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"I... I thought that..."

Eclair's head hangs low. Her ears are crushed flat by the weight that has followed the two of them into the room, and that same unbearable pressure keeps her tail flopped limp against the floor where she sits. She pushes forward, but only enough to lift her back and her head up to the point where she can pound them against the door in a long, slow loop.

She is like a statue teetering on the edge of collapse. She dare not try to be anything more, lest whatever she becomes try to kiss Mayzie across her lips. Whether born from pain or pleasure, the beauty radiating from her first (and it might still be said only real) friend is astonishing. It catches Eclair like a series of hooks bit into her ribs. But the one thing she must not do is give in. She has already broken an oath not to force Mayzie to look at her. If she kissed her on top of that it would be shame worthy of permanent exile to the Outside, there to lose herself and slowly take whatever shape she would. Or to stubbornly cling to herself and merely watch the world bend around her, instead, like a god inside of a glass bottle.

She shudders.

"The only thing I wanted was to allow for your happiness, Mayzie. I wished for you to leave and see the world, like you might have if I'd had the strength to come for you when I ran away. I wanted to thank you for your help, both in the past and with my present investigation. I wanted, I wished, I thought that... I did not want you burning your life on labor you so obviously despised. So far removed from your passions. Whether you, I, if, I..."

Eclair rises off the floor, though it feels like pushing all of Thellamie out from under her at once. She crosses the room with caution and closed eyes, not daring a single glance in Mayzie's direction, until she has reached the pedestal where her dress and armor sit in waiting. As she had once instructed Mayzie to do, she reaches forward and carefully brushes her palm against the shoulder, and feels the warmth and weight of it replacing her silly and pointless costume.

She stands once more Eclair Espoir, the Violet Flash. Investigative Maid-Knight of the Aurora. She grabs a brush from her bedside and carefully strokes her hair back into a position worthy of that name and distinction. And now that she is so armored, she watches Mayzie all the while.

"Had you become enamored of Kel, or Crevas, or Aestival and merely settled down into a new life I would have counted it as a small blessing. The meanest good deed my appropriation of Order funds might have accomplished, but the only gesture I could have managed that would both express my feelings and keep my promise to never trouble you again. Only, I..."

She feels her gauntlets groaning against her skin when she balls them into fists.

"I had assumed. Having seen you. That your heart was all for Vespergift. It made me hope, selfishly I admit, that if I could realize your ambitions as a dressmaker, that it, that you... would have put color in those streets. Would have brought eyes and bodies there for reasons that had nothing to do with Heron's damnable bath house. I am a Maid, Mayzie. I can only clean messes, or perform what chores are given to me. A ruined city is beyond my power to heal. But I thought, maybe, that the smartest woman I have ever met might manage better. If I could only free her to move as she would."

Eclair places her hand at her hip and pulls her sword free. No heartblade, this. Nothing of love or vulnerability or intimacy in this flat piece of cold steel. Those all belong to her eyes, which are wet past the point of sight.

"I hadn't counted on you hating me so much you would just throw it in the trash. I am sorry, Mayzie. The failure belongs to me once again. Please. Please tell me where the money has gotten to. I have to fix this. It is..."

A matter of honor? She can't explain that. Not to someone who looks at the Black and White and only sees betrayal. If the apology will not come, if no forfeit will ever be offered from those stubborn lips, then one must be seized instead. The blow must fall, whatever hand must swing it.

And so it does.

The blade crunches against her plate when she turns and smashes it against her ribs. The power of Light that is her main defense against the evils of the world has no power against her own crude attack, and the much thicker metal of the sword wins easily against the slender working of maid-knight armor. Eclair winces, and drops back down to her knees. Hiding the spot where small patters of blood have leaked onto the floor.
"Ugh, something smells like Rome. On top of the venue being a total drag, is this what I have to put up with for a guest list? I swear to gawd if it's her, I'm walking! I'll walk right out! See if I don't! And it'll be all your fault, too!"

It's bad enough they expect her to light up the world stuck down in this depressing hole in the ground, but to make her do it without a proper Manager? The. Worst. If only they'd brought her little Squirrel here with her. She'd even have taken her Deerlet! You know, if she had to. She'd have certainly been better than this big fat nothing.

