Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jess - Railroad Tracks - waiting for Floyd

Every sound made her jump. Jess really hated being alone. It was frightening. Especially when you didn't know what to be more afraid of - walkers or humans. Humans were crueler and at times far more dangerous.

When she finally heard Floyd calling her name she was thrilled. Getting up, she looked for him in the darkness. "I'm here!" she called out, moving towards his voice.
A gun shot made her cry out and duck, covering her stomach protectively. She saw Floyd fall to the ground.
"Floyd!" she cried and hurried towards him only to stop when she realized another man, a stranger, had appeared. He and the other men with him started to beat Floyd.
"No!" she cried. "No stop! Please!" Tears stung her eyes.
So much violence... so much pain... why couldn't it stop?

Jess took a step back in shock when the man said Floyd had fallen in love with her. That wasn't true. That wasn't any more true then his next assumption that Floyd had gotten her pregnant.
"That's not-" she started to say when the other men started towards her. "Leave me alone!" she cried. "Just leave us alone!"
She looked around for a weapon but found only a rock. She smashed it against one man's arm, making it bruise and bleed a little but that was it. They pinned her arms roughly, holding her in place. Jess struggled but it was useless.
She cried more when he kicked Floyd in the face. "Please, just stop!" she begged. "Floyd!" she called to him, praying he was still alive. "Floyd! You can't leave him here! The walkers will get him! Please! Floyd!"

Jess was crying in her panic. One of the men put a hand over her mouth to silence her. She was helpless as they carried her off by force. She kept struggling to look back at Floyd. She wanted to see him move, just see him move to know that he was going to be okay.

Whatever fear she had for her baby was dispelled quickly. The men never touched her stomach. It made her wonder where they were taking her. Once they were far enough away from Floyd the hand was removed from her mouth.
Jess coughed and tried to take deep breaths to calm herself.
"Where are you taking me?" she asked, her voice shaking.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bobby Barrows
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Bobby Barrows The Scholar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Polyester-Railroad Tracks-Daniel and Aleck and Shannon

Polyester saw a small group of 3 people, they looked worried , and somewhat panicked. They were wearing various clothing items. It was starting to hurt to walk, he walked quite a ways already. He has already been denied from multiple possible allies, and 3 is better then none. "You, over there! Do you have a group or something? I've been alone for a while. I can give you my name right now if you want."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Floyd - Boundless

As much as he tried, as fast as he had ran, he didn't make it. He didn't even get to see her face, only her outline. Floyd had hit the ground faster than the bullet had grazed his leg. A decent amount of skin had been torn off of his thigh. It burned drastically, worse than Georgia's blistering sun rays. Her screams continued to travel the surface of his soul. It echoed through his eardrums as if she was still in grasp, but it had been about ten minutes since she was taken. Still on the ground, Floyd's eyes were dimming as timed passed, but his intention to save her wouldn't allow him to pass out. With his remaining strength, which was slim, he used his fist to push himself up. When he got on all fours, meaning his knees and hands, he noticed a figure heading his way. His blurred vision didn't let him capture the image fully, it was obscure. At first it seemed that it didn't have a stagger in its walk, it seemed......human. But once it got close enough to smell and visualize, it was a walker. Floyd tried to get up, but his leg went against his wishes, forcing him to involuntarily fall on his back. The walker tripped over the mud and fell on top of Floyd, attempting to much at his face. Floyd used his forearm to prevent such demise. His right forearm was placed on the walker's neck, preventing it from tilting its head forward and jerking its teeth into his face. In order to ensure survival, he pulled out his knife from the small sheath connected to his belt and stabbed the walker through the eye, reaching its brain.

From a distance, meaning, coming out of the woods, Floyd could hear an addition of multiple moans. The sound was getting closer to his location, meaning the walkers were most likely going to be crowding him soon. Floyd grunted in pain as he started dragging himself to the other side of the tracks. He was hauling the put-down walker with him, he had an idea that may ensure his survival. As he reached his destination, which really hadn't been but a couple feet from where he already lay, he used the bandanna hanging from his back pocket to tie it around his wound, to prevent further bleeding. It seemed a decent chunk of his skin and muscle might have been torn off by the bullet.

As the moans got closer and closer, Floyd used his knife to cut the walkers chest open. Its blood started pouring onto the ground. The black blood reminded him of the loneliness he'd endured and is still enduring. He splashed the blood with his hands, then basically bathing himself in it. He would use the walker's stench as camouflage. In addition to that tactic, he laid down and pulled the walker over his own torso, the walker now laying on top of him for extra cover. That's when walkers started exiting the woods. That gunshot and the screams probably called them here. The roamed around the tracks, not going anywhere, but just walking around the perimeter. One walker actually came two feet from Floyd, but just stared into space as its arms hung loosely from its shoulders. Floyd would have to stay like so until they decide to move on. Again he was forced into an eternal isolation.

Eli - Haywood - Jessalyn

Nobody spoke to the pregnant girl for an entire hour. The travel had been decently long so far, and in addition to that, they had to travel one more hour in this dark realm. The men's grasp were loosening up, but still held the girl captive and unable to run away. If she decided to kick or scream, she would get a beating that may injure the child inside her. But the silence bored the black man, he liked to speak, he liked attention. Therefore, it was time for him and the girl to introduce themselves to each other.

"So, what's your name kid? An-" he was about to ask yet another question, when a confused look ran over his face. The group had stopped at what seemed a street. There It was a three way street, left, right, or straight on the path they had been going for a while. But the confusion wasn't because of their location, but because a thought came to mind about the girl that stood before him. "Why would a young kid like you be hangning out with a monster like Floyd? Huh? I was wondering the entire time before we saved you from him. I can't believe you actually slept with the guy and are currently having his child, Wow! That's insane. Haha. He forced you to didn't he? You were just his booty call. Anyhow, your safe now, you don't have to put up with his demands anymore. I knew Conlon way before the incident. Let me tell you, he......was......an......ASS! He didn't have any friends! What kind of person isolates themselves from all of society? Hahaha, a freak, that's who. Well, I sold him the cabin he used to live in. Can you believe it was in the middle of the woods? So weird. But that's what he gets isn't it? Being alone for so long doesn't get you anywhere. Not now, not before, not ever. That's why he's probably walker food by now. I shot him to protect you miss, don't think otherwise. Now were just waiting for our ride, we've got a camp a couple miles from here. We scout the area every night for survivors like yourself. We take them into our camp then..................." he paused. He had his arms up to his sides as if saying 'you already know what happens next'. "So yeah. You'll have a decent room to yourself, water, food. We supply all that, all you've gotta do is help us around camp. Then it's time for the businessmen to step in."

