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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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"Well....I know you must have came here with a reason in mind," Ayashi said once they reached a certain spot in which she stopped walking, "So don't let me hold you up any longer....This is my room, just in case you'd like to visit sometime?" she said with a shrug as she let go of his hand and backed up into the doorway, opening the door she stepped in but stopped walking and watched him, as if waiting for a reply or for him to walk away or anything. A hand was placed on her hip as she leaned against the wall, hand still on the knob. She was probably going to rest, something everyone who fought today needed. Of course, she didn't fight as much as the others, but she had fought with Yu, did the test, and then helped with the rest of the Hollows. And after that incident, she was worn out, and even looked a bit too tired.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Well I did, but after falling and all that great stuff, I forgot the reason entirely of why I even came here." Yu said as they stopped and she opened a door to what she said was her room. So this is where she led him? If she was going to rest, she didn't need to drag him with her all this way. Yu was probably thinking too much into this. After todays events she was probably exhausted. Yu then realized he has just been standing there silent for who knows how long with Ayashi looking at him. "Ummmmm, well you have to be about to fall over from everything that happened today. You should rest up, I'll just go train some more." Yu said a little embarrassed he was standing there like an idiot.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ayashi nodded and backed up, "....Yeah, don't overwork yourself. You need rest too, you've had a long day," she then walked up to Yu and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She then backed up again, "Just in case you need company, I'll leave the door unlocked, for some reason I don't think I'll sleep anyways.....Goodnight Yu," she said before fully backing into the room and shutting the door. She then laid on her bed, giving a small sigh before closing her eyes and relaxing on her bed. She felt she needed something else to fully relax though, but what was it? She lightly thought on it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yu smiled and nodded. "I won't, I promise." Yu said about to turn away when she gave him a kiss on his cheek, then telling him she would leave the door unlocked in case he needed company. "I'll think about it. You are one of the only ones that doesn't look at me like I got lucky to get in this squad." As she closed the door he walked off to the training field, where he sat down thinking about what to do. He didn't want to wake anyone up who were trying to rest after the little invasion. so he rested his sword on his lap, yet instantly as he did he found himself inside his inner world. yet it was different, all the trees looked dead, and some of them were lying on the ground cut up. He turned around to find out what he had forgotten. A person that looked just like him, yet without saying anything, it sent Yu flying in the air with a kick, it quickly caught up and kicked Yu to the ground where Yu landed hard followed by being landed on by himself. "Whats the matter Yu? Too busy flirting away with that tiny little girl, that you end up forgetting little ol me? Thats the problem with bitches. Once they get in your mind, they fuck it up. Why don't you let me take control. I can make her scream all night." The verzion of himself started laughing as Yu gripped his sword and swung his sword at the guy standing on. However he moved out of the way and simply laughed. "Ooooh I strike a nerve? Here I though you were the calm collected type, that didn't let these little insults get to you. You know. i think it's time I stop messing around, and show you, who you really are. A monster that you hate. That is what you are Yu." The man said as he brought his hand up to his head grinning as he brought it down diagonally forming the Hollow mask. The man then launched forward gripping Yu by the neck, and pinning him against the ground. The man then gripped his own sword slamming it down into Yu's arm which made him yell out in pain. "See this is only the tiniest bit of what you could do! You can be this powerful this fast! All you have to do is accept what you are! And that is what you hate most in this world! Think about it. Killing you now would be pointless, so do me a favor. Get stronger! Then come back, when you are willing to accept death! Cause the next time we meet... One of us is submitting to the other. Now get out of my world." As the man said that, Yu woke back up in the real world panting, before he noticed blood was pouring down from his arm and mouth.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Yamato arrived back at the Seireitei with a dead Shinigami hung over his right shoulder...as odd as it may seem it was nice to retrieve a body that wasn't completely ruined by the enemy, most of the bodies Yamato tried to save were often completely ruined by attacking hollow that tear through the bodies like a knife through cake. Yamato took the body to Squad 4 and once there an in a room along with many other bodies he noticed a masked man with a long white coat...probably someone from Squad 12 identifying the bodies but it was a bit weird regardless...the guy that was...at least he thought it was a guy. Yamato soon left after that and the dead Shinigami he had brought back was identified as Akio, the third seat of Squad 6. Yamato left Squad 4 then made his way high up to relax on a roof or more reflect on how he fucked up his chance to kill that bastard Arrancar...

