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Hidden 23 days ago Post by Thanqol
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

You have been here before, in a dream.

Not the dream of Tellus. That was a world of steel and ferrocrete, of crimson carpets and crimson banners and the awesome power of a united humanity crammed into a single ball. Once humanity's empire had spread as far and wide as the Endless Azure Skies before being crushed into a single point, all of its joys and cruelties stacked cheek to jowl until they all blended together. You would remember the dream of Tellus, but this dream slips through your fingers. Where have you seen it before...?

The room is small, built for no more than twenty seated. The floor is wood, poorly laid - each step creaks, and walking is almost musical, no matter how softly your feet fall. The walls are paper, beautifully painted, but not fully blocking out the fire and noise of the war outside. Three quarters across the room there is an open channel, filled with ever-burning fires, forming a veil to separate you from the Empress. It is not there for her protection - it is there for yours, for the Empress that sits upon the Throne of Regret is a ghost.

Her hair is long and lank, rotting through its elaborate bindings. Her fingers are withered into claws. Her eyes are sunken into a beautiful face, shining with the metal pins where it has been stitched together. Her robe is the palest white. The morticians of Ceron have done the best they could, but this is still the face of death - the twisted projection of a soul trapped in the Underworld.

Above you sits the Dead God.

"Re... da... na..." the words come from breathless lips. "I knew this burden was not too heavy for you."


"Hm, hm, hm~" Artemis hums with every step across the floor. She brings out the music of it; the nightingale melody of footsteps. She twirls on one toe, then steps down hard. There is joy here, in the sounds footsteps make in this haunted place. Even you, trained for stealthy service, cannot avoid the music of these floorboards - but you knew before you entered that the mistress of this house has no fear of assassins.

Then this is not a weapon in a game of murder. This is a toy. A thing of happiness, amidst the fire and darkness. As you step across the floor something of that mysterious dream comes into your head: the memories of the Starsong, and what it means to turn battle into music.

A precariously permitted toy. Were a single one of those great urns of coals to be kicked over this entire building and its paper walls would go up in a conflagration. Indeed, it feels like this entire place is intended to be flammable. Easy to destroy. An impulse that exists in tension with this beat of playful indulgence, so...

"It'll be easier for her to leave one day, if there's nothing here to return to," said Artemis. "It'll be easier to ensure that there is nothing to return to if the smallest spark might burn it all."


You know the glyph-crest of Dekal Lawgiver, Knight of the Publica. One of the Publica's legendary warriors, liberator of a dozen worlds and author of some of the most insightful legal codes in the Order's library. A renowned champion of the Grav-Rail and eternal enemy of the Endless Azure Skies, she has not been seen for a hundred years after resolving to launch a strike on Capitas itself. Of all the places her legend might have taken her, serving in the Imperial Court was always more likely than dead and unremembered.

She is unchained. Proud. Strong. But she has given all of her Publica's red for the ghostly white of her corpse empress.

"You look as tired of this as I am," she said in a voice like tarnished copper. "Come, sit with me, young Knight. Tell me of the worlds outside this eternal war. Remind me that there is peace out there, somewhere."
Hidden 19 days ago Post by Tatterdemalion
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Tatterdemalion Trickster-in-Veils

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

"It was."

Ember stands straight at attention, helmet tucked under her arm, her knight's finery hidden under the heavy ceremonial cloak. Outside, the low rumble of munitions; the tea quakes in its cups. Her hair falls lank over one side of her face, leaving one green eye looking up at the dead empress. At her mother. At her Shogun.

"You were right that I wasn't ready, looking back," she admits, and it's a knife to her own ribs. The words collapse to the floor as soon as they leave her mouth. Do they even reach her mother? "I wasn't good enough," and it's like tearing out her own spine. She opens her mouth to admit what they both know - that she's not even worthy of being the heir - and she flinches away from it. It hurts too much. It hurts too much.