"Sir, your not suppose to talk about that to strangers remember" one of the men holding Jess spoke out.

"Oh crap, did it come out? Oh well, don't worry about it. She doesn't understand anyway, but let's not freak her out. But the main point of this chat is that you'll be safer with us and wont have to put up with the outside world anymore. You don't have to worry miss, were taking you to Haywood" he finished as suddenly, out of nowhere, a black van came out of the right road. Inside were the men from earlier, the ones that separated at the tracks. "Let's get going now, there's a lot of things to get done back at home" Eli instructed as his men forced Jessalyn into the van. After Eli himself got in, the van continued down the road in a straightaway, going left from their original path.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Daniel - Railroad Tracks - Shannon and Aleck

Daniel almost laughed; this kid could lead him to Emma? How could he track someone that left no footprints, and Daniel doubted he had a blood hound that could track her scent. He looked the kid over; sizing him up... and absently planning on how to kill him. He was well armed; the sig sauer rifle would definitely be a problem. Daniel's eyes dropping to the kid's legs, where two .357 pythons were holstered and most definitely fully loaded. If he could put a round in his arm, the armor would protect him, but undoubtedly phase him long enough for Daniel to either put a round in his head or move in to fight him hand-to-hand.

He brought his thoughts back to the present and focused on what the kid had said. "And...how exactly can you lead us to her?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jessalyn - Haywood - Eli

Jess didn't bother to fight. There was no point. They were stronger and faster then her and she was not about to do anything that might endanger her baby.
They walked for quite a while in silence. She didn't know where they were taking her and didn't bother asking again since it was obvious the men didn't want to talk. So she used to time to pray. Pray that Lynn was okay, wherever she was. But mostly to pray that Floyd was still alive and that he was able to get away. She didn't believe he was going to come after her, after all she was just an annoyance, but he had helped her so she prayed he would get away safely and that the rest of his life went smoothly.

When the silence was finally broken it was the lead man asking her name, but before she could answer he was off on a tangent about Floyd.
Jess felt herself getting angry, which was unusual for her.
"Just stop right now," she said sharply. "Floyd is not the father of my baby. No the father was an ass like you. I am not a whore as you seem to assume I am. And Floyd may not have been the nicest person, and he did yell at me a few times, but he helped me and kept me alive. So he doesn't deserve you saying such horrible things about him, and he certainly didn't deserve you leaving him back there."

Her anger made her bolder then usual. She pulled at the hands of the men holding her. "And please tell them to let me go. I'm not going anywhere and they are hurting me."

She was forced into a van and pressed between two of the men, one of whom was touching a little too much for her taste. She didn't like his smile either. It brought back bad memories.

The mention of 'business men' made her anger evaporate and her fear come back. Her eyes went wide with fear and her voice started to tremble.
"Please," she said and her voice broke a little, so she cleared her throat and tried again. "Please tell me his name is not Tyler," she begged.
She could handle anyone but him. Lynn had told her about him. He was the spawn of Satan himself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Tyler - Unknown - Brad, Lynn, Emma, and Raiders

He walked around the place and looked at the men being in Emma and Lynna. He didn't know the girl, but he did know Lynn. Brad came out with the walkie and said, "Boss, there is a directional tracker in it!" and showed the walkie to Tyler. He grabbed it and threw it across the wall and grabbed Brad's neck and shouted, "You lead, whoever has the second one to here! You dumb fucker!" and Brad said, "I'm sorry sir!". "Sorry isn't good." said Tyler as he let Brad's neck go and walked to the other side of the room and he said, "We have to do a trade off then. You get the girl and demand that they never come back here or she dies." and Brad smiled and said, "It'll be an honor to do it, sir.". "Don't fuck it up for me. I'll talk to Lynn now.." said Tyler as he walked down to the basement along with Brad.

They walked to the girl's room and slapped her in the face and then Brad said, "You're coming with me!" as he grabbed her and walked away with her and held a pistol in his right hand. Tyler smiled as he heard screaming going on for the girl and he walked to Lynn and said, "Wake up.." and he slapped her face as well and shouted, "Wake up!". He waited until she woke and said, "We don't have time and I need you to answer some questions, alright?". A raider brought in his 'tools' and left and Tyler said, "Or I'll use my 'tools' on you.".
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lynn - Underground - Tyler

Lynn woke up abruptly and roughly. She looked around then smiled weakly at Tyler. "Somehow I just knew I couldn't go the rest of my life without seeing you again. You're like a cockroach that won't die."
When he threatened her with his tools she laughed bitterly. "Oh please. You know me, in more then one sense. You know that won't do anything to me. Besides, what could I possible know that you would want to know?"

She didn't know what he wanted, but just the fact that he was willing to torture her for it made her not want to tell him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Eli - Haywood: The Arrival - Jessalyn

The road was bumpy, the van's tires did not smoothly glide through the street. There were holes and cracks all over the dark tinted road. The line that divided traffic was completely faded, nearly invisible. The girl's rant about Floyd and life in general only made Eli laugh at her. She was so open to strangers, it was hilarious. The dark skinned man signaled his two soldiers to let go of her arms and they abide to his command. Eli was sitting in front of Jessalyn, listening to her questioning words as he entire expression changed to one of fear. That look fit her perfectly, she looked like a frightened puppy or something of the sort.

The two men sitting next to the girl turned to their commanding officer as they wondered whether he'd answer her question or not. Since from the creation of Haywood they've been given an authoritative order to keep quite about the underground business that takes place, they weren't sure if Eli would speak of it. But then, their question was answered. "Who the heck is Tyler?" the black man asked her, acting confused. "I don't know what you think we do, but Haywood is merely a trading post for survivors. People who have survived the apocalypse and are looking for a place to live come to Haywood. We supply them with food, water, and everything we can. All they have to do, is work for it. The people help plant crops. They spend days at end working in the hot summer days pumping water from our wells. Do you really think were some kind of bandits or something? Look here. We took you from Floyd because HE is a bandit. He's a monster, like it or not. Sooner or later, he'd throw you aside, just like he'd done everyone else. You don't see it because you're young, but don't worry about it. At Haywood, we have instructors to teach you to survive. We'll show you to use weapons, we'll help you get started. Of course, we'll help you bare that child. I am truly sorry if I offended you in any way, I did not mean to make assumptions."

Suddenly, the van came to a stop. After what seemed to be half an hour, they had reached their destination. "We're here!" the driver called out as a loud shriek could be heard from inside the van. It was the shriek of the opening of a gate. The drivers could see it, but since there were no windows where Jessalyn sat, she yet couldn't see where she was. Eli then stood up within the van as it came to yet another halt. "Are we clear?" he asked the driver, in which was answered with a nod. Then the door of the van was pushed open by Eli. He hopped off the van first, extending out his hand to Jessalyn in order to aid her out. "Welcome to Haywood miss" he smiled.

