrums.

Ultimately Azazel won, picking Sam Winchester (among other poor souls) as the Boy King...the ruler of demons, vessel of Lucifer and bringer of the end of days.

But where did that leave the others? Well, in AnnaBeths case, both forgotten and hunted. It has never been mentioned to her, that she might be special. However, she has these dreams...awful dreams about a man, about the end.

With her powers stifled, much like Sam’s, she simply heard voices. But if she’s angry, the wrath of hell will rain down on the individual in her sights.

Weapons: None really. But hey...can she have your gun? No, really. You should give her your gun.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter / Maybe Soldier Boy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Cason Smith

Species: Demon

Age: unknown


Relation to characters (optional): Tasked with hunting down and killing the remaining special children, all but the Boy King, whom he worships.

Cason was a rather boring guy, when he was human. At 30, he sold his soul for honor. He wanted to be a class A soldier, the best there ever was. But what good is honor, if you never live to see it play out? After 10 years, the demon came to him with her hounds. Her hellhounds ripped him apart, leaving his remains scattered about his cabin.

In hell, he was a good soldier, being allowed to leave the racks after only five years. Some may have called him weak. No, in Cason’s mind, it was an opportunity for glory. Make the best of your situation, right?

Word spread about the special children. All corners of hell wanted a piece of the pie. And when it failed for Lilith? She came looking for her brightest and most talented soldiers to hunt down her failures, hiding them from Lucifer.

Now, only one remains. She may seem innocent, but you would be wrong to underestimate her. With his devotion to Sam Winchesters destiny, he will stop at nothing to make sure the boy isn’t challenged...no matter who he has to go through first.

But the girl is beautiful. It’s almost hard to kill her. No. It’s his job...but...does she even know?

Shut up. He’s a demon! He’s a warrior! There’s no room for sentimental bullshit here.
But...is this guilt he’s feeling?

Himself - teleportation, ability to change bodies at will, super strength and can only be killed by the Colt or Ruby’s knife. Can also be exorcised.

Ability to control hellhounds.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 1 mo ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Name: Natalia Winchester (previously Natalia Drake)

Nickname: Nat but only certain people get away with calling her that

Species: human/hunter

Age: 24/about to turn 25

Birthday: November 4th


She has long brunette hair that has a natural wave to it as well as always being side parted and hazel brown eyes. Almost always sports a smokey eye look with nude lipstick (or a tinted lip balm). She gets teased for it but she doesn't care. Her outfit includes her beloved biker jacket that is always at least a size too big for her, but it makes it all the more comfortable. She always wears racer back vests with black jeans and beaten up old combat boots that she refuses to replace. She'd rather get them get resolved than change them completely and go through the pain of breaking in new boots. She sometimes wears a couple of necklaces round her neck but not always, depends on the job and her mood and sports an anti possession tattoo on her left collarbone like her brothers do.

Sexuality- straight and single. Relationships get in the way in her mind. That is....until a certain demon came into her life all over again

Height- 5'7"

Right or left handed: left

Scars: a couple of large ones on her back, going diagonally across from her right shoulder blade down toward her left side of her natural waist.

Personality: sassy, snarky but loyal to those she let's in emotionally. Quirky at times and old school in her professional life.

Relation to characters (optional): half sister, John is her biological father.

Bio: The younger sister of the Winchester boys whom she only met much later in life. They collided on a hunt that the boys were doing at the asylum she was in, and from there learned they were all blood related via their father John.

Natalia was brought up by her adoptive parents Kara and Harry whom were scared of her by the time she was a teenager. They thought she was insane and put her in a hospital for the insane, as she would have visions in her nightmares of her birth father fighting all things that go bump in the night, making her want to sneak out at night to try and get answers on what they meant. Little did she know it was all a ploy by Hell and a demon named Azazel to get her committed so the wheels would begin turning for her meeting her real family, to play mind games with the winchester boys.

She was ready to escape one night when she was in her early twenties, when Azazel of all people went to break her out by letting her out of her room, setting in motion for her to collide with the brothers in her escape attempt, whilst all hell broke lose in the asylum with a wraith. Her relationship with the boys wasn't plain sailing at first. Dean didnt trust her at all. He was convinced for months that she was a fraud until Sam proved him wrong. She feels this is why she grew much closer to Sam as opposed to Dean, despite having much more in common with Dean. She loves old school rock and roll, she loves to sing and sketch in her downtime if they ever get it or when in the backseat of the impala.