[NOTE: All those that took part in the battle get 6 points]
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Kaizo and the other Onmitsukidō members managed to eliminate many hollow during the attack but this left them burned out but one Spiritual energy just continued to grow and this was soon saw by the Onmitsukidō members as the Spiritual energy from this person could be seen a mile off..."You can all go...I'm going to check this out" Kaizo wasn't exactly a leader here but seeing as someone had to take charge he stood up to the position and with usual respect the other Onmitsukidō members obliged and returned to their base as Kaizo set off to see who this Spiritual energy belonged to.


Shiro followed by many Squad 11 members had tore through the army of hollows with their numbers barely even falling due to the sheer number and force they had behind them but most hollows targeted Shiro due to his high Spiritual energy and the way he took these hollow on shocked the Squad 11 members as the way Shiro fought reminded them of the way a Kenpachi would fight...and as of right now they didn't have a Kenpachi nor a Captain. A few of the Squad 11 members dismissed this and called him just a freak with a sword but others saw him as their possible future Captain. By the end of the fighting however Shrio's spiritual energy had climbed to immense levels which stopped many of the Squad 11 members following him due to the spiritual pressure he was exerting and just as he finished off a final hollow an Onmitsukidō member appeared near him which made him look up but more importantly he got the feeling of a good fight from this person...and if they could stand near Shiro when his Spiritual energy was this high then they had to be strong. Shiro then pointed his Zanpakuto at the Onmitsukidō member and spoke "You!...we are going to fight! I don't want no bullshit lets just fight!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Star Platinum

Star Platinum

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Nicias Askani said
Gio was in such a daze everything registered slow to him at first. someone was calling to him. the voice was closer... Kurono...yoshimitsu. asking to help. "um theres no need for the sir, chances are you an I are on the same level, It was chaos, I dont know how else to explain it. the amount of chaos was...chaotic." he realized he was repeating himself and no making much sense. "an army of hollows... half an army of soul reapers" meaning he knew some squads might not have participated under orders, though he honestly only was referring to the kido corps, in the back of his head. "they came....we fought... this is whats left. dont worry about me, see if you can find anyone among this devastation thats not dead. help them. I would but" Gio slumped down into a sitting position, sheathing his sword "if just dont have the energy yet....the name is Giovanni by the way. Giovanni Cain."

Yoshimitsu fell to the ground again. The burst of adrenaline he felt in the wake of the devastation started to rapidly peter out when he saw the damage was already done. "Captain Kuchiki had an... assignment for me, and I'm frankly a little too weak to be much help to anyone right now," he said from his knees. He fell on his face then rolled over to face the sky. "I'm just... I know I wasn't going to be strong enough to do much of anything, but I'd rather have died trying to help than live with the regret of not being able to," he confessed, watching the clouds begin to pass overhead again. "I'm glad I was able to find at least one survivor to talk to, though."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"i appreciate the drama but imagine how much better you'll feel when you find other. besides its better that everyone wasnt here. its not good strategy, if their is another attack those who didnt participate in this one will be better able to fight since i would imagine most of the ones who did will be out for a bit. so if you really think your not strong enough now stand up and get stronger, for the nest round. " Gio explained tiredly. The idea of giving up because you didnt get to fight wasnt one that made much sense to him. getting stronger did. that way when his turn came he would be ready, hopefully he would be ready. "captain Kuchiki, that is squad 6 right?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

