Gonna do something today. Could it be presumed that this demonic incursion has the classic reek of sulfur associated with it? Just wanna know if I can smell them coming before or during breaking these kids up.
I have another question, sorry if this has been answered already somewhere—is there a more or less universal “a gold coin is a gold coin, don’t worry about it” currency situation in this setting, or would my spaghetti enthusiast having Arrowfell-recognized legal tender on him raise some eyebrows
Going to leverage my Brother salary and the Most Serene Republic’s stranglehold on naval transport security and maritime trade logistics to be richer than the bank lady ty ty
@HereComesTheSnow I figured a gold coin is a gold coin, same with silver and copper coins. If the MSR uses different currencies, then it's a dead give away. But everything in Arrowfell mainly uses the gold coin, yessss. :>
And yes, silver and copper coins as well.