Just something I have been working on and I am not sure where to place it

Civilization is the cornerstone of humanity, and without it, we would be nothing but primitive tribes living in wooden or stone huts. Though, starting as pockets in select parts of the world. Others would form and ensure that humanity advanced and would thrive into the coming ages as cities formed and grew. Giving way to nations and even despite the thousands of wars and deaths. Civilization continued on and has advanced to what we know today.
But what if the civilizations that would develop, like the Egyptians or the people of Mesopotamia, changed, and instead of them, new civilizations would form in their place? A new dawn for the world as we know it and it would happen far in the past.
That is where you come in, as you and others in the present for some unknown reason. Have been spent back in time to 2700 B.C. in different areas of the world as immortals. An Author and these Authors would, after getting their bearings and settling in. They would, with their knowledge, take charge and forge their own civilizations and change history for better or worse.
What civilization would you make if you had the chance? Time to find out.
Hello and welcome to the rp. So in this rp, you will be playing as an Author or a term for an immortal. So, I should say three things before I continue.
One, this idea is not mine but an old idea on another rp site I am on, and based on the latest version of it that got traction and I wondered if the idea would interest people here.
Two, this rp is largely sandbox, and you will be rping by yourself for the most part. Unless you choose to start somewhere near people or start with someone. Though I will give events for people sometimes, and there will be npc nations that will spring up. Just keep that in mind when making a cs since, again, you will be rping by yourself for the most part.
The third thing is that in the original idea for this rp, you are expected to play yourself or a character close to yourself. Now, while I like that aspect, I understand why people would not, while I am still thinking about it, I may decide instead of forcing it. I will give people an option to make a custom character or play themselves if they desire. Which if you do choose to play yourself, you do not have to put up your own picture of your face or put up your real name or anything like that. Since I never did in these rps, and when I mean play yourself, I mean personality-wise and what you personally know. So you can change details as long as you keep what skills and knowledge you know along with your personality.
Now, with that out of the way and those still interested in the rp, here are some things.
How it works being an Author, it means your character is an immortal and is immune to aging can cannot die due to age. Along with being immune to diseases and automatically knows and speaks any language they come across. Though your character can still die by other means, such as violence so, do not try to act like your character is invincible. Also, your character would not know any of this off the bat, so they have to learn that for themselves.
So, how your character is sent into the past is this. They go to bed, and when they wake up, it is in the past with nothing. I mean nothing, your character is completely naked and has nothing tied to the present except for their memory. Which if your character goes the playing myself route, then your character only knows what you know. If you do not know it, then they do not know it. Also, there will be greater scrutiny if I see a character that seems unusual or perfect to be sent to the past.
Also, for how the rp will work pacing wise. The rp will be divided into five-year long periods that are followed by a ten-year skip. So you can post what you want up to the fifth year mark and once everyone is caught up to the five year mark, then I will do a ten year time skip and then repeat. Now how long it takes to get to the five year mark is up to you.
Plus, you can start anywhere in the world. Just make sure you know about your starting location before picking. Like knowing the environment, what people would be there, and what resources you have access to.
Along with this, you are free to write the ancient people as you see fit, but remember. While the people of 2700 B.C are primitive, it does not mean they are stupid or act like idiots. They are as logical and reasonable as modern-day people and do not expect to become the leader of a group simply because you made a shovel and whatnot.
One last thing, when it comes to what your character skills are. You should not use anything that is too broad and you should clarify what their skill is. Like if you used historical knowledge as a skill, that would not work and is too broad. More so about the skills that would be too beneficial for a character to have unless your character would really know about one or two of them. The following skills are not allowed unless your character should really know it based on the cs. Historical knowledge, oration, charisma, leadership, military tactics.
That is it so far, and if anyone has any questions, then feel free to ask.
