A list of notable NPCs and who has reserved complete control of them in all situations. To control these NPCs otherwise requires one being a GM or having explicit permission from the one that has claimed them.
Letter Bee:
Fire Nation (General overseer of course of action)
Firelord Ozai
Earth Kingdom (General overseer of course of action)
"Since you appear to have started this campaign mired in ignorance, perhaps it behooves me to at least offer you this enlightenment. That is: of the true nature of Conquest. To truly call yourself a Conqueror, to achieve a lasting prosperous rule, sustained by loyalty, you must know this... To truly Conquer is to win without killing, to control without humiliating, to repurpose without destroying. There will be times, perhaps, where those things are ultimately necessary, but cruelty should never be the first response. The truest Conquest is to attain the respect, admiration and even love of your enemies. For once you have that, all doors are open to you."
Name: Xiao Yu Titles: Magia Vulcan (Dark Magical Girl Alias) Gender: Female Age: 0 (17? - post timeskip) Affiliation: Reincarnate Alliance, Enormeeta (Leader), Earth Kingdom (ostrich horse ranchers) Physical Description: Black hair and blue eyes, along with a surprisingly smooth and pale complexion in spite of her active, sunny lifestyle. Her black hair grows to hang somewhat tousled around her chin, and she starts to blossom into a rather shapely figure. Under other circumstances, she could perhaps even be defined as a "jade beauty", a somewhat humorous coincidence in light of the meaning of her name. Will likely peak at 5’5-7” in height at adulthood. The secret to her smooth complexion is, in fact, the slow, subtle regeneration effect of her otherwise dormant magic when not transformed, preventing her from being permanently scarred or marred in any meaningful way. Even while dirtied and tired, she is an effortless, unnatural beauty.
Personality: A proud girl with bold ambitions, Yu has decided to take this new life by the reins and build herself the sort of future she's always dreamed of. A glory-seeker and battle junkie, she seeks thrills, adventure and power with an unending thirst, yet retains a sense of self-preservation. At her core, she is a girl of ego, and yet, that ego is channeled more into self-improvement now than it is arrogance. She charges from the front as often as she hangs back with a calculating glint in her eyes. With a sense for flare and PRESENTATION, she can be a flamboyant showboater, a rabble rouser, a harsh task-mistress and a methodical, scheming cynic equally, but underneath it all, there ultimately lies the heart of someone who cares about the little guy, who wants to to build a better world... and fight for the ever-distant golden dawn.
Likes: Sweet and spicy food, reading and writing fiction, sparring, gaining power, discovering secrets and acquiring knowledge, defeating a worthy opponent/challenge, seeing "justice" done unto true evil, leading from a "vizier" position.
Dislikes: Pumpkin flavored anything, bitter food, infringements on her freedom, being humiliated or humbled, being beholden to any authority she did not specifically choose and approve of.
Fears: Death, threats to her mind, selfhood and free will. Dying unremarkable.
Dream: Immortality... probably. Before, she lived day to day and hobby to hobby, never quite sure where she wanted to end up at the end of it all. She just knew she wanted to be happy in the end. So, maybe if she can just give herself endless time to figure things out, the answer will be revealed to her. In the meantime, she'd like to go on an adventure and truly enjoy her isekai, to explore magic and bending and all the wild twists the future has in store. And at the end of it all? Perhaps she'd like to leave a legacy worth admiring.
Short Biography: She never had much in the way of grand ambitions in her past life. She'd worked a number of minor, mediocre jobs but never really found a true calling in life. One could perhaps call her a drifter, a jack of several trades, master of none, who preferred to indulge online hobbies. Her flighty attitude led her to never want to settle for one thing and fully commit out of a professed desire to "not spend her life on something she wouldn't enjoy". Yet, in the end, she could never find that one thing that sparked her interest and so languished in mediocrity. The things she was truly passionate about didn't make enough money to truly live on or were locked behind time and experience requirements she wasn't able to provide, and she came to believe somewhere in her heart that -in many ways- she was simply born in the wrong era. She was adrift and aimless, struggling to find a path and growing more concerned and downtrodden the longer it evaded her.
The beginnings of depression and hopelessness were beginning to creep in by the time she met her untimely demise and was brought before Aang. And in that moment, she realized that this was something of a dream come true. An isekai to a world in need of saving? Cheat powers? A second chance to truly make something of herself? It was everything she could have ever wanted. Better still, she was fairly familiar with Avatar: TLA; it was a series she had watched to completion in the past, and although her memories were a bit rusty now... that was nothing one of the offered cheat powers couldn't fix. And so, she grabbed onto the opportunity with both hands and leapt into the deep end without hesitation.
