Titles The Pale Seer, Veilborn
Gender Appears Masculine
Homeworld Kalos Tertium, Dark World, Orbiting a dying Star, extremely close to the edge of Van Grothe's Rapidity
Personality Quiet, Studious, Melancholy and Pained. A fine group of traits for a man who can feel and see the Warp at all times. Forever seeing the roiling stream of souls and energy that is the Warp has made Zul very quiet, and careful, as he sometimes has a hard time telling what is real and what is a fragment of Chaos. He studies endlessly to understand what he sees and what he can do with what he sees. Perpetually sad as he stares into the faces of the Dark Powers, and fights with himself and them over control of his powers. On top of all this he is in near constant mental pain, as his Psyker abilities war with his primarch restorative abilities. His connection to the warp strong that is ravages his body while his physiology works to repair the damage. This makes him quite an interesting sort in close company. As he's forever grimacing and looks like he smells something bad. He's fairly sane in most ways. Though constant contact with the Warp leaves him seeing and hearing things
Skills Psyker - Alpha Minus grade, Where his brothers are all too a one powerful fighters, Ashar has found nearly eighty percent of his ability poured into a powerful Psyker mold. Which has left him physically weak but psychically strong. He dabbles in almost all the Psyker arts, but truly favors Biomancy, the Art of Physical Manipulation. Psi-Kinetics, the Art of Moving the world with the powers of Psykers. And Pyromancy calling forth the flames of creation itself...and setting alight near anything he wishes. The man can push over a Battle Titan, and maybe cause an Emperor Titan to stop in it's tracks by sheer Psychic might, but still pales before the God-Emperor's power.
Profound Tactician - Ashar does not like drawing out battle. He perfers to get things done with as soon as he can so he can keep his Sons from dying too much. So Ashar spends a great deal of time before going into battle planning and creating tactics for the upcoming altercation. He tries to plan as many steps he possibly can, with the information his scouts can get him. Adding in the things he sees when venturing into the Warp with his mind, his tactics hit hard, and hit well.
Veiled Sight - With careful preparation, he can look into the future maybe a few minutes to a few days, see his brothers, see his father, gaze upon distant locations and events. At the cost of having to gaze directly into the Warp for a period of time.
Equipment Seer's Shroud - The Ribbons and Silk lengths tied about his armor which flow and flap in an unfelt wind, function as a focus for his Psyker abilities.
Crown of Thorns - What appear to be several shards of debris and scrap metal floating behind his head, is actually a Iron Halo-esque assembly that act as a shield for his mind.
The Orb of Lu - Bearing the name of an Ancient Dark Deity, the Orb is a piece of Archeotech, encased in a clear crystal substance, and acts as a powerful Volkite weapon, on par with a Volkite Cavitor weapon, supplementing his already intense Psyker abilities.
BackgroundAmong the towering legends of the Emperor’s sons, Ashar-Zul was a paradox—physically frail, yet unimaginably powerful. His form, tall and gaunt, was wrapped in brigandine armor of storm-grey and silver, its plates fine and overlapping like the layers of knowledge he possessed. White silken ribbons and banners trailed from his arms, thighs, and shoulders, carried aloft by unseen forces, billowing as though whispering the words of fate itself.
At the center of his brow rested a silver, featureless third eye—a sigil of his immense psychic potential. When opened, it did not see the material world as others did but instead beheld the infinite strands of the Immaterium, the weave of thought, fate, and possibility.
Ashar-Zul did not tread the earth as his brothers did. He drifted, suspended two feet above the ground, his presence heralded by the crackling resonance of psychic energy, thin tendrils of light flickering and dissipating beneath him with every motion. Each step unseen, each moment effortless—as if the very gravity of the world held no dominion over him.
Though his brothers were warriors of strength and wrath, Ashar-Zul was a blade of thought, an instrument of revelation and horror. He could peel apart a man’s mind as easily as others could break his bones. Yet, despite his power, he was fragile—his frame unable to bear the rigors of combat, his armor more ceremonial than functional. He fought with will, not with blade, and when he struck, it was as a storm in the aether, breaking the minds of foes before they ever lifted a hand against him.