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Luckily, the last hollow had just enough time to raise its guard, coming face to face with the death's harbinger. "Nothing will stop me from destroying that filthy carcass you consider a body." Koatsu quickly spun his Zanpakuto into the thrust formation before forcing it through his opponent's guard once they came into contact with it. The blade pinned both of the demon's palms to its chest, while the tip could be seen exiting the monster's back. "Once you say your farewells, then your soul will finally be purified. So one last question I ask to one of the impurities that attempted to wreak havoc on this realm, any last words before your untimely end?" low Words that could barely be heard left the Shinigami's mouth as he tightened his grip on his Zanpakuto. "You expect me to di....!!!!" The Hollow's words were quickly silenced by the Zanpakuto inside of it that suddenly rose up, splitting its upper half all the way to the head in half. After the blade did it's damage, Koatsu forced it back downwards in the same way it left the Hollow's body. The demon was split into two halves shortly after, making a smile grow on Koatsu's face. "Everything is over and done with?" His eyes turned to the dead Shingami before slowly reverting back to his old self.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yu was returning to the squad One barracks after he went and got a quick patch up from the members of Squad Four. It was Piling up quickly, more people than he though got badly injured, so he simply settled for them stopping the bleeding and wrapping his right arm in a bandage, just in case the wound opened up a little. yet he was more worried about that being in his inner world. It had said he could use the powers of what he hated most, he didn't want to believe it yet it all seemed so believable. He couldn't even go to his own Inner world anymore or else he would just get killed right away. At this point he wanted to see if anyone knew anything, yet he didn't really want to let the Head Captain know for the fact he might just be considered a Hollow and be locked up for the next gusty challenger to take the test. He then thought about Ayashi. She seemed smart and she did leave her door unlocked for him, maybe she would know something about this. Maybe even give him some advice. Yu thought about if it was wise, but he felt he could trust her. So he made his way to her room and opened her door taking a few steps in before speaking. "Hey Ayashi, can I tell you something?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yu simply stood there speechless trying to get the words out, yet all he could think of was to have knocked first. "Sorry...... again." Was all Yu could say about the current situation as he looked at the ground. "I was going to ask you if by any chance you know what this person that is in your inner world, that looks exactly like you, yet it shouldn't be there, is?" Yu said still keeping his head down. "It formed a Hollow mask and everything, then said thats who I am." Yu said slightly looking up at her, only to look instanly back down. "It's probably just my mind playing tricks on me right?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ayashi closed her eyes and took a moment to regain her breath from her little activity, she then opened her eyes and pushed the blanket off of her revealing her nakedness. Only piece of clothing being her panties, she began crawling towards the end of the bed. As said, she didn't care about showing her breast much, as long as there wasn't any huge perverts around trying to grope her, and she could tell that Yu wasn't that big of a pervert. When she got to the edge of the bed she reached down and grabbed her bra she spoke, "Maybe it's that Hollow inside you, we know that can happen. But how it happened to you? Maybe a Hollow attacked you in the past?" She then stood up putting on her bra, Shitagi, and then her Shihakushō. When she finished she turned to Yu, trying to get a good look at his face. Before, she knew something was different about him from when she read him in the training room and the forest, and from what she learned about Hollowfication this is what it sounded like.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yu's face turned bright red at this point as she took the covers off and began changing back into her clothes. "Я мог бы уйти вы знаете!" Yu then looked at the ground in confusion, wondering why his brain decided for him to speak Russian. She then gave her theory of him being attacked as a child while she started to dress herself. "I was, but it never hit me. Not that I know of anyway." Yu peeked up at her to see if she put her clothes back on, so when he saw her fully clothed he returned to looking straight ahead, instead of straight down. Yu then remembered that during his test he did fight a Hollow that wasnt like the rest, but would the Captain even keep something like that in a room for people to test against?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

