Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

”Why does my back ache?” (OoC)

We all lived in the city. Just outside our windows were the walls of the imposing apartment building, or else an overview of the polluted parking lot for the nearest megamall. While some remembered the darkness of the hills and forests, with the stars far up into the night sky…most have only ever seen the dull blackness of the sky, with the city at night bright with the lights, like the stars had fallen upon the people. Regardless of snow or sun, activity or stillness, this was your city. Your home. Having lived more than half a decade in this city, you know by now not to expect anything excit—

Ow…it’s your back again. It’s a little tender for a while. Must be nothing.

Welcome to the “Why does my back ache?” OoC. You’ve been a resident of this fair city for more than half a decade (at least), living a relatively normal life…till now. Till the back pain. Whether or not it was so mysterious how your back started to ache, it only gets more painful and odd from here. Take to your city’s hospital for answers, take to the online health forums for remedies, take to the chat rooms for urban legends…within the month, your life will change. Expect initial slow pacing, and expect body horror.
Character List
Liriia Starring As Alice Riddley
Mach2 Starring As Anna Connors
Baklava Starring As Adam Fiedler
hefewy Starring As Samantha Robertson
EllfenBrofis Starring As Indiana Staar
Dalyuk Starring As Arturo Castiglione
Major Ursa Starring As Jay A.
House Rules
1. Be polite to your fellows, and be super nice to your GM...(scratch your GM behind the ear every so often)
2. No godmod, no metagaming.
3. Character to character romance/violence/relations should be mutual.
4. Wait two posts before posting again, and post at least once a week or two.
5. Feel free to ask questions, make suggestions, and correct me...(I'm only human)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Post your CS, and any suggestions/ideas for 'back aches' (though you could PM those to me)...I'll put all suggestions in the drawing hat/bowl/pile.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Alice Riddley

Sex: Female

Age: Nineteen

Appearance: Rather slim, with larger upper arms and thighs. Her skin is tan from spending so much time outside, and her brown hair is chopped short and styled to stand tall above her wide forehead. Square jaw, with thinner lips, a round nose, and green eyes. Dresses lazily, and seems to have an obsession with over-sized sweaters and skinny jeans.

Personality: A level-headed and quiet girl, Alice is extremely gentle and calm in even the most stressing situation.

Bio: Alice first moved into the city when she was eight, and lived a fairy average life with a fairy average middle-class family of six. Her mother and father, while average, were also extremely over-protective and nosy, much to Alice's dismay, and her three siblings were just plain mean-spirited (but then again, they were much younger then her). All throughout high school, they just got caught up into her business, questioning her with "who's this" and "why that"s until she couldn't handle it. Alice decided long before she entered the local college that she would move out and live on her own (even though she was terrified to do so), and thus at the age of eighteen, a few months after graduating high school, she moved into a small and rather crappy apartment. At first she was scared, but one night after laying in her own bed, in her own room, warm and safe and comfortable, she decided it was better then being back home.
Goes to college for art and graphic design, works at a local cafe.

Relations: Lives with a small, black, female cat named Rubix. Ashley and Rubert are her parents, and Kim (11), Richard (11), and Doug (8) are her siblings.

Fears: Being alone, the dark, and dogs.

Back Ache: To Be Assigned
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mach2
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Mach2 Mad Hops

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ack. Glad I read your character sheet before I posted mine, Liriia. They had a lot of similarities. Tweaking now, gimme a few moments.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mach2
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Mach2 Mad Hops

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Anna Connors
Sex: Female
Age: 21


Anna stands at 5'7", with a medium build. A frequent exerciser, her abs and legs are toned, and she likes to keep it that way. Her wardrobe consists of bright colours, usually accompanied by some sort of hair piece.

Personality: Anna is confident, shameless, and sassy, the kind of girl who will easily poke fun at herself and others.

Bio: Anna was raised in a very religious family. Although she knew she liked girls from the time she was six years old, she didn't break the news to her parents until she was sixteen. They did not take the news well. After two years of intense bible studies, weekend retreats to straight conversion camps, and even pretending to date her best friend Eric in order to appease her parents, Anna was finally old enough to move out.
She found a small apartment in a not-so-great part of town. The neighbours weren't ideal, but the rent was cheap, and it was only one bus ride away from the school where she'd gotten a scholarship to study architecture. She is now in her second year of school, and works as a bartender at a small establishment a few blocks from her apartment. She is not on speaking terms with her parents.

Relations: Daughter of Helen and Andrew Connors. No siblings. Best friend is Eric Monroe, a second-year engineering student.

Fears: Confinement or restraint, claustrophobia, and not being in control of a situation.

Back Ache: To Be Assigned.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Aaaaah cute character /w\ and I have an idea for a back ache thing maybe. Okay, so maybe wings like these?? or perhaps just a bunch of hands sprout from their back like in a horror movie. I'm just spit balling, though, so these are not very well thought out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mach2
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Mach2 Mad Hops

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I was trying to find that picture earlier! It's total epicness. I couldn't remember what it was called, though.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dalyuk
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Dalyuk 你是狗脸

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I might make a character for this, maybe tomorrow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Both of the CS are accepted...
*mashes face on keyboard for the lolz...*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Name: Adam Fiedler
Sex: Male
Age: 23


Adam is 5’10” and of an average build—definitely not scrawny but by no means a body builder. He has shaggy blonde hair, dark brown eyes, dimples, and a tattoo across his collarbone that says “There is no such thing as accident; it is fate misnamed.” Adam’s typical attire rides somewhere between classy casual and hipster. Judging by all the brands he wears, most people assume money definitely isn’t a big issue for Adam… which is, in fact, true.