Some whispered that he was not wholly of the Materium, that his presence existed in two worlds at once, that he was more akin to a spirit of thought than a being of flesh. He spoke in a voice like distant thunder, his words carrying echoes of futures yet unwritten, the weight of revelation pressing upon all who heard.
Yet, for all his wisdom and power, Ashar-Zul’s path was one of sorrow. For what use was knowledge when no one could bear its burden? What use was foresight when fate itself was an unbreakable chain?
Ashar-Zul’s journey to Kalos Tertium began as all the Primarchs’ did a sudden, violent scattering through the Immaterium, cast through the endless tides of the Warp by the ruinous hand of the Dark Gods. Unlike some of his brothers, who crashed to their new worlds in fire and ruin, Ashar-Zul’s arrival was altogether stranger.
He did not fall. He did not plummet from the heavens as a meteor to scar the earth. Instead, he drifted, cocooned within a sphere of pale, luminous light, wrapped in a gossamer field of psychic force that shimmered with unearthly patterns. The storm-wracked Warp spat him out not with a roar, but with a whisper, the silent parting of the veil between realities. His presence was not marked by devastation, but by a quiet disturbance, a ripple in the aether that sent shivers through the minds of those who could hear the silent frequencies of the universe.
The world that claimed him was Kalos Tertium, a dying planet locked in orbit around a guttering red star. The skies were perpetually dim, cast in shades of twilight, the horizon painted in hues of deep crimson and sallow gold. The land was barren, a realm of ash deserts, jagged obsidian ridges, and vast dust seas, haunted by the whispering winds of a world long past its prime. The only light came from its dying sun, a wan glow that barely held the darkness at bay.
Yet, it was not an empty world. The Kalosi were a people as wan and spectral as the world they inhabited. They lived in great subterranean catacombs, labyrinthine cities built into the bones of the planet, where they huddled beneath the surface to escape the cold embrace of their world’s inevitable demise. Long ago, they had been masters of knowledge, an ancient culture that had built libraries of crystalline data-archives, monuments to thought and memory. But their civilization had withered, their wisdom turned to hollow prayer, their science into ritual. They lived in fear of the dark, of the endless void beyond their dying world. And in their myths, they spoke of a final dreamer who would come to them before the end—a being who would not walk the earth but drift above it, a being who would see through the veil and speak with a voice that was not wholly his own.
When Ashar-Zul descended upon their world, his pale sphere of light came to rest at the heart of one such subterranean city. The Kalosi scholars and mystics gathered in hushed awe as the glow dissipated, revealing a tall, frail child, his dark skin marked only by the silver, featureless eye on his brow. He did not cry out. He did not stumble or weep as an infant should. Instead, he floated, his feet never touching the dust of the catacomb floor, his gaze fixed on nothing and everything.
To the Kalosi, he was a revelation. A savior. A curse.
The Cult of the Veilborn rose in his name. To them, he was the last prophet, the final seer who would guide them in their twilight years. But to others, he was a harbinger, a being not of their world, not of flesh, but of the spaces between reality.
As he grew, he wandered the great underground halls of Kalos Tertium, his presence ever untouched by gravity. He spoke rarely, but when he did, his words carried weight, glimpses of futures yet to pass, of truths that seared the minds of those too weak to grasp them. His psychic might blossomed like a storm, and in time, he became not just a ruler, but a dreamer-king, one who held the memories of an entire world within his mind.
But even he could not stop the inevitable.
The light of Kalos Tertium’s star dimmed further with every cycle. The days grew colder. The winds howled longer. And Ashar-Zul, for all his power, saw the fate of his world written in the stars.
When the Emperor came, it was not in fire and conquest, but in solemn recognition. The Master of Mankind descended upon Kalos Tertium and found his lost son seated in a vast, dark chamber of polished stone, surrounded by dying scholars and empty libraries. Ashar-Zul did not rise to meet him. He did not kneel. He merely lifted his gaze, his silver third eye reflecting the light of the Emperor’s golden form.
“I have seen you in my dreams,” he said.
And so, the lost son was found. But though Ashar-Zul would leave Kalos Tertium behind, he would always carry its shadow in his heart, the knowledge that all things—no matter how great—must one day fade into the void.