A bit of a shot in the dark, but I've been itching to do a Friday Night Lights sort of RP. For those of you who don't know about the television show from a few years ago, it's basically about a small town that revolves around a high school football team (the coaches, players, students, etc.). For the purposes of this RP, I'm hoping that my prospective partner and I could create our own little universe with a variety of characters that interact with one another along the way.
As a writer, I would say that I am very detailed and descriptive. I am also fully capable of writing multiple characters and keeping track of who's who. My hope is that my partner is capable of doing the same while also writing in third person, past tense. If needed, I can provide a writing sample for those that desire it.
The RP itself doesn't have to be based around high school football; I'm also open to doing basketball as well! The main ingredients for this RP would be simply developing some good drama, fun moments, and even some romance for certain characters.
Interested? Comment below, send me a PM or react to the post and I will reach out to you.