Weapons: firearms of any kind, she's not fussy in the slightest, but likes the convience of handguns as they can be hidden well enough. If it ever calls for it, she enjoys bringing out her compound bow, but it's very rare she gets to use it for ranged attacks. She also likes her arsenal of knives for close melee attacks. She also has the habit of fiddling with her knives if she's restless or impatient over something, or just plain bored. Has left at least two indentations from her knives in every motel room table she's ever sat at.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Name: Benjamin Lee

Species: Witch

Age: 21 in appearance, 178 years old


Relation to characters (optional): Benjamin pretends to "just" be a psychic and clairvoyant, helping the main characters, be they Sam and Dean or anyone else for that matter, to prevent the Judeo Christian Apocalypse.

Bio: Born in the English countryside in 1830, Benjamin was a natural born witch who could speak with plants and animals and later manifested telekinesis in puberty. English witches could sense his natural born talent and took him in to learn their craft. This man traveled the world after reaching his twenties and eventually settled down in America in the year 1948. He has tutored witches from all over the world over the past one hundred years. As is unusual with a witch, contact or some kind of involvement with demons was very uncommon for him.

However, this powerful male witch has recently been targeted by demonic entities, and he is seeking out the Winchesters to help them overcome the source of the attempts on his life.

Powers and Abilities:

Communication/domination over Plants and Animals
Enhanced Perception: Evil
Peak Human Intelligence
Sheer Force Of Will/Pain Tolerance/Concentration

Spell Casting:
Protection spell creates a force field, skin tight around his entire body, and is at least as durable as Kevlar. He can focus on the forcefield to strengthen it. Protection spells cancel out curses and make it more difficult to effect a target with hostile magic.

Ignis: A fireball erupts from the palm of his hand and strikes out at his targets.

Frigis: A localized blizzard homes in on enemies, attempting to freeze them to death.

Healing Spell: With a pinch of salt and herbs he can perform wonders of healing, curing long term chronic diseases and with incantations even curing permanent paralysis, blindness and cancers. As long as the body is whole and not too old, it is possible he can even resurrect the dead.

Unlocking/Locking/Sealing Spell: Benjamin knows spells to lock/unlock and seal objects, people, animals or even occasionally spirits away.

Glamor: Benjamin can change the physical appearance of himself or others through a one word command.

Mirror Images Benjamin can split into multiple images of himself, which even those with clairvoyance or psychic abilities find very difficult to tell apart from the real man.

Fulminis Venite: Benjamin conjures a lightning bolt to strike an enemy.

Dispel Magic: Dispel magic causes spells and hexes to fizzle out. The stronger and more complex the spell, the less likely this spell is to work. Even with Benjamin's sheer force of will, something like Rowena's protection spell over her house, opening Lucifer's Cage, etcetera, and the major spells/rituals of the show can't be nullified.

Salire per Spatium: A teleportation spell.

Despite having peak intelligence, and having the appearance and biological health of a young man, Benjamin has some kind of modest senility which occasionally effects his behavior from time to time. He once knew a vast array of powerful spells and only remembers a little over several of them now. Whenever in the presence of significant evil or danger, his senility is set into remission.

Also, he has never learned how to use curses in spell casting on anyone.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 1 mo ago Post by Wolvena
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Wolvena RP loving wolf girl

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Esme Marabella Stirling

Nickname(s): Ez, Ezzy, Bella, Mara, Stirling

Species: Human/Hunter

Age: 28

Always wears a black leather jacket, black boots, a hand made wire necklace, a multicolored beaded bracelet with a silver wolf charm on her right wrist, a medium-sized silver ring on her right thumb with a lapis stone, and a silver watch on her left wrist.

Tattoos/Scars: Anti Possession tattoo on her right hip. A scar on her stomach from a blade from an altercation outside a bar. Bullet scar, or at least what looks like was from a bullet, on her left shoulder.

Sexuality: Straight and single

Relation to characters (optional): Friend from the past at least for Dean and his father John. Sam wasn’t with them when they met. She hasn’t seen them in some years but has kept up with what they have done and what they are doing.

Bio: Esme was born into a family of hunters. By the time she could walk, her training had begun, much to the disapproval of her mother. When she was nine, her mother was killed. As she grew older, her training became more intense because her father wanted to be sure she was ready for anything she may come across. By age six, she knew how to handle a gun, fight, and knew about most things that go bump in the night. At age ten, her father took her on her first hunt. They had tracked down and killed a werewolf that had been terrorizing a town. By fourteen, she was someone well versed in all things that go bump in the night. When her father thought she was ready, he started taking her on cases. He saw her as a natural hunter, but was still overprotective and would step in even if she had it handled. In her early teens, she and her father had gone on a hunt, the aim of this hunt was to raid a small vampire nest in an abandoned and dilapidated warehouse, but this small nest turned out to be quite large, and more than the two could handle. Lucky for them, John Winchester and his son Dean had also caught wind of the case and showed up some time after them. The four teamed up and paired off, her father and John and Dean and her. They worked together and took out the nest, Dean and her hitting it off as they did and making a small game out of it. With the job done and the mess cleaned up, they met up at their vehicles and talked a while.