Xiao Yu was best familiar with the series that started it all, Avatar: the Last Airbender, having watched it from start to finish at least once in her life. As for the sequels... Well, she gave Korra a chance but ultimately found herself uninterested in the brash fool that somehow managed to lose the Avatar State. She spoilered herself on much of major events of Korra's era of seasons but certainly didn't watch them all the way through. And after hearing vaguely of hints of a new season in the works premised upon the consequences of one final fuck up from Korra as the Avatar, she's pretty sure that entire shitstorm of events has no business being allowed to occur in this timeline...
In her new life, at her request, she has found herself reborn behind the towering, secure walls of Ba Sing Se, capital of the Earth Kingdom, within the Lower Ring. Born to a humble, civilian family of ranchers whose main business is breeding and training ostrich horses as war steeds, she now avails herself of security in obscurity, as she plays the part of the everyday girl... for now.
Evil Transformation Star: The magical device used to most easily transform into her dark magical girl form. Technically, it can be done without through training or enough heightened emotions, but it still remains an invaluable tool and set of training wheels for the purposes of getting familiar with her magical powers. When not in use, she can hide it away inside a pocket of storage magic, preventing it from being lost or stolen.
Languages - English and Japanese: Having a language that (presumably) doesn't exist in this new world allows her the advantage of making unique coded messages that (among other things) would only be immediately legible to other PCs or those she educates. Having learned Japanese, she can potentially hold conversations that wouldn't be understood by anyone but another multilingual PC.
Calligraphy: While her dexterity has naturally temporarily suffered due to her age and physical abilities, writing was her passion in her past life, and while most of that was done using keyboards, learning Japanese correctly required a steady hand to depict kanji and hiragana. She is therefore a deft, practiced hand with articulating delicate linguistics.
Poker Face/Acting/Manipulation: A result of roleplaying and being in many customer service industries in her life, when she actually tries, she is an able manipulator and deceiver, having even been told in her past life she was "quite the negotiator". Concealing her true feelings is second nature to her, and "playing a part" is something she can slip into like putting on her favorite shoes, wearing whatever face she needs to in order to get what she wants. And right now? Well, the part she's supposed to be playing is that of one of this world's saviors, she supposes.
Martial Arts: At one point, due to increasing disillusionment with cerebral pursuits, she pursued Tae-Kwon-Do and generally found it to her liking, enjoying the feeling of self-improvement and the ability to vent her burgeoning battle junkie tendencies under controlled conditions. Owing to her nature as a drifter, however, she advanced decently high but never committed enough to reach black belt, bowing out before the finish line. Despite this, she got far enough to successfully attain an instinct for the "flow of battle" as well as largely ridding herself of the burden of hesitation inflicted by a peaceful society. As a result, if she were ever to get into a real fight, especially one of life and death, she would immediately resort to ruthlessly efficient violence, rather than freezing or cowering like the average civilian.
Medieval Tactics: While she was not all that interested in the trappings and finer details of modern weaponry most of the time, she could conversely be described a bit of an otaku when it came to using more archaic or fantasy methods of waging war. Though, she was not much of a wargamer, she consumed much media on the subjects, drawing knowledge from such literature as Lord of the Rings and A Song of Ice and Fire, along with certain roleplaying games. While this does not necessarily translate perfectly, it gives her a strong leg up and makes her an able leader of massed armed forces if provided the opportunity.
Crossover Power - MahoAko Magic (Dark): You have access to the MahoAko magic system, specifically the side of it used by the villains, allowing you to become a dark magical girl (and gradually grow into all the powers that entails) and access your very own interdimensional evil fortress that seems to be a replica of the infamous Nacht Base. Truly, the perfect powerset to rule save the world with.
Crystal Memory: Flexible and subjective to the series being used for the insert, this is the trope of the reincarnate/insert somehow always retaining perfect -or at least nearly so- memory of their metaknowledge and past life, unaffected by time and what should be the natural degradation of memories.
Bending/Crossover Power:
Earthbending: Born in the heart of the Earth Kingdom, you were born with the capacity for Earthbending.