The Super Magical Idol-Class Dragon Servant, Elizabeth Bathory (the beloved yet oh-so-unobtainable girl of everyone's dreams) huffs dramatically, and her bereavement is matched only by her cuteness. This is only like the millionth time she's given into that thought, and every time the result's the same. It's a simple truth that any perfect idol should be capable of handling her own production, and an even simpler truth that she was so great that it more than made up for the shortcomings of her two-bit contractor. Some day, and she's positive it'll be soon, all of this will pay off.

Yeah, you know what? Now that it's come to it, she's feeling extra pumped up today! Especially if it turns out to be her! Just you wait you sorry, short stack, tone deaf, two-bit excuse for an Empress!

"Hiiiiii, my lovelies! I'm so excited to see some fresh faces in the crowd today! Have you been good boys and girls? Have you been begging like you should? Then how about? We start? The show~?"

Just like the sun (Always)
I must shine (never changing)
Call it Sadness, Eternity, Popularity, I want to make sure
If I love you, you love me more!

I'll find you~
Feel you
I just want to be by your side

This immature, young love is getting stronger
This everlasting sound: the chiming of my heart
These contradicting feelings, like a knife biting into my chest have burst me open
covered me in red~~

Everything feels better than usual today. Her magical energy feels (if this is even possible) beyond its peak. Her hair is pinker and glossier than she can remember, her horns shimmer in the spotlight so brilliantly that if she were even a shade less professional she'd drag the show to a halt just admiring them. As she dances on feet that feel so feather-light that her lethal heels are no obstacle to clever choreography at all she can feel her hips sway in that tantalizing way that perfectly splits the line between sex appeal and innocence that an idol should always be standing astride.

It feels the best when she hops. That's when her super cute and just barely long enough skirt bounces juuuuuuust enough to promise a flash of something wonderful, but never enough to quite confirm it. It's delicious, this feeling. Always make the piggies think you're about to give them everything they want. Never let them have it. That's the way a proper tyrant should rule. That's what it means to have it all. To to be adored and lusted after without ever giving the slightest crumb of yourself in exchange for the worship of these adoring simps... isn't that what makes being an idol the best job there is?

Well. Until that one very special, very perfect someone comes along and sweeps her off her feet. Then it's the life of a true princess for this dragon. How sad for all the dolts down here that nobody could ever hope to meet her exacting criteria~

(Forever) because we are connected
(Softly) When I make you see
(Surely) you will save me

'Cause I'm your idol (if you)
It's ok if it all falls apart (are with me)
Call it Love, Eternity, Popularity, I just want to make sure
If I love you? You love me more!!

I thought that this beautiful place was all that I needed, but
This feeling of guilt is clawing me to pieces
One look at your warm and gentle eyes, and I feel my chest go tight
Even as you lift me away into the sky

Looking cool, Elly! You're so beautiful, Elly! We love you, Elly! Step on us, dragon mommy!

Wait, what? Uhhhhhh, you didn't hear anything at all! That's just how sharp the pressure Super Magical Idol Vampire Dragon Elizabeth Bathory is putting off right now. To get caught up in her dancing is to be crushed. Her microphone is half a sword and her claws are as deadly as they are kissable. Her teeth flash tantalizingly from behind her pinker than Pink Dye #9 lips, which are pulled into the kind of glittering smile that doesn't so much fill hearts as steal them forever.

Her dance is violence. Her song is death. But worse than that, it's love. Hasn't she said, over and over again, that it's overkill just to hire her for a job like this? Wake up, you tail chewing, mouth breathing, cutesy little simpleton! If you miss even this, you're dead to her! No! Worse than that! She won't give you her autograph even if you beg! So neyh!!

(Barely) I've finally arrived
(Firmly) Even if my eyes can't leave the ground
(Surely) You'll accept me

Just like the sun (Everything is)
I must shine (Illuminated by me)
Call it Sadness, Eternity, Popularity, I just want to make sure
If I love you? You love me more!!

"Everyone, thanks so much for coming out today! I see so many new faces~! Ohhh, I'm so happy you could make it all the way here just for little old me! Come on everybody, let's make this the best day ever! Let me hear you scream 'more~'! Come on, let me hear you scream 'more'! I wanna hear you scream 'more'! I wanna hear you scream more!