The adults shared a few beers, exchanged thanks, and a few stories. Dean and Esme went off to talk on their own until the men were ready to leave. The two teens spoke about how they wished they had met in better times and other things, exchanged numbers in case either got in a hairy situation, and gave each other an item to remember the other by before it was time to part ways. After parting ways, they ended up at the same hotel without realizing it. It wasn’t until Esme made a trip to the vending machine and found Dean there did it become clear. The two talked for a long while before they walked back to her room and said their goodnights and he went to his room. The next morning, Esme’s father woke her early after getting word of a case that wasn’t too far off. As they loaded their car they ran into the Winchesters again as they were loading their own car. They were also headed out on another case, the same one Esme and her father were headed off too. So, once again, they teamed up to take care of the creature. After the hunt, they found a place to linger and talk for a while, then they went their separate ways. Before parting ways, the two hugged and Esme kissed Dean's cheek and thanked him for his and his father's help. They both vowed they’d met up with one another again. Esme kept in touch with Dean over the years, much to her father's disapproval, as he tried to keep her from contacting him. So, she ended up doing it in secret.

There was a connection there that she didn’t want to lose. It also gave her someone to talk to when she and her father were on the outs and having a disagreement over something. But when her father was killed, she contacted him one last time before dropping contact. She became a lone wolf and became obsessed with finding what had killed her father, but has never found it. Some time passed before she ended up getting in touch with Dean for a case to get his help. The two worked together and ended up hitting it off again and even having a bit of a fling. It didn’t last but they parted on good terms. Sometime later, she learned of a hunt her other family members went on and that none survived. She ended up closing herself off from others and spending most of her days on the road, only going to the place she once called home if she needed something from there. She felt that the only true home she had now was her car since she lived mostly on the go and it held her most prized possessions.

Weapons: An assortment of firearms, blades, and even a grenade launcher in case the occasion calls for it. She always has a lighter on hand and a surplus of bullets, salt, and lighter fluid on hand.

Vehicle: A black cherry four-door 1969 Chevrolet Chevelle, that once belonged to her parents
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 19 days ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Character: Mika Chambers


Relation to characters: An old "school" time girlfriend of Dean's. She is also a niece of Bobby's but only Bobby and Mika know about her relation to him. For some reason not known they kept it a secret from everyone- even the entire Winchester family.

Bio: Got brought up to be a hunter by Bobby after her entire family was murdered by a Wendigo when she was 17 years old. She barely got away from the attack, with her back being left with a scar that runs down her spine. When this happened, she had lost contact with Dean and Sam. Only Bobby stayed in contact with her and secretly brought her up. She didn't want Dean to find out that she was in the same business as himself.
Mika is a tough hunter and hunting is all she knows. She very clearly at Dean and Bobby's level. Bobby taught her well. She knows how to fend for herself very well. Yet, aside from the hunting, she is still very fragile inside from the murder of her parents, yet she uses that fragility to her advantage to hunt! Now it's five years on and the apocalypse is about to begin, she's back and reunited with the Winchesters and pretty much with Dean yet again, though their relationship is extremely rocky. One minute they're fine, then they'll but heads the next. Dean doesn't trust Mika as a hunter because of her recklessness and attitude. Yet Mika craves trust from Dean, she may be a cold killer but she still wishes to be a normal girlfriend to Dean alongside hunting- or at least as normal as you can get! She also still wants to prove she's just as good a hunter as the Winchesters are- after all she's survived this long on her own! Though there is still one secret she's keeping from the entire team, but what is it and will anyone ever find out what she's keeping? Who knows...

Appearance: Long black hair (down to just above her waist) and has now streaked magenta pink highlights through it. She wears skin tight ripped black jeans with knee high DM boots over the top. She is usually seen in a pleather waist coat or pleather biker jacket with a vintage motley crue tee underneath. There are times she'll wear normal boots and bootcut jeans but that's very very rare- that's usually her go to choice when everything else needs a trip to the dry cleaners. But you can bet your ass those bootcuts will have obvious looks of distressing in them and she'll still sport it with in appropriate vest tops which show off cleavage and sometimes her abs. She also has a full back tattoo to cover the scars from the Wendigo attack. The tattoo is a burning phoenix rising from ashes-wings spred wide. Her make up consists of the smokey eye look and drastic colored lips (i.e. dark red lipsticks or browns), again not appropriate for the hunting business, but she's not your average hunter. She wants to create gossip about herself in the hunting world.