Once she stepped out the sun had already returned, she would then see five different buildings all next to each other. There was a gate encasing the entire perimeter guarded by a pair of armed men every fifty feet. A giant sign that initially said, 'Welcome to New Orleans' was completely faded and edited to say 'Welcome to Haywood'. There were stations where crops were being planted. Beside that where three wells, all mounted by workers. Kids were running down the streets playing tag, actually laughing. Since it was basically a two story apartment complex, people sat on the porches drinking and chitchatting. Four of the five buildings were apartments, each having about sixteen rooms in total, but the fifth building was different. It was more like a courthouse rather than a apartment building. It seemed that the entire place had been an apartment complex, and the last building was like the administration office. But an apartment complex has more than a five buildings, that is correct, but all the other ones burned down in a fire caused by a rebelling group of survivors. They used the bricks to enforce the perimeter in order to keep the walkers out. Other than the overwhelming armed men, the place was actually pretty clean and neat. Everything had a place, it was organized perfectly to make everyone comfortable and adapt quickly to it.

"Alright kid, I'll take you to your new home. There are plenty of available rooms, so you'll be getting your privacy. Just follow me" Eli said as he started to lead the way. The men guarding Jess had left to focus on their next duties. Eli then started to explain the rules of Haywood. "Alright, so basically we set up a schedule for everyone that lives here. We try to-"

"Hey Mr. Eli, nice to have you back!" one of the many survivors called out with a smile. The old lady waved despretely as she continued to wash the stack of clothing with other aged people.

"Hello Ms. Johnson, it's nice to be back. I see you've got cleaning duties today. You're a lucky lady!" Eli called back, his smile also wide and clear. "It beats the kitchen, haha. You know, the windows don't open no more" he old lady said. "They don't huh? I'll get Billy on it right away Ms. Johnson, don't you worry. Okay, see you later" Eli finished.

He then turned his attention back to Jess. "Now where was I............." he paused for a second, trying to recollect his thoughts. "Oh yeah, the schedule. Like I was saying, everyone has duties to fulfill here. We try to give everyone equal working hours so nobody feels like their doing more for the same payment. Basically, we all keep each other running. You help around and fulfill your given tasks, we provide you with water, food, cloth, and whatever other materials we can get our hands on. But we'll fill you in on the details later. You bare a child in that belly, you need your rest, you've been awake for basically an entire day." Eli then took out some keys from his pocket and opened up one of the many apartments. "This will be your new room. We've actually managed to get hot water in a couple of rooms, this one has it, so don't waste it now. We had a few pipe guys get the propane system from the administrative office to a couple of rooms here. You're fortunate to have hot water, not even my room gets it. We try to give the ladies and the old folk along with the children the rooms with hot water, they need it more than us men. Anyhow, when you get settled in, just roam around, meet a few people, we'll assign duties to you tomorrow, for today, just rest" he finished, closing the door after she entered the room.

Without further ado, Eli had entered the administrative office. He walked passed the guards, showing his identification tag, which was actually just a library card that only a few people had, and entered the main office. "Eli, is nice to see you're still alive partner. How was the hunt?" The speaker was sitting on a leather chair behind a large wooden desk. He had papers in front of him with the Haywood's schedule. He had the name of every tenant laid out on that sheet. He even had a name plate on the table titled Levi. He was a decently sized man, about six, six-one in height. Eli was actually taller than him, but did not present himself as educated or strong as the man sitting in the chair.

"We found a woman sir" Eli started. "She's quite short and is baring child, I'm not sure if that will help Haywood's progression. I don't know if she will be able to follow the schedule in her condition, I mean, she-" Eli stopped because he was cut off by the man in the leather chair.

"Look Eli.........You already know how these things work. Business was and still is your number one strength. Haywood's been around for about three months now and it'll continue to run because of people like you and I. We make the hard decisions to better the chances of all our tenants. Without people like us, they'd have no leadership, not a single survival opportunity, but we, together, changed that. I know you've made many sacrifices in the beginning. I am truly sorry about your wife, and her memory will always remain with me. But she sacrificed herself for the advancement of Haywood. So do not worry about this girl, she will not be here long. She won't be here long enough to cause us any trouble."

"Understood sir" Eli said, his eyes staring at the ground as images of his wife ran through his mind. He took a deep breathe and exhaled quietly to calm down. "Do you want me to follow procedure like I have for everybody else?"

"Of course. Make her feel welcome. Give her everything she needs because after all, she will be a new mother. She needs more attention because she will be more profitable. Like I said, you know how business works in this new world. You give someone a scarce artifact and they give you something of equal value. This girl is our goldmine Eli. Nowadays, nobody breads children because they fear for its life. If she is pregnant, then she will be worth more than any other artifact that's ever been sold. You've done good partner. You are dismissed, take the day off, for your good work."

"Thank you Mr. Levi."

"Mr. Levi? C'mon man, how many times do I have to tell you? Call me Bruce"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jessalyn - Haywood - Eli

Jess was surprised at his reaction. She expected to be yelled at. Instead he was rather kind. She felt bad for her harsh words.

"I'm sorry," she apologized. "I shouldn't have reacted so disrespectfully. But you shouldn't talk badly about people," she insisted, biting her lip.

The size of the place they took her to astounded her. Why hadn't Lynn known about this place? If they could have lived here this whole time maybe Lynn wouldn't have had to work so hard to provide for them.
Everyone was smiling and seemed happy. It was the kind of place Jess had always wanted to live, even before the outbreak. Jess found herself smiling in return to the people that passed them.

The room was nice. Well nice when compared to the train car. It had a bed and a small bathroom with a sink and a toilet. When he mentioned hot water she nearly squealed in excitement. Any hot water she and Lynn had had to be boiled then cooled before being able to use it. But she wasn't going to be greedy, especially after he explained that not everyone had it.
When he turned to leave she spoke out to stop him. "My name is Jessalyn," she told him as he shut the door, hoping he had heard her. If not, she'd tell him later.

Sitting down on the bed, she suddenly felt drained. She hadn't realized how stressed she had been until she knew she was safe. Behind a fence manned by guards and inside a building with a door to her own room, she finally felt safe for the first time in many months. Her body collapsed back onto the bed. Tears pricked at her eyes. She wished Lynn was here. She felt guilty enjoying this when her friend was still out there.
And Floyd... she prayed once again for his safety. No matter what anyone had said about him, he had helped her and saved her life. For that he deserved her thanks and her prayers. She hoped he was alright, that he had gotten away. She hoped he would enjoy the rest of his life and get whatever he desired.
Jess used a little of the hot water to wash her face, neck and arms. She felt a little better but what she really needed was some new clothes and a way to wash her hair. She opened the door cautiously and wandered outside.
People walked by, going about their business. She felt bad bothering them.
Finally an old woman took pity on her and helped her.

