Name: Krasus
Nickname/Alias: Krasus the trickster, Krasus the Malevolent, Krasus the cunning, Krasus the pest and Krasus the Shapeshifter
Race: Demon
Gender: Male
Age: 56 years old
Age Appearance: Depends on the form he takes
Birthplace: The Garif Homelands
Elemental Affinity: Darkness
Alignment/Affiliation: None.
Rank/Occupation: Highway man/ thief/ trickster(Overall a pain in the **s)
Shadow's edge and the Shadow's bite
Generic Items:
Small pouch for gold coins
A small pendant
A small ring
Name of Weapon or Item: Shadow's Edge
Description: A weapon Krasus rarely uses, the Shadow's edge is a halberd enchanted by Krasus's dark tongue. The weapon is almost as tall as he is when held straight up and is surrounded by what seems like dark smoke. krasus only uses the weapon when he has too, usually when he is cornered and cannot run and/or hide, and he can manifest the weapon at any time by chanting a dark rune that only he knows.

Name of Weapon or Item: Shadow's bite
Description: Another weapon enchanted by Krasus's dark magic, the Shadow's bite is the weapon commonly used by the demon trickster. The weapon is also surrounded by dark smoke and the handle of the weapon is encrusted with a dark stone that give's the weapon it's dark aura and power's the weapon's dark magic. Anyone stabbed with the weapon would be momentarily paralyzed if the blade draws half a pint of blood from his enemies. Also like Krasus's other weapon, the demon could also summon this weapon out of nowhere by chanting another rune that he alone knows.


Preferred form

True form
Most of the time, even when the Krasus is alone, the trickster demon assumes the appearance of he shadow of a child. He has the full form of a child only featureless and black. However Krasus's true form is that of a nine foot, completely black, skinny demon with 5 inch long fangs coming out of his mouth and two bent horns on his head who is draped with a black cloak. Rarely does Krasus assume this form, usually only to deter people who would want to hurt him or intimidate his foes.
Personality: Krasus is a free-spirited, deviant, mischievous and although not exactly evil, still ultimately a malevolent demon. The demon may not be as bloodthirsty or destructive or hateful of every other mortal creature in existence like his demon kin but he still however relishes in the misfortune and displeasure of others. He often makes the lives of those he encounter rather unpleasant for his own entertainment. The demon however, also acknowledges and takes pleasure in seeing the creatures that escape or overcome his twisted schemes, often rewarding them.
History: Krasus past is a mystery even to himself but legends from the townsfolk about him are plentiful. Some say he was born of a dying warlock who transferred his spirit to a demon doll. Other's say he was born from a human couple who was cursed by a witch. Then there are those who say that he was abandoned by his demon parents who were hunted by the town's Geomancers. However Krasus came to be, he grew up without any guardians or mentors to guide him as he grew up. He spent much of his childhood lurking from one Garif town to another. When the night came and the villagers were sound asleep, Krasus would sneak into their homes and eat whatever he could find. From time to time, some villagers would be awakened by his rambling through their homes and would scream with horror. He would be chased away back into the shadows before sun rise. At this time, the rumors of who or what this fiend was and where it came from spread about. It was also at this time that Krasus received his name, after a villager kept shouting it at him, calling for his son. Whenever Krasus would encounter other mortals to terrorize, he would shout the name in a high-pitched shriek.
As the demon grew older, he developed his demon powers. He discovered his demon powers over the mastery of darkness and shadows and begun to hone his skills. Under the cover of night, the demon practiced his dark magic, exploring the limits of what he could do. He soon became found of shapeshifting and taking the form of others as fully formed, featureless, silhouettes. He used his new found powers to steal for a living. After tricking a small trading caravan into the woods on one summer night, Krasus stole one of their wares, a beautiful, shinning halberd. Krasus stole it along with the caravan's food and a small dagger. Krasus was fascinated by the weapon and wanted to keep and use it for himself. Using old runes Krasus seemed to know through instinct, the demon trickster placed a spell on the weapon. Because of this, he is able to summon the weapon at any time through dark runes that only he knows. He then began to train himself with the weapon but he couldn't master the proper techniques to use the weapon precisely. When he ended up using the weapon, he would usually swing it silly and hope that it hits his enemies. Finding the mastery of this weapon difficult, Krasus then enchanted and trained with the small dagger instead. He found the use of the dagger to be much more easy and came up with cumming tricks to defeat his enemies using the short blade.
As time passed on and the demon trickster grew into maturity, he began to set off on his own. To survive, he resorted to his old tactics of stealing from passing parties under the cover of night. Krasus now wanders the land looking anyone misfortunate enough to stumble on the path he is on and play tricks on.
-The darkness and the moon - the demon draws his powers from darkness and is at his full strength when it is night time and a full moon is about.
Cunning and devious - the demon is cunning and devious and rarely allows anyone to know of his true plans and intentions until they have unknowingly furthered his plan. The demon is also knowledgeable in building traps and hiding them.
Shapeshifter - the demon could take any form he wishes although only as their fully formed, featureless silhouettes. The demon could then take some of the abilities of the creature is has taken the form of (such as breathing underwater if he has taken the form of a fish or flying if he has taken the form of a bird).
-Sunlight and the sun - as expected, the demon is weakest during the day and is completely devoid of his powers when exposed to direct sunlight.
-Fire - the demon is completely horrified by fire of medium size and ferocity(Such as a large camp fire). When the demon senses this fires, he runs the other way until he cannot run no more.
-Preoccupied by his mischief - when the demon plays his tricks on his victims, the demon may become so amused creating havoc that he fails to notice any treat around him.
Krasus’s Magic/Techniques:
Name of Magic/Technique: Shadow Shapeshift
Rank: Cryptic
Range: 10 feet
Type: Magic
User(s): Shadow Demons/Umbramancers
Element Affinity: Darkness
Description: Krasus can take the full shadow form of those he wishes to. As he takes the form of the creature, he may also take on some of it's basic abilities. He cannot however take on the more complex skills of the creature he takes on. An example would be if he took the form of a warrior. He would be able to walk and mimic the voice of the warrior but cannot copy his martial prowess. Krasus uses this ability to full effect when he lures his enemy to his traps.
Weakness: As mentioned before, Krasus could only take on the basic functions of the organism he takes on. He also cannot stretch his body more than 10 feet and he's ability weakens during the day. When exposed to direct sunlight, Krasus cannot use this ability at all.
Name of Magic/Technique: Night Invisibility
Rank: Cryptic
Range: Not applicable
Type: Magic
User(s): Shadow Demons/ Advanced Umbramancers
Element Affinity (If Applicable): Darkness
Description: Krasus can become completely invisible at will during the night. He's form blends with the night, he's voice cannot be heard and he's scent all but disappears. Using this technique, Krasus can wander the night without alarming anybody.
Weakness: Obviously, Krasus cannot use this technique at day. Advanced magic users can also detect his aura and even though Krasus can disappear completely in the night, subtle changes in the environment(such as crunching leaves that he steps on or foot prints) are an easy way to tell where the demon is.