*Draws a symbol in the sands that is quickly blown away*
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>
Time is unknowable.
*Sands spiral out of my palm, branching on top of itself before it drops to the ground in a clench of my fist*
Much like a fractal extending infinitely in every direction, we can merely catch a glimpse. You must gaze upon the unknowable form of time and learn its attributes in the framing of your chosen discipline.
<Snipped quote by Artifact>
*reaches out towards a few steands to touch them*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>
If I can avoid getting electrocuted along the way, even better. That's the part I want to figure out.
<Snipped quote by Session>
*You feel an odd chill on your back as you perceive light coming from behind you very faintly*
Ben 1: I... uuugh... hey the first thing is we have to re-merge if we can
Ben 2: *Looks confounded at you from the other side of the bars* Hey... uuummm... you an angel or something? You got a halo going on...
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>
*Shakes my head*
Yeah, something is way off.
*Forces my hands through the bars and yanks myself to the other side*
I don't know who's doing that, but we should get out ASAP.
<Snipped quote by Session>
Ben 1: I think it is best if we merge and... what are you pointing at?
Ben 2: *Points shaky at what appears to almost be a spectral and glowing lump of flesh that pulses like a floating heart*
Gh... gh... ghost! *With a pale face*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>
Can you shut it down?!
*The image of my hands starts to warp*
<Snipped quote by Session>
Ben 2: GAH!!! *I reel as the other me merges into me*
That was... *I shake my head* ... More disorienting than i'd like to admit. And shut down? Not like i created it. Nor do i have any clue how this dimension can be haunted. *My hands begin glowing with burning light*
<Snipped quote by Path>
*Cuts a judgmental glance*
I don't think they have a flavor.
<Snipped quote by Source>
You never know until you try~
*as I finish my sentence I exit the room and head further down the main dungeon hall*
<Snipped quote by Path>
*Taps on the wall every so often looking for hidden rooms*
<Snipped quote by Source>
*My bag rattles with the supplies that are moving around*
Considering and if our new “friend” is still alive, it seems that they are going after easy targets.
<Snipped quote by Path>
Which doesn't seem to include us yet. Let's hope it stays that way.
<Snipped quote by Source>
Hm, I have a feeling we are gonna have some sort of introduction.
*smiles, but you barely see the smirk from the side of my face as we continue walking*