Before the attack when she was a teenager and with Dean, her hair was crimson red and she was very much the library geek girl, who loved old literature (mostly pride and prejudice- to which she read so many times, her numerous copies practically fell apart, all but one that she gave to Dean when she had to leave him). She was greatly into her art, which is probably where her need for tattoos stemmed from. She was shy, wore over sized sweaters and skirts or jeans and converse. Sometimes she wore vintage dresses when she was on dates with Dean. After the attack she changed drastically, grew cold hearted, became a hunter and sported stark white hair before she became the woman she is now. She truly is a phoenix and chameleon in her time of growing and changing. With each outer change, she changes internally.

Weapons of choice: her handgun that Bobby gave her when she stated hunting, it's your average .45 handgun but Bobby has managed to craft different bullets so she can change the ammo without having to change gun as much. She also loves to wield swords when she can or a crossbow. But her handgun is her pride and joy. Her wit usually gets her into and out of trouble a lot as well, she's a sassy sarcastic bitch and she knows how to make it work for her.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by SirensCall
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SirensCall The Siren Hellspawn

Member Seen 4 days ago


Age unknown, Soul nearing 250|Black Eyed Demon

Worked for Azazel, knows of the Winchesters. Currently she is trying to stay under the radar, but knows that might not be possible as Lucifer is preparing to rise.

Aurelia is a lost soul. She used to follow Azazel, but once the Winchesters put him down, she wandered aimlessly, trying to find something new to believe in. She never followed Lilith, but never exactly stood against her either. She, by nature, has always been a neutral being, but then she caught word of the scandal surrounding the Winchesters.

She has been trying to track down Meg, the only demon she ever truly allied herself with aside from yellow eyes. She is one of very few who knows Aurelia, and despite being a demon, her neutral stance on things in general.

As a human, Aurelia sold her soul to become a strong witch, and after her ten year sentence, she had a rather unique sentence in Hell. She went on the racks, sure, but once taken off by Azazel, she was allowed some access to some of her power. She doesn't have a lot of her powers, but she has a lot of knowledge that proves useful. While application is hard for her now, she has learned some ways around it.

Currently, Aurelia is still just trying to find her place, and has been searching for Meg. She has crossed paths with other demons, but she tries to avoid them as mich as she can as she doesn't know how what is happening will affect her new way of life.

Aurelia has what are considered mid-leveled demon powers as she is considered a higher ranking black eyed demon. She can possess people, use super strength and stamina as well as still practice some of the witchcraft she did after she sold her soul. Her favorite newer power is telekinesis. She can be killed by the Colt, Ruby's knife, and can still be exorcised.

She has a set of brass knuckles her meat suit carried around on a silver necklace, and a 9mm that she also found on her meat suit. She is currently trying to get better weapons.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Name: Josiah Mezunun

Species: Human, Blessed

Age: 22


Relation to characters: Against the Winchesters when it comes to them versus Heaven & the angels. Aside from such instances he tends to side with the angels, as he believes in working for the "greater good".

Personality: Josiah is a workaholic, when engaged with any task he puts all his effort into it. He's unwavering when it comes to following his moral code, and does not tend to associate with those who conflict with his values. The only exception to that rule is if said person is useful and circumstances are dire. He has an intense dislike for monsters & other things related to the supernatural deeming them to be unrepentant evil for the most part. He has developed a dark sense of humor that many understand as well as substance issues to cope with the reality of his lifestyle & mission. He's devoted to his family and any other people he loves willing to go the literal ends of the earth for them if needed. On a more negative note he can sometimes be impatient, brash & stubborn on top of a tendency to hold grudges.

Bio: Josiah was born & raised in a loving family in America. His father was a succesful businessman & his mother was a realtor. He was the eldest of his three siblings, having a younger brother & sister. He was raised to be the role-model to his younger siblings & took that role with pride. At a young age he stumbled upon something he had no business looking into & learned more about his father's business. He learned that his father had a hidden organization that generated great money obtaining & flipping supernatural artifacts. What's more he learned about his parents past as hunters fighting the good fight against the things that crept in the dark & how he leveraged his secrete organization to still provide aid to hunters around America & sometimes other places in the world.

It was through this that he learned of his destiny & of special abilities that ran in his bloodline. Although his mother was against it he wanted to learn more of the gifts that his family had and of the supernatural aspects of their business. Eventually she gave in and his father trained him in the ways of the hunter while also providing him education about the world of the supernatural. During his teenage years a massive demonic attack was launched on his home-town, and his training came into use. His father was slayed during the concentrated demonic attack, as well as the rest of his extended family. He managed to escape with his mother Tasha & younger sister Sonya who had been unaware of her family's extracurricular activities. They moved on to the big city life where his mother was determined to preserve the remnants of her family in LA & was staunchly against any more provoked supernatural interactions not wanting to loose what she had left of them.

