Name: Sindri Rockheart
Race: Alovach (reachman)
Aged: 26
Birthsign; The Mage
Birthday 23rd of Rain's Hand, 4E 142
Appearance: Porcelain skin, hair as black as night, and eyes as blue as the cold Skyrim rivers.
She bears a scar on the right side of her face, claw-like marks that run from her ear downward over her jaw and to her throat.
Tattoos mark her skin, though only glimpses are visible from beneath her clothing. Beneath, the ink portrays tribal markings and the totem of a wolf.

She wears fitted tunics, layered skirts, and loose robes of earthy or dark shades. A quiver full of arrows rests on one thigh, a satchel full of herbs and supplies rests on the other. A well cared for ancient nord bow is strapped to her back. She often produces simple daggers to clean beneath her fingernails or trim desired supplies from shrubs or the unlucky corpse, though where her daggers are stored is not visible.
Too often, Sindri wears feathers, bones, and a nightshade blossom in her hair, the violet petals standing out starkly against the black of her tresses. Bones, beads, and leather adorn her clothing and jewelry.
Physically, her frame is unassuming and average. Standing at 5’9” (175cm), Sindri weighs 196lbs (88kg).
Mage Skills;
Sindri’s mage skills are learned from the Reachmen and the Witchfolk. Raised and schooled in the branches of magic outlawed in the Mages Guilds, Sindri has learned to adhere only to what is socially acceptable in common society.
*Sindri can summon the bloodthorns at a skill higher than apprentice, but because this magic is not widely accepted, she holds it in reserve, resorting to conjurations in which she is less skilled.
Combat Skills;
Sindri has had to learn how to survive without relying on magic or her lycanthropy skills, as too often there is bias against both among the civilized people. She is not great at melee combat, but she can survive. She more often relies on honeyed words.
Stealth Skills;
Sindri’s upbringing in the wilds of the Reach have made her an expert with the local foliage. Once she is removed from the mountain ranges beyond the Reach, her knowledge dwindles.
She has an aversion to wolfsbane and belladonna, a wide knowledge of poisons and what ingredients are used within them and which antidotes work best against each poison.
Her ability to traverse the wilds unseen and unheard makes her quite sneaky, though on occasion the wind may turn and betray her scent if she is not careful enough.
Other Skills;
While many of the Reachmen are illiterate, Sindri herself learned to read and write whilst living in seclusion with the witches, and her studies were furthered once she lived among the city-folk.
She was turned into a lycanthrope as a child by the clan of witches into whose care she was given, and taught swiftly to hone this gift and make it a weapon she could use to strengthen her people. So long as she hunts regularly, she is in control, and does not seek to cure herself.
Sindri is a cold and calculating mage. Often keeps to herself working on her alchemical recipes or practicing her conjuration, because if she can summon a familiar she won't have to get her hands dirty and can focus on other, more important things. She is at home in nature and appears restless while indoors.
She is not always friendly, her tongue often sharp, but those of whom Sindri decides is worth her time often see a much warmer side to the Nord.
Too often, Sindri wanders into the woods for hours, even days on end, offering no explanation as to her reasons or whereabouts.
Race: Alovach (reachman)
Aged: 26
Birthsign; The Mage
Birthday 23rd of Rain's Hand, 4E 142
Appearance: Porcelain skin, hair as black as night, and eyes as blue as the cold Skyrim rivers.
She bears a scar on the right side of her face, claw-like marks that run from her ear downward over her jaw and to her throat.
Tattoos mark her skin, though only glimpses are visible from beneath her clothing. Beneath, the ink portrays tribal markings and the totem of a wolf.

She wears fitted tunics, layered skirts, and loose robes of earthy or dark shades. A quiver full of arrows rests on one thigh, a satchel full of herbs and supplies rests on the other. A well cared for ancient nord bow is strapped to her back. She often produces simple daggers to clean beneath her fingernails or trim desired supplies from shrubs or the unlucky corpse, though where her daggers are stored is not visible.
Too often, Sindri wears feathers, bones, and a nightshade blossom in her hair, the violet petals standing out starkly against the black of her tresses. Bones, beads, and leather adorn her clothing and jewelry.
Physically, her frame is unassuming and average. Standing at 5’9” (175cm), Sindri weighs 196lbs (88kg).
We fear no pain, nor the endless night
We are all prepared to die
When our kin is gone we will gather nigh
And raise our flagons high
We are all prepared to die
When our kin is gone we will gather nigh
And raise our flagons high
Sindri was born to a small nomadic clan belonging to what the Nords and Bretons refer to as Reachmen. As a child, she spent much time among the wild people, though her mother -a skilled alchemist- often traveled into the populated holds to trade hard-to-come-by herbs and ingredients. Sindri often joined her, making friends, learning the ways of civilized people, believing herself to be one of them.
