@MetaName: Oscar Wolfgang, or, as others call him, Ozzy
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Species: Unknown, seems to be a hybrid of sorts
Personality: Usually a mix between the ENFJ and ENFP personality types
Appearance: Pretty tall, around 6'5" or 6'7", wears a white cap with what seems to be a cross on the front, matching with the large white cape with shoulder pads and holes for his arms to go through, he also fashions bandages around both of his wrists and a bit around his torso. Underneath the cape he wears some black pants and a brick red shirt. He seems to also fashion some blue lensed glasses. As for his physical appearance, he seems to mostly resemble cat-like features, having dark, sea-foam green fur and cat-like ears pointing out of the hat. (hope I got all of that)
Weapons/Abilities: His main weapon, dubbed "HEAVEN'S EDGE" is a large, dual sided glaive that can split in two with a chain connecting both halves. He is able to call it back from anywhere, causing it to reappear in his hands. He can write out what seems to be spells in the air, casting them at whatever target he chooses, he can also shoot the writings forward as projectiles. He has teleportation capabilities, moving from one place to another with a quick flash of light. He is also able to set up light barriers that can reflect projectiles and shield from incoming attacks.