Josiah understand his mother's pain, but still went on to educate & train his sister the same way his late-father once had. He wanted her to be aware of the family legacy as he still took pride in it, and figured that the evil attack on the town was related to his family's being there as well as the unique blessing that had passed through his people since biblical times. Upon graduating high school he went on to attend college in Miami, Florida. There he became immersed in the stereotypical lifestyle, and abandoned his devotion that his father had instilled in him as a youth. He grew accustomed to a new lifestyle of alcohol, drugs, sex & partying. Eventually his past caught up with him when he inadvertently got involved with a case upon uncovering a demonic sorority on campus. Pulling himself from his narcotic induced stupor he relied on his old training & managed to purge the campus of the demonic infestation. Seeing the positive impact he was able to have saving lives, he realized that he still had a yearning to do good things in the world like his father once had. He took note of the rising demonic activity in the world and grew concerned. He abandoned his courses to delve into the realm of the supernatural once more.

It was during this tenure of time that he grew to learn of the danger the world was now facing. He eventually made contact with his guardian angel who informed him the trials the earth was undergoing with demons seeking to shatter the seals that held the Devil to let him walk the earth once more. Recognizing the grave danger the world was in, the guardian allowed him to participate in some tests to unlock the power that flowed through his blood. Managing to pass all the tests and gain said power, he was then taught about both its origins & how to use it. Unfortunately demons hunting him down to prevent this from happening working with what he assumed was a rogue angel managed to spring a trap. His guardian was slayed, and Josiah barely managed to escape with his life. He sought to contact his family only to learn in horror that his mother had been kidnapped by demons. Fueled with rage and a desire to vengeance he was once again ready to fight the evils of the world. He sought out his sister Sonya, & together they got there father's business running again both the legitimate & the under the table supernatural one. Now working with her he's traveling around hunting monsters & demons hoping against all odds to be able to track down his mother & help put an end to the serpent's return.

Weapons: He has a silver machete, silver brass knuckles as well as two twin glocks that he frequently uses. Other tools in his arsenal include a sawed off shotgun that disperses salt rounds, a silver knife, an RPG, a sharpened iron rod, & a few other small weapons.
Inherited the blessing of the judges, allowing him to draw strength & durabiliy from his hair. He also wields the HoG which causes his arm to glow blue when in use allowing him supernatural negation. Drawing on this power can cause him strain with more powerful targets & more frequent uses.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Name: Hera (Helena Panakos)

Species: God/Goddess

Age: At least two and a half thousand years old


Relation to characters (optional): None.


More than two and a half thousand years ago, Hera ruled the Greek religious life with her husband Zeus on Mount Olympus. Eventually, due to Zeus'es many infidelities, Hera gave up on trying to get revenge or make the marriage work and cursed Zeus to never be able to marry. For the past several decades Hera has been living as a modern CEO of her own very successful clothing boutique. Hera has gotten over Zeus centuries ago and has actually even given up on revenge as a concept.

Despite Hera's growing as a person, she still can be kind of a pragmatic bitch. She is, however, kinder than she was as the Queen of Olympus, and even has a large number of Human friends. Yes, she is still ruthless and overly pragmatic but she can kind of be compassionate as well. Rarely, Hera even cooperates with the forces of Heaven to keep running her commercial empire and keep tabs on other Pagan gods.

Immortality, and healing factor
She has super human strength, durability and athleticism.
She has the power to conjure fireballs.
Hera has the power to bless and curse. Her blessings and curses as a goddess rarely effect the significantly powerful beings of the Supernatural universe, but can be very useful against fodder.
Peak Human Intelligence

Hera can be summoned into a trap, much like Zeus was on the show.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Cassifer
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Poe Ryan

Species: Human/Hunter

Age: 30


Relation to characters (optional): None particularly, other than being a hunter.

Poe was just a simple guy, living alone on his ranch in Colorado. The woman of his dreams had just come into his life when tragedy struck. She was possessed by a demon, used up, and when she came after him as loose change, he was forced to kill her. The demon left her body, after he had killed her. This set him on the same obsessive search as most hunters.

Now, there are rumors of Lilith breaking seals. There are demon signs all over the country, and Poe's blood is flowing to kill them all, even if he's not sure how. Exorcism is better than nothing.

To top it off, one of her kids is floating around out there. A demon told him, while he tortured her. Lilith is looking for her, which means this kid must mean something.

His favorite axe, silver plated.
Sawed off shotgun with salt rounds.
Multiple torture items for demons - syrenges of holy water, bags of salt, etc.

Drives an old Jeep Wrangler with a deer cage on the front.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter / Maybe Soldier Boy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Samael

Species: Angel

Age: ageless - as old as Castiel


Relation to characters (optional): Tasked with ensuring that the abomination attached to Sam Winchester is eliminated, swiftly.