When she was seven, her mother took her into the mountains and handed her only child into the care of a handful of strangers. Witches in dark robes with terrifying tattoos and skulls bones tied into their hair.
Sindri sobbed, fighting against the hand that held her wrist firmly, but her mother shook her head and left Sindri to the strangers.
For years, Sindri was schooled by the group of women, their tutelage merciless and cold. Sindri learned in the shadows the way of the witches. Schools of magic, alchemy, combat, cooking, every skill that would be beneficial to a future witch.
The nightmare ended when the group of witches were set upon by a group of adventurers who had been wronged by the actions of the group. Sindri woke in the night to chaos, combat, and slaughter. In the fray, Sindri was discovered by the men, who were confused to find a girl so young and decided that she was a victim.
Sindri was rescued, pulled from the rubble that had been her home and prison the last several years, and was put under watch in a Nordic encampment until those around her were assured she was not a risk.
Unfortunately for them, she was. Of the many things the witches forced her to undergo, one was a ritual of transformation that turned her into a werewolf. In the dead of night, she freed herself from her restraints and wiped out the group of men who had slaughtered her people.
With the witnesses gone, Sindri fled into the wilds until her bare feet bled, until she came across a clan of nomads who took her in and helped her acclimate to the sunlit world again.
Sindri’s new life became one of repentance and alliance. She’d grown up homeless and sleeping under stars because her people did not trust those who lived in permanent towns and cities. She’d been handed over to powerful witches because she needed to become a powerful witch to survive. Those witches had been slain by men who did not like that these women were powerful and not subservient to their laws. The civilized people saw them as savages and beasts. The tribesmen saw those who lived in cities as puppets and soft.
She would be the bridge.
Sindri would try to get each side to see the similarities and the minute differences between their cultures in the hopes of bringing them together. As a more united front, they’d be strong. Less of their time would be spent on bloodshed and territory battles.
The witches were not all savages, she tried to explain. The city people were not all weak.
From city to tribe to town to settlement, Sindri traveled, offering her alchemy and enchanting skills in trade, offering herself as a mercenary to those who would hire a woman, mending broken bones and rockjoint to the weary traveler, all while speaking praises of the two sides of her world and promising that the two could become one.
When she fell in step with a group of Imperials traveling through the Jerall Mountains, Sindri explained what she was trying to do, and the Imperials offered to her a chance to do as she was on a much larger scale. Bring the Reach and its neighbors into recognition from the Empire.
She did not hesitate to say yes. Immediately agreeing that she would do this for the Reach and the people who lived in its harsh terrain.
Though, after a time, she realized she had reason to hesitate; she was a beast, afterall.
Please, she begged. See the big picture. I am under control, I will harm no one. Give me a keeper if you must, have me tested, give your men wolfsbane and silver for reassurance, but so long as I am allowed to hunt deer whenever I need, I will be no danger to this cause, as it is also my cause. Should I fail you in any way, cut off my head, for without this purpose, I have nothing.
Sindri was born to a small nomadic clan belonging to what the Nords and Bretons refer to as Reachmen. As a child, she spent much time among the wild people, though her mother -a skilled alchemist- often traveled into the populated holds to trade hard-to-come-by herbs and ingredients. Sindri often joined her, making friends, learning the ways of civilized people, believing herself to be one of them.
When she was seven, her mother took her into the mountains and handed her only child into the care of a handful of strangers. Witches in dark robes with terrifying tattoos and skulls bones tied into their hair.
Sindri sobbed, fighting against the hand that held her wrist firmly, but her mother shook her head and left Sindri to the strangers.
For years, Sindri was schooled by the group of women, their tutelage merciless and cold. Sindri learned in the shadows the way of the witches. Schools of magic, alchemy, combat, cooking, every skill that would be beneficial to a future witch.
The nightmare ended when the group of witches were set upon by a group of adventurers who had been wronged by the actions of the group. Sindri woke in the night to chaos, combat, and slaughter. In the fray, Sindri was discovered by the men, who were confused to find a girl so young and decided that she was a victim.
Sindri was rescued, pulled from the rubble that had been her home and prison the last several years, and was put under watch in a Nordic encampment until those around her were assured she was not a risk.
Unfortunately for them, she was. Of the many things the witches forced her to undergo, one was a ritual of transformation that turned her into a werewolf. In the dead of night, she freed herself from her restraints and wiped out the group of men who had slaughtered her people.