After an hour Jess had a bath, washed her hair and had new clothes on. She felt truly clean for the first time in a long time.

"There you are now," the old woman said, finishing brushing Jess' hair. "You look very pretty now that we got all those layers of dirt off of you. Poor child."

Jess smiled a little. "Lynn took care of me the best she could. She often went without so I could have food and clean cloths."

The old woman nodded. "I'm sure she did. She sounds like a good woman. I hope she arrives here soon as well."

Jess shook her head. "I don't think Lynn would like it here. She doesn't like being told what to do."

"We all have to do our part," the old woman said, as if quoting from something important.

"Where is the man who brought me here?" Jess asked after the woman braided her hair and tied it back with a piece of blue cloth. "I would like to thank him for the room."

"Oh yes, Eli," the woman said, nodding with a smile. "Such a sweet man. Poor thing, his wife died not too long ago. He should be around here somewhere."

Jess thanked the woman for her kindness and wandered off. She looked for a while, asking people for directions. Apparently Eli had gone to talk to someone in an office. Jess started going that way when she was nearly knocked over by some guards coming around a corner.
"Watch it," they said harshly before continuing on their way.
Jess frowned. That was the first sign of rudeness she had seen from these people. It didn't sit well with her. She tried to shake off the feeling of something not being right and continued her search. She finally saw Eli coming down the hall.

"Mr. Eli," she said, going towards him. "I wanted to... to thank you for the room," she told him. "Although I do not agree with how I was brought here, I appreciate your consideration."
She paused for a moment, then offered her hand. Perhaps they just needed to start over.
"I don't know if you heard me before, but my name is Jessalyn. I'm about five or six months along... I think..." she added, unsure. "I do want to help. It's not fair for me to do nothing. I can cook and I have some first aid knowledge."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Emma - Raider Base/Unknown - Brad/Raiders

Emma dreamed a lot when she was asleep, and this time was no exception. She was sitting at her house, the one before the outbreak. She was lying in her bed, wearing what she normally slept in; a tank top and a pair of running shorts. A knock resounded on her door, and her attention diverted to it. "Come in..." It was her older brother, Daniel. He'd come home for a week from the army base. She'd seen him come in last night, but she was half-asleep. Her face spread into a grin, and he stuck himself inside the room.

"Morning, loser." She greeted playfully. She saw that he had something in his right hand, a dark wooden box. Daniel laughed quietly and sat down at the end of her bed beside her feet.

"Same to you, shorty." Daniel handed her the box.

"Sorry that we're not all 6'5 and 205 pounds of pure muscle." She sat up, swinging her legs over the edge of her bed, taking the box from him. "Let's see..." She flipped the lid and observed the contents. Inside was a long knife with a wooden handle and silver metal blade. It was sheathed in a rough leather case that was made to loop in to a belt. "That's... a really sharp knife, dude..." She laughed and looked back over at her brother. He was staring distantly over out of her window. "Daniel..." She tapped him on the shoulder. His head swiveled, and he looked at her with dead eyes... He was a walker.

Emma woke to a sharp searing pain in her cheek, the sudden jolt of it bringing tears to her eyes. She found that her eyes were already wet, the tears only added more her silent crying. "You're comin' with me!" A man barked, grabbing her by the arm and dragging her along. She couldn't resist, as her hands were tightly bound behind her back. She stumbled and the pain of her injured leg awoke again. She choked on her own breath as she fought to pull away from the man; but he was much larger and stronger than she.

"No, no, no..." She muttered helplessly. Where were they going? What was going to happen to her? Torture? Rape? She couldn't decide which was worse as the man dragged her roughly along.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by riprofsuls


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Aleck ~ at the train tracks ~ Daniel and Shannon

"I followed the men who took her," Aleck replied. He didn't like the aura the man was emanating, he willed his body with all his might to force itself not to attack and kill the man. Aleck had incredible battle instincts that had saved him several times over and lowering his gun in the face of this man who appeared more than capable of killing felt like suicide and the will of force required to attack first was incredible. The things he did for a girl he barely knew - no that's not quite right. He had never felt any compulsion to protect or provide for anyone other than himself and his sister, he lived for her and nothing more the fact that Emma had wormed her way into his being was both unsettling and pleasing at the same time.

The reason he now was desperate to save her he now came to understand, he found his psyche on the verge of becoming unhinged in a way that frightened him. His sister had always been the pillar of his being, through her he dictated his morality and will to exist. He had now found his second pillar in Emma and his psyche had become unbalanced because this second pillar was no longer safe and like a board precariously placed between the two it began to lean and bend as its perch on the second pillar became unsure and unstable. He now wanted to protect her with his life to protect himself, in other words he now lived for the sake of two people and was not about to let either be harmed.

Remembering her he decided to take a peek at the walkie on his wrist which was his link to Emma and noted that the compass arrow had suddenly gone dead. That was not a good sign, whatever they were going to do needed to be done within the next hour. "I know the way and I have more knowledge about the place and people than you do at the moment."

"If you cannot trust me then you will never again see you sister," Aleck assured the man. "If I cannot trust you to trust me then tell me now so that I may be on my way and you can wander about aimlessly looking for a sister I assure you that you will not find in time to save her of her grim fate."

Aleck wasn't sure what exactly was going to happen to Emma or what was currently happening to her but he was sure that the brother would respond to his words and the way he said them.

"The second step you must take to show that you and I can work together is to listen to my plan and be ready because it needs to get done within the next handful of minutes..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Eli - Haywood - Jessalyn

As the assistant walked towards the northern gate, someone behind him called his name. He had just exited the administration office and was stopped by the girl from earlier. As she ran to him, he started to speak logically. "You should be resting kid, you barely got here, did you not like your room or something?" he asked, not waiting for a response because he knew she indeed enjoyed it. It was all over her facial expression. In addition to that smile, she was completely cleansed of all impurities. The hot water does wonders during these times. He then took her tender hand and shook it softly. "It is very nice to meet you Jessalyn" he said with a smile. He knew how things in Haywood worked and knew this little encounter would not last, so decided to cut their conversation short and not grow attached to any of the women that entered this complex. "Umm, well, I understand you wanna help, but just rest for the day" he said as he backed away. "Think of the child, just..........just rest for the day, I've got to run, but, it was nice to meet you Jessalyn, we'll talk soon okay" he finished as he turned and started to walk away.