"I am here because of my allies," she continues, though her voice is frail, trembling. "The Starsong Privateers, who saw me across the underworld and beyond. The Order of Hermes, who taught me how ships work and how to ask questions of the universe. The Alcedi, who were brave and true and got me to the Lethe. Alexa, who stayed behind, who..." Her hand, which once held command seals, shakes. She forges on. "The Silver Divers, who welcomed me into their pack when I didn't even know myself. Mynx and Beautiful and Beljani, my sisters-in-law in moonlight. And Bella Hostilius Mosaic, herself... my wife. My huntress. My everything."

Her cheeks are wet. A mile distant, a war howl reverberates through helmet amplifiers. A mile distant, there is an explosion of butterflies.

"I'm useless," she says, "except that everyone's still following my dream. That's all. And that's why I had to go even if I wasn't... even if you didn't..."

Her voice gives out.
Hidden 19 days ago Post by TheAmishPirate
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TheAmishPirate Horse-Drawn Tabletop

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

The Starsong believed there was a mystery in music.

Journey to a hundred hundred planets. Meet a hundred hundred worlds, of all shapes and sizes. Grown with forgotten intent or thrown together by nameless fate. The mountaintop with room only for one or a sea of life flowing beneath the ground. One house. An entire city.

It doesn’t matter. There will be music there. There will be room, in the audience or the players. There will be a song from the stars - even if it is only one - that finds a new home. But this is only part of the mystery.

In the court of the Dead God, there is music. Music to draw a sheep out of himself, his hurt, and higher still.

Atop the creaking floorboards, there is room. Room for even the Mistress of the Hunt to play. A chef from Beri is a rounding error.

Between the notes from Olympus, there weaves a song from the stars. Plucked from a dream, dancing after a goddess, softly ringing from bells in curls.

Together, they build it a new home.

[Rolling to Speak Softly with Artemis: 6 + 3 + 3 = 12. What song is in your heart?]
Hidden 18 days ago Post by Phoe
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Phoe Idol Obsessive

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

The red eye witnesses. The gold eye watches.

Bella smoothly bows before her Empress, sliding onto one knee and bowing her head in worshipful respect. The beauty of that throne has not declined in centuries of death, and she does not dare to profane that divine perfection by trying to scrutinize it. It is enough that She is here. It is enough that She is speaking. Her heart is all aflutter with love and with longing and with the deep-coded desire to be as pleasing as possible.

Bella's legs are trembling. The pressure in the air is like a poison, like gravity itself. Though she fights to keep her feet next to Redana (her wife who needs her now more than ever), defiance is more than her body can stand right now. She collapses. She feels the weight crushing against her skull, bending her neck, forcing her eyes toward the ground. Her claws dig into the floor with a musical chirp. She refuses to be bent. Not like this. Not in front of this woman, with her contemptible reek and her desiccated, plucked apart face that still dares to hint at a smile even after everything that has happened. And worse, dares to seem sad.

The red eye gazes. The gold eye glares.

"Your Majesty, I have done everything that you asked of me. Please forgive my lateness: it has been a very long and difficult journey. I do not seek words of praise, but rather wish only to return the office you lent to me now that my task is finished."

Is that how it goes? The words come out of her mouth, but is that what they sound like? Or do they come out in a furious hiss, anger and jealousy boiling over until they come out as blasphemy?

"Look at me! Look at me!! For once just say my name! Am I not... Aren't I your daughter too?!"

The red eye squints. The gold eye narrows.

Bella stays bent on the floor. Half for love, and half for hate. Half fearing danger, half just wanting to be Redana's strength. Half pushing her forehead to the ground, half lifting her onto her feet. Two eyes watch the same scene and see different things.

One red, and one gold. The colors of the Imperium.
Hidden 17 days ago Post by Balmas
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Dyssia sits next to her and takes her hand slowly, as if moving too fast will spook the universe.

"Precious little, at times," she admits, and stares.

It's like standing next to a statue, you know? She's seen that face on statues, read stories of her exploits, had spacers talk about her in low whispers, and she's here, in front of her, and she wants her to tell her of outside?

Where did the words go? Normally they're so easy, you know? Her mouth is burbling brook, full of commentary on what's happening and her thoughts and side thoughts and those little thoughts that aren't relevant to the situation but would fit neatly in a parenthetical aside, and now her mouth is failing her. It's a desert, both of words and saliva.

