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Hidden 4 days ago 4 days ago Post by Skyline
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Skyline “Local barber”

Member Seen 3 days ago

"The First Night"

The fog rolls in thick as ever, clinging to the damp streets like a secret that refuses to be told. The town of Havenwood is quieter than usual tonight—no one’s out walking, no lights from the houses flickering on the horizon. It's as if the whole town is holding its breath. You can almost feel it in the air, a kind of stillness that hums at the edges of your consciousness.

People here don’t talk about the darkness. At least, not aloud. You hear things in whispers, maybe while waiting in line at the grocery store or down at the local bar, but those words are never meant to leave the lips of anyone who knows better. And most people don't even realize there's anything wrong.

But you do. You always have.

It’s the way the shadows linger just a little too long, or the way the sun seems to set just a bit too early some nights. It’s the way you sometimes feel like someone’s watching you, even when you’re alone. And every so often, it’s that bone-deep feeling that things… aren’t quite right.

The town has its own rhythm, but tonight it feels offbeat, like the whole place is trying to catch its breath, teetering on the edge of something it can’t quite define.

You’ve seen the signs. Maybe you’ve felt it too. The creeping dread. The whispers. The strange, haunting dreams that feel too real. It’s all getting worse. And the deeper you look, the more you start to realize the town has been rotting from the inside out for years.

Welcome to Havenwood, Kansas. And don’t expect things to get better anytime soon.
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Hidden 3 days ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


When Kathy couldn't sleep she worked. Maybe she was a workaholic, perhaps she just didn't know what else to do. She believed it was the latter. Kathy didn't have a lot in the way of hobbies. At least nothing that was an at-home hobby. If Kathy could avoid being home she did. For the most part, she used her home for cooking and sleeping.

Today there hadn't been much in the way of events but she still had to plan. There were upcoming events that she had to plan for. On one side of her was her overstuffed planner. On the other was a local history book, checked out from the library. She typed on her computer. Trying to ignore the tiredness that was seeping into her and the movement in the corner of her eye. It was the type that would let her sleep. Not yet. She glanced at the clock. It'd be another hour yet before she could even try to sleep. She hated that. A part of her wished that her bed wasn't empty, that he was in it waiting for her. But he had never expressed interest - always treated her like a little sister.

Kathy paused in her typing and cracked her knuckles. She stretched her arms over her head and closed her eyes. Counting down from ten to zero. Tension slowly released from her shoulders. Maybe it was time to head to bed, even if she knew it'd be a while yet before exhaustion took over. She could read for a bit. Kathy saved her progress and turned off the computer then headed to bed.
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Hidden 3 days ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

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"I’ve been walking through these empty streets,
Where the echoes of my mistakes still speak.
The weight of the world, it’s been on my chest,
But I’m done letting it define who I am.

Bronwyn strummed the guitar in her hands that was older than she was, allowing the melody flow through the somewhat sparse cafe. She recognized a few faces in the crowd; regulars she was on a first-name basis with but who always forgot what her name was. Expected in a town like this. People had it wrong about small towns, she realized. The sepia-toned image of people who called out in passing, who kept their doors unlocked, who allowd their kids to just run around without fear. It wasn't here.

No, there were too many shadows in this town.

"I’ve seen the darkness, it tried to hold me tight,
But the light is breaking through tonight.

Music was a ground for her. It kept her in the moment. Despite the uneasiness of her situation it was music that always reminded her that things could be better. If music still sounded then the future was not set in stone. Not yet.

"I’m stepping out from the shadows I’ve known,
Leaving behind all the weight I’ve outgrown.
I’m finding my way in the light of today,
No more living in yesterday.
I’m free, I’m free,
The past can't hold me.

Bronwyn scanned the crowd and thought she caught something in the corner. A little movement, but no, no one was there. She saw her boss behind the counter, watching her. Bronwyn was thankful for any opportunity to sing. Her boss knew she had nothing to call home and was living paycheck to paycheck, tip to tip, to make ends meet and become something more. So she looked the other way when Bronwyn helped herself to a pastry that was meant to be thrown out the next day or taking home a small coffee or water bottle if she needed it. And then there were moments like this where she was allowed to play and any money spent, a portion was given to her.

It didn't get her any closer to New York, but it was something.

"I’ve been searching for a place to breathe,
Where the chains of the past don’t follow me.
I’m learning to forgive, I’m learning to let go,
I’m not the person I was, and it’s time to show."

Bronwyn enjoyed songwriting too. She found herself with moments of inspiration jotting down lyrics that swept her up. Conversations surrounding her could be moments of beauty with the pen in hand. This was one of her most recent inspirations, though she never stated why.