Dark Magical Girl (MahoAko): She possesses the ability to summon and use an Evil Transformation Star, allowing her to awaken her magical potential for the "Power of Feelings" and take the form of a dark knight villainess. The transformation device grants powers and an outfit unique to whoever uses it, and Yu's powers tend towards a theme of "Volcano". Her magic also allows her to use a number of omni-magics that anyone of her magical girl type has access to, and the magic typically comes to her very intuitively. The transformation device also grants her the ability to make portals to an interdimensional pocket, where a dark fortress and its resources lie waiting... mysteriously barren of any other signs of ownership.
Current Goals: Short Term: Gain greater agency, acquire and train new powers, reconnect with other inserts, have good fights. Long Term: Save the world, become a Legend, live the life she's always dreamed about to the fullest.
Likes: Tea • History • Dancing | Hates: Unbelief • Unoriginals • Flamboyance Fears: Boredom • No Tea • Wrong Decisions| Dream: Fire Nation Victory
Ambition Ambition
Long Term: To Deliver The Fire Nation's Víctory | Short Term: Teach unbiased Fire History
Personality Personality
Zouren is a principled man, what you see is what you get, there is no chivalry in war. He may be a stickler for the rules but it's what he sees fit, the one who can direct the flames, are the ones who fans destiny, he tempers his expectations, making him unfettered. Regardless of differences, there is peculiar value, he ought to see the Fire Nation as the ruler of the World. Not because of patriotism, but of pettiness, he believes that a Man should finish what he started.
History History
Zouren is a Fire Nation native, borne from the Priesthood House of Hiraya, he's a Fire Sage that teaches Fire Nation History, his family dates back from the time when Firebenders valued the Dragons.
Fortunate enough to be raised by a family that emphasizes traditional Fire Nation values, however, his existence is an anomaly.
When a Nexus Event took place, the struggle between the Real Aang and Fake Aang, his conception acted more as a contingency against the Fake Aang.
Zouren grew up to be a Fire Sage, a Professor & a Senior Historian at the Fire Nation Palace, with access to the Dragonbone Catacombs at such fine age.
The Fire Nation likens him with Uncle Iroh, as never has there been as Wise since Iroh & both likes Tea.
Zouren's moniker, "The Dragon of The East", refers to his encounter with Guru Patik at the Eastern Air Temple, where he learned timeless wisdom and genuine spirituality. The Dragon Title meant that at one point, he also slayed, or better yet killed a Dragon. Just like Canon Iroh, he hid the existence of Ran and Shaw.
Recently, the Fire Lord has piqued his interest at Zouren, a young man that of Iroh yet possessing a patriotic spirit of the current Firebenders.
Fire Lord Ozai then appointed Zouren as one of his Inquisitors.
Tropes Tropes
Crossover Power - Fire Force's Adolla Burst (Firesoldier Gen 4) You've got access to Fire Force's Pyrokinetics System & blessed by the Grace of The Evangelist, making you an Adolla Burst, a walking comet to bless those of Fire with an Adolla Link, a transdimensional firepower that grants unique firebased abilities.
Spiritual Acquity (Firebending) You express Firebending in the traditional way, Dragonbound or not, it matters not. You know full well that fire comes from the breath & never rage nor muscle but a dynamic cause of expressing your inner fire, the right way. Drive fuels your Firebending, hence your positive spirituality & the ability to see the Spirits.
Powers & Skills Powers & Skills
Powers Adolla Burst: Firesoldier Gen 4 Apart from sharing the Grace of the Evangelist, Zouren's ability is to clad fire and emotion, he induces burning sensation & feel anothers emotion, whether they are telling the truth or not.
Firebending Born in the heart of the Fire Nation, you were born with the capacity for Firebending.
Skills Discernment Zouren by right is a Seer, his spiritual acquity gauges ones character, as if he sees Right through them, he knows the right words to say but chooses to be frank and calls them out of their ego tendencies.
Adaptive Martial Arts While verse in the Dancing Dragon, Zouren doesn't hesitate to add every martial art he sees to better himself, he's strong enough to kick down a chained steel a la Zuko freeing Iroh from Earthbenders.
Inventory Inventory
Hyperspace Adolla Teaset The Teaset of Adolla. Some otherworldly Tea of Divine Flavor, it has no combat benefits.
Name: Lì Yang Titles: N/A Gender: Male Age: 0 Affiliation: Reincarnate Alliance, Fire Nation (circus) Physical Description: Vibrant hair, exotic wine-red eyes and a fair complexion are just a few of the most striking things about him. His hair is relatively short, growing roughly two-thirds of the way down the neck with long bangs covering his eyes and he eventually grows into a perfectly-shaped lean, muscular build. Peak adult height will most likely be within the range of 6’-6’4. Will maintain youthful attractive features throughout his life.