Suddenly, the guard standing at the doors of the administration office started for Jessalyn. "Ma'am, you cannot stand within thirty feet of this building without an access pass, please return to your quarters and follow the schedule provided to you by our commanding officer" he ordered, escorting her away from the office. "This will be your final warning, do not let us catch you this close to the office again or we'll act with force" he finished, pushing her away without mercy. "Now scram!"

Eli heard the ruckus from where he was and turned to catch the soldier push the pregnant girl. From where he stood, he yelled at the armed man. "HEY! Do not touch her! Boss man doesn't want her harmed!" He came forth a couple feet and yelled again. "You touch her again and you'll get it soldier, now back to your post!"

The officer gulped and returned to the office doors. "Sir yes sir!"

"Be careful miss, this is private area!" Eli yelled from afar as he once again started walking away. It was obvious that they didn't want anyone without a pass around the administration office. It was basically abandoned by tenants. The only people present were soldiers and Eli, all the civilians were back in the apartment complex sector of the small haven. The people were told that the administration office was used by the higher-ups to create schedules and maintain a supply count in order to further the towns production level. It was basically and executive office where every aspect of law was created. Every tenant knew the man in charge was Mr. Levi, though they hardly ever saw him around. They didn't even know his first name, so they'd always turn to Eli for word. If Mr. Levi passed by, it was merely to go get supplies for the town. Every time he'd return, he would have two trucks filled with necessities, it was unbelievable. The people were told not to talk about it though, else they'd get kicked out of Haywood. They were commanded to keep silent of any executive decision, they had no say, it was not a democracy, but neither a dictatorship. It was a mutual relation between the 'government' - the decision makers - and the tenants. They helped the town run and they got whatever they needed - mutual relationship.

Floyd - The Chase

The survivor opened his eyes to find yet another light shining brightly. A flashback of Eli's flashlight raced a crude image through his head. He spit to the side, he was filled with disgust. He had failed to protect that girl, something he said he'd do. But he was so tired now and could hardly move. His muscles tensed rapidly as his heartbeat sluggishly. His eyes were drowsy and his mouth opened, trying to catch the oxygen that followed the light breeze. Still he had the walker laying on his chest, which could have been the cause for his loss of breath, so he pushed it off of him. The walkers that roamed him the night before seemed to have left, trying to find another source of food. With a grunt, Floyd forced himself to sit up. He used his hands to hold himself seated, he didn't want to fall yet again. He turned towards his wound to find it had seized bleeding. Even with that, he tied the bandanna even tighter, just in case. Wiping his face with his bicep, he slowly started to gain his balance on his feet. He swung his hips forward in order to finalize his posture and stand straightforward. His knife was hanging by the tip of his fingers, but as he heard a voice, he griped it forcefully.

Then he noticed there was nobody there. All he heard was Jess' voice echoing in his ears. The girl called his name multiple times, but he hadn't responded. Floyd angered quickly and punched the air. Along with his fist, his entire body swung forwards and he landed yet again on his knees. This time, he got back up without hesitating. He had black blood all over his tank top and belt of his pants. His own blood was all over his short goatee. His bottom lip was busted and the left side of his face was bruised red. His abdomen was most likely also swollen from the multiple kicks he obtained. For a couple of seconds, he just stood there trying to figure out what to do next. He thought about getting his motorcycle in order to make his trip faster, but his condition would not allow him to face off against any walkers. He turned to the ground to find footprints on the solemn grass. Since the place was sort of muddy, the tracks were easier to read than most. With a stagger, he started off in the direction the prints moved, but suddenly, they separated. He knelt down to get a closer look. Four people headed forward, three headed east. Since the prints heading forward seemed to have a lead man, it mean that it was most likely that Eli was that man. He was a kiss ass and always wanted attention, which meant he had to be the person leading the pack. The three prints going east must have been decoys to lure Floyd into some sort of trap or a maze to get lost if he'd survive the night, which he did.

The redneck walked for hours on end, it seemed the path would never conclude, but it did. Finally, he reached a road that lead three different ways - right, left, or straight. The most difficult thing to track are vehicles. Once can't follow tire marks because they are unreliable foot prints. They could have been made way before the apocalypse even began.

Sweat continued to flush down Floyd's body. He hadn't eaten for more than twelve hours and he left his bag attached to the bike in the woods. He now had second thoughts about going back to get it, but if he were to meet a hoard of walkers, his condition would not let him escape. With the sun shining brightly overhead, not even the breeze helped prevent the overwhelming heat. Floyd's knees gave up on him and caused him to collapse on his ass. He sat there motionless with his head down and eyes closed. He felt helpless at this point, unable to do anything. He could have saved her, it was his fault all this happened. "If only I'd kept my mouth shut" he murmured. "Why did I scream? Why the hell did I..............scream?" he questioned himself as he gasped for air in between words. Then he could see himself running towards her. "Maybe if I'd of ran faster. Maybe if I wouldn't have gave up" he added. He felt that her abduction was entirely his doing. He failed her when she needed him most, how does he live with that. He was tired of losing people. Everyone he knew vanished. He was like a plague, yet he wasn't a walker.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by riprofsuls


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Bomb ~ The Raider tunnel complex entrance ~ Iron gate and Tunnel

"Beep! Beep!" Bomb ticked away cheerfully though the ticking was so silent it was doubtable anything but the wind knew of the sound Bomb was making. It was almost time! Oh gosh!~

There were rocks on Bomb hiding him from prying eyes but he could sense Iron Gate right next to him and couldn't wait to share his energy with him. Tunnel was also excited about the chance to redirect and amplify the sonic forces that were soon to be created by Bomb.

"Beep! Beep!" OH BOY...here we go...IT IS TIME!

Bomb exploded with joy freeing himself from the confines of his little IED prison bursting with an explosive velocity of 8,092 m/s. He freed Iron Gate from Tunnel's walls wrenching it from its stationary place of rest and flinging him in pieces further into Tunnel.

Tunnel felt so full of Bomb that he thought he'd burst too but Tunnel was sturdy and he directed the sonic forces outwards.

Average Joe Zombie ~ lingering around haplessly searching for his next meal


Dinner! Its the Dinner bell! Wooo!

Rush my brethren!