"The ghosts are fading, they’re lost in the breeze,
Now I’m walking toward the sun through the trees.

I’m stepping out from the shadows I’ve known,
Leaving behind all the weight I’ve outgrown.
I’m finding my way in the light of today,
No more living in yesterday.
I’m free, I’m free,
The past can't hold me.

Bronwyn felt her true self when performing. She enjoyed the stage, the spotlight. She never felt more free than when she was singing. The room melted away and she was bathed in afterglow, the vibrations resonating within her, in her skin. She hoped she showed this in her performances, though she never had a complaint.

"It’s a new dawn, a new day,
I won’t let the past steal my way.
I’m rising up, and I’m gonna fly,
With no chains to keep me tied.

I’m stepping out from the shadows I’ve known,
Leaving behind all the weight I’ve outgrown.
I’m finding my way in the light of today,
No more living in yesterday.
I’m free, I’m free,
The past can't hold me.

I’m free, I’m free,
And the past can’t hold me…
No, the past can’t hold me."

At the last words the crowd applauded lightly. She stood a moment before standing from her stool and bowing slightly.

"Thank you. That was an original song called 'Escaping Shadows'. I hope you enjoyed it." She bowed again before making her way off the stage towards the counter. She hoped she earned enough for a sandwich. She hadn't eaten since this morning.
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Hidden 3 days ago Post by Tally Dor
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Tally Dor A whisper lost upon the wind

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The streetlights were flickering on as a high-pitched noise broke the stillness of the darkening night. Michael was hunched over using a drill to screw down a board. He was in process of replacing the stairs leading up to his front door. The old steps were splintering and rotten. It was a project that had been on his list for a while and had suddenly moved up to a priority as he had broken through one of them the previous day and taken a tumble. Thankfully it was the bottom step, and he hadn't broken anything.

One might wonder why Michael was doing this at this hour, but when one does not get off work till its dark sometimes projects must be done at inopportune times. He was silently cursing under his breath. Havenwood woods lumber store sucked to put it mildly. Even though he only needed roughly twelve pieces for what he had in mind it had been a fight to get anything good.

"Not one fucking straight board out of forty damn pieces."

Luckily, he had been able to find some wood that was barely warped and with the drill and some screws was able to get it to lie mostly flat. As he finished the last step, he wiped his brow and sat down on the porch. A sigh escaped his lips as a cool breeze drifted across him. It was currently twilight. The darkness was chasing away the lingering orange light with gusto. Despite the calm look on his face his mind raced as he doubted himself. Wondering if there were any ways he could have done the porch better.

As his inner voice battled himself, it was all interrupted as the screen door cracked open allowing a delicious smell to waft out. A wrinkly face peered out with a joyful smile. Her voice was soft and full of affection.

"Michael dear, it looks like you did a wonderful job with the steps."

He grinned as her reassuring voice chased away his doubts. He raised himself up from the steps and turned towards her taking the door from her following her into the house. "Thank you ma. It had to be done. I can't have any of us getting hurt." Joyce nodded her head as she ladled some chili into a bowl and handed it to Michael. He took it with a smile and sat down at the dining room table and waited for her.

The smile on his face faltering as the weight he had been too busy to notice reintroduced itself in this quiet moment. Though most certainly it did not help that he could vaguely see something large and black sitting on his shoulders in the reflection of the wall mirror that was in the dark living room. Michael sighed and turned his focus away from it towards his grandmother's warm smile.

"I ain't got much money right now because of the lumber I had to buy but I'm getting paid tomorrow and hopefully I can do something about the dip in the floor in the bathroom."

Joyce just knowingly smiled, and the duo enjoyed their chili in silence. Tomorrow would bring its own headaches and Havenwood would no doubt have new shades of rot for them to deal with but now was for the living.
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Hidden 2 days ago Post by Lunari
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Lunari Astral Emissary

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Azrael Moretti || Location: Havenwood morgue

"Night started to fall, then it fell, till it was lying all over the ground."
John Marsden, The Dead of Night

The female weather reporter's voice crackled through the static of the old box TV in the corner of the morgue, chiming in that Kansas was settling in for a freezing night at 38°F. "Brrr, isn't that chilling?" she remarked.

Azrael was only half-listening, her focus mostly on humming along to a tune as she prepared documents in her office. Another death in Havenwood. The police report was vague and hastily written, providing little detail. The body hadn't been a pretty sight on arrival, but with Azrael's magical touch-ups, it now looked almost lifelike.

As Havenwood's sole mortician, the weight of the work fell solely on Azrael's shoulders. Processes were delayed, the workload piled up, and the bereaved endured longer-than-average waits to bid their final farewells - funeral drama had become the norm lately. Azrael desperately needed an apprentice, yet she could scarcely find a moment to catch her breath.