With the witnesses gone, Sindri fled into the wilds until her bare feet bled, until she came across a clan of nomads who took her in and helped her acclimate to the sunlit world again.
Sindri’s new life became one of repentance and alliance. She’d grown up homeless and sleeping under stars because her people did not trust those who lived in permanent towns and cities. She’d been handed over to powerful witches because she needed to become a powerful witch to survive. Those witches had been slain by men who did not like that these women were powerful and not subservient to their laws. The civilized people saw them as savages and beasts. The tribesmen saw those who lived in cities as puppets and soft.
She would be the bridge.
Sindri would try to get each side to see the similarities and the minute differences between their cultures in the hopes of bringing them together. As a more united front, they’d be strong. Less of their time would be spent on bloodshed and territory battles.
The witches were not all savages, she tried to explain. The city people were not all weak.
From city to tribe to town to settlement, Sindri traveled, offering her alchemy and enchanting skills in trade, offering herself as a mercenary to those who would hire a woman, mending broken bones and rockjoint to the weary traveler, all while speaking praises of the two sides of her world and promising that the two could become one.
When she fell in step with a group of Imperials traveling through the Jerall Mountains, Sindri explained what she was trying to do, and the Imperials offered to her a chance to do as she was on a much larger scale. Bring the Reach and its neighbors into recognition from the Empire.
She did not hesitate to say yes. Immediately agreeing that she would do this for the Reach and the people who lived in its harsh terrain.
Though, after a time, she realized she had reason to hesitate; she was a beast, afterall.
Please, she begged. See the big picture. I am under control, I will harm no one. Give me a keeper if you must, have me tested, give your men wolfsbane and silver for reassurance, but so long as I am allowed to hunt deer whenever I need, I will be no danger to this cause, as it is also my cause. Should I fail you in any way, cut off my head, for without this purpose, I have nothing.
Hеar us, together we will rise, we are all prepared to die
When our time has come, and our blood will flow
Right down to Hel below
When our time has come, and our blood will flow
Right down to Hel below
Mage Skills;
Sindri’s mage skills are learned from the Reachmen and the Witchfolk. Raised and schooled in the branches of magic outlawed in the Mages Guilds, Sindri has learned to adhere only to what is socially acceptable in common society.
Destruction | Expert
Restoration | Adept
Conjuration | Apprentice*
Restoration | Adept
Conjuration | Apprentice*
*Sindri can summon the bloodthorns at a skill higher than apprentice, but because this magic is not widely accepted, she holds it in reserve, resorting to conjurations in which she is less skilled.
Combat Skills;
Sindri has had to learn how to survive without relying on magic or her lycanthropy skills, as too often there is bias against both among the civilized people. She is not great at melee combat, but she can survive. She more often relies on honeyed words.
Archery | Adept
One Handed (daggers) | Apprentice
One Handed (daggers) | Apprentice
Stealth Skills;
Sindri’s upbringing in the wilds of the Reach have made her an expert with the local foliage. Once she is removed from the mountain ranges beyond the Reach, her knowledge dwindles.
She has an aversion to wolfsbane and belladonna, a wide knowledge of poisons and what ingredients are used within them and which antidotes work best against each poison.
Her ability to traverse the wilds unseen and unheard makes her quite sneaky, though on occasion the wind may turn and betray her scent if she is not careful enough.
Alchemy | Expert
Sneak | Expert
Sneak | Expert
Other Skills;
While many of the Reachmen are illiterate, Sindri herself learned to read and write whilst living in seclusion with the witches, and her studies were furthered once she lived among the city-folk.
She was turned into a lycanthrope as a child by the clan of witches into whose care she was given, and taught swiftly to hone this gift and make it a weapon she could use to strengthen her people. So long as she hunts regularly, she is in control, and does not seek to cure herself.
Lycanthropy | Expert
Hunting | Expert
Reach-Tongue | Expert
Dragon-Tongue | Adept
Speech | Adept
Hunting | Expert
Reach-Tongue | Expert
Dragon-Tongue | Adept
Speech | Adept
Sindri is a cold and calculating mage. Often keeps to herself working on her alchemical recipes or practicing her conjuration, because if she can summon a familiar she won't have to get her hands dirty and can focus on other, more important things. She is at home in nature and appears restless while indoors.
She is not always friendly, her tongue often sharp, but those of whom Sindri decides is worth her time often see a much warmer side to the Nord.
Too often, Sindri wanders into the woods for hours, even days on end, offering no explanation as to her reasons or whereabouts.
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