Around Joe Zombie dozens upon dozens of lingering undead brethren began to shuffle towards the loud sound with Joe at the lead. Soon they would all be tasting the delicious and tender flesh of the living...Oh the Joy! More brethren would soon join the ranks. Fresh ones too! Joe zombie was tired of his friends always falling apart on him, I mean really they should hold themselves together its only the end of the world after all.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shannon - Railroad Tracks - Polyester

Shannon realized she was being ignored. Daniel was far too incensed to listen and it seemed to her that Aleck barely even registered her as existing. Her idea to wait and regroup would not be happening. She stepped away from Daniel, putting distance between her and the two men. She didn't have it in her to argue in an uphill battle.

Crossing her arms to deal with the cold, Shannon looked wistfully skyward. She stared anxiously at the stars, realizing she barely knew a single constellation. She remembered once having a vivid fantasy of staring at the night sky with some boy she loved, pointing out the constellations and counting the stars. She had forgotten to study for her dream date.

The approach of a third man brought Shannon's attention back to Earth. She took a few steps toward him in an attempt to see what he looked like in the dark. His voice had wavered slightly and he sounded a bit scared, leading Shannon to assume he was younger than her, but she was surprised to find him older when she got a good look at him. She considered what he said and placed a hand on his shoulder, directing him away from Daniel and Aleck. "My name's Shannon. You're welcomed to stick with us, but..." She cast her eyes downward. "This is kind of a bad time."

She stole a glance toward Daniel and leaned in toward the newcomer's ear. "I'll make sure Daniel lets you come with us," she whispered. "We have a garage where you can stay."
Beckett "Bex" Everett - Underground

Bex awoke to swearing and the sounds of fighting. He got out of bed - A cot smack dab in the middle of all the other piece of shit cots - and found some of the other men punching each other over some reason or another. It was really no surprise with half the group filled with savages. Not that Bex was complaining; it was merely an observation. He never said anything about how Tyler did things, even if some of it would have made the man Bex once was disgusted. No, it really didn't matter now. Survival was everything, and keeping one's mouth shut was just another part of that.

He wandered into what was considered the armory, having to duck low in order to avoid banging his head off a low hanging archway. There was a serious amount of weaponry down the armory, more than enough for everyone in the group. Most kept personal weapons on their person, but the best of the best was stored in the armory. The weaponry was regulated by Tyler, given out on expeditions, missions, or whenever Tyler just felt like it. There were guards on duty to ensure no one decided to sneak off with something they should not have. They hadn't an incident in such a while (Death by noose tended to put people off), though Tyler still kept a regular influx of guards.

In there now was Lauren, the only women in the group. She smiled at Bex as he came in and placed her hands on his hips, regarding him with an amused expression. A good mood, then. Bex liked Lauren, her red hair and slim, almost dainty features reminded him of a woman he once knew. Though, he sometimes wondered if Lauren was okay with the kinds of things Tyler got up to. She certainly had more reason than most to not be comfortable with it all, but she never really confided in anyone. Bex had tried to pick the woman's brain on multiple occasions, but she was a tough nut to crack. He suspected she was a lot like him, willing to put up with just about anything to ensure her own survival.

Lauren was a tough woman, and the proof lied entirely in the fact that none of the men had ever tried to force themselves on her. Of course, that may have been because of the man who stood next to her right now. Bull, the group's resident lumberjack, was a staggering seven feet tall man with more muscle than Bex thought entirely possible and an extremely bushy brown beard. The man was currently hunched over one table of weapons, probably checking if everything was in perfect condition. Tyler made the guards do that as well.

Lauren tapped Bull on the shoulder and waved toward Bex. Bull turned around and grinned, crossing his heavily bandaged arms. "Well, you look like shit today!" the man said jovially.

Bex flipped him the bird. "At least you look worse." He walked over to one of the desks and leaned against it, making Lauren shake her head.

"Don't go knocking those over!" she snapped.

Bex smiled at her. "You always say that."

"And then you knocked them over once, you idiot!" She grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the display of weapons. "Why are you here anyway? I thought you'd be gone for a few days."

Bex sighed. "Turns out the mall is shitdeep in walkers again. Someone fucked up so I had no choice but to come back." Bex yawned loudly. "... And then I couldn't get much sleep with those assholes fighting all the time."

Bull walked up to them, pumping his fist. "They should take it the arena then." He licked his lips. "Not enough fresh meat down there, if you know what I mean."

Lauren rolled her eyes with a smile on her face. It was known that Lauren was a fan of the Bull's aggressive side. "Well, did you hear about Lynn, then?"

Bex shook his head. "Did we find her? I don't know much about it, Lauren."

"I know. I mean, they also brought another girl in. She looked pretty young."

Bex lifted an eyebrow, studying Lauren carefully. Why did she care who was brought in? Unless... "Maybe I'll go take a look at her," he said.

Bull placed his arms around Lauren, pulling her into a bear hug. He snickered. "Heh, I know I wanna take a look. Too bad we're stuck here, though." He placed a kiss on the top of Lauren's head.

"Oh, baby..." Lauren smiled and started rubbing Bull's hands. "You know I wouldn't let you anyway." Bull's hug loosened and Lauren twisted in his arms to place a kiss on his mouth. She would soon be lost in a mess of muscle and hair, Bex figured. He saluted to Bull as he left the armory, who responded with a wave before going back to giving Lauren his full attention.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jessalyn - Haywood - wandering around

Jess smiled a genuine smile at Eli, but she still didn't trust him. Not after he had left Floyd behind. And there was something else... something in his eyes that she didn't like. She couldn't put her finger on it.

She was trying to make sense of it when the guard started yelling at her and shoved her. She cocked her head in surprise when Eli said 'the boss man' didn't want her hurt.
Eli wasn't the boss? Then who was?
"Who is the boss?" she asked but was ignored. She tried a few more questions but the guards wouldn't even acknowledge her now. She sighed and walked away.
There was something off about this place. It was almost too perfect. From what she could see, there were children and old people, plenty of men but not that many young women. A few here and there, but not enough to balance out everyone else.
Whatever was going on here, she only hoped she'd be able to get out as soon as she could.

But to do that she would need to get past the armed guards and the gate.
Who was the boss of this place? If she told him she needed to find her friends, maybe he would let her leave.

But not now... now she was really... really... tired...
The exhaustion overwhelmed her suddenly and she swayed where she stood, grabbing on to someone's arm to balance herself.
"Watch it-! Well hello there," a young man said with a grin. "Need some help little lady?"
"No," Jess said frantically, her fear of strange men returning. "I just need to lay down. I need to get to my room."
"Why not my room? It's closer," he said and took her arm and started to lead her away.
"NO!" Jess screamed, causing everyone to look at her strangely. Embarrassed and feeling even worse then before, Jess stumbled away towards the building that had her room. She made it to the hallway before falling against the wall.
She was so tired... and so thirsty...

