Thanks for checking out my search thread~ Feel free to PM or reply here. This thread is still under construction, so please do check back at later dates as well. :)
[Please be wary opening this. This sample is gigantic.]
- 28 years, soon to be 29
- I will not write with minors nor AS minors. 21+ characters only, 18+ on case-by-case basis. I typically prefer my writing partners to be later in their 20's, but I also judge case by case depending on writing skill and maturity~
- I am semi-literate to advanced-literate depending on my partners. Typically I write between 2-7+ paragraphs, because my love for description can take over. I don't expect post matching, just genuine effort.
- I am a plot gremlin. I love plotting out happenings and/or dynamics
- I also thoroughly enjoy selecting multiple, different RP's to write with you if we jive well together :)
- I prefer M/F or M//, I am verse in portraying either gender. F// I am not too familiar with
- I have been writing since around 2012-ish.
- I maintain a full time job and a social life, so my availability is a tad scattered. For shorter responses, I try to respond every other day minimum. For longer, I try to respond once a week minimum. There will be times I need to take a little bit of a longer break, and there will be times when I am utmost inspired and able to pump them out.
- I am socially awkward, so I may not be talkative in OOC unless conversation is initiated. My love language is getting amped and detailed for plots, but I may be very quiet. This doesn't reflect anything towards you, I'm just very introverted.
- I will not write with minors nor AS minors. 21+ characters only, 18+ on case-by-case basis. I typically prefer my writing partners to be later in their 20's, but I also judge case by case depending on writing skill and maturity~
- I am semi-literate to advanced-literate depending on my partners. Typically I write between 2-7+ paragraphs, because my love for description can take over. I don't expect post matching, just genuine effort.
- I am a plot gremlin. I love plotting out happenings and/or dynamics
- I also thoroughly enjoy selecting multiple, different RP's to write with you if we jive well together :)
- I prefer M/F or M//, I am verse in portraying either gender. F// I am not too familiar with
- I have been writing since around 2012-ish.
- I maintain a full time job and a social life, so my availability is a tad scattered. For shorter responses, I try to respond every other day minimum. For longer, I try to respond once a week minimum. There will be times I need to take a little bit of a longer break, and there will be times when I am utmost inspired and able to pump them out.
- I am socially awkward, so I may not be talkative in OOC unless conversation is initiated. My love language is getting amped and detailed for plots, but I may be very quiet. This doesn't reflect anything towards you, I'm just very introverted.
I love including slow-burn romance into all of my plots. Romance + an absolutely amazing story arc is my kryptonite.
I also love a story that can include darker aspects and/or a slew of drama.
Romance WILL be a slow burn. I am not accepting smut-based plots, but give me ALLLLL the heavy pre-romance/fucked up flirting/touchy-feely leading up to it!
With a love for mature writing, I will respect your boundaries and discomforts, though please keep in mind I am in this to obtain all the topics! [drama, romance, action, sinister, fantasy, etc] Expect the story to be adult. We can brainstorm ideas so that we both are comfortable
I also love a story that can include darker aspects and/or a slew of drama.
Romance WILL be a slow burn. I am not accepting smut-based plots, but give me ALLLLL the heavy pre-romance/fucked up flirting/touchy-feely leading up to it!
With a love for mature writing, I will respect your boundaries and discomforts, though please keep in mind I am in this to obtain all the topics! [drama, romance, action, sinister, fantasy, etc] Expect the story to be adult. We can brainstorm ideas so that we both are comfortable
- Gore, I can handle glossing over some details, but I have a fairly weak stomach.
- Torture, I can handle a bit of torture, but again, when it starts getting too explicitly painful, extreme, icky or involving gore, I am too much of a wuss.
- Blood is fine for the most part, but grosser bodily fluids are a no for me. see above: weak stomach.
- Overly vanilla. I need some drama, romance, SOMETHING to make it tasty for the both of us.
- Cliche pairings need to have some kind of twist to them or great arc, otherwise I will likely get bored.