Samael is a soldier, first and foremost. His no-nonsense and no quarter policies have made him an icon amongst the garrison he leads in heaven. He fought alongside Uriel and Castiel until his number was drawn to eliminate threats on Earth, similar to Castiel's own tasks. However, while Castiel is tasked with making sure plans are acted out according to the book, Samael is tasked with eliminating the Second. Liliths Second is a viable host to Lucifer (although not his true vessel, like Sam), a potential barrier between the younger Winchester brother and his purpose of releasing Lucifer, and must be killed. She has been shielded by her demon boyfriend's attempts to keep her from Lilith, but has not been warded against Angels. It's most unfortunate that she has once again come into the path of Sam Winchester...most unfortunate indeed.

They might have told him to try and save her soul, but that's not his business. His business is getting the task done, by all means necessary. The Winchesters are gnats. They can be swatted, and if God wants to bring them back for their roles, that's his business. He has his orders.

Angel Blade
His own grace - can smite demons and humans as well as heal them. He can also teleport, thanks to his wings, and can time travel.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Name: Leon Terrance

Species: Human, Special Child

Age: 37


Relation to characters: Perceives the Winchesters as a grave threat to American Society, as well as others who engage in similar activities including digging up graves, murder, robbery, & growing their cult.

Bio: Leon Terrence had a typical middle class american upbringing. He enjoyed his life growing up and had one sibling an older sister named Leah Terrance but two years who he looked up to. Leon was very motivated by his father who was entrenched in government & detective work. As a result of that he had a strong moral compass growing up, and always strove to be the best he could in everything he engaged in throughout life. He attended college in New York University where he met & fell in love with Amy Walker who was everything he could ever want in a woman.

Upon graduating college they drifted apart as Amy wanted to pursue a career in artistry, while he ended up going into the military wanting to serve his country. There he became further indoctrinated into excessive patriotism & putting the continuation of his country above all else. After finishing a seven year tour he returned to civilian life briefly working as a licensed gun dealer with one of his closest child-hood friends wanting a break from combat. It was during this finding himself phase that he finally decided to follow in his father's foot-steps. One factor that heavily contributed to this was his older sister being brutally gang-raped and the three men responsible getting off thanks to their affluence & connections.

His black/white view of the world & it's supposed honorable leadership was shook to the core. He went into the intelligence community & worked his way up the ranks wanting to be in power to prevent people in power using wealth to get away with committing atrocities. It was during this time that he had another run in with Amy Walker who had become a succesful artist & actually helped him take down a few heavily connected criminals who liked to squander their wealth on artwork. Despite them getting married he never learned of Amy's greatest secret which was her ability to turn into other people. Unfortunately during the second year of their marriage Amy was brutally murdered by a hunter who was investigating a murderous shape-shifter who happened to be killing in their area. The ruthless hunter who was responsible for slaughtering Amy despite her dedication to non violence was none other then John Winchester.

This crushed Leon and left him broken. He went on an alcoholic spiral & temporarily left behind his life as a CIA agent to wallow in his own misery. Leon wouldn't allow himself to wither away into nothingness and after an intervention from his family he returned to work. He turned his despair into pure unbridled rage and an urge for vengeance on John for taking away his wife. This led him to stumble upon the mysterious world of the supernatural & the beasts that crept in the dark. However instead of learning of the actual monsters that many brave un-rewarded men & women hunted across the world, he became aware of the hunters themselves. With no belief in anything unnatural he's come to perceive these people as part of a dangerous cult selectively murdering innocents across America & has put together a task force to stop them at all costs. He even discovered that John Winchester himself had died, as learned of his sons who seemed to follow in his foot-steps. Well they were reported to have died in a mysterious police station explosion months ago he does not believe it and continues to pursue them among other hunters who he sees as crazed deranged & dangerous criminals.

Weapons: Leon has a standard black mercedes, with bulletproof glass/windows. He carries a regular 9mm pistol on his person, as well as a strong knife. As an intelligence agent he also carries several other back-up weapons in the trunk of his vehicle including shotguns, sub-automatic machine-guns, flash bombs, pepper spray & more. Also due to his high rank he has access to several CIA/Government resources to aid him in his war against crime.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Name: Felix Haustin

Species: Dragon Ghost Psychic/Alpha Werewolf

Age: 211


Relation to characters: Sees the Winchesters as pawns in his grand scheme to change the world, but at the same time a thorn in his side to his plans to revolutionize the world

Bio: Felix Haustin was born a powerful psychic, in-fact he was an ancestor to a particularly powerful psychic the winchesters encountered in life named Fred Jones. As such he shared his type of powers & potential in his day. He grew up in a family inolved with the American Men of Letters, who in his heyday were in more communication with the British Men of Letters. After a falling out & a particular bad encounter with a pack of magically enhanced vampires where he almost lost h is life he began obsessed with strength to evade the fear of death. To that end he began hunting down wisps & rumors of dragons, one of the strongest monsters there was. Finally he was able to find one & with the help of a witch he was able to use his psychic powers to turn himself into a dragon finally having the raw power he wanted. From there he sought to use the Letters as a means to take reigns of the new world aka America for himself. Eventually his plans as well as transformation was uncovered by the higher ups and he was led into a trap where he was slayed by use of Excalibur.