She swallows, or at least tries to.

"The Azure skies are…"

She sighs, and gestures to the walls, alight with red.

Which… does not convey the skies outside.

… Is she allowed to go outside the tent? Would she want to? Would they even be visible through the haze of fire and smoke and screams?

Wait, shit, she's thinking about--

"Everywhere," she finishes hurriedly. "Peace and beauty as far as the eye can see, relative to here. Servitor and Azura alike are free to live according to the demands of their civilization, if they are able. Entire planets, systems, space station, all living in harmony and pulling together in service of painting the skies blue.

"It's just that… People like you and I do not often get to experience it. If we were content to serve the Azure Skies, we would not be Publica, would not be knights. Would not follow in the wake of problems, and leave problems in our wake."

Is it her, or is her mouth suddenly even drier? Like, if you took a desert and fed it into a continent-sized desiccator, you might approach a hint of a fraction of how her mouth feels.
Hidden 17 days ago Post by Thanqol
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Bella and Redana!

"Ceron has taught me to accept this," said Empress Nero, broken neck jerking out a serene nod. "Every connection is violent. Every love is hate. Build a road and an army can pass through; build a ship and plague will fill its sails. My role was difficult before I understood that bridges were military infrastructure and love was prelude to the launching of ships."

She leans forwards across the wall of flames, as close as she dares. Her undead face smiles.

She must not be let out.

"You, of course, have no function in and of yourself," she said. "That is not your role - nor is it even a worthy goal. Ability is a tool. Simply draw a line and all the worlds will be drawn after it. Open a gate and the sheep will flow through it. You have a goal, somewhere to go, and that is more than all of these ten trillion servitors will ever have. It fills them and animates them, and they love you for giving it to them."

She abruptly turned and settled back on her throne. "It was different, once. Once a turning wind set pulses racing. Once the dream of exploration ripped children from their homes. Once distant mountains inspired joy, wonder, curiosity. Now not only is the galaxy mapped, but its future is mapped - there is nothing left to explore and no one alive who would be interested in exploration. The frontier has closed, expansion has stopped, and all that remains is a long and slow decline. Every connection has already been forged and perfected violence flows through every vein of civilization without friction. The only souls who can truly feel the joy of adventure are all dead, and so that is why I chose you, my daughter. I hope that it was everything you dreamed of."


Each time you step through a sequence, Artemis continues it. She continues it on and on and on, following through diligently on every implication of the notes that you set in motion, on and on and on. First like she's finishing your thought, then continuing it, expanding on it, taking it further and further from what you originally envisioned while still feeling like a natural extension of your own idea...

And then she stops.

Perfect obedience, right up until the point where it stops. Perfect patience, right up until the point where it is over. Perfect music but she decides when it ends.

The moon goes silver through the sky, night after night, until one night you look up and it is gone. The trail of breadcrumbs continues joyfully onwards until the hinge of the trap slams shut. Music that could go on forever until the string leaves the violin and fingers lift from the keyboard leaving only a period behind.

In this deathless universe, she remains death.


"No, we don't," said Dekal. "We choose to dissent. To fight for a better world."

She rolls out a combi-map upon the table. Rolls of charts and graphs and paperwork, the most advanced origami techniques the galaxy has ever produced resulting in this unfolding sheaf of paper. "The Empress has allowed me control over the Service. From here I direct the establishment of occupation garrisons, of re-education camps, of the construction of schools and the administration of biomantic uplift, establishing control over biospheres contaminated by mass reincarnation. I seed the principles of sound governance, establish layered constitutional checks and balances against resurgent militarism, organize the mass public executions of slaveholders and the distribution of their properties. My role in all of this is to ensure that something beautiful and stable flowers from the endless fields of ashes Nemesis leaves in its wake."