New Dawn of Civilizations

Civilization is the cornerstone of humanity, and without it, we would be nothing but primitive tribes living in wooden or stone huts. Though, starting as pockets in select parts of the world. Others would form and ensure that humanity advanced and would thrive into the coming ages as cities formed and grew. Giving way to nations and even despite the thousands of wars and deaths. Civilization continued on and has advanced to what we know today.
But what if the civilizations that would develop, like the Egyptians or the people of Mesopotamia, changed, and instead of them, new civilizations would form in their place? A new dawn for the world as we know it and it would happen far in the past.
That is where you come in, as you and others in the present for some unknown reason. Have been spent back in time to 2700 B.C. in different areas of the world as immortals. An Author and these Authors would, after getting their bearings and settling in. They would, with their knowledge, take charge and forge their own civilizations and change history for better or worse.
What civilization would you make if you had the chance? Time to find out.
1. Expected to follow standard site rules
2. No godmodding or powergaming or etc...
3. No OP characters
4. A max of one character
5. Minimum of two paragraphs
1. Expected to follow standard site rules
2. No godmodding or powergaming or etc...
3. No OP characters
4. A max of one character
5. Minimum of two paragraphs
Hello and welcome to the rp. So in this rp, you will be playing as an Author or a term for an immortal. So, I should say three things before I continue.
One, this idea is not mine but an old idea on another rp site I am on, and based on the latest version of it that got traction and I wondered if the idea would interest people here.
Two, this rp is largely sandbox, and you will be rping by yourself for the most part. Unless you choose to start somewhere near people or start with someone. Though I will give events for people sometimes, and there will be npc nations that will spring up. Just keep that in mind when making a cs since, again, you will be rping by yourself for the most part.
The third thing is that in the original idea for this rp, you are expected to play yourself or a character close to yourself. Now, while I like that aspect, I understand why people would not, while I am still thinking about it, I may decide instead of forcing it. I will give people an option to make a custom character or play themselves if they desire. Which if you do choose to play yourself, you do not have to put up your own picture of your face or put up your real name or anything like that. Since I never did in these rps, and when I mean play yourself, I mean personality-wise and what you personally know. So you can change details as long as you keep what skills and knowledge you know along with your personality.
Now, with that out of the way and those still interested in the rp, here are some things.
How it works being an Author, it means your character is an immortal and is immune to aging can cannot die due to age. Along with being immune to diseases and automatically knows and speaks any language they come across. Though your character can still die by other means, such as violence so, do not try to act like your character is invincible. Also, your character would not know any of this off the bat, so they have to learn that for themselves.
So, how your character is sent into the past is this. They go to bed, and when they wake up, it is in the past with nothing. I mean nothing, your character is completely naked and has nothing tied to the present except for their memory. Which if your character goes the playing myself route, then your character only knows what you know. If you do not know it, then they do not know it. Also, there will be greater scrutiny if I see a character that seems unusual or perfect to be sent to the past.
Also, for how the rp will work pacing wise. The rp will be divided into five-year long periods that are followed by a ten-year skip. So you can post what you want up to the fifth year mark and once everyone is caught up to the five year mark, then I will do a ten year time skip and then repeat. Now how long it takes to get to the five year mark is up to you.
Plus, you can start anywhere in the world. Just make sure you know about your starting location before picking. Like knowing the environment, what people would be there, and what resources you have access to.
Along with this, you are free to write the ancient people as you see fit, but remember. While the people of 2700 B.C are primitive, it does not mean they are stupid or act like idiots. They are as logical and reasonable as modern-day people and do not expect to become the leader of a group simply because you made a shovel and whatnot.
One last thing, when it comes to what your character skills are. You should not use anything that is too broad and you should clarify what their skill is. Like if you used historical knowledge as a skill, that would not work and is too broad. More so about the skills that would be too beneficial for a character to have unless your character would really know about one or two of them. The following skills are not allowed unless your character should really know it based on the cs. Historical knowledge, oration, charisma, leadership, military tactics.
That is it so far, and if anyone has any questions, then feel free to ask.