Liz's spine curls along the arc of her glittering gemstone tail. As her voice reaches a crescendo the noise resembles something the cruder members of her audience might call a climax. And so what if they're right? Can anyone blame her for getting so worked up when the show is this good? It's almost (almost!!) enough to bring her to her knees, twitching and squirming where she ought to be dancing and thrashing like the queen of the world's most dangerous mosh pit.

Like an idol (Because I am)
It's ok if it all falls apart (not alone)
Love, Eternity, Popularity, I just want to make sure
You love, YOU LOVE ME MORE!!

Her whole stage trembles with the mystic force of her music. Power wells within her that could destroy the world in the wrong (and less cute) hands. Spires rise up all around her and underneath her feet, lifting her onto the parapets of a twisted nightmare castle of speakers, strobe lights, and sound cables where she is the unquestioned and unchallenged Princess of the genre best described as Dragon Pop.

She takes the deepest breath she's capable of, puffing out her chest as much as a girl like her is capable of and filling her lungs with equal parts oxygen and absurdly lethal mana. Every good dragon has a breath attack, right?

"Are you ready, little fluffballs? It's time for the finale! I'll let you hear the greatest hit in the Underworld~! Let's get pumped up!! Let me hear you crying like pathetic little kittens! Báthory! Erzsébet!!!"

The shockwave that follows could draw blood from the ears of a statue. The magical energy in that shockwave would have that statue crumble to dust, and weep with joy just to have the chance to do so. Entire hallways collapse in ecstasy and lesser demons evaporate into light, their souls instantly cleansed and sent to be reborn into the world above as bright eyed popstar hopefuls in their own right. All others cover their ears and writhe on the ground in deaf non-comprehension and gorgeous agony.

Ah me! Oh my! Sometimes, this idol impresses even herself.

"Ahhhhhhh," she whimpers, touching beautiful pink claw to beautifuller blushing cheek, "I think maybe I deserve a bath. It's been so long since I've indulged myself properly..."
All of her weight is resting on Redana's back. Cool. Firm. Stable. It supports her where her own power has deserted her. Someone picked her up out of the dirt. Someone picked her up out of the Box. Someone holds her still.

Even now.

Her breath comes in shaky sighs. Her vision is dotted with starlight and dancing shadows that exist nowhere but between her retinas and her malfunctioning brain. She cannot stop the drool from falling from her lips, can barely raise her neck to look at the Shogun.

But even so.

She raises her hand into the air. Though her shoulder strains with the effort. Though her hand trembles horribly just from being held aloft. She lifts it high. To ask for... no. To command silence.

"Save it," she half drawls and half slurs in a voice like a slow dragging knife that cuts across her exhaustion even as it emphasizes it, "For your pups."

Bella's arm falls limp against her side. Her other hand pushes against Redana's shoulder, and though she shakes even harder, though her ragged sighs and hissing fill the comparative silence of the space, all the same she rises. Her knees that wish to buckle under her hold up the sky instead. This must be her next impossible labor, she supposes.

It's those eyes. Those same eyes every time, that have forced her to pick herself back up. She looks one more time for their light, and turns her sneering face back to the woman standing in front of them.

"I don't give a shit about war. I don't give a shit about peace either. I'm not Her Majesty, after all. What amuses or motivates your pack of dumbasses doesn't concern me at all. I'm only here for one thing."

Her first step is small and pathetic. But her second one is longer. Her third is the perfection of both maid and Praetor. She turns and offers her hand to Ember, to Redana, low enough that she can hide how much it still shakes.

"Enough of this. Come on. We're... we're going. To go see Her."
"You absolute cretin."

Whispered venom and undisguised hurt. Take her by the hand. Squeeze the wrist and palm: tight enough to prevent the attempt at slipping free but well enough to not cause pain. Priority remains civilian safety and mission integrity, in that order.

"Come. Now. I will knock you out and drag you if I must."