When he started speaking Russian Ayashi didn't know why, nor could she see why because she was changing. But once she was done she didn't pay any mind to it, and pushed the thought away. She walked closer to him, scanning his face, "Well if it didn't hit you....Well, I got nothing actually. The only way I know of a Shinigami going through Hollowfication is if they're attacked....But there's always the case of experimentation that happened on you, maybe we could ask the Captain or someone of Squad twelve if there's a way to go through Hollowfication without being attacked by a Hollow?" She placed her hands on her hips thinking about it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yu listened as she walked closer, pretty much getting the results he figured would happen, he wasn't sure why she would know about it all that much. Yet when she said if they should ask the Captain, or someone from Squad twelve. Yu instantly shook his head. "If it's quite all right with you.... I would prefer the captain doesn't know about this. Squad twelve is fine, but the captain can't find out." Yu then grabbed her hand and gave her a pleading look as to hope that she would keep this a secret from the Captain, and anyone for that matter.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Shoske was walking back to where he planned onto meeting Lahel. It was a long battle and he was exhausted. The experience from the battle would also give him more credit for applying for a new squad. It was either gonna be Squad 11 or 2, but he wasn't sure which one yet. He had to talk things over with Lahel. While walking, he noticed a bar to his right. He stared at it as he walked, wanting to go in and have a drink. It had been a while, but he fought every urge to go inside and kept on walking.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


"What not going to make the first move? fine then I will!" Shiro ran at the Onmitsukidō member and as he got close he slashed down at the Onmitsukidō member when a fist smashed into his gut and sent him flying back, Shiro skidded across the floor then flipped to his feet to see Kaizo standing there infront of the Onmitsukidō member "What the fuck are you playing at!"


Kaizo ignored Shiro and turned to the Onmitsukidō "I thought I gave you the order to return to the barracks? I may not be your commanding officer but in this small incident I was and until everything is settled I still am so go..." The Onmitsukidō member could be seen shaking slightly then he bowed and shunpoed off, Kaizo then turned to Shiro and spoke "If you want to fight someone try the enemy...it's always a good start...if you don't...well...you want always know who you are cutting now will you? could be someone of Captain strength and as much power as you have you have little skill to back it up making you a walk in the park for them to take down..."


Shiro clenched his Zanpakuto's hilt tighter as he watched the two discuss then he clenched it tighter as he was insulted by this nobody "Fine it's settled then! I'LL CUT YOU UP!" Shiro crouched down slightly then used Shunpo to appear in the air infront of Kaizo, preparing to slash down at him "LET'S SEE HOW GOOD YOU ARE!"


Kaizo let out a sigh as Shiro wouldn't back down but this was good practice...he'd probably have to deal with a few lunatics here and there. "Very well then but this wont last long..." Kaizo then noticed Shiro appear in the air just infront of him, not all that far off the ground. Kaizo twisted to his left and held out his left elbow, supporting his clenched left fist with his right hand as he smashed it into Shiro's side


Shiro watched as Kaizo smashed his elbow into Shiro's side but the second he did Shiro used his free left hand to grab Kaizo's left arm as he landed he then spun still holding Kaizo then launched him flying then Shiro slashed down towards Kaizo releasing a large arc of Spiritual energy "What was that about ending this quick!?" as soon as the arc would have clashed with Kaizo he would shunpo far behind Kaizo and fire off another


As Kaizo flew through the air he noticed a massive arc of spiritual energy coming towards him, Kaizo flipped onto his feet and began sliding back as he unsheathed his Zanpakuto and held it horizontally to the arc and clashed with it as it pushed him further back "Dammit.." Kaizo then noticed another arc coming from behind him and before he could react he was caught between both which exploded violently releasing a small shockwave and kicking up a mass amount of dust and smoke


"I guess you were right! it did end quickly...my bad...guess I underestimate-" Shiro stopped speaking as he noticed something happen which made his eyes widen for a small moment but this expression just changed into a grin


As the dust and smoke began to settle it was all forced away by a massive burst of Kaizo's spiritual energy which now surrounded him as he walked out the crater "Guess you aren't pissing around...then I'm done doing so to..come at me you dumb bastard!" the look on Kaizo's face had changed now to one that seemed to show anger or concentration...it was hard to choose which one...maybe it was both


