Kirah - Ralph Daniel Eldridge - FC: Adrien Sahores - Color code: #dae8c1 - Room: Heliotrope - Profession: Pilot (small craft)
Morose - Miguel de la Cruz aka Miguel de la Muerte - FC: Ryan Bergara - Color Code: 97e300 - Room: Azalea - Profession: YouTube Personality (Ghost hunter)
trainerblue - Samuel Boogara - FC: Sam Goldbach - Color Code: #a6fef2 - Room: Tradewind - Profession: Paranormal Investigator
patientbean - Millicent Cromwell - FC: Olivia Taylor Dudley - Color Code: #63142b - Room: Turkish Rose - Profession: Professional magician
TM99 - Dr. Anthony Stronzetto, MD - FC: Luca Marinelli - Color Code: skyblue - Room: Lavender - Profession: Surgeon
Kittyluna45 - Constance Monroe - FC: Tamara Rojo - Color code: #e31e1e - Room: Evergreen - Profession: Ballerina
The La Lune family (These are just the ones currently present at the Château)
Vorace La Lune (deceased - 95 at time of death) - The founder of the award. He died some time ago. He is the father of Elenore and Agatha. He is not currently present at the Château, though his tombstone can be found in the family plot. A portrait of him hangs in the Bar.
Elenore La Lune (Age: 75) - The current Matriarch of the La Lune family. In the kitchen, ballroom (doing prep), or if she wants some quiet she can be found at the pool or private lounge. Conversations with her tend to become about the Award, her father, or what she is very busy dealing with so please leave her alone.
Richard La Lune (Age: 79) - Husband of Elenore. His age is showing. He spends most of his time in his room or the Bar, occasionally he can be found in the library/study. He has little to do with the winery these days and married into the family. If you find him and talk with him he will talk to you about winemaking.
Agatha La Lune (Age: 70) - The younger sister of Elenore. Is hard to find, possibly in the private lounge. Late at night she can be seen at the edge of the lake looking out at it. Agatha does not tend to have conversations. You might talk at her. She might give you one or two words in response.
George La Lune (Age: 77) - The husband of Agatha. He has little to do with the winery and married into the family. Often found in the study, private lounge, or fishing on the lake. He does go for a late night nightcap in the bar before bed. Conversations with him somehow always become conversations about fishing.
Beatrice La Lune (Age: 53) - Eldest daughter of Elenore. Twin to Lawrence. Often found in the kitchen or study. Conversations with Beatrice seem to be about food, doesn’t matter how you want the conversation to go.
Lawrence La Lune (Age: 53) - Eldest son of Elenore. Twin to Beatrice. Often found in the bar. You’d be better off talking to a brick wall. He is about as bright as one. He thinks he is funny, but is incredibly mean.
Nathan La Lune (Age: 48) - Youngest son of Elenore. Often found in the bar or the private lounge, or fishing on the lake. Nathan is surprisingly close to his Uncle George.
Elizabeth La Lune (Age: 45) - Youngest child of Elenore. Often found in the study or pool, sometimes can be found in the solarium. Elizabeth seems uninterested in the events, either the awards ceremony or the murder. How someone can be so uninterested is astounding.
Gabrielle La Lune (Age: 28) - Elder daughter or Beatrice. Often found in the study, or solarium. Tends to be the opposite of whichever room Jeanne is in. If she is not in either she might be in the pool house. She avoids the bar.
Jeanne La Lune (Age: 24) - Elder daughter of Nathan. Often found in the study or solarium. Tends to be the opposite of whichever room Gabrielle is in. Jeanne is a poli-sci major. She recently graduated and hasn’t found a job. She loves to shit talk about all of the current events. She thinks herself the head of the La Lune Family Detectives, she may be as she’s the only one who is looking at clues. Seems interested in the occult.
Lena La Lune (Age: 22) - Younger daughter of Beatrice. Often found in the bar in a corner on her laptop. Very irritable. Conversations with her are short, as she does not seem interested in keeping up her end of the conversation. She is interested in technology so if you can hold your own in a conversation about that she might even look up from her laptop.
La Lune Full time staff -
Head chef - Gordon - Believes in feeding people.
Sous-chef - Aziza - Immigrant from Morocco.
Butler - Felix Wadsworth - Old school butler. One should try to be as excellent as possible. Is short when things aren’t going perfectly.
Gardner - Faustus - Has been working on the property for years. Has a small house that’s connected to the garden shed.