However his powerful psychic powers as well as transformation remained after death allowing him to seal his reaper, however the Letters had burned his body. Planning ahead however he had a wedding ring from his first failed marriage to a woman he never got over soaked in his blood. He was able to use that as a tether to remain in the real world & began plotting his revenge on both the Men of Letters & the world. In order to achieve those goals one thing he sought was the wooden box that contained the history of supernatural knowledge & spells accumulated by the letters. Unfortunately while tracking it in the early 60's Henry Winchester used the blood sigil to flee forward in time & Abaddon slaughtered what was left of the american chapter. Still this dosen't stop him and he was able to finally secure the host he needed to return to power in the world, the alpha werewolf. Now with a new body he's returned to his old ways once again in the pursuit of vengeance & world domination led by a new warrior race.

Weapons: Advanced Psychic Powers including telekinesis, space control & reality distortion. The ability to harness the energy of his soul taught to legacies allowing him to shape-shift into his original dragon body where he can wield the powers of a dragon. He also has the powers of the alpha werewolf in his non shifted form including the ability to telepathically communicate with the werewolf species like the alpha vampire did vampires. Beyond that he is a capable witch & carries a magically embedded glaive made of silver & iron that has a boomerang effect, meaning it always comes back to him.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Wolvena
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Wolvena RP loving wolf girl

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Rosalie Aldaine

Nickname(s): Rose(by a select few), Aldaine

Species: Human/Woman of Letters

Age: 226, but looks to be about 28

Appearance: Olga Fonda

Relation to characters (optional): She knows of them and has heard about how they handle things, but is still not quite sure how she feels about them.

Bio: Rosalie Aldaine was born in the 1800s and brought up by a family involved in the Men of Letters. She became one of the first "Women" of Letters which was quite controversial at the time. Knowing this she sought to prove herself by performing with excellence for her & all other women interested in becoming legacies of the Letters in the future. During her continued tenure with the organization, she managed to rise to the occasion & beyond paving the way for others after her as she had initially intended. She met & fell in love with a powerful natural psychic & witch named Felix Haustin who had grand intentions to use the Men of Letters to carve out a great nation in the new world. Her love for him consumed her & caused her to follow in his steps to obtain eternal life to shape the group's future over the centuries. To that end he found and gave her water from the fountain of youth making the words Forever 21 take a whole new meaning for her.

However, her blind love for Felix dissipated upon learning that instead of also partaking in the fountain's water for eternal youth he instead turned himself into a dragon, one of the fiercest beasts in the world to compensate for his perceived lack of physical power. With her feelings cast aside, she glimpsed the evil brewing within Felix and stood with the other Men of Letters to take him down exposing what he did. This led to collaborating with the British Men of Letters to use Excalibur to slay the psychic witch protege turned dragon. She personally participated in the burning of his body and went on to resume her life's work with the Letters in order to keep the world rid of evil having seen it firsthand corrupt a man she loved deeply and once saw as her true love.

Over the next 200 years, Rosalie continued her work with the Letters, continuing to prove her worth and skills within their ranks even though most frowned upon her decision to partake in drinking water from the Fountain of Youth. Though most understood why she did and felt pity for her, but would never admit it to her face. With her life eternal, she witnessed her family grow, bear new life, and members of it pass away. She’s witnessed members of the Letters pass from being killed on the job or passing from old age, and new members were brought into the ranks and trained, her being one of the ones to train the new members. As time and years went by most of the Letters she knew and trusted passed, things became strained with the newer members for they saw her as one that shouldn’t be there despite all that she had done for the Chapter. Distrust and backstabbing spread through the Chapter, which caused her to gather her things and leave the American Chapter and join the British Chapter. Not to her surprise, they knew everything about her and what she had done for love and what she had done following that loves betrayal.