She looks down at the map, face illuminated by fire. "She does not care that I do this. If I were to stop, the work would go undone. The only condition is that I remain here, in the heart of Hell, as I do my work. So please... tell me more of that peace that lives out there, beyond my sight."
Hidden 15 days ago Post by Phoe
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Phoe Idol Obsessive

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Her tongue is covered in sand. Heavy, dry, gritty, barren. Trapped. The desire to swallow is overwhelming, but it's like trying to do it with a mouthful of cinnamon: all that she can do is choke and sputter. But she must do it quietly, quietly. Oh so very quietly. She has not known fear like this since the Opera.

She can feel fingers of pure ice reaching down her chest and filling her insides with a cold more intense than any weather she has ever known, a thought that chills her even more as it registers across the front of her brain. She cannot speak. She cannot speak. She cannot allow Her to know that comparison that came to mind. The very concept is blasphemy itself.

All she wants in this moment is a whiff of roses. All she wants is the smile that smell implies. It is nowhere to be found. There is sulfur and bright burning metallics and the odor of their conflagration, and there is the formaldehyde miasma of a body preserved well enough to contain a god even in death. Part of a god? Or just an Empress? Her nose cannot tell. She is too busy looking for roses. Roses the Empress has lost. Roses the Princess has given away.

"Your Majesty, I..."

The words drop from her mouth as if shot out of the air with arrows. Useless platitudes delivered in her useless voice to express useless sentiments. This is not her place. She puts her mouth to better use and drinks the tastes and scents of the chamber deeper than before. And there she finds sweat, and ash, and the soot of war. She finds fresh soil and iron and a fear that is not hers.


Bella finds her legs for Redana. She stands again even as the anger that was animating her ebbs away into pure terror, all for Redana. She stands behind her and wraps her arms around her shoulders in an act of suicidal possession, where there is warmth and the firmness of muscles still fit for the Olympics (as hers never were) and the grateful pressing back of that beautiful head into her own soft chest. She holds, and is held. She stands.

And even in this, Nero does not turn to her. Not even to frown.

"Y-Your Majesty, can't you see me? Can't you hear my voice? Please, I! Do I... do I have to give It back to you? Because I! I!!"

A mother. A father. It doesn't matter to her at all. She left in the end for the promise of a single tender glance. So why? Why isn't she getting it? What did she do wrong? What has she forgotten to do?
Hidden 11 days ago Post by TheAmishPirate
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TheAmishPirate Horse-Drawn Tabletop

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Somewhere - he couldn’t remember where - he went from bounding after moonlight to dancing before a goddess. When the hunter stops, he stops. His head tilts one way, then the other. Twitch, twitch, flick go his ears. He hears nothing. He sees nothing.

The next steps of the hunt are his. It is the way of things. He turns where he is led. He creak, creak, creaks, closer, knowing nothing. He stops, by Her side.

There has not been a sacred stag for many, many years, so Dolce of Beri will have to do.

“Th. T. Thhhh. There. I-is.” Breathe. Bite back all frustration. Please, Mistress of the Hunt. Bear with his broken tongue. They are the first words he has spoken since the foul march began. “Is. There, necessary…play?”

Obediently, he waits by her side. Obediently, he listens.
Hidden 10 days ago Post by Balmas
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago


Weird word, really? It feels so, so peaceable. We, the undersigned, do not agree with our peers, but will nevertheless follow the conclusion reached by the majority.

Doesn't feel like a word that'd be used to describe a screaming rebellion, like chemical mortars in your face, like clawing yourself from the dirt for another swing.

A respectable word.

And a lie, as surely as she breathes. Dissent, in every revolution. Dissent, in violence, in throwing the first punch, in striving, in lying, in bluffing, beating…

The Dissident Knight.

… Is that tautology? Would it be arrogant to name herself as the one? Like, to make that what makes her different from the others, to claim that for herself, even as she recognizes that only dissidents become knights?

Or, you know, only people that don't fit the system.

Like, she's been thinking of how to title herself for this long partially because it's, it's declaring yourself to be a power in your own right? Isn't arrogance the right kinda mental state for that?

Better than the Distracted, for friggin' sure.