- I am a switch when it comes to characters playing the dominant and more submissive dynamics. I can have my character take the lead and also sit backseat. For this reason, I prefer to initially begin with my women claiming the submissive dynamic and incorporating the switch into her personality. My girl can not and will not be the only one leading/taking control. With my male characters, I prefer predominately the dominant dynamic. I'm not too verse in my males taking on the submissive dynamic, but it is not off the table.
- Torture, I can handle a bit of torture, but again, when it starts getting too explicitly painful, extreme, icky or involving gore, I am too much of a wuss.
- Blood is fine for the most part, but grosser bodily fluids are a no for me. see above: weak stomach.
- Overly vanilla. I need some drama, romance, SOMETHING to make it tasty for the both of us.
- Cliche pairings need to have some kind of twist to them or great arc, otherwise I will likely get bored.
- I am a switch when it comes to characters playing the dominant and more submissive dynamics. I can have my character take the lead and also sit backseat. For this reason, I prefer to initially begin with my women claiming the submissive dynamic and incorporating the switch into her personality. My girl can not and will not be the only one leading/taking control. With my male characters, I prefer predominately the dominant dynamic. I'm not too verse in my males taking on the submissive dynamic, but it is not off the table.
Older Vampire x [my character]: info here
Rivalry: info here
Supernatural Creatures: info here
Gang Leader x Good Girl/Bystander: Info here
Virtue x Sin: Info here
Zombie Apocalypse Survivors: Info here
Newfound Purgatory Being x Old Purgatory Being: Info here
Demon Royal x Lowly Demon: Info here
Witch/Warlock x Conduit: A magic wielder finds the person they've been looking for; the perfect conduit. Through them, they can become stronger and even commune with souls of the afterlife, commanding them to possess the conduit. Perhaps the conduit can even act as a voodoo doll of sorts. More info to come.
Newly Turned Vampire x Old Vampire: Info here
Rivalry: info here
Supernatural Creatures: info here
Gang Leader x Good Girl/Bystander: Info here
Virtue x Sin: Info here
Zombie Apocalypse Survivors: Info here
Newfound Purgatory Being x Old Purgatory Being: Info here
Demon Royal x Lowly Demon: Info here
Witch/Warlock x Conduit: A magic wielder finds the person they've been looking for; the perfect conduit. Through them, they can become stronger and even commune with souls of the afterlife, commanding them to possess the conduit. Perhaps the conduit can even act as a voodoo doll of sorts. More info to come.
Newly Turned Vampire x Old Vampire: Info here
Arranged Marriage, Prince x Princess
Ruined Arranged Marriage, Princess/Prince x Lower Class/Criminal/Kidnapper
Human x Contractually Bound Demon
Virtue x Sin
Older Vampire/Other Supe x Human
College, Work, Sport, Hobby, etc Rivals
Mysterious Beach Resort
Special Human Sent to a School of Supernaturals
Gang Leader x Civ Who Witnessed the Crime
Kidnapped x Kidnapper
Stalker x Victim
Vampire x Human Stalking Vampire
Ruined Arranged Marriage, Princess/Prince x Lower Class/Criminal/Kidnapper
Human x Contractually Bound Demon
Virtue x Sin
Older Vampire/Other Supe x Human
College, Work, Sport, Hobby, etc Rivals
Mysterious Beach Resort
Special Human Sent to a School of Supernaturals
Gang Leader x Civ Who Witnessed the Crime
Kidnapped x Kidnapper
Stalker x Victim
Vampire x Human Stalking Vampire
[Please be wary opening this. This sample is gigantic.]
""This is hell." Some would likely state, pushing back the tears that stung their sorrowful eyes. But not Sebastian; this was not hell. That had been the years growing up with no sanctuary, no home to look forward to. Hell was being constantly ravaged and used until his legs collapsed, squeezed for every penny he'd be able to bring in. This.. was not hell.