Personality: laid back, impulsive, spontaneous, snarky, cynical, charismatic, dishonest

Bio: Adam has lived in ____ since he was 4. He grew up as the eldest son of a very successful military general, his father, and lawyer, his mother. Growing up, it was obvious that Adam was a very clever boy and a fast learner. He never connected very well with his father, who was always away, however, and refused to end up like one of those ‘sissy boys’ that clung to their mothers all the time just because their fathers weren’t around. “I’d like to retain at least some semblance of my masculinity if you don’t mind, mother,” he would often say whenever he refused to help do dishes, make dinner, clean laundry, change his siblings’ diapers, or go out grocery shopping. This resulted in him having a very rocky relationship with his mother, who worked long hours and was constantly trying to find ways to punish him for his refusal to be anything but a “temporary resident” in her home.

Adam didn’t learn until after his parent’s divorce the kind of pain and suffering he had put his mother through. Although it didn’t exactly cause him to a undergo a complete 360 morality-wise, Adam at least tried to be more of a big brother and good example to his siblings—no longer so uncaring about his family members, Adam does his best to make his mother proud and, although a bit grudgingly, has made more of an effort to also be kinder to his younger siblings.... His father died one year ago in a freak accident and since the divorce his mother has moved back to her hometown, which is only about an hour from where Adam lives. She’s since remarried.

He’s been attending the local college in ____ for almost 3 years now—seeking out a degree in Computer Programming. For the last 2 years Adam has been living in an apartment with his girlfriend, Melissa, but lately things have been starting to deteriorate and he expects it’ll be over soon. He currently interns at one of the local businesses and can occasionally be found doing vocals with some musician friends at one of the local cafes.

Relations: Charlotte Gardner (mother - lives in the next town over), Erwin Fiedler (father - deceased), Mila Fiedler (sister, 16), Benjamin Fiedler (brother, 14), Zachary Samuelson (half-brother, 4)

Fears: butterflies, moths, small birds

Back Ache: Unknown
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by hefewy
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hefewy angery

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Samantha Robertson
Sex: Female
Age: 19

(Minus the pointy ears and sharp teeth, of course.)

Personality: Samantha is an incredibly rude, violent and volatile person with a penchant for violence and chaos. She enjoys stirring up trouble, and isn't afraid to get dirty to get what she wants.

Bio: Samantha grew up in an abusive household in the poorer area of the city, living there her entire life. Her father was an abusive alcoholic and her mother was never home, being the one who provided for the family. She was neglected and alone most of her early life. Then, one night at the turn of her teenage years, her father and mother got in an incredibly heated argument over something, and Samantha, wanting the yelling to stop, was met with a beer bottle to the face, leaving her with a massive scar across her nose and cheeks.

Running away from home soon after, she attempted to ask a police officer to come help, but she was instead met with more abuse as she was immediately arrested and brought to jail, where the officer ruthlessly beat and abused her, both physically and sexually. A day later, once she escaped and returned home, she attempted to tell her father what happened... and he simply said "Grab me a beer.". Infuriated and defeated, feeling absolutely helpless, the girl snapped, stabbing her father to death and taking to the streets where she lived as a petty thief, mugger and drug dealer, building up her strength so she never felt so helpless again. Currently, she lives in a crappy apartment in the poor district, with little more than a small laptop and television in the ways of luxury.
Relations: None. She tends to try keeping people away.

Fears: Feeling helpless, police officers

Back Ache: To be assigned.

I hope that bio wasn't too... dark. If it is, I can always change it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EllfenBrofis


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Indiana Staar
Sex: Female
Age: 20
Personality: Morbid
Bio: Indiana never was the most 'normal' girl out there, she was always obsessed with vampires, werewolves, evil dolls (such as Chucky), and so on. Her family was relatively normal, she and her parents were on good terms, and her little brother knew not to mess with her when she didn't want to be disturbed. Upon reaching the age 17 she found a great respect towards the dead, so great that the insult 'you're dead to me' was consitered a compliment since she respected the dead far more than the living. She had multiple dreams of her death, all being the same, drowning. What was odd is that she felt more peaceful when she died in her dreams more than she did when she'd wake up. Another dream that kept appearing was a dream about the world ending, the Earth getting hurled towards the sun, atmosphere destroyed to the point that you could see straight through it, everything looked futuristic, and you could see the sun getting closer, and closer, and closer. Where was she? Panicing with the others? No, she was sitting on a hill, watching everything unfold, happy. As soon as the Earth made contact with the sun she awoke. A few years later she moved out of her home and left with a dear friend named Kira. They both got a cheap apartment, not bothered by the neighborhood at all, and everything seemed fine.
Relations: Kira, Indiana no longer speaks to her family.
Fears: Spiders and wolves
Back Ache: To be shown in IC
I really did have a friend named Kira that had a spirit following her all the time. I haven't seen her for two years sadly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Is there going to be a name for this city we all live in?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Unless you need one, and have suggestions.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

I think making up any random name would be better than just referring to it as "here" the whole time... maybe something somewhat symbolic like Dolores or Dolor (which means sorrow/pain in spanish).

Or even just something simple and generic like Greenville, Bristol, Centerville, Fairview, Salem or Ashland (literally some of the most common names for cities and towns in America). Those are just two suggestions off the top of my head.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Character sheet is done-- FYI
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

All the CS have been accepted...
I should prolly start making my own...maybe...
*stares hole into keyboard*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ursa, if you stare holes into your keyboard how ever will you write?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Oh nosepin.........!
I guess this'll take a while.........!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Strangelander


Member Offline since relaunch

Oh snap, almost missed this. I'll have a sheet in tonight or tomorrow, hopefully.
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