"You finally came to your senses huh? about time!" Shiro shunpoed infront of Kaizo then slashed down at him but as he did he swung his left arm into action and aimed to hit Kaizo in the face


Kaizo raised his Zanpakuto to block the attack from Shiro's Zanpakuto then a fist came from his right and smashed him in the face which seemingly did nothing as his head didn't move an inch, Kaizo then smashed his left fist up into Shiro's gut sending him flying high into the air "You'll have to hit harder than that if you want to do any damage.."


Shiro watched as his fist connected with Kaizo's face but it did nothing at all to him then he was hit in the gut and sent flying into the air then he landed on the ground but quickly flipped to his feet as his spiritual energy began to manifest around him once more making his grin grow larger "Now this is getting interesting!" Shiro ran at Kaizo then shunpoed and smashed his left fist into Kaizo's gut sending him flying back, Shiro then shunpoed into the air and slashed down towards where Kaizo would be and released a massive arc of Spiritual energy


As Kaizo watched Shiro get back up he found himself suddenly hit in the gut and before he knew it he was flying through the air about to get hit by another arc of Spiritual energy "How did he get so fast all of a sudden? I could barely see him!" Kaizo was then hit by the arc of Spiritual energy forming another explosion. As the dust cleared Kaizo could be seen laying in a fair sized crater covered in ruble, he then slowly stumbled to his feet revealing his now ruined and ripped uniform.


Shiro shunpoed behind Kaizo and smashed the back of his left fist into Kaizo's face sending him flying into the ground, Shiro then stomped on Kaizo's gut as he grinned "What happened to all that power just now!? you seemed so strong...guess it was just a temporary power boost!" Shiro then slammed his left palm into Kaizo's face and pulled him out the ground then held him in the air by his face as he prepared to stab his Zanpakuto into Kaizo's gut "Oh well...got to weed out the weaklings. I'll be doing the Gotei 13 a favor at this rate. We need strong Shinigami not one hit wonders like this guy"


As Kaizo tried to get used to everything again he was hit to the ground then his gut was stomped on causing him to spit up blood then a palm slammed into his face and then he found himself hanging in the air, his body hung like a ragdolls, looking drained of energy then he heard what Shiro said which seemed to snap him back to reality. Kaizo then freed himself from Shiro's grip and twisted in the air as he smashed his right foot into the side of Shiro's head then he shunpoed back and skidded a little as he did.


As Shiro was about to stab Kaizo he got free from Shiro's grip and then a foot hit Shiro in the side of the head but he didn't move even in the slightest "You still got fight? well...it's a shame it's pretty pitiful...I'd be excited if it was something good" Shiro then shunpoed infront of Kaizo and slashed down at him and assuming he cut Kaizo he would then slam his left fist into Kaizo's face to deal more damage


As Kaizo stood there trying to catch his breath Shiro appeared infront of him and slashed down at him cutting down from Kaizo's left shoulder to his left hip causing him to jerk forward a bit. Kaizo still couldn't see Shiro but he managed to pull his body back a but to reduce the depth of the cut although it was still deep. The cut then shot out blood as Kaizo was hit in the face by Shiro and sent flying back and skidding across the floor on his back. Kaizo skidded to a stop then coughed up some blood before speaking "If I carry on like this I'm going to end up dead...Guess I'm going to have to try use all I got..." Kaizo slowly got to his feet then he looked over to Shiro and began to raise his Spiritual energy as he held his Zanpakuto out infront of him with both hands on the hilt as it began to glow a bright yellow "I've had enough of your shit! let's end this!" Kaizo's spiritual energy then exploded out of him increasing at least by 3 fold giving him much more then as he ripped his Zanpakuto in half a large shockwave was released but the spiritual energy still hung around Kaizo as his newly formed Shikai's were visible


Shiro grinned as he watched Kaizo use his Shikai "About time! Now this seems more like it!" Shiro's spiritual energy then burst out of him, the size of his Aura overshadowed Kaizo's easily then his Zanpakuto became wrapped in Spiritual energy as he burst off the ground running leaving a small crater where he was, his Zanpakuto was held behind his head as he ran at Kaizo.