Walk. Imperative to clear the danger zone. In her flustered defiance, Mayzie will yelp and complain but forget to fight physically. Intended disguise for this moment is a pair of arguing lovers dealing with stress from whatever accident just happened at that cafe. Easy to be convincing, should allay suspicions enough to pry witness eyes away and toward more interesting subjects until they are clear enough to speak openly.

Destination: personal lodgings. Enter room and note armor, uniform, and personal gear. Close door with foot. Pivot, turn hip, slam Mayzie against near wall. Follow through and SLAM open palm next to her head. Lean close, nose to nose. Show the light burning in own eyes.

"I will say it again: you cretin. There is a point where pride turns to poison inside your body, and you have long crossed it."

Reach up, tear off wig. Natural hair will tumble messily down to shoulders, bangs drifting haphazardly across face. Allow it. Unimportant. Things only need be said as myself.

"Charity? Sugar?! Idiot! Ass! I gave you that money because you earned it! It! Was! Payment! For services I deemed invaluable! Do you even understand what it was you accomplished that night? Do you have any concept of your own true worth? You may mock me. Denigrate me. Belittle me all you like. I will not speak a word of complaint to lashes I have earned."

Frustrated growl. Feel own ears bending low in misery. Flash of teeth and press of forehead against forehead.

"...I will have you put that armor on. I will dress you in my colors and see how well you are able to stand it. And I will have you lead me to where you disposed of that money, because it was neither frivolous nor improper and even if you hate me so much that you cannot accept fair payment from me I would still see it do more good than rotting in some ditch to soothe your feelings. You will do this, or it is to be heartblades at dawn.

"Not even you, Mayzie. My love for you cannot protect you from this. So I will have you feel the weight of that dress and apron, and we will see if you can continue deluding yourself about the Aurorae after that."

Feel tear welling in left eye. Allow to roll unimpeded down cheek, fall to floor. Resist urge to clean it. This is... all that I can do to protect her from the wrath of the Order. Which will descend upon her like a storm. Turn away, walk free. Lean/collapse against the door.

"You moron."
"Hum," said Katherine Isabella Fluffybiscuits, "Mm. Well... well, well ok then. I guess."

She doesn't laugh. Not at Assassin's wish, or at the absurdity of the cats swarming in front of her, and not even out of plain and ordinary nervousness either. Though neither is she an iron wrought figure of determination. Instead she just turns and quietly stares at Berserker for a very long time before turning back to 'face' Assassin, tapping her chin with her index finger in thought the entire time.

"So if we're what got him going then he's not the... unless he is? No but probably not. I dunno. I think I need to talk to Actia. Oh wait, shoot. Does this mean that we can't let anybody have a wish at all? Even the not icky ones?"

She frowns.

"Actually actually, wait! Wait wait! Like... no but, that would mean if we just keep everything the same then- oh. That's bad, right? Like it's not just bad, it's icky. And I don't use that term lightly!!"

A very flustered Kat has begun pacing around in a circle. This is a habit she picked up from watching a certain someone who may or may not have needed to leave her house more often than she did in the past. It's a gesture she associates with extreme agitation, and the sense of motion helps move her blood to free up her 'thinkies', which are currently trying to switch to 'no' and stay there. She shakes her head. Once, twice, hard. Enough to rattle her brain.

Her tails fluffle from side to side as she turns, and when she stands briefly still, and when she looks up, and also when she looks down. There are thoughts forming somewhere inside of her core, the kind of thoughts that might turn out to make her more dangerous than any fox who ever lived, Fluffybiscuits though she is. It might not have been a complete fluke that she once triumphed over Rose from the River. It might even be the case that the shape of these thoughts make her fully qualified to be a Princess, and not just because Berserker said so.

It might. Or it might mean nothing at all. She isn't even sure she sees where she's going with all of this.

"...Ok well. I guess we've gotta stop Lancer if we can no matter what. Right? If you could just, uh, tell Miss Saber where I'm goin'? So she can hopefully maybe meet me there? If she's ok?? Actually anybody you can find who can help'd be great. I just. Mmf. So. This did not go well last time but I think that's 'cause I just kinda yipped at her y'know? If I use my words maybe it'll go better. None of the Servants can fight her anyway, she's got really weird powers.