Tension built in her temples and she pursed her lips pensively. What had been the colour of the latest decedent's eyes? With a heavy sigh, Azrael strode towards the storage room. "Number... 62," she whispered, her gaze sweeping across the numerous doors concealing the bodies within.

Azrael soon spotted the faded '62' marking the door. Gripping the handle, she braced her shoulder and pulled it open, revealing the body within. As soon as Azrael locked eyes with the corpse, it dropped its mouth into a gaping 'O', whispers of 'help' pouring forth. Wasting no time, Azrael quickly pushed the tray back into the dark cavity, slamming the door with a resounding thud. "Vaffanculo," she cursed. "Esci di fra coglioni!"

Azrael heaved a weary sigh. Ever since that unsettling case a year prior, these phantoms continued to haunt her consciousness. Was someone harbouring ill intentions, casting her the evil eye? Or perhaps it was the bad karma those American interlopers had left in their wake. Whatever the cause, it was hindering her ability to focus on her work.

"Ah, brown eyes." Azrael hummed cheerfully, her eyes sparkling with positivity despite the gloom that seemed to envelop her. Though the silent town of Havenwood offered little respite, she clung to the belief that her optimistic outlook would one day be rewarded. For now, it was simply another night, and tomorrow promised no exception.
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Hidden 5 hrs ago 2 hrs ago Post by Mole
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L O C A T I O N : H O M E

It was another one of those nights. You know, the type when he would just lay there in bed mindlessly cramming another go at his Gameboy Advance, and the ceiling fan would be spinning slowly around, pushing some ominous mist glowing from the window around the room… Wait, what?

James’ attention quickly glanced towards the clacking of the fan. Nothing but, maybe dust? He could hardly tell in the darkness. He scanned the room, again. Yes, again. He had been doing this for at least an hour, now, expecting different results.

He swore he wasn’t crazy. It was the town. He knew it. His nightmares had stopped when he had left for college. Or maybe, he made that up. He couldn’t remember anymore.

Maybe was crazy. James closed his eyes.


James shot from his bed. His Gameboy clanked to the wood floor and slid underneath the bed.

“Geez, it’s just me! Lucy smirked. Her head was tilted to one side in vain curiosity. Light brown hair draped down her shoulders. She was wearing some white spaghetti strapped pajamas set, and for whatever reason or another, that particular outfit (among several others) always made him feel a tad bit uncomfortable.

“What do you want?” James glanced around the dark floor, searching for any potential sign of where his handheld might have wandered.

“Oh, nothing. Just watching you,” as she said this, their eyes met. Her eyes seemed to glow from the hallway light. A smile etched on her face, and for several moments too long, they just looked at each other, as the fan creaked back-and-forth.

Slowly, a spaghetti strap fell from one of her shoulders.

“Am I allowed to know why?” James finally asked. He was bending down to search for his Gameboy. He thought he could see the gentle glow emitting under his bed, and he was right.

“I don’t know. You’ve been really weird recently. Like, you’ve always been weird, just more so. Mom and Dad think so, too.”

“Is that what they said?”

“No, not really,” Lucy’s stable smile found a smugger position. “But, I did tell them I would help keep an eye on you. After all, you are my favorite big brother.”

James’ arm extended under the bed. The light on the screen continued to glow, but he still had to use what was left of the hallway light to find it. Thankfully, there was only one shadow he could see beneath the bed, and that one shadow-lump was his Gameboy.

“I’m your only big brother, Lucy.” James grabbed his Gameboy. He had died in-game. His eyes glanced up at Lucy, and as if on cue or working from a script, she pushed her spaghetti strap back over her thin shoulder and made some charming pose before lifting her nose in the air and waltzing off.

Light flooded the bedroom as his sister’s body disappeared. The creaking of the fan continued, and for several seconds, James stared blankly at nothing until the but sound of his Gameboy brought him back. The dull light caught him, and he took several calming breaths. Carefully, he stood up and went to close his bedroom door. But, before he closed his door, he turned the light on.

James looked towards the bedroom window. If she was the only one watching him, then he had nothing to worry about, right? His body flopped back onto the bed. His face buried into his pillow, and his Gameboy was held tightly in one hand, draped off the bed. Maybe, he was crazy. Who was he kidding? The whole town was crazy. He just needed to prove it — like the house burning while it was freezing outside.

He breathed annoyingly into his pillow and turned over. He brought his hand held to his face. The screen light glowed over him once again, and his thumb began its endless pushing the same buttons over-and-over. Anything to get his mind to turn off.
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