[size=18]- - -[/size]
His breathing was the only thing he could hear as he sat silently in his chair. An occasional ringing would spring up, along with a quick, harsh pain to accompany it, but that's what large, screaming crowds could do, after all. There was no escaping that for Sebastian - well, Alcede.
As still as if he were asleep, his gaze lingered on the tall, floor-to-ceiling mirror that was much too fancy and expensive for, well, a mirror... The reflection showed a handsome young man with the same deadpan stare, the same lifeless aura, the same tired circles under his eyes. They were much more prominent without his makeup, and it looked to age him quite a bit. The reflection was a bit different than one would see in the photos. He was an actual person right then, with the usual tell-tell signs of slow aging, stress lines, slightly sunken in cheeks from unhealthy dieting habits. But.. perhaps only he saw these things on himself. Hyper self criticism was rampant with the insecure man.
Slowly, oh so slowly the rhythmic hum of his breath slipped his mind into a trance of some sorts. His vision began to swirl and twist into a solid hue of black. He sunk further and further into the chair, feeling the confinement as it engulfed him. Until..
Realization came crashing over him, jolting life back into him only when he looked to see his body sinking further and further into oblivion. Panic and anxiety coursed through his veins; was he having a bad reaction to his medication? He tried to speak, but it was as if the darkness saw that as an opportunity to drown him, to seep into his orifices, to blind him, to choke him, to kill him. That had to be what death felt like, yet he did not feel despair at the thought, at the experience. In a way, he welcomed it...
As if being pulled from the precipice of the afterlife, a large hand came into view, delving around his body and pulling him into unfamiliar territory. A.. creature.. It.. it spoke to him. Unfortunately, the words were all muffled and jumbled, and it only stayed in sight for but a few seconds before it fizzled away into the surrounding wooded area. Man.. he really was having a bad reaction to his medicine. Had he lost time? What set was he waking up to this time?
"Ridge.." Sebastian called out breathlessly. "Ridge.. get the doc.." He felt as if he was fading quickly in and out of unconsciousness. He wasn't going to last long.. He- just absolutely puked his guts up. Though quite a mind-fucked experience, Sebastian immediately started feeling better. Clarity was seeping back in. He looked up and.. Ridge was nowhere. Noone was anywhere. He was all alone. But then he wasn't.
[size=18]- - - [/size]
Strange, unfamiliar faces surrounded him. Strange people surrounded him. Strange animals surrounded him. Strange... everything surrounded him. Completely out of his mind, he was. Or maybe he'd finally snapped. Though, that thought was all but cast aside when a ball of pink fluff ran to meet his gaze. Now that was familiar. Dilated eyes, hints of ecstasy painted across her features, running her fingers over soft but strong looking cheeks; it was quite an old friend of his, and an oddly familiar warmth resonated throughout his body at her touch because of it. Drugs. Inebriation.
The cheerful, younger woman began calling out someone else's name, sending his eyebrows into a deep, confused furrow. He'd been much too focused on the bright and colorful shapes and movements he could see reflecting back to him inside the glistening of her doe-eyes. Alcede... Alcede! He instinctively took a step back, intently moving his gaze over the woman as a whole. "Do... Do I know you?" It hadn't quite dawned on him that she must've been a fan. But when it did, boy did he feel even more comfort from that. Something else that would be familiar to life as he knew it. Because the rest of the ominous, eerie forest did not at all give him any inkling of where he could be. Nor did the natural calls and sounds of the animals... beasts that resided there. No matter the danger he found possible at every corner, the girl he'd come to know as Darling led them all too eagerly. Honestly, he missed those days where he had not a care in the world. It was much less stressful.
Next to be introduced was the devil himself; Kai. Okay, perhaps that was Sebastian being his normal, dramatic self. But he couldn't stand the fucker. The very first thing he'd heard after getting face-fondled by Darling was an all too snippy, rude remark about his identity. If Kai didn't know who Alcede was, that was fine, but... Well, actually, no it wasn't. Who was he insulting, and where the hell did he come from? Under a rock? A dungeon? [size=9]heheheh[/size]. Sebastian found the man to be quite crass and, well, they both made it known over the couple of brawls they found themselves in. Sebastian would walk away primarily bloodied, but he was confident he got a few punches in on that bastard, too. Either way, he knew who Alcede was, now.