"But what I can't do is handle Mr. Blinky Lights McActually. Ok? He's very, uh, Talky Smart in a way that people like Lancer and Caster think is very good and if he starts in on me one more time I'm gonna cry like a baby, ok? I just, like, I just. I'm not made've rocks and iron and whatever, right?? So someone's gotta..."

As she trails off, she finds her mind snapping back to those dangerous thoughts and memories. Guilt and uncertainty claw at her chest, and even 'one step at a time' isn't a strong enough spell to get her through this part. It turns out that saving the world is actually super difficult. And that's why almost nobody ever does it, even when they're the ones who doomed it in the first place, and even when they feel bad about that to begin with.

So her lips part on their own, and she asks another question she's perfectly aware is her fault that she even needs to ask it.

"Also, um. You said," she chirps mid-squirm, "There were nine ghosts. But there's only seven of you Servants."

"What, er, do you... happen to know where the other two are? Or who?"
In the face of such revelations, a hero might be expected to make a clever quip or a statement of resolve and defiance. A Princess might hide a haughty laugh behind the back of her gloved hand and relish the challenge in front of her. Or a philosopher might offer some sort of insight into the nature of this last and greatest opponent that reflects on the Kitty-Cardinal's very useful and intelligent information.

Katherine folds her arms across her chest and thinks in silence for a long time. This has more to do with not wanting to think about a voice coming from the middle of a kitty pile like it was a normal face than it does anything else. When she finally opens her mouth, what she manages is this:

"Ahhhhh, chicken noodle soup. With a soda on the side."

"Beans," she continues, "Honey butter waffle. Marshmallow mango juice."

Please understand she is not ill. This is just what being upset and scared looks like after a lifetime of not learning any cuss words.

"Ok so just to be a hundred percent clear on this, this means that Adam - Mr. Blinky Lights The Argument Bird," she dangles its corpse between her fingers, "Is-- was Caster's Master? He's the one trying to blow up the world? Like, if Berserker and I go stuff him in a locker we're done? Or is it, uh, he, uh, them? Are we talkin', like, what the treasure Actia wanted turned out to be? You've gotta understand, Mr. Assassin Sir, I'm real dumb. So I'm not gonna get it if you don't explain it, y'know?"

Katherine Isabella Fluffybiscuits is not in fact "real dumb". But she is a Fox, and therefore very intimidated by large or shiny sounding concepts. She wiggles her ears nervously and turns with apprehension toward what she can see of the horizon, even though her destination seems to be underground.

Wringing her hands across her wrists, she gives a final fierce nod and turns to face Assassin again to the maximum degree she is able in his condition. The constantly fluctuating mass of furry bodies making up his face is making her dizzy, not to mention scaring her in a way that only cats have ever managed, but she swallows hard and maintains composure anyway.

"Ok well two other things, right? These are kinda important. First of all, uh. Is it too much to ask you in your state to send a message to Miss Saber? Whatever else is meant to go down she's been real nice to me from the start and I'd just really rather she be around, y'know? Sending letters is your whole thing, right? If you need hands to write it you can borrow, er, I mean I'll do it for you.

"...Second of all, can we not play games here? The whole time I've been workin' with Actia you haven't even once given me the time of day. Like, Iono if you've ever spared me a mean glance or a sneer, let alone told me any kinda stuff. Right? But here you are. And here I am. So just, tell me. Plain language please and thanks. What do you want outta this?"
"I! Might ask you the same question!!"

Heart in throat. Blood running cold. Select metaphor for feeling of unease later. Is it possible this is not a coincidence? If so, then my fault. Ought not to have crowed so loud. If she is a target then- easier to express anger in the moment than deal with it.

Adjust wig, center correctly again. Act may be over, but appearance essential in case of witnesses. No visible signs of Eclair Espoir on the streets, no half-combinations to help them draw the line. Align face into stern frown.

"Think you that I would so casually break an oath made to a beautiful maiden?! I said that you should never have to look at my face again! Why then should I seek you out? And so immediately at that?? Am I that cruel and faithless to your mind, or simply that stupid?! But you!"

Finger thrust in accusation. Planting feet in authority, with angry stomp. Casual toss of wig's pigtails for effect, not sure which kind. Eyes set hard, mouth open, combination consternation and concern. Surely this is how to thread a needle?