She was found by two young men who carried her into her room and laid her down.
"Better run and let Eli know. Boss too for that matter. I think she's sick or something. She's got a fever."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Bruce - Secrets

The doors to the administration office swung open mighty quickly. A man dressed in slacks and a dress shirt ran towards the main office inside the court. His pass oscillated through every step the man took. It was connected to a lanyard hanging from his neck. It was obvious that he was in a hurry, because his news were important for Haywood's progression. As the man reached the main office, he took a deep breath before knocking neutrally on Mr. Levi's door. From inside, the man called out to his fellow tenant, "Come in!"

The well dressed man opened the door slowly, sticking his head in before taking a step forth into the office room. "Apologies for bothering you sir, but there was an incident" he said as he now stood fairly within the office. Mr. Levi put his glass down, a clear glass half filled with what seemed to be a quite expensive wine. The rich color was vibrant, it would catch anyone's attention. "Take a seat Junior, calm down and breathe boy" Mr. Levi offered. Slowly and quietly like all his other movements, Junior took the visitors chair back and then sat on it with patience. He closed his eyes and took yet another breath to relax in order to prevent himself from stuttering and looking like an idiot before Haywood's mayor.

"Okay son, now go ahead, what's happened?" Mr. Levi asked as he took another sip of his drink. "Well sir. The pregnant girl we brought here this morning has gotten ill. She has a very high fever and is sweating abnormally. I think she has caught some sort of virus sir" Junior finished.

"Is she going into labor?" Mr. Levi asked.

"We are not entirely sure, but it does not seem that way sir. We got the doctor to go ahead and check up on her, but we'll need to use the emergency medicine stored in the lot. We don't have th-"

"And where is Eli now? Did you come to me because he is on mission?"

"Yes sir" Junior responded with a gulp. He felt like sweat was running down the side of his face, but it was just fear. His feet were ticking rapidly, though they weren't making any noise. He felt that if he made any noise, Mr. Levi would for some odd reason banish him from Haywood. He felt as if he was bothering his boss and was very nervous from the situation he was in.

"Here Junior" Mr. Levi said, sliding the keys to him across the desk before him. "That's the key to the emergency lot. Its located in the basement of this building inside that room over there" he pointed. "Turn the key counterclockwise and it should open just fine. Once you get down there you'll see the large safe. The code is 01-30-14. All the medicine will be in there. Get whatever the doctor said was necessary. You do know what he needs right?" he asked Junior.

"Yes sir, I've got the list right here" he showed Mr. Levi.

"Okay then Junior. Make sure to bring me the key once you come back up. And lock the doors behind you, we don't want anybody else knowing about it right. Only those with the keys. We know what happened to the last person that tried to go against my method of doing things. Look Junior, I do my best to keep Haywood clean and safe for everyone"

"Yes sir" Junior simultaneously said.

"I create a schedule for everyone to follow, why? Because I believe that everyone here plays a role. Everyone contributes to Haywood in order to keep it going, to keep it on its feet. Without you people, there would be no Haywo- Scratch that, there would be a Haywood, but it wouldn't be anything like it is right now" he said, using his finger to indicate 'this very moment'. "As creator of Haywood, I also try to do my part. I make sure everyone is perfectly accustomed to this new complex. I've tried to get heated water to all the rooms, but it is very difficult. I do my best to supply food and water rations to everyone, which has successfully worked, why? Because of those people out there working their butts off to make it happen. I've trained many men to use weapons. Some may see it as dangerous, but in all, it is the reason Haywood is well protected. There hasn't been an issue since the Robert James. You knew the man, he was a lunatic. He spread rumors of, of...............To tell you the truth, I don't even remember what the man has stated, it was so long ago. Anyhow, the point is, I do everything I do for Haywood, remember that when you step out of this office. Not everything should be shared with our tenants."

"Yes sir" Junior said before being dismissed. He stood from the chair and put it back in place. "Keep me updated on the girl's condition. I may pass by to great our newcomer myself when she gets well again. Remember that she is the basis of our foundation. We've spoken of this before Junior, do not let me down. If you must watch her twenty four hours, you will. Got it kid?"

"Yes sir" Junior repeated. He'd been saying 'yes sir' over and over. It seemed like he was stuck in a time loop or something. With one last nod, the young adult left the office, closing the doors behind him. After retrieving the necessary medicine, he returned the key and exited the administration office. He passed the armed guards then started sprinting towards the girl's apartment. He rushed through the open door, giving the doctor the medicine he had asked for. The doctor of course, started to treat the young girl as quickly as he could. He had an assistant fan the girl with a large Chinese fan, trying to help reduce the fever. They got a towel of cold water and placed it on both her forehead and stomach. The doctor had kicked everyone not qualified to be there out of the apartment. He focused on treating the girl, because he didn't want to see any of his neighbors die.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jessalyn - Haywood - Room

Tremors shook Jess' body. She felt hot and cold at the same time. It was the strangest sensation she had ever felt.
She felt hands on her, working on her. A doctor?
Something cold was pressed against her head and stomach, she frowned and moaned, trying to knock them off.
A voice murmured, telling her everything would be okay, to let them do what they needed to do.
Do what they needed to do...
Do what she needed to do...

She had done what she had to do. Back then...

"Please don't leave me here!"
"And what do you expect me to do?"
"Just take me somewhere safe. Please! I'll do anything!
"... Anything? Then I know how you can pay me..."

Jess began to whimper and thrash. Hands tried to hold her down.
He was holding her down. He was going to hurt her again. He was going to hurt her baby.
"No..." she said, thrashing more. "NO!"
A male voice told her to settle down, to stop crying, that it would be over soon.

Jess screamed. "Let go! Leave me alone! Let go of me!"
The doctor was surprised, but not shocked. He had seen this kind of thing many times before and after the outbreak.
"She's reliving an attack," he informed his assistant. "I believe this pregnancy is the result of a rape. Get me some of the sedative. Not too much. We do not want the fetus harmed. Just enough to calm her."
When the needle pricked her skin she screamed again. "Lynn!" she screamed. "Help! Floyd!" she screamed.
They held her down until she calmed. Her eyes drooped closed and her breathing returned to normal, but small gasps and whimpers still escaped her.

The doctor stood and wiped his forehead. "All that's left is for the fever to break. She has been too stressed and without proper fluids and nourishment for too long. Her body cannot keep up both herself and a baby."
"Will she lose it?" the assistant asked.
"No I don't believe so. She came to us just in time. Another day or two and she might have lost the child. Get an IV on her. Saline drip. We need to get fluids in her before we can focus on food."
"Yes Doctor."