Personality: A rough-and-tumble kind of guy with a penchant for spontaneity, Yang has taken to his new role in this life with his usual intensity towards everything he attempts. A natural-born fighter, he seeks nothing more than to improve himself without restriction and completely lacks any sense of personal limits. While possessed of a great drive for conflict to test and improve his strength, he is a generally mellow person outside of combat. Far more than a simple battle junkie, Lì Yang is, at his core, a decent if somewhat combative person. Analytic and intelligent beyond his seemingly expressive countenance, he is equal parts showman and brutally efficient tactician. Despite his often excessive actions and mannerisms, he does strive to create a better future than the one the world is currently heading towards.
Dislikes: Being told what to do, Tomatoes, people bringing up his hair/eyes (minor), weak mindsets, cats.
Fears: Failure. An unworthy death.
Dream: Absolute Strength. In his past life, he strove to achieve the pinnacle of strength, and little has changed in this one. That remains a dream for the far future, though, and before that, he plans on making the most of his new life. A grand adventure awaited him and he didn’t plan on missing out on it. And, who knows, maybe a few things would change along the way.
Short Biography: The one who would eventually be known as Lì Yang was a born and raised martial artist. A championship title holder from a young age, fighting had been his lifeblood ever since his talent was discovered by his foster parents. It was an honour very few could claim for themselves, and even amongst them, he alone stood out. Despite all the pressure such a status carried, he never once faltered in his endeavour to become the greatest, tackling every challenge that came his way with gusto. And yet, behind all the cheers and adoration, he wasn’t truly fulfilled, his heart filled with a yearning for something he could never find the words to describe. Martial arts were his passion, but he found himself questioning his thoughts constantly, searching for an answer to a question he could scarcely begin to comprehend. His passion burned as fiercely as always in his every moment, but that nagging feeling never left him no matter what he did.
The feelings had just been starting to fade when he met his untimely demise. The exact series of events that led him to that moment were blurry, but at the end of it all, he found himself face-to-face with an impossible sight; Avatar Aang. To say that he was stunned would be an understatement. What came after was even more of a surprise, if a somewhat pleasant one. A world in need of saving? Powers akin to cheats in that world? And more than anything, a second chance to reach his ultimate goal, and perhaps discover that which had left him troubled for so long? It was a gift greater than any he’d ever received. And, as an avid fan of Avatar: TLA, he was more than ready to take on the task. It was a given, then, that he took the chance without a second’s hesitation.
In his new life, he finds himself within the heart of a grand empire, a citizen of the great and terrible Fire Nation, at his own behest. After all, what better way to prepare for a tough battle than to start in the most difficult of areas? No other reason involved....
Inventory: None as of yet.
Martial Prodigy: The product of his previous life, he is naturally adept at multiple forms of martial arts, both armed and unarmed. His martial prowess is such that he is able to easily learn techniques after seeing them in action and almost completely master and even improve upon them after a brief period of practice. Furthering this, he can analyse and instinctively replicate the fighting styles of anyone he meets after only a single encounter. Even in the case of weaponry, his skill remains unmatched, as he can quickly learn and master the use of any weapon he gets his hands on.
Multilingual: Along with his mother tongue of Japanese, he has had to learn several languages in order to excel in his profession. He is fluent in Mandarin and English, as well as Italian.
Acrobatics: Agility and flexibility play a major part in several of his fighting styles, and as such he has trained his natural talents extensively in those areas, attaining an incredibly high level of athleticism. That goes even more so in this life.
Analytical/Intuition: The culmination of his past life experiences; his ability to analyse and understand what is put before him is exceptional. Seeing through people’s words and feints to determine their intentions, recognising patterns to predict what comes next, and learning things at a rapid rate are all second nature to him at this point. His intuition is good enough to recognise danger before his consciousness even realises it exists.
Medicine: Breaking things came naturally to him, so it seemed only natural that the opposite would be difficult. Of course, such a thing wouldn’t stop him even if it were true, and so he learnt how to fix things as well, particularly people. It was a helpful skill to have in his profession, and he even volunteered in hospitals to further improve his skills. While not quite on the level of a consummate professional, he is several cuts above the average amateur practitioner and very capable of both first-aid and further treatment.
Crossover Power - Heavenly Restriction (JJK): You were born with a body that defies all logic. Lacking entirely in the energy that permeates the essence of every living being, you are instead blessed with superior physical capabilities that put you far above what is humanly possible.