"Are you even aware of how much I paid you at the end, last time? The capability to travel anywhere! To do anything you like, even taking control of some modest premises somewhere in the wider world! In what subset of reality should I expect to find you working as a waitress, and here of all places?! You cannot, surely you cannot have spent it all already! Have I stumbled across your own secret fetish?"

...Regret. Obviously flush of cheeks, can feel stance breaking. Turn head to one side and cough.

"I... I thought you safe. I thought you safe and well and free. I have pursued my case to the place it has led me, and you may believe me or not but come! Along! The trail is burned out and smoked, and we are not the slightest bit safe here like this. You least of all! Oath or not, while you are in my sight I refuse to let you come to harm do you understand me?"

My face, close to hers. My fear, tangible in my breath. My hands, trembling. My hands, seizing hers. My body, turning, pulling, begging. Come.

Eagerness falls from her eyes and from her lips. To dream is to dream, and to experience reality is something else entirely. Bella: Maid, Assassin, Praetor, Chief, Demigod, Mosaic. Whatever you call her she is built for battle. Not for war.

It is only here in this place that she understands the difference. Countless fights and a hundred bloody wounds suffered in the name of victory, and of perseverance, and of love itself so strong it spits in the face of Aphrodite, and not once has she seen war before now. It is not merely something she has no context for, but rather something she is built entirely counter to. XIII with her list of names could shut out war and turn an army into a thing to kill.

But Bella is all alone. With no golden path to guide her.
But Bella is all alone. With no silver path to guide her.
But Bella is all alone. With only love to guide her.

Bright light blossoms into flowers.
It roars with the fury of a beast m
ade of Thunder and it is the ang
er of Zeus
and it is the shriek of Ares from
beyond the veil of death

Protect her keep her safe
You promised you could do that a
re you a liar or just stupid
Protect her keep her safe
That is your only role here
Block every bullet block every knife block

the crowing of Mars.
Fire flash and thunder clap.
Red and
Blue and

Green and

But who are you protecting?

Pink and
Yellow and

Ring and Chime and
Frost and Lime and

This is all for Her? But which? But who is--

And roar and scream and muzzle flash
And oil and shit and pilot crash
and Brown and
Black and
Orange but

Pause. Terrible pause.
Silence worse than darkness worse than

What was your wish again, Bella Mosaic?


She hisses and froths and twitches, for all the good it does her. Her senses will not be shut off. A bodyguard cannot afford to be blind or deaf, or even block her nose from the scent of roses. Just in case.

But her ankle catches in an uneven patch of ground. But it twists and wrenches and it fails her. But all of everything is joined by the hollow swoop in her stomach that means her sense of balance is abandoning her to the rush of gravity and she feels it pulling ten times harder than it should.

And then with only this for warning Bella is --

























And all alone. And all alone. And all alone. And nothing of honor to guide her.
And all alone. And all alone. And all alone. And nothing of joy to guide her.
And all alone. And all alone. And all alone.

And all alone. And all alone.

And all alone.

And nothing.


"Huh buh bwuh bwuh hweeeeeeeeeeeeeh?!?" said Katherine Isabella Fluffybiscuits, model of poise and eloquence.

Further exemplifying the degree to which all of this was expected and normal, Kat punctuated her remarks by sailing a near meter into the air while bushing both of her tails to more than double her normal size, landing gracelessly (but very very princessly!) in Berserker's outstretched arms.

Berserker, to her credit, held her Master firm against her armor and did not immediately pivot on her foot to use her as a fluffy green sword. Only the twitch in her eye suggested she had even considered it. But a knight's duty is clear even in the face of cats, or so it is said.

"Muh, er, M-mister Assassin? Why are you? I mean, uh, hi! Hiya! Hello! It's been a... erm. Wh-why are you several cats? Sir?"

Kat bleeds from her many many kitty cuts in the way of small wounds that manage to convey a lot of drama and war but really don't do a whole lot worse than sting a little. The squint they force her face into makes her look much shrewder and more aware of the suspiciousness of her new companion than she's properly capable of. Actia's Servant always gave her the creeps (and this new magic trick is NOT helping!) but it's not like in all their time together she can really remember him doing anything bad. If he says he's been looking for her then he probably has been, but that's not what her face and posture communicate at the moment.