Kaizo watched as Shiro's spiritual energy grew then Shiro began running towards him. "So you want to end it like that huh?" Kaizo's spiritual energy then began to increase further as he began running towards Shiro with his right fist held back then the two got close to eachother then Kaizo's spiritual energy burst out him making his Aura grow further and as he got close to Shiro, Kaizo's spiritual energy seemingly engulfed Shiro's as the two were blocked from sight due to the bright yellow spiritual energy but a large explosion that flew to the clouds above was soon seen, then both of them flew out either side of the explosion followed by a trail of smoke as they both hit the floor with a thud, both were covered in cuts and severe burns, their bodies smoking as the laid on the ground. Kaizo then coughed up some blood and then extremely slowly climbed to his feet, his Shikai had now returned to it's sealed form which he held loosely in his left hand. Blood poured from Kaizo's cuts and his breathing became much deeper as he looked over to Shiro


Shiro slammed into the ground and spat up blood as he did. Shiro then lifted his head a little to see Kaizo standing then Shiro's head fell back onto the ground as he began laughing loudly like a mad man which confused nearby Squad 11 members "FINALLY! FINALLY! I'VE FOUND SOMEONE I CAN CALL A RIVAL! SOMEONE TO SPUR ME ON TO GET STRONGER! FINALLY!" Shiro continued to laugh until he coughed up some blood then his eyes slowly began to close but before they did he uttered a few small words "I guess you won this one...next time...I'll get you..." Shiro's eyes then closed as he head fell loose causing many Squad 11 members to rush over to him and pick him up as they carried him off to Squad 4


Kaizo watched as Shiro laughed and shouted out about how he had found a rival then he heard Shiro say that Kaizo had won then suddenly Shiro passed out. Kaizo let out a small sigh as blood shot out from his right shoulder "No...I failed...I guess this is what they call a draw..." Kaizo's eyes the shut as he fell towards the floor but was caught by a few Onmitsukidō members before he did and wasting no time they shunpoed off taking him to go get healed

(Meh less epic than I wanted it to be >.>)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Zane620 said
Yu listened as she walked closer, pretty much getting the results he figured would happen, he wasn't sure why she would know about it all that much. Yet when she said if they should ask the Captain, or someone from Squad twelve. Yu instantly shook his head. "If it's quite all right with you.... I would prefer the captain doesn't know about this. Squad twelve is fine, but the captain can't find out." Yu then grabbed her hand and gave her a pleading look as to hope that she would keep this a secret from the Captain, and anyone for that matter.

As Yu pleaded she frowned a bit, and looked down as he grabbed her hand. She stared for a little bit before placing her hand on top of his, giving him a small smile, "It's alright Yu, I'll keep it away from him. And anyone if that's what you want, I know it's probably a weird thing to be going through." She then nodded to the door as she took a step closer, "Should we make our way then?" she asked. She was actually interested in this hollowfication, but Squad Twelve did scare her a bit. Atleast from what she knew of it, she hopped nothing freaky happened.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Aya stood on the ground with her shikai's blade sticking in the ground, she had a rather bored look as she looked at the red head boy. "Welly ou put up a wonderful effort, but I think we both know I wrecked a lot more than you did." She then sealed her Zanpakuto and pointed at him with a grin. "Yet don't let that stop you from challenging me again!" With saying that she shunpoed back to the squad four barracks to retrieve her letter from the captain, and left the squad four barracks so she wasn't disturbing the injured.

After finishing the letter Aya smiled and shunpoed off to the Squad 8 barracks, and walked in humming all the while as she walked down the hallway. once se reached the captain door she knocked on it continously giggling while she did it.
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