The doctor walked outside and sighed. So young. Far too young to be experiencing such things. She reminded him of his own daughter...
He needed to make a report to Levi. The mayor always had to know everything that was going on in Haywood.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Bruce Levi - Revelation

At the front entrance, the head doctor of Haywood showed his pass to the two armed men guarding their post. The men then opened the twin doors, allowing the doctor enter the cool building. In accordance to Haywood law, the place was squeaky clean. It was expected for Haywood to remain perfectly cleansed of all impurities, keeping it presentable to anyone who chose to join their nation. It was a clean complex that not only introduced itself based on its freshness, but its protection and confidence. Nobody would stop at a rundown half-ass camp that didn't have any rules or regulations. Haywood was a safe haven for all survivors that entered its walls. It was basically a sanctuary for everyone roaming the effects of the apocalypse.

But anyhow, the doctor continued through the empty place, knocking on the office door, once again bothering Mr. Levi. "Enter!" the mayor of Haywood called out. The doctor entered as he was signaled to sit down right afterwards. The chair was comfortable, made of pure leather and very clean, just like the rest of.......everything. "We were told to keep you updated on the girl's health. She is now stabilized and sedated, sleeping in her bedroom. She will need at least a day at bedside, no movement or force. We did not find any issues with the unborn child. As of now, everything seems perfect along those lines." The doctor then took a breath, slapped his thighs softly, and stood up, putting the chair back in place, just like Junior had before. "Well, that is all Mr. Levi. Thank you for your time."

"No, thank you doctor. You've saved just another life. What would we do without you?"

"Oh sir, i'm only doing my part. We all have a part to play right? It's thanks to you that all this is possible though" the Doctor responded.

Changing the subject, Mr. Levi stood to shake the doctor's hand. The two embraced like men, full of respect. "Am I allowed to see her yet?" Mr. Levi asked. The doctor's eyes widened. He wasn't sure if it would be correct to see her in such state, but he did not want to say no to Mr. Levi. "Well sir, like I said, she is sedated. She is basically in a state of rest. Sleeping basically, but................a visit from our Mayor will not do her any harm sir. She'll be glad you personally stopped by once she awakens."

With that, the doctor led his Mayor to the room where the young pregnant girl was located. People outside their rooms waved at Mr. Levi, but the Mayor did not wave back, he just nodded gracefully. As the two reached the front door of the room, The Mayor used his keys to open the door quietly, at the same time, the doctor started to enter behind him, but Mr. Levi turned to stop him. "Please doctor, allow me some time with the newcomer, I wish to introduce myself to her" the boss said. The doctor, with pure respect, let the Mayor enter alone and close the door behind him. He didn't worry about anything, knowing the goodness of his Mayor.

Bruce made sure to lock the door from the inside. Only he and Eli had the keys to all the rooms. With every step, Mr. Levi got closer to the girl who rested on the bed. He had yet to see her because he was not the one to bring her. As he sat on the edge of her bed, he turned to lock his eyes on her face. She seemed familiar, but he could not remember where he'd seen her before. Her complexion was more than perfect. She had not a single deformity or degradation, she was completely purified. Bruce couldn't help but to eye the girl from head to toe. He licked his lips completely with sin, lust showing all over his face. Then he started to show physical affection, taking advantage of her state. He ran his fingers up her arm to her cheek. His index finger swayed by the figure of her pink lips. Bruce then reached forward, placing his ear on her belly, along with his hand. He couldn't hear anything, so he moved on, again trying to put two and two together. He stared and stared, yet he couldn't figure out why this girl seemed familiar. There had been so many women in his life that it didn't even matter anymore. Soon enough, this girl would be sent away and they would find another to replace her. Then that girl would be sent away and the cycle would once again restart. Where they went didn't matter, what matter was that in return, Haywood would continue to prosper and lives will continue to remain in salvation. People would call it a sacrifice, Bruce Levi called it business.

The man then sat up from her bed and crouched over her forehead to kiss it. He gave her a small smooch and started out the door. "Hope your child is born a businessman" he commented before opening the door and going about his business. There were occassions where one regrets their choices, Bruce never experienced those occasions.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Daniel Crowe - Railroad Tracks - Shannon and Aleck

Snapping his neck is definitely how Daniel would kill him if it came down to it. He couldn't figure it out, but something about this guy cringed every muscle in his body... Then Daniel decided what it was that bothered him. The kid was looked a few years younger than Shannon; but couldn't be over eighteen. He felt sorry for this guy... that he was so young and yet he was tracking down a group of murderers and rapists. Six months ago, that would have been something for the NOPD to handle, not some kid that could barely grow facial hair yet. Daniel didn't doubt that he could overpower this kid, but to many he would be seen as a deadly force. Had Emma gone through these changes too?

To Daniel; this new world was just a complication. His fellow soldiers would agree; it was just like being in the middle of a firefight, only 24/7. For Daniel, the only new thing that even slightly intimidated him was the fact that the dead had risen. What about all the men that he'd killed in war. Until his third year of service in the Army, Daniel had counted the number of men he'd put down with his M16. He'd gotten to sixty-three; which at the time horrified him. However, on one tour in Afghanistan his squad had been captured by a group of Al-Qaeda insurgents. After their second week in captivity, the US had sent a rescue team to retrieve them. During that tour he'd killed at least twenty-six men; and he quit counting. Daniel was no stranger to carnage...

But these were kids! These were people that used to be law-abiding, tax-paying citizens... They'd turned into soldiers themselves, but they'd had to fight for themselves in the worst way. No state-of-the-art military training, no top of the line weaponry; just a few weapons and a horde of re-animated corpses...

But even so; what supposed act of genius could this kid possibly have in mind? Daniel saw that he was capable of taking care of himself; but he acted like he was a military strategist... Daniel sighed, giving in. "Alright. I'm listening."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bobby Barrows
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Bobby Barrows The Scholar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Polyester - Railroad Tracks - Shannon, Aleck, and Daniel.

"Thanks for the garage, you said there was a problem? I think know why there killing people. i have found out that there are a number of different underlying facts why people kill each other , factors such as money is a very big reason why people murder each other , other factors are revenge , power , love , jealousy , some people just don't see that its a wrong thing to do , they think that they are doing the right thing IE their "religion " told them to do it. Here's a question for you, is the impulse to murder from when we were cavemen , and learned as a defense, or is it unnecessary action that comes from mislead peoples? Nobody really knows unless it is you that did it, but 9 times out of 10 its because they hate someone or they felt like doing it for fun"

Polyester had a logical understanding of the world and could not imagine someone doing a horrible act without a reason to do so, this reminded him back in college when his dorm room mate died and he concluded it was a suicide because of how much he cried and complained about his life, which wasn't that bad from his perspective.
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