More she looks like a mess: both very frightened and in the middle of some serious thinkies worthy of the most brilliant foxgirl schemes. More to the point her face is a warrior's face, which is why she still stands in this war holding a dead bird instead of cowering on the sidelines or trapped in some sort of awful dimensional prison or strung up on a pole or whatever other horrible things might have happened to a different world's version of her.

"Also you're not... telling me to kill myself. Are you? Because that is very rude, even for eight cats. And I'm not trying to go to h-h-he, um, y'know Cutie Fox Island or anything like that. Unless? Gasps! Is that where this whole plot started?! Oh no that's so brilliant! I would've never in a thousand years thought to look there! Gosh, we're dealing with a criminal mastermind aren't we Mr. Catsassin sir?"

She frowns and fidgets in Berserker's arms. It feels like so much has gone wrong all at once, and her warrior's mystique will not be the last casualty? Is everybody ok? She takes her eyes off of what's in front of her to squint uselessly in the vague direction of the horizon she thinks she left all her friends.
The annoying thing about a crisis is how little room it leaves for planning.

How is she meant to press an advantage, now that Timtam's game is broken? How is she meant to follow up on this rare blunder in execution, or detect if it even is one? What opportunity is there in the middle of this storm of noisy color to answer a question, firmly push the case further open, or plant a seed that might grow into larger evidence? She can't. She can't guarantee any path forward, because she doesn't even have time to settle on what role she's meant to play here between the detective and the knight?

In the end there's barely even enough time to register the frustration. Mayzie is in trouble, in a way she would not be if Erika wasn't around. How could she live with herself if she prioritized schemes and plotting over the health of the sweetest person anywhere across all the compass of reality? Neither Erika nor Eclair are capable: all she does is all that she can ever do.

Thus, the first move is to summon a heartblade. Tumbling through the air still wrapped in the arms of Mayzie Sighs there is no good time or space to observe the proper forms, but ask any master of the martial arts and they'll tell you that strict adherence is a liability. Anyone with keen eyes (or who just happened to be looking in their direction) will see a curved sword appear, but quickly its shape changes into an elongated pole with a scythe blade on the end. Crackles of purple energy do a bit to disguise the pearly color of the weapon, but how successful that is doesn't really matter. Erika takes her weapon in hand and swings it in a great circle around Mayzie, and around the pair of them the air falls away like a bubble. Already her weapon dissolves into insubstantial nothing, but its job is finished. The thing that she was trying to cut was sound.

Thus, the second move is to reach inside her little bag, and take some appropriate tools from its depths in the moment she has bought to act without succumbing to this stupid, awful, terrible, clumsy assault on her poor senses. The first thing she finds is a pair of starglasses, stolen from an idiot. She slips them on in the same motion she seizes a length of rope and winds it up to wrap around a ceiling beam. A skateboard would, of course, have been a much simpler and more flexible tool than any of this, but with Eclair Espoir nowhere to be seen these more amateurish attempts are all that's left. Forgive her, won't you? She really didn't expect to wind up in this situation.

Thus, the third move is to take hold of Mayzie with her legs. She wraps those strong limbs around the other girl's waist and pulls as tight and close as she dares so that she can hold onto her rope with both hands. As a pair they swing wide around and above the chaos; all the fighting and smoking and exploding doesn't touch them even though it envelopes them both as they twirl around the length of the main teahouse floor once, twice, three times. Not quite enough to make it to a window, blast it all. Erika has to settle for a landing on the floor.

It's Mayzie's feet that touch the floor, softer than feathers. Erika merely uncoils and flops into this woman's arms, nestling her head into the crook between this pretty girl's neck and shoulders. All this shouting and smoke and the bang bang BANG BANG color are giving her a headache. And really isn't giving into that her last, best weapon in this duel? The game might have changed shape but she still needs to play it until the end. Maybe she'll catch something before the end, if she keeps her eyes open and doesn't take herself out stupidly.

She nuzzles Mayzie's neck.

"We've gotta go," she mumbles, "Not safe here. Can you? Outside? Please~"

[Defy Disaster with Wit is an 8]
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