Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Daniel Crowe - Auto Garage - Amy and Shannon

I small smile touched his lips. He took the radio, and nodded. "It's my pleasure, Ms. Amelia Rosanna Stephens." He extended a hand to shake. "Master Sergeant Daniel Emmett Crowe, ex-US Army, ex- Army Rangers Special Ops." He saw it fit that he give her his full title, as she had done the same for him. "You can call me Dan, Daniel, or Danny."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Amelia matched the smile and took his hand, giving it a firm shake, "I suspected you might have had background, you know your way around Military gear pretty well for a Civilian, no offence" she said with a small smile directed towards Shannon. She set about taking her weapons and loading the clips, seeing that there was no reason for them not to be ready now that the possibility of being shot wasn't a problem. "So what's the situation in this town, I've not long got here" she admitted, curious to the population of infected, living and possible gangs which pray on those still living.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Daniel Crowe - Auto Garage - Amy and Shannon

He contemplated the question for a moment. "Well, there are survivors scattered around, I know that." He pushed the clips on his flak jacket, laying it careful on the table by his kiffiyeh. "Any - uh...bandits I've met... didn't exactly make it out of that fight. But... I have heard some of the mention the name 'Tyler' a few times; probably some can of usurping leader..."

"I've wanted to do some serious scouting, but I couldn't do it by myself. If we can keep those short-rangers charged, maybe you and I could get a better look in the morning. Trust me, heading out at night is not the safest idea..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shannon - Auto Garage - Amelia, Daniel & James

Amelia Rosanna Stephens was quite the mouthful, Shannon thought. Her name was so boring in comparison. Anne. Shannon Anne of Greene Gables, so Danny used to joke occasionally. Shannon remembered Monica really liking that. She had read every single one of those awful boring books, cementing herself as a really odd duck in Shannon's eyes. The thought made Shannon smile, almost pushed her to chuckles. She felt safe here, a feeling she thought she'd lost forever earlier today.

"I'm just a civilian," she said, raising her hands. "I really don't know anything about the military, or whatever an RAF is." A needle of irritation rose in Shannon at the mention of the name Danny. She was going to have to get over that if she was going to stick with Mr. Ex-Soldier, but she didn't feel like dealing with her insecurities at the moment. While Amelia (Rose? Amy?) and Daniel talked, Shannon made her way toward the door. "I'm going to check on James."

Outside, she paused and listened for anything out of the ordinary. She didn't hear much of anything besides the rising sound of a cricket singing. Content, she walked over to the truck and knocked on the window. "James?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Amelia gave a light shrug as Shannon spoke, drawing her from what Daniel had just said, "At the moment the RAF is mostly nothing, but we're... was, basically soldiers used by the British air force" she said casually, giving a nod as she excused herself before returning to Daniel, "Sounds like a plan, and those short range radios should work just fine for that" she said before taking off her glasses, folding them and placing them in a pocket, "We can go over the details in the morning, there's no rush as long as they're not an immediate threat" she said as she walked over to a chair and took a seat, thankful to be able to get off her feet for now. "In any case you've got me to support you, I can't say I'm much help to you with anything else. I don't know the area, but if you can lend me your experience of the area I'll do my best to keep you and Shannon away from the reaper" she said as she took the M4 off and set it down on a table along with her black armoured jacket which she folded neatly. Undernieth was a simple black t shirt with the RAF insignia on it. She chose to keep her scarf on.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Daniel - Auto Garage - Amy