One of the more comforting presences, and one who would jump in for the sake of the two to break up their altercation, was Tajo. He was an older man, quite pleasant, despite also not being familiar with Alcede. It was no[strike]t much of a[/strike] bother, Sebastian was more than willing to fill him in on his lack of knowledge. He deserved to know he was walking among an idol, and not all of them were non-home trained criminals. [size=9]looking at Kai.[/size] Even though he was fairly introverted, Tajo had a knack for bringing out Sebastian's good side. Even if it was still way too fabulous and narcissistic, Tajo navigated their conversation with seeming ease. Maybe a little too much ease. He did give Sebastian the impression that he was a bit of a pushover. But nonetheless..
The next on the meet n' greet list was Evelynn. She was definitely the much needed mother of the group, and she gave off lots of wisdom, but at the same time, the mourning and worry was always written so plainly on her face that Sebastian noticed. The sadness in her soul resonated in every detail he noticed about her; from ensuring they were all taken care of to trailing closely and keeping an eye on the wanderers of the group. Not only so, Evelynn was always very gracious when Sebastian and Damian would return with... whatever the hell they'd hunted that day. He'd not be confident calling it a deer. Perhaps... Ah, yes. A living, breathing demon that they were about to seriously eat. He only hoped it at least tasted somewhat like actual venison, and he'd never missed his bougie ass salads quite like he did at that moment. He's convinced an actual tear ran down his cheek having to bite into the meat.
The other two in the group weren't too fairly known to him yet, but all in all, thankfully they all seemed to work together fairly effortlessly, finding their professions that flowed seamlessly with their survival. Except Kai. Sebastian would have no issue strangling that maniac with his Gucci belt. It would be worth the damage to the tastefully artistic leather.
As the group trudged along, Sebastian kept his recurve bow closely accessible, sometimes even at the ready if the wolves that continually stalked them sounded extra closeby. Besides, it also felt good to fantasize and pretend he was pulling the arrow back with Kai in his sights. That aside, the most disturbing thing by far was that sense of dread that he had from the wildlife. He was not meant to get eaten, that would be way too cruel of irony.
It felt like an eternity, but finally, finally Darling had quipped that she found the way for everyone to go. Sebastian was strictly opposed to any idea that the group brought up, but for fear of peer pressure, he mainly kept to himself, staying alert and on guard. He'd already made a deal with himself that if the group seemed they were leading all of them into certain death, he'd simply bounce and find some other lackeys to make him a campfire and shelter... if there would be anyone else to woo with his celebrity charm.
As the trees thinned and a town came into view, Sebastian fell a few paces behind, maintaining a healthy distance from an obvious group of sitting ducks and himself. As his eyes would scan the clearing and the path they descended upon, things grew... weirder. A small, bright light illuminated in the distance, soon coming into view as a... Halo. On a woman's head. Who seemed all too eager to chat with them. Sebastian's deadpan stare returned, silently judging the incompetency of his fellow humans. As usual, he was the only one there with brains. The lady had introduced herself, offering no solace and weird phrasing, but when Tajo began listing off their names, Sebastian tried to quickly yell out and mask his identity. Though, it was to no avail. 'I should've just shot-' His wicked mind began to whisper to him angrily, but he quickly pushed the thought away. He had to get it together and stay clear, because it seemed no one else was. What if she'd been a fan, too? It wouldn't have mattered. He certainly didn't want a freak of nature following him around. In fact, he'd be pleased when they could get the hell out of there. Why even bother inquiring about her needs when they should've been asking for a map, or at least the direction of their homes.
A pain throbbed temporarily in Sebastian's temple. He had a feeling, unfortunately, that he would be getting those quite a bit from then on.
