Avatar of Valley Lily


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1 mo ago
Current (Tumbling down a steep precipice) Aaaaaas you wiiiiiiisssh
1 mo ago
Joke's on you all, the cookies were all laced with cyanide.
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In the deep, winding corridors, I wander; the labyrinthine nature of every hall weighs heavily on my soul. Every shudder and groan of the floor beneath me convinces me that each step may be my last, and I hasten to reach my unbeknownst destination. The very arbiters that told me, myself, and I that I would find peace in these halls of empty rooms without doors, the indefinite staircases, and floorplans unlike those I have ever bore witness to, were severely mistaken. This chimeric quality that the house possessed--that, and the sulfurous smell wafting from every fissure in the decrepit mansion--forced me to wonder if this was all a dream.

I'm actually just a really big Princess Bride nerd.

Most Recent Posts

What about a tale of true love and high adventure?

I love The Princess Bride. It just came to me that something with the same kind of vibe would be hilarious.

What about a medieval fantasy, comedy and adventure tale where it's just completely lighthearted? I'm thinking The Princess Bride, Robin Hood: Men in Tights, and the Emperor's New Groove kind of vibe.
Yes go ahead and make one, I'll make a thread here shortly.

@Score1 Welcome to the wild ride.
Technically, both are correct. I tried to avoid limiting it. As long as it works... it works. @ErosSense
This sounds cool. Can't say I know a lot about either sport (I know probably more about basketball though) so I understand if this is a nope in that regard. Though I do enjoy a variety of characters, development, and dynamics.
I’m not seeing anything I like right off the bat, or at least anything I’m comfortable enough to join right away. Here’s something I cooked up. Sorry if it’s in the wrong place or format:

The year is 35XX. The universe’s expansion has been pulled into overdrive.

About 250 years ago, humanity almost entirely abandoned Earth. Only a small population of “Terran Remnants” resolved to stay on Earth in her final hours. This was, of course, when humanity was still a trait that was regarded as noble and necessary.

Earth is now a dead planet. The Holdfasts, the descendents of the Terran Remnants, have completely lost contact with them. Now, life thrives where one would least expect it: the cold, deep, depths of space. Once regarded as a chimera to the world is now the standard of living: artificial wombs, temporary deaths of cryostasis, and all-out battles between star systems.

Rumors begin to spread that there is something darker lurking in space. Something hungry and aiding the expansion of the universe. Something unforgiving.

When a squad of deep-space scouts go missing is when more trouble arises. Anomalies beyond reason, science, or logic are now flickering throughout the known universe. Humans are born with impossible features, prompting almost an entire new species of human; planets whose orbits serve contrary to one another, who have never met throughout their known existences, are crashing into one another. And worst of all, ancient transmissions that are gargled, impossible, and inhumane are being picked up. And they’re coming from Earth’s direction.

You and the members of your squad (and even a few individuals who are just along for the ride) arrive on Earth. With the galaxy on the brink of rebellion, all-out war, and grappling with the darkness that is consuming them, you have to act fast to re-discover the home you never knew. Monsters crawl the surface of the earth, and there’s something lurking inside. Will you rediscover the humanity you never knew? Will Earth, as a whole, become obsolete?

Will the darkness consume?

You realize only a few days into arriving that your higher-ups new exactly what they were getting you into.
@Valley Lily, welcome!

If it's all right to recommend one of my games, I run a Group Role-Play that has lasted three consecutive threads, the first of which started two to three years ago.


(This is also on my signature.)

Thanks, I'll check it out.
Hey! Welcome! Hope you find what you're looking for. I have a few ideas out you might like. :)

I'll look into them!
Welcome to RPG! If you have any questions feel free to ask!

Thank you so much!
Hello all! I'm new here. I've been on post-by-post forums not unlike this one in the past, but largely stopped using them up until now. I have many years of roleplay experience and I love anything that has to do with reading, writing, or literature as a whole. Roleplaying is not only my way of relaxing, but a way to stimulate my mind.

I'm still figuring out how to navigate the site and what I might be interested in. Please be patient with me, sometimes I can be a little dense. Any recommendations or invitations are welcome :)

I'm looking forward to writing with you!
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