Daniel took a glancing look at the RAF symbol on Amy's shirt, but quickly averted his gaze as to not give the impression that he was looking at her body. He crossed to his bag, picking up the 9mm round he'd ejected from his chamber, and crouched beside his rucksack. He produced the Beretta clip from the back pocket of his soiled, dark jeans, inserting the round into it, and then it into the the pistol. He chambered the the first round and set the gun on the M9 on the table. The man scratched his beard briefly and turned to Amy. "Where were you before you were in New Orleans?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Amelia crossed a leg over the other, crossing her arms across her chest as she still seemed some what guarded. Likely due to a long hard history of finding it hard to trust. However she still answered the question, after all it was only history. "Stationed in Florida. The US wanted to build a long blockade from Jacksonville to Perry mobilising a bulk of both the US army and the British RAF to secure the whole of Miami. I assume they wanted it for the beaches since they could set up medical tents, supply drops and evacuations there. But there just wasn't enough time. Between controlling the infection in Miami and keeping the rest of it out we just didn't have the man power to do it" she said as she stared off for a moment. "We ran for the beaches, Thinking we would be evacuated by the helicopters and boats that were already there. But when they got there, nothing. They'd either been killed or had already left. We spent the next months making our way out of Florida. By the time we got to Panama City there was about three of us left. We split up after that" she said as she turned to face him, "I kept moving this way, and ended up here. No plan, no direction. Just... keep going" she said with a light shrug.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Emma Crowe - Train Tracks - Aleck and Lynn

Emma looked over at the woman for a second... she was on her own until she found her friends. And that other girl she was friends with was pregnant. When her aunt Rachel had been pregnant about two years ago, Emma had spent a good majority of her time helping her, and when her cousin Jamie was finally born, she helped take care of him. She wasn't the best help on earth, but she could do the woman some good...

She then looked over at Aleck. He'd helped her; saved her life, twice! But she had to help the pregnant woman. "I-I... Aleck, her friend was pretty well into her pregnancy... she's going to need as much help as she can possibly get... I mean... look, I'll give your stuff back, a-and I'll keep the walkie, so we can keep in touch. Maybe I can find you again, but I feel like I need to help that woman."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Chapter: Can't This be a Nightmare?

James Feryana & Shannon Greene - Beside truck, auto garage

As the others went into the auto garage, James stayed in the truck. He continued to sob and cry, upset at what he had saw. Why am I still alive? What do I do with myself? Will I just be running all my life? James argued with himself in his head as tears continued to cascade down from his eyes. "Why can't I just die?" He whimpered to himself. "Why do I have to be alive?"

After a little more tears being shed, James had fallen into an uncomfortable sleep. Snoring lightly, he shifted around, having nightmares, as if the world wasn't already a nightmare. As a giant force of walkers overwhelmed him, a knocking noise was heard. The walkers all walked away, and James blacked out, his eyes opening only seconds later to find himself back in the truck. He looked around for a second, yawning, then turned to see someone standing outside the truck. He then heard a voice, and knew who it was.

"Shannon?" He said, opening the truck door, stepping out and hugging her tight. After a few seconds, he let her go. "Is everything alright in there?" James asked, nodding slightly toward the auto garage. "I don't wanna be in this truck any longer. It's scary in there. A walker could just come and break in. Can we go inside?" He talked a little fast, desperately wanting to go inside of a building rather than run around outside or sit in a truck.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by riprofsuls


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Aleck ~ train tracks ~ Emma and lynn

This girl didn't even know where the pregnant girl was, for all they knew the motorcycle guy never even stopped and could be several dozens of miles away by now and on foot that translated into several hours worth of walking. It would get dark soon and they would all need to find shelter to survive. Aleck was momentarily tempted to taze the girl and carry her unconscious body back to the Haven but he knew if he did that he wouldn't be able to trust the girl not to overreact.

He rummaged through his sack and pulled out the other police revolver and a handful of ammo, he decided to at least give this girl a fighting chance against walkers and other people who might do her harm. If it wasn't dinner night today he'd travel with her but since it was the case he couldn't stay.

"Take this," He said placing the gun and ammo in her hands. "Keep safe ok? And don't be so trusting, put a bullet between the eyes of people who try and hurt you. And here's an extra pair of batteries for the walkie. If you ever need me give me a call and I will do my best to come find you and help you."