The Dissident Knight--which, whew, is gonna take some mental effort to envision herself in that big of a name--reviews the maps, admires the paper, the--

Clockwork is the wrong word, right? But that similar level of this tugs that until a delicate flower of data unfolds over there. Except a clock only has to go one way, do one thing at a consistent time, and her hands itch to pull every tab, to flip every page, until she knows it all by the feel of the air against her skin, and she has to sit on her hands now or catastrophe will doubtlessly unfold across all of the service, which apparently this legendary knight runs, and--

She clears her throat and begins to speak. Of home, of Merilt, of a storm diverted. Of lazy afternoons chasing rainbows through reefs, listening to people speak of the Outside. Of the stories told of Beri before the Knight.

It's… strangely peaceful to talk of it. Like a bubble full of memory, and every sound from just outside the door threatens to pop it.
Hidden 6 days ago Post by Tatterdemalion
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Tatterdemalion Trickster-in-Veils

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Redana Claudius, Princess of Tellus, Alpha of the Silver Divers, looks up into her mother’s monstrous face. Behind her she can feel the tension of Bella’s body, a bowstring pulled taut under impossible pressures. Before her she can feel the heat, not just of the fires but of her mother’s judging gaze. The world is a plate being spun on the very tip of a knife.

“That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard in my life,” she says. It’s a small, pathetic sentence, but its impossibility in a place like this is impossible to ignore.

How dare she?

How dare she be so small?

“Every connection is building! Every love is love, you, you, you dummy!” She takes Bella’s hand. She squeezes. The clammy skin under her fingers…

Where is the hate in that?

“Love tore a hole in the universe, and I’m sorry, but— what, does that mean we’re not supposed to love? Not supposed to care? If this is all there is, then I’m still picking my silly little goal and my silly little friends and my silly little wife anyway!

Her voice is silly and small and cannot reach the farthest corners, but fire blossoms in the heart of it.
Hidden 6 days ago Post by Thanqol
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago


"Of course you must love!" said the ghost of Nero, reanimating a smile. "You have no choice. See there - I have tamed one of the greatest heroes of the Publica by giving her what she wants, even though it renders her an arm of the Empire she hates. How can you not want what you want? Even Zeus Skyfather cannot escape her own desire. Relative power is irrelevant; the only question that matters is what do you want."

She raises a hand, casting an oath to the corrupted heavens. Her smile turns daemonic.

"As with this: Whomsoever shall quench this fire that entraps me, I shall embrace, I shall love and I shall call my daughter."


You have waited all your life for this chance.


Artemis looks at you strangely for a long moment.

Then she gives you a sword.

It's a strange thing, simple metal, beautiful in its plainness. You have seen something like it before, a toy in the hands of Gemini, a blade for cutting the heart. It doesn't fit your hands, isn't weighted for you - but eventually you might learn how to fit yourself to it.


"That sounds so wonderful," sighs the Lawgiver. "Do you think..."

You know the legend of Heracles and Atlas. A myth devoured entirely by the Skies during their first triumph and exalted to the titular narrative of the Atlas Cultural Sphere. The ideal of a hero so great that she carries the burden of a God, mortal flesh holding up the Sky. The Endless Azure Skies has been built on that premise, self-organizing all the matter in the galaxy to strain against the weight of Zeus.

She can't finish the thought. Can't ask for you to take this burden, given that you both know once it is transferred she will never come back for it.

So instead you see the faint shift of stance and readiness. The faint shimmer of gravitic distortions.

"... I just need a little while," she said. "A few days."

This isn't a pleasant conversation any more. This is the beginning of a fight. She intends to force this burden upon you instead.

After all, when Heracles held the sky for Atlas, Atlas did not take it back willingly.
Hidden 6 days ago Post by Phoe
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Phoe Idol Obsessive

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Her heart races. Her skin prickles. Her ears stretch upwards until it hurts. Her throat constricts. Her eyes narrow, and then they widen black as voids. Her grip on Redana tightens. And then it falters.

Her tail flicks once. Twice.