Crystal Memory: Flexible and subjective to the series being used for the insert, this is the trope of the reincarnate/insert somehow always retaining perfect—or at least nearly so—memory of their metaknowledge and past life, unaffected by time and what should be the natural degradation of memories.
Crossover Power:
Heavenly Restriction: Yang possesses a body that surpasses any human. Devoid of even the slightest hint of “chi” and thus any possible ability to wield the elements, he is instead capable of impossible feats of strength and agility. His stamina and resilience are similarly enhanced beyond human capacity, allowing him to recover from injuries and maladies at a rapid rate. Despite what should be an apparent spiritual impairment, his senses are sharpened to the point that he is nonetheless capable of perceiving and interacting with spiritual beings. Moreover, while he is not immune to esoteric effects, his body is significantly resistant to change.
Current Goals: Short Term: Smoke Get stronger, develop his powers, and connect with other reincarnators. Long Term: All the smoke Save the world, and have a grand adventure along the way.
Name: Kohaku Titles: The Royal Extra Gender: !!? Age: 0 Affiliation: Fire Nation Royal Family
Physical Description: Blue eyes with dark-brown hair that seems to have a bright, reddish hue to it when viewed from certain angles. They have a slender build, with delicate features, however they're taller than the majority of their peers. This gives them an ambiguous, yet at times imposing figure.
Personality: Kohaku is polite, but not exactly magnanimous. Shrewd and objective, but not quite cold. Kohaku long ago lost any sense of shame. The end goal is all that matters, no matter how degrading the means or what faces they have to wear. What that goal is... is for Kohaku to know and you to fret about. They're sick of not getting what they want.
Likes: Bees. Cooking.
Dislikes: The willfully ignorant, the ungrateful, and just generally senseless behavior such as swatting at bees.
Fears: The existential dread of bees going extinct.
Dream: An apology.
Short Biography: In their previous life, they worked various jobs. Debt collection, call centers, and delivery work. Often all at the same time. None of them made a lot of money, but they all did wonders for eroding one's faith in humanity. They had two escapes from reality: bee-keeping, and ATLA... until they were removed from that reality altogether.
While well-verse with the original show, they were less enthused with the following comics and Korra, though they'd at least fully seen the latter.
As for their new life, it seems they're the questionably legitimate child of Lady Ursa and now a member of the Fire Nation Royal Family, and thus sibling of Zuko and the not yet born Azula. That's... going to be interesting.
Nothin' yet
Saying almost anything with a straight face
Conversely can read most people like a book
Annoyingly Cute - If they were any more endearing they could probably get away with murder. As is, barring other reincarnates, almost any petty crime or trespass can be forgiven with a simple apology.
Reborn as the Villain - They were born into the royal family of the show's antagonist, with all the pitfalls and opportunities that entails.
Series Encyclopedia - They're like a walking wiki of the universe.
Bending/Crossover Power:
Firebending - It's lit, yo.
Current Goals:
Short Term - Find their place in their new family. Find bees.
Long Term - Maybe some more bees. Figure out fire and lightning. More bees? Figure out Azula. Make sure Zuko still gets exiled. Furthermore, bees?
Name: Siku of the Southern Water Tribe (Formerly, Ethan Reed) Titles: N/A for now Gender: Male Age: 0 Affiliation: Southern Water Tribe, Reincarnate Alliance Physical Description:
Personality: Siku is gentle, soft-spoken, and deeply compassionate. He values kindness, healing, balancing strength and mercy. Siku is calm and thoughtful, preferring to quietly support others while taking the spotlight himself.
Despite his shyness, he has a deep inner strength that surfaces when people need him most. He dislikes conflict and aggression, but when forced to act, he does so with precise control rather than brute force.
Water & Rain – It soothes him.
Healing – Helping others gives him purpose.
Quiet Moments – Sitting by the ocean, watching the stars.
Cooking/Food – He enjoys making food, as well as eating it himself.
Animals – Especially ocean creatures, like seals and turtles.
Violence & Fighting – He despises seeing people in pain.
Bullying & Cruelty – It reminds him of his past life.
Loud, Aggressive People – They make him anxious.
Being Forced to Hurt Others – Even in self-defense, it bothers him.
Being the Center of Attention – He prefers to stay in the background.
Being powerless again: He knows what it’s like to be helpless. Never again.
The war destroying everything – He doesn’t want to lose his new home.