The British Chapter accepted her into their ranks, starting her out as the low man on the totem pole. Rosalie pushed herself to her limits to rise in rank and to the occasion, just as she had in the American Chapter. With her eternal life, they saw her as an asset as she shared her knowledge with them, and theirs with her. The more she learned from the British Men of Letters, the more of a force she became to reckon with. She excelled in every mission/case she was sent on and that only made her more of an asset to the Letters. Yes, there were some of their methods she didn’t approve of and would occasionally deviate from them to incorporate her own method, she still got the job done despite their disapproval and scolding when she came back. As time went on, she moved into the top ranks and they learned not to question her methods of taking care of whatever monster she came across and dealt with, they didn’t even scold her for how she took care of things since it was effective and she took care of the evidence and no one was the wiser.

After the fallout of the Letters, Rosalie pretty much went off and did her own thing. She tried to make a life for herself, going as far as finding a little house away from any town. She limited how often she visited town as to not draw attention to her eternal youth and have those she crossed paths with question her not aging. At first, she tried to get away from the life she had, but she kept being drawn back to it like a moth to a flame. She couldn’t keep herself from wanting to rid the world of its monsters as she had pledged all those years ago with Felix, the only difference now, was that she was going it alone. She made it her mission to kill the monsters she came across and heard about to keep them from killing innocents and wreaking havoc on the world, she couldn’t let any get away with it. Rosalie vowed to herself to keep fighting them and wouldn’t stop until she drew her last breath.

To this day, Rosalie has kept true to the vow she made herself and has never faltered. She has moved back to America and taken up residence in a Men of Letters bunker in St. Louis, Missouri, after hearing about the seals being broken and a series of murders and missing people. She knows she has to stop the seals from being broken and needs to find the monster responsible for the murders and missing people and put an end to it.

Weapons: A smallish satchel with a pocket dimension within it that holds her arsenal, knowledge of ancient and powerful magic, and time travel spells. She also carries a handgun on her person at all times.
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Hidden 1 mo ago 27 days ago Post by JustAnna
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JustAnna Hunter / Maybe Soldier Boy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Jason "Duke" Hatfield

Species: Human/Hunter

Age: 28


Relation to characters (optional): Basically Bobby Singer's kid after his parents were murdered by werewolves when he was seven years old.

Duke grew up in the hunting life, unfortunately. His parents were ambushed by werewolves when he was seven, and the person that came to his rescue? None other than Bobby Singer. His life with Bobby has been a mixture of boring and rural to dangerous and life threatening.

But the best thing about his time with Bobby? Meeting the Winchester boys. They grew up close, tight knit and inseparable, particularly Duke and Dean.

As an adult, things between Duke and Dean are a bit different, but his relationship with Deans other half, Mika is just as strong as ever. Mika was there when Dean couldn't be, when Duke was a kid. In some ways, he doesn't think Dean deserves her...or ever did.

He's more than competent in his hunting, but has a temper that tends to get him in trouble, along with a reckless spell. He lives for nothing in particular, and doesn't feel as if he has anyone who will miss him if he dies, other than maybe Bobby and Dean. So, decisions are made on the spot, from the heart, and quick and dirty...much to Dean Winchester's dismay.

It's hard not to get attached to Duke. He's chronically positive, a real glass half full type of guy. He's careless but also passionate when he gets to know people, and his smile draws in even the most hardened hearts.

A bag of various weapons like pistols, sawed off shot guns, lead pipes, iron bars, crosses and dead man's blood.
A silver knife that he learned by accident could kill a werewolf on the night that his parents died.

His Truck:
Hidden 16 hrs ago Post by Wolvena
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Wolvena RP loving wolf girl

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Seraphina Shaw

Nicknames: Sassy, Phina, Shaw

Species: Witch

Age: Unknown, but older than she looks.


Relationship to characters(optional): Esme’s godmother.

Seraphina was a good and close friend of the Stirlings for many years. After Esme was born, Wesley and Evelyn Stirling named her as Esme's godmother, which she gladly accepted. As Esme grew, Seraphina remained a constant in her life. Watching over her, teaching her things, and serving as a babysitter when Esme’s parents went out. After Esme’s mother was killed, Seraphina stepped in even more to help Wesley care for her and teach her what she needed to know to become a hunter. As Esme got older, she took the opportunity to teach her a bit of magic, sticking to the simpler things until she reached her late teens. Even with Esme in and out of her home and helping with cases, Seraphina never let up on any of Esme’s training. After Esme lost the rest of her family, Seraphina took a small break in her training and took Esme in. She got her back on her feet and then back into hunting to pull her out of her head and self-blame. After rescuing her from the asylum, Seraphina took it upon herself to up the training so that Esme would never have to worry about being unable to escape certain situations.

Today, Seraphina takes on cases as they reach her, still keeps tabs on Esme, and helps her where she can. She’s caught word of Esme teaming back up with Dean and some others and the few mishaps they’ve encountered, but not much more than that as of now. But she knows Esme will fill her in when she has the chance.

Weapons: Magic, an assortment of guns, bullets, knives, salt, and holy water.
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