With that he got up and left the girl. He headed for the Haven at a running pace completely ignoring the other two on the tracks except to keep an eye on them as he went past, should they make a move he'd blast their brains on the concrete.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Emma Crowe - Train Tracks - Lynn and Aleck

Emma watched Aleck walk away for a moment, and pocketed the rounds. She reached under her soccer jersey and produced unhooked the walkie from her waistband. "Thank you, Aleck, for everything. Good luck." She turned away and walked towards the woman. "Like I said, my name is Emma. I want to help you; I've got some experience with babies and I think I can help you friend."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shannon - Auto Garage - James, Amelia & Daniel

Upon exiting the vehicle, James hugged Shannon tightly. She wasn't sure how to respond, and there was a few seconds of hesitation before Shannon hugged him back. James wasn't exactly a child, but he was still a kid in Shannon's eyes. She had never been great around kids. She had never had any younger siblings (Or any siblings at all) and even Danny's younger sister was far more friendly with Danny than she had ever been with Shannon. Shannon had simply never had the privilege of interacting with children and had never given it much thought. God, she didn't know if she herself had even wanted children. It was something she always decided she would think about later, and when the world turned into the way it was now, she decided it was not a thing she would ever have to think about again. That didn't seem to be the case now, with James becoming so uncomfortably attached to her in such a short time. It was a tiring thought.

Shannon placed a hand on James' head and said, "It's fine. We can go inside." She led James into the auto garage, where she introduced James to Amelia. "And this is James." She held back on introducing James as her son, because - Her eyes turned on Daniel - she figured the charade wasn't so important anymore. After introductions were done, Shannon said to Daniel, "So, uh, do you have a place where I can..." Shannon leaned in closer to whisper. "Relieve myself? Something outside...?" Six months of gross living with other people shaved some of the embarrassment off her question, but Shannon could still feel her face growing slightly flushed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Daniel Crowe - Auto Garage - James, Amelia, and Shannon

"Uh...back alley?" He offered. "Just be careful that walkers don't get the jump on you." He'd never thought about having one here. He'd always attended to that sort of business while he was out scavenging. He turned to James, look down at him. "Oh...James, I- uh...wanted to ask you... Since you've been here, have you seen a brown haired girl; about 5 and a half feet, your age? She kind of... resembles me..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Chapter: Admission

James Feryana - Auto Garage - Shannon/Daniel/Amelia

James followed Shannon into the auto garage, and into a room with Daniel and another woman whom he hadn't met. He was away to say a greeting to the woman when Daniel asked him a question. "Um..." He had to run through his mind briefly, redoing all the events that happened. The only 'alive' people he had seen were the three bandits, Shannon, Daniel and the people on the tracks...

James remembered glancing at the people on the tracks through the window, just a glance, but he saw some figures. One may have barely met the description, but it was hard to tell from where he had been. "I'm not sure. I think so. The person I saw kind of matches what you are saying." James then realized one vital thing. His voice dropped a little. "One of the people I think Shannon was shooting at, at the train tracks..." He swallowed hard. Please don't hurt me, please don't hurt Shannon, it was only a mistake, we didn't know who we were shooting at, James whimpered in his mind.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shannon - Auto Garage

Shannon meekly nodded her head and her flush intensified. "Excuse me, then." She placed her backpack and gun down on a tool desk, leaving the auto garage in a hurry. She was desperate to get her business done and over with, now that it was on her mind. "So dumb," she mumbled to herself, circling around the auto garage. She stopped to listen again, but was met with silence. Shannon rolled here eyes and shuffled into the alley behind the garage.

It was dark out there, and cramped. A lump of anxiety lodged itself in the back of Shannon's throat. She swallowed hoarsely, her heart thumping loudly in her chest. Her nose wrinkled at the nearby dumpster, and she put her back against the cement wall. It was either now or never. She grit her teeth and began to tug at her pants when she realized- "Wait, fuck!" It was too goddamned silent! There was a chance something had spooked the insects. Shannon could swear that was a thing. She had heard it on a nature show years ago... Maybe.


Something had bumped the other side of the dumpster, making Shannon jump and push herself off the wall. "Psst!" she whispered. "Hey." A scratching noise emitted from the dumpster to answer her. Distantly, she remembered having left her weapons inside, but it didn't matter. She had to check the noise out anyway.