Driver - Armel - A stout professional. He will pick the Nominee’s up from the airport and drive them to the dock where they will be transferred to a boat that will take them to the island. On the island Wadsworth will drive the Nominees to the house from the dock.
Barkeep/sommelier - Leon - A bit of a lush, but a happy drunk. Hangs around the bar after hours after everyone has gone to sleep.
Head maid - Olivia - Been working here a bit too long. Believes all you need to clean stuff is some seltzer and baking soda.
Two other maids (hired specifically for this event) - Aurélia & Juliane - Not quite incompetent but clearly were not prepared.
A large room with several doors leading off from it. A massive double staircase leads to the second floor. There is a coat closet to the right of the door as you enter the building. The next door leads into the dining room. Directly in front of someone as they enter are the doors that lead into the Ballroom. To your left are the doors to the shared Rec room and wet bar. Hidden under the staircase on either side are small half bathrooms. These bathrooms were installed sometime in the early 1900’s, as a late addition to the building. They are well maintained, but the age and lack of renovation is obvious. Vibes. The bathrooms.
The ballroom itself is decorated as if someone was obsessed with the 1920’s and forgot the intervening years happened. There is a set of large doors that open out to the patio allowing for the cool lake breeze to blow through the ballroom.
A wet bar, with four seats, is the main focus of this room. There are a couple of small seating areas around the room. There is a door that leads to the basement, where the wine collection is stored. This room has two paintings. One of Vorace with a neat gold plaque declaring Vorace La Lune/Qu'il repose en paix/2010. The other is of Elenore, her husband and children. The twins appear to be in their teens, or early twenties in the painting. There is no plaque on it. This room is also at times called the Rec room. It has a billiards table, chess board, and an air hockey table. It appears to have been renovated in the 1990’s. It is easily the most modern room in the home. There is a collection of board games, none of them seem newer than 2000. There is a fireplace on the exterior wall, as well as an exit to outside. Vibes vibes
The mezzanine for the ballroom.
The guest rooms are designated by color. That color is the predominant theme of the room. Each of the rooms has a painting, wardrobe, bed, nightstand with lamp, desk and two chairs. One of the chairs is a hard-backed chair for the desk. The other is a wingback for relaxing. There is a floor lamp at the wingback chair’s side. The beds are sled-style. Each room has a Jack and Jill style bathroom shared with their neighbor. The pairs of rooms are listed in each room. Note that Gold and Lavender are across the hall from each other and their bathroom access is through their room into what would be the end of the hall. (I can draw a picture if needed.) The rooms - Turkish Rose, Tradewind, Heliotrope, Gold, and Cerulean Blue have access to individual balconies. The balconies have a small table and two chairs. The rooms - Azalea, Terracotta, Plum, Lavender, and Everglade have direct access to the lounge. For the other rooms to access the lounge they must go through the mezzanine of the ballroom. Note that these rooms, except for Lavender, do not have exterior windows. Lavender’s window looks out over the solarium and garden. The attached photo for each room is not a perfect idea of what to expect, but gives you a vibe. Note that the rooms appear to have been last renovated in the 70s/80s. However, everything is clean and well-maintained.
Millicent To see the color Access to a balcony. Vibes Bathroom shared with Tradewind. Painting is a landscape of a desert.
Samuel Boogara To see the color Access to a balcony. Seaside themed Bathroom shared with Turkish Rose Painting is of a ship on the ocean during a storm.
Ralph Daniel Eldridge To see the color Access to a balcony. Bathroom shared with Cerulean Blue. Painting is of the garden.
Brendan "Ivanna Slay" To see the color Access to a balcony. Vibes Bathroom shared with Heliotrope
Miguel de la Cruz To see the color Access to the lounge. Vibes Bathroom shared with Terracotta. Painting is of azaleas growing in a garden.
Elise To see the color Access to the lounge. Western themed. Bathroom shared with Azalea Painting is of an old western ghost town.
Renee Tanner To see the color Access to the lounge. Bathroom shared with Everglade. Painting is a still life of fruit in a bowl.
Constance To see the color Access to the lounge. Vibes Bathroom shared with Plum. Painting is an old-growth forest.
Rihannon To see the color Access to a balcony. Vibes Bathroom shared with Lavender at the end of the hall. Painting is a landscape of a golden wheat field.
Anthony To see the color Access to the lounge. Vibes Bathroom shared with Gold at the end of the hall. Painting is of lavender growing in a garden.
The Garden - A twisty path garden that is easy to get turned around in.