[size=18]- - -[/size]
His breathing was the only thing he could hear as he sat silently in his chair. An occasional ringing would spring up, along with a quick, harsh pain to accompany it, but that's what large, screaming crowds could do, after all. There was no escaping that for Sebastian - well, Alcede.
As still as if he were asleep, his gaze lingered on the tall, floor-to-ceiling mirror that was much too fancy and expensive for, well, a mirror... The reflection showed a handsome young man with the same deadpan stare, the same lifeless aura, the same tired circles under his eyes. They were much more prominent without his makeup, and it looked to age him quite a bit. The reflection was a bit different than one would see in the photos. He was an actual person right then, with the usual tell-tell signs of slow aging, stress lines, slightly sunken in cheeks from unhealthy dieting habits. But.. perhaps only he saw these things on himself. Hyper self criticism was rampant with the insecure man.
Slowly, oh so slowly the rhythmic hum of his breath slipped his mind into a trance of some sorts. His vision began to swirl and twist into a solid hue of black. He sunk further and further into the chair, feeling the confinement as it engulfed him. Until..
Realization came crashing over him, jolting life back into him only when he looked to see his body sinking further and further into oblivion. Panic and anxiety coursed through his veins; was he having a bad reaction to his medication? He tried to speak, but it was as if the darkness saw that as an opportunity to drown him, to seep into his orifices, to blind him, to choke him, to kill him. That had to be what death felt like, yet he did not feel despair at the thought, at the experience. In a way, he welcomed it...
As if being pulled from the precipice of the afterlife, a large hand came into view, delving around his body and pulling him into unfamiliar territory. A.. creature.. It.. it spoke to him. Unfortunately, the words were all muffled and jumbled, and it only stayed in sight for but a few seconds before it fizzled away into the surrounding wooded area. Man.. he really was having a bad reaction to his medicine. Had he lost time? What set was he waking up to this time?
"Ridge.." Sebastian called out breathlessly. "Ridge.. get the doc.." He felt as if he was fading quickly in and out of unconsciousness. He wasn't going to last long.. He- just absolutely puked his guts up. Though quite a mind-fucked experience, Sebastian immediately started feeling better. Clarity was seeping back in. He looked up and.. Ridge was nowhere. Noone was anywhere. He was all alone. But then he wasn't.
[size=18]- - - [/size]
Strange, unfamiliar faces surrounded him. Strange people surrounded him. Strange animals surrounded him. Strange... everything surrounded him. Completely out of his mind, he was. Or maybe he'd finally snapped. Though, that thought was all but cast aside when a ball of pink fluff ran to meet his gaze. Now that was familiar. Dilated eyes, hints of ecstasy painted across her features, running her fingers over soft but strong looking cheeks; it was quite an old friend of his, and an oddly familiar warmth resonated throughout his body at her touch because of it. Drugs. Inebriation.
The cheerful, younger woman began calling out someone else's name, sending his eyebrows into a deep, confused furrow. He'd been much too focused on the bright and colorful shapes and movements he could see reflecting back to him inside the glistening of her doe-eyes. Alcede... Alcede! He instinctively took a step back, intently moving his gaze over the woman as a whole. "Do... Do I know you?" It hadn't quite dawned on him that she must've been a fan. But when it did, boy did he feel even more comfort from that. Something else that would be familiar to life as he knew it. Because the rest of the ominous, eerie forest did not at all give him any inkling of where he could be. Nor did the natural calls and sounds of the animals... beasts that resided there. No matter the danger he found possible at every corner, the girl he'd come to know as Darling led them all too eagerly. Honestly, he missed those days where he had not a care in the world. It was much less stressful.
Next to be introduced was the devil himself; Kai. Okay, perhaps that was Sebastian being his normal, dramatic self. But he couldn't stand the fucker. The very first thing he'd heard after getting face-fondled by Darling was an all too snippy, rude remark about his identity. If Kai didn't know who Alcede was, that was fine, but... Well, actually, no it wasn't. Who was he insulting, and where the hell did he come from? Under a rock? A dungeon? [size=9]heheheh[/size]. Sebastian found the man to be quite crass and, well, they both made it known over the couple of brawls they found themselves in. Sebastian would walk away primarily bloodied, but he was confident he got a few punches in on that bastard, too. Either way, he knew who Alcede was, now.