Shannon shook her head and slowly approached the dumpster, deciding to take a closer look. There was still a small bit of light in the sky, illuminating the dumpster. Shannon could just see something moving. She inched closer, finally finding a-


Shannon jumped back from the cat. It looked feral and blind in one eye. Its grey fur was patchy, almost mangy looking. Shannon waved her hand and stomped, trying to run the cat off. "Go away!" she said vehemently. The cat hissed again and turned, mewling angrily as it walked out of sight. Shannon sighed, relieved to be alone now.

She came back into the garage a minute later, touching at her hair. "Watch out for stray cats out there."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Daniel Crowe - Auto Garage - Shannon, James, Amy

They shot at Emma? Daniel began to breath heavily. He'd been no more than fifty yard from his little sister; six months searching and he'd come within fifty yard? He swore loudly, marching over to the table and retrieving his gun, kiffiyeh, and vest, he retrieved another clip's worth of ammo from his stock and pocked them. Daniel clipped his vest on and shouldered his backpack, just as Shannon returned, he pushed past her and went towards his truck.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shannon - Auto Garage

As Daniel shoved past her, Shannon gave James and Amy a look of what the hell? before following the ex-military man outside. "Daniel," she said, quickening her stride. "Hey!" She grabbed Daniel by the shoulder. "What's wrong?" She stepped in front of him, her eyes looking up into his. Yikes, had he always been so tall? She'd never stood so close to him up until now.

There was something in Daniel's expression that seemed vaguely familiar to Shannon. She had a sudden thought that she knew what was going on, and her eyes briefly looked toward the auto garage. "What did James say?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Daniel Crowe - Auto Garage - Shannon

Daniel stepped past her quickly. "That group of bandits you opened fired at? My little sister. I've been looking for her for about six months now and I came within fifty yards of her, Shannon! I have to go back to the railroad tracks." He slid his bag off and into the trunk; hurrying to the driver's side in climbing in. He watched her for a moment; and he thought she might come with him, so he waited a second.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shannon - Auto Garage

Shannon's breath caught in her throat. Daniel's little sister? Had she screwed up badly enough to have fired on innocent people? "Daniel..." She walked to the driver's side window and put her hands on the frame. "James might have gotten a better look at those people than I did, but we don't know for sure that your sister was there." She paused momentarily, trying to find the words to form what she wanted to say. It wasn't that she didn't think Daniel could handle himself, but that rushing off so suddenly didn't feel like a good idea at all. "Those people could have actually been bandits."

But this was futile. She knew nothing she had to say would stop him; she'd seen that look in his eyes. If it was Danny possibly back there, she would be doing the same thing as Daniel. "Fuck, Daniel, fine," she said, though he hadn't even responded yet. "Let me help then." She turned to head back into the garage, but stopped mid-stride. "If she's there and she's hurt, then that's on me."

Shannon burst into the auto garage. She looked toward Amy and told her, "Keep James safe with you. We have something we need to do." First grabbing her pack and gun, Shannon then returned outside to the truck. She hopped into the passenger seat and slammed the door shut. "Let's hurry."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Daniel Crowe - Streets of New Orleans - Shannon

Daniel barely gave Shannon enough time to close the door before he started the ignition and basically peeled out of the alley. He kept his eyes on the road enough to navigate; he remembered the way. "Let's she's okay; for both of our sake." If she's hurt, you'll want to run as fast as you can... He'd almost said it, but stopped himself. Was he being selfish? He'd been looking for Emma for almost six months, since the very start of the outbreak, and now he'd finally found her... based on what he received from a fourteen-year-old boy...

He knew that driving at night was stupid, and that letting Shannon come might be a terrible idea. He moved quicker on his own, stealth was his friend when he was alone. Why had he even helped them in the first place? Shut up, Daniel! You're being a brat, now just be glad you have Shannon's help! He silently barked at himself. Why was this so difficult? He'd worked on a team before; he'd executed operations that were reserved for the elite of the US Army. He'd helped them because he was a soldier; because he was supposed to be a warrior for his country, and even in this apocalyptic state of the world, he was still endowed with the task of preserving what little was left of this country.

"You'll want to stay in the truck at first. It might not look good for you to jump out of the truck if they saw your face."
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