"Ugh, something smells like Rome. On top of the venue being a total drag, is this what I have to put up with for a guest list? I swear to gawd if it's her, I'm walking! I'll walk right out! See if I don't! And it'll be all your fault, too!"
It's bad enough they expect her to light up the world stuck down in this depressing hole in the ground, but to make her do it without a proper Manager? The. Worst. If only they'd brought her little Squirrel here with her. She'd even have taken her Deerlet! You know, if she had to. She'd have certainly been better than this big fat nothing.
The Super Magical Idol-Class Dragon Servant, Elizabeth Bathory (the beloved yet oh-so-unobtainable girl of everyone's dreams) huffs dramatically, and her bereavement is matched only by her cuteness. This is only like the millionth time she's given into that thought, and every time the result's the same. It's a simple truth that any perfect idol should be capable of handling her own production, and an even simpler truth that she was so great that it more than made up for the shortcomings of her two-bit contractor. Some day, and she's positive it'll be soon, all of this will pay off.
Yeah, you know what? Now that it's come to it, she's feeling extra pumped up today! Especially if it turns out to be her! Just you wait you sorry, short stack, tone deaf, two-bit excuse for an Empress!
"Hiiiiii, my lovelies! I'm so excited to see some fresh faces in the crowd today! Have you been good boys and girls? Have you been begging like you should? Then how about? We start? The show~?"
Just like the sun (Always)
I must shine (never changing)
Call it Sadness, Eternity, Popularity, I want to make sure
If I love you, you love me more!
I'll find you~
Feel you
I just want to be by your side
This immature, young love is getting stronger
This everlasting sound: the chiming of my heart
These contradicting feelings, like a knife biting into my chest have burst me open
covered me in red~~
Everything feels better than usual today. Her magical energy feels (if this is even possible) beyond its peak. Her hair is pinker and glossier than she can remember, her horns shimmer in the spotlight so brilliantly that if she were even a shade less professional she'd drag the show to a halt just admiring them. As she dances on feet that feel so feather-light that her lethal heels are no obstacle to clever choreography at all she can feel her hips sway in that tantalizing way that perfectly splits the line between sex appeal and innocence that an idol should always be standing astride.
It feels the best when she hops. That's when her super cute and just barely long enough skirt bounces juuuuuuust enough to promise a flash of something wonderful, but never enough to quite confirm it. It's delicious, this feeling. Always make the piggies think you're about to give them everything they want. Never let them have it. That's the way a proper tyrant should rule. That's what it means to have it all. To to be adored and lusted after without ever giving the slightest crumb of yourself in exchange for the worship of these adoring simps... isn't that what makes being an idol the best job there is?
Well. Until that one very special, very perfect someone comes along and sweeps her off her feet. Then it's the life of a true princess for this dragon. How sad for all the dolts down here that nobody could ever hope to meet her exacting criteria~
(Forever) because we are connected
(Softly) When I make you see
(Surely) you will save me
'Cause I'm your idol (if you)
It's ok if it all falls apart (are with me)
Call it Love, Eternity, Popularity, I just want to make sure
If I love you? You love me more!!
I thought that this beautiful place was all that I needed, but
This feeling of guilt is clawing me to pieces
One look at your warm and gentle eyes, and I feel my chest go tight
Even as you lift me away into the sky
Looking cool, Elly! You're so beautiful, Elly! We love you, Elly! Step on us, dragon mommy!
Wait, what? Uhhhhhh, you didn't hear anything at all! That's just how sharp the pressure Super Magical Idol Vampire Dragon Elizabeth Bathory is putting off right now. To get caught up in her dancing is to be crushed. Her microphone is half a sword and her claws are as deadly as they are kissable. Her teeth flash tantalizingly from behind her pinker than Pink Dye #9 lips, which are pulled into the kind of glittering smile that doesn't so much fill hearts as steal them forever.
Her dance is violence. Her song is death. But worse than that, it's love. Hasn't she said, over and over again, that it's overkill just to hire her for a job like this? Wake up, you tail chewing, mouth breathing, cutesy little simpleton! If you miss even this, you're dead to her! No! Worse than that! She won't give you her autograph even if you beg! So neyh!!
(Barely) I've finally arrived
(Firmly) Even if my eyes can't leave the ground
(Surely) You'll accept me
Just like the sun (Everything is)
I must shine (Illuminated by me)
Call it Sadness, Eternity, Popularity, I just want to make sure
If I love you? You love me more!!
"Everyone, thanks so much for coming out today! I see so many new faces~! Ohhh, I'm so happy you could make it all the way here just for little old me! Come on everybody, let's make this the best day ever! Let me hear you scream 'more~'! Come on, let me hear you scream 'more'! I wanna hear you scream 'more'! I wanna hear you scream more!
Liz's spine curls along the arc of her glittering gemstone tail. As her voice reaches a crescendo the noise resembles something the cruder members of her audience might call a climax. And so what if they're right? Can anyone blame her for getting so worked up when the show is this good? It's almost (almost!!) enough to bring her to her knees, twitching and squirming where she ought to be dancing and thrashing like the queen of the world's most dangerous mosh pit.
Like an idol (Because I am)
It's ok if it all falls apart (not alone)
Love, Eternity, Popularity, I just want to make sure
You love, YOU LOVE ME MORE!!
Her whole stage trembles with the mystic force of her music. Power wells within her that could destroy the world in the wrong (and less cute) hands. Spires rise up all around her and underneath her feet, lifting her onto the parapets of a twisted nightmare castle of speakers, strobe lights, and sound cables where she is the unquestioned and unchallenged Princess of the genre best described as Dragon Pop.
She takes the deepest breath she's capable of, puffing out her chest as much as a girl like her is capable of and filling her lungs with equal parts oxygen and absurdly lethal mana. Every good dragon has a breath attack, right?
"Are you ready, little fluffballs? It's time for the finale! I'll let you hear the greatest hit in the Underworld~! Let's get pumped up!! Let me hear you crying like pathetic little kittens! Báthory! Erzsébet!!!"
The shockwave that follows could draw blood from the ears of a statue. The magical energy in that shockwave would have that statue crumble to dust, and weep with joy just to have the chance to do so. Entire hallways collapse in ecstasy and lesser demons evaporate into light, their souls instantly cleansed and sent to be reborn into the world above as bright eyed popstar hopefuls in their own right. All others cover their ears and writhe on the ground in deaf non-comprehension and gorgeous agony.
Ah me! Oh my! Sometimes, this idol impresses even herself.
"Ahhhhhhh," she whimpers, touching beautiful pink claw to beautifuller blushing cheek, "I think maybe I deserve a bath. It's been so long since I've indulged myself properly..."