Dreams and Goals
To heal and help others
To Find Where He Belongs
Not simply restore canon, but make a better world
Short Biography: Before he was reborn as Siku, he was Ethan Reed. A quiet, gentle boy who lived in the modern world. He was shy and soft spoken, which often the target of bullying, causing him withdraw into himself.
Aside from the bullying, life was pretty normal, but everything changed when the fire nation attacked he got diagnosed with leukemia. It was a slow exhausting battle. His happiest moments were watching Avatar the Last Airbender with his family when they came to visit. He was a hige fan of the show. The experience made him decide that he was going to become a doctor when he beat this.
Ultimately, it wasn’t meant to be. Ethan lost his battle with cancer. His final days were spent with regrets for all the things he never got to do. That was supposed to be end. He wasn’t expecting to get a second chance.
He was reborn as Siku of the Southern Water Tribe, and twin brother of Katara. He is grateful to have this second chance, and is determined not to waste it.
Inventory: N/A for now
Cooking: He was good at this in his past life. He enjoys making food as another way to care for people.
Tactical Thinking: Prefers strategy over direct combat.
Medicine: While he was recovering from cancer, he studied a lot of books about medicine and healing.
Waterbending Prodigy: Siku is an immediate genius at Waterbending.
Canon Character’s Sibling: You are Sokka and Katara’s sibling. Katara’s twin, and younger than Sokka. This gives you limited NPC control over your new family, but they will still try and keep to their canon selves. (Player Slots are dictated by the number of Canon Characters, but you can only use 1 Trope Slot for this so you can’t make yourself related to both Zuko and Toph)
Crystal Memory: Flexible and subjective to the series being used for the insert, this is the trope of the reincarnate/insert somehow always retaining perfect—or at least nearly so—memory of their metaknowledge and past life, unaffected by time and what should be the natural degradation of memories.
Bending/Crossover Power: Siku is a waterbending prodigy. He gravitates towards healing. Aside from healing, he prefers to use his abilities defensively rather than for violence.
Current Goals:
Short Term: Mastering his waterbending abilities, figuring out his place in the world.
Long Term: Use his second chance at life to make a real difference. Discover whether to restore canon or create something better.
Name: Tengfei Titles: Maidenless Gender: F Age: 0 Affiliation: Fire Nation, ??? Physical Description:
Personality: Bold and spontaneous, Tengfei regrets not living her previous life to the fullest, this time she is going to try harder and she’s going to win, why else would you take a second chance? Tengfei is self-serving but not without a heart, at least for those she knows personally to be good people, strangers however can be reduced to a statistic when necessary.
Likes - Beating a good challenge, Friends and Family, Reading, Spicy food, Acquiring Status/Ranking Up
Dislikes - Someone who doesn’t even try, Liars, Birds (somehow they always shit on her new coat)
Fears - To be once again stuck in a life she doesn’t enjoy
Dream - To become someone actually important this time around
Short Biography: A quite mundane person with a mundane, middling job, all due to pragmatically selecting stable, but stale, rather than follow any passion through, a tale as old as humanity itself. For the most part life was monotonous, boring and lacking that spark everyone needs, which made the prospect of being reborn in a new world all the more appealing, though she knows little of the Avatar-verse and isn’t a huge film nerd to know this Trope talk.
Once born anew she somehow realised that baldie has no longer power over her, that’s good since she doesn’t personally want to save the world or whatever. About the rest of this life? Not much yet, a few seconds as a newborn isn’t a lot of time you see.
Naked and not ready
Multilingual - Knows English, Japanese and Mandarin, which will be extremely useful in a world where none of these languages are spoken (sarcasm).
Math - The one thing she was good at in highschool and kept being good at even with age, homegirl is a living calculator.
Cooking - Something you pick up when living on your own and with time it only gets better.
Poor Special Effects - When working on your scenes the budget definitely dropped, when you do any bending it just looks fake af and most characters believe you’re a non-bender, with some cool tricks perhaps. Anyone with Trope knowledge isn’t fooled, but man that fireball still looks like a lightbulb enveloped in a cloth.
Spirit Reading (Firebending) - Bullshitting its way from Korra S.2 , you have natural access to the special technique of Energy Reading. (I believe it can sense and heal spiritual stuff)
(Reverse) Harem Aura - Native people are inexplicably attracted and loyal to you, as if you’re the main character of some cheesy anime with a harem. Damn baldie must have done this, and besides you are still a child!
Bending/Crossover Power:
Current Goals: Short Term - Grow up, WTF is this place? Long Term - Become someone, live life to the fullest