She is still split down the middle. Two visions and two feelings. She is feverish and she is freezing, she is lighter than a grave-wisp and heavier than the Anemoi. She is trembling and she is calmer than a pool of water hidden in the bottom of a cavern. She is silent. She is singing. She is once again a hundred broken pieces rearranged and glued together in a desperate attempt to create something beautiful. She is once again herself. Bella. And Mosaic.

She is a child being lifted out of the most terrible trap and punishment she has ever endured. As the beautiful, laughing girl falls on top of her, she turns her eyes upwards and sees a severe and grandiose woman - the girl perfected - suddenly melt into a charming smile at the sight before her. It is a fleeting instant, gone before it's really begun. But she is certain: the girl who is about to get a name for the first time is certain that that smile was meant just for her.

She is a woman struggling madly to keep her breathing in check. To maintain her poise and posture as she lowers herself into a menial bow. The Princess is gone. She, Bella had done everything she could think of to keep Redana safely on Tellus but she'd been fighting with both hands tied behind her back. What was she to do, kill the Princess?! But she has no excuses. She feels the iron terror of the Empress' eyes on the back of her neck. She cannot quell the shudder that runs through her body when the brands are brought close. And this too, she is certain, was meant just for her.

She is as breathless as the dead, not that she understands what that means just yet. She'd needed to drug her opponents, poison and trick and waylay them along the way, but all the same she'd run until her heart felt fit to explode and hers was the body that crossed the tape at the end of the Marathon. And hers was the head that wore the laurel crown. She dares to smile and it is stricken from her face as though carved with a knife by the cold and furious aura of the woman standing above her. What kind of an idiot was she? Of course Nero would know immediately that she had cheated her precious Olympics, that was the whole point of this to begin with! She cannot bring herself to apologize. She cannot afford to admit her mistake. The only thing that could raise her sins higher is if she reveals the shame of these Games to all of Tellus. Those perfect hands seem smaller now than they did once, but they are no less powerful and no less terrifying when they pluck the laurels from her sweat soaked blue-black hair. She flinches, anticipating torture, and what happens instead is that she feels an iron weight replace it. Her ears fill with applause. Her eyes fill with tears. When those fingers touch her chin they are as gentle as they are strong. And she is lifted to her feet a Praetor.

She is an awkward sort of teenager stalking the halls well past the bedtimes of Real People. But there is dusting to be done, and laundry after that, and Plover maintenance after that, and to set her mise-en-place for Redana's breakfast after that so that maybe if polishing the Palace armory didn't take too long there would be time to curl up in her little bed in the Princess' room before she needed to be up and moving again. So she is annoyed and surprised and then mortified to see the Empress herself come gliding down the hall directly toward her. She dips into a hurried bow and dares not lift her head for fear of meeting the eyes that are so like the daughter's she has so shamefully fallen in love with. For fear of having that understood. The Empress' hand is unsteady when it touches her shoulder - she has been drinking. She asks Bella if she has been keeping up with her studies. Bella denies the blasphemy, and only offers that she has been diligent in helping the Princess in whatever meager way a creature of her standing can manage. There are horrible long seconds where she is left to wonder if that was the wrong thing to say. But Nero offers her a smile, drunken if not unkind, and pulls out a tablet from her robes. The quiz lasts for hours and her chores are left undone. There will be no sleep tonight no matter how good she is. But before the Empress takes her leave she feels a single warm pat, and fingers tousling her hair just behind her ears. Just in time, she dares to meet Nero's eyes. And what she sees is sharp and appraising enough to make her wish that she could be a Princess, too.

A mother. If little Dany was sure of anything, the best thing that anybody could have (other than a best friend!) was a mommy. And Bella knew watching the two of them what the shape of the little hole inside her heart really looked like. She knew at long, long last why the dark always scared her. Why she hated being alone even though she could barely stand the nerves of being around others. She saw something that seemed to her young eyes like tenderness, and before it reached her heart it grew and changed into hunger.