One of the more comforting presences, and one who would jump in for the sake of the two to break up their altercation, was Tajo. He was an older man, quite pleasant, despite also not being familiar with Alcede. It was no[strike]t much of a[/strike] bother, Sebastian was more than willing to fill him in on his lack of knowledge. He deserved to know he was walking among an idol, and not all of them were non-home trained criminals. [size=9]looking at Kai.[/size] Even though he was fairly introverted, Tajo had a knack for bringing out Sebastian's good side. Even if it was still way too fabulous and narcissistic, Tajo navigated their conversation with seeming ease. Maybe a little too much ease. He did give Sebastian the impression that he was a bit of a pushover. But nonetheless..
The next on the meet n' greet list was Evelynn. She was definitely the much needed mother of the group, and she gave off lots of wisdom, but at the same time, the mourning and worry was always written so plainly on her face that Sebastian noticed. The sadness in her soul resonated in every detail he noticed about her; from ensuring they were all taken care of to trailing closely and keeping an eye on the wanderers of the group. Not only so, Evelynn was always very gracious when Sebastian and Damian would return with... whatever the hell they'd hunted that day. He'd not be confident calling it a deer. Perhaps... Ah, yes. A living, breathing demon that they were about to seriously eat. He only hoped it at least tasted somewhat like actual venison, and he'd never missed his bougie ass salads quite like he did at that moment. He's convinced an actual tear ran down his cheek having to bite into the meat.
The other two in the group weren't too fairly known to him yet, but all in all, thankfully they all seemed to work together fairly effortlessly, finding their professions that flowed seamlessly with their survival. Except Kai. Sebastian would have no issue strangling that maniac with his Gucci belt. It would be worth the damage to the tastefully artistic leather.
As the group trudged along, Sebastian kept his recurve bow closely accessible, sometimes even at the ready if the wolves that continually stalked them sounded extra closeby. Besides, it also felt good to fantasize and pretend he was pulling the arrow back with Kai in his sights. That aside, the most disturbing thing by far was that sense of dread that he had from the wildlife. He was not meant to get eaten, that would be way too cruel of irony.
It felt like an eternity, but finally, finally Darling had quipped that she found the way for everyone to go. Sebastian was strictly opposed to any idea that the group brought up, but for fear of peer pressure, he mainly kept to himself, staying alert and on guard. He'd already made a deal with himself that if the group seemed they were leading all of them into certain death, he'd simply bounce and find some other lackeys to make him a campfire and shelter... if there would be anyone else to woo with his celebrity charm.
As the trees thinned and a town came into view, Sebastian fell a few paces behind, maintaining a healthy distance from an obvious group of sitting ducks and himself. As his eyes would scan the clearing and the path they descended upon, things grew... weirder. A small, bright light illuminated in the distance, soon coming into view as a... Halo. On a woman's head. Who seemed all too eager to chat with them. Sebastian's deadpan stare returned, silently judging the incompetency of his fellow humans. As usual, he was the only one there with brains. The lady had introduced herself, offering no solace and weird phrasing, but when Tajo began listing off their names, Sebastian tried to quickly yell out and mask his identity. Though, it was to no avail. 'I should've just shot-' His wicked mind began to whisper to him angrily, but he quickly pushed the thought away. He had to get it together and stay clear, because it seemed no one else was. What if she'd been a fan, too? It wouldn't have mattered. He certainly didn't want a freak of nature following him around. In fact, he'd be pleased when they could get the hell out of there. Why even bother inquiring about her needs when they should've been asking for a map, or at least the direction of their homes.
A pain throbbed temporarily in Sebastian's temple. He had a feeling, unfortunately, that he would be getting those quite a bit from then on.