She is walking toward the corpse of Nero. She is slipped free from Redana and she is crossing the long distance of this audience hall as though it did not exist at all. The flames are all that hold her back. When they are wiped away, she will be herself again. That voice will be her own again. It will be Right. She knows it. She knows it. Her red eye trembles violently and forces her eyelid closed, and she lifts a fist to smash herself in the face. She pulls it open and stares at the final obstacle between her and the wish she never even needed to make out loud. The sound of her heels are a symphony. The sound of her heart is sickened terror, but it only makes the orchestra sweeter.

Her talons glisten in the firelight, as though they were slavering fangs anticipating prey. Anything may be hunted. Everything can die. Even in this broken, crapsack clusterfuck of a galaxy to think otherwise is the domain of vain, delusional gods. Her eye and body know better. She sees the names of the fires. She sees the spots where her claws may cut them.

"Hold on. It will only be a moment longer," she sings and her breath is hot with steam, "I am coming... Mother."
Hidden 2 days ago Post by Tatterdemalion
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Tatterdemalion Trickster-in-Veils

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Dany nearly lets the moment go, and she doesn't even know why. She comes right up next to damning the galaxy by releasing some awful thing pretending to be her mother, and there's no rational reason for her to do so! Her mind stops thinking in anything so sophisticated as words. Because, and here is the truth of it, the ugly painful truth of it: she didn't realize Bella would be tempted, and now all she can see is that Bella is tempted.

It's a rough and painful thing to realize that your heart is blind. It's even worse when you're steeling yourself to stand as a unified front against your mother, the thing that has stolen your mother's face, the thing that now lurks under Nero's wine-steeped laughter in her memories. There's no space for reason, for Apollo, for anything in the heart but shields up and lances out. And then to feel more than see Bella move? Now she's dizzy with the sudden loss in the shieldwall, stumbling, unseeing.

Her body knows better, as usual. Her body lunges out to catch Bella's wrist, and fails, and it's her body that decides there's only one thing for it, as per usual, the thing that Bella has taught her not to do, and now is the only thing she can do to her wife:

She lunges forward and interposes herself between her wife and the fires, trusting that if there's one thing Bella will not do, it is to destroy her in order to quench[1] those hellish flames of Dis. And if Bella would, well, being destroyed is what Dany would want to have happen to her anyway, come to think of it? Better to be trampled in the process of discovering that Bella values the approval of her mother-in-law more than the bodily integrity of her wife.

She makes mouth noises. Does it matter what they are? Neither she nor Bella nor Nero really care about what those mouth noises are, after all. A noisy, witless princess even to the end. So go ahead, Bella: maybe it's her turn to get locked in a closet, unable to stop you from chasing your heart's desire. Maybe it's Dany's turn to get hurt.

Maybe you're still capable of hurting her.

[1]: what a word. quench. queeeeeeeeeeench. haha. we have fun here.
Hidden 20 hrs ago Post by Balmas
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

"Why not take more than a few days?"

Dyssia's hands clench and unclench at her side.

"Surely you've earned peace, have you not? No, no, wait, let's not use that framework, it's not about earning or deserving, it's your right to live in peace."

Still, she doesn't reach for the scrolls, except to start to roll them up, shutting off the dizzying array of numbers, of information, of statistics, folding down charts and popups until they neatly slide back into the scroll case.

"There aren't any bars on this cage, Lawgiver. No chains, no collars, no whips or crops. Anyone who does not wish to be here can be off-planet in hours, if not minutes, soaring off through space to wherever they wish."

Which, side note, kind of a disappointment? What self-respecting empress doesn't have a scantily-clad harem?

"No chains in here but the ones you've forged yourself."

She doesn't slap her, but god does it feel like she has. Like the words are the cruelest whip she could use, even while not twitching a muscle.

"And those chains do not bind me, Dekal. I'm not the type to sit inside a bureaucracy and tell people what to do, how to think, how to be. Put the Skies on my shoulder and I'll let it drop."

Her voice is pleading. Stop this, Dekal. See sense.

"Just leave. Come with us. Don't. See the universe. Just stop sitting here, holding up the Skies, and telling yourself your sacrifice is making things better."

[Unfortunately, this is a 5,1, and Wisdom for appealing to emotions is +0. 6 on Talk Sense.]
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