Open Roleplay

Welcome to http://Reality! I've put quite a bit of effort into making this roleplay, so I'm really hoping it gets off the ground. Some themes you guys should know about to get a quick gauge of what this roleplay will be about: sci-fi, video game world, artificial intelligence, AI ethics, networking, virtual/augmented reality. This will be a mission-based roleplay, and will to a degree hoist itself atop combat-based roleplaying, but by no means does this mean that you will only be fighting. Despite the entities you will play as, violence isn't the only way to form a narrative here, and I highly encourage players to interact in as many ways as possible.
If you wish to express interest, I ask of you to look internally and consider a single question: "Do I plan to stick with this roleplay?" In no way am I forcing you to stay here, but I do dearly hope that most players who join intend and will stay with it. If you give me dedication, I will return it in kind, fervently might I add. I can only do things for you if you engage and keep active. As a GM, I tend to keep plotlines malleable; that is, able to be shifted according to what the players do. I highly dislike creating a set plot that I will lead players along adamantly. That being said, please consider joining! I'm currently looking for interest before putting this in the OOC (I also have a few things coming my way to further spruce up the OP). Enjoy and thank you!

The world as you know it is limited singularly to the city of Tokyo, Japan in the year 2067, no longer "considered" a hub of technological progress, but the definitive king of gizmo and gadget research and production. Within Tokyo exists a network of cameras and hologram projectors so perfectly integrated into the framework of the city and architecture, that it is a virtually omniscient and omnipresent force.
It is the avatar of the well-known AUG-WORLD. Today, augmented-reality systems allow for very little interaction between the real world and the worldwide web. In 2067, this has changed, and the cost of augmented-reality technology for the common consumer is such that an infant could possess their own unit. Everywhere one walks, they can see the internet projected upon the world as countless holograms. Menus pop up in front of your eyes when you gaze through a window into a nearby restaurant, sample music plays when you pick up a CD case, your friend appears as a full-sized hologram in your very room when you call them over the phone. All of this technology fits in the palm of your hand, and nearly everyone possess one.
With the technology came video games, of course, as entertainment companies jumped to provide consumers with fun games that utilize the augmented reality systems already coursing through every aspect of life. One such game centralized in Tokyo has gained popularity that attracts individuals from across the world, and garners more cash than American football:
While not like other traditional games that have a real-world players actively controlling in-game avatars, it is considered a sort of sport given how so many of its unique entities are regarded as famous and admired "athletes" of sorts. Agar Mythos is a free-to-play game that requires a small download, a small fee to create an account, and offers users countless hours of action-entertainment just as soccer, football, or baseball does for others. Users desire to see champions compete with one another, against NPC creatures, and to interact with. With the power of augmented reality in Tokyo, these champions can be seen in the real world as holograms; the world of Agar Mythos is a mirror of Tokyo itself, albeit with many fantastical elements introduced. When two champions battle, any common citizen in the same area can see their battle in real-time if they possess a copy of Agar Mythos and have its viewing effects enabled.
Champions are designed by private programmers with enough skill, or are funded and advertised by corporations. Whenever a champion completes a mission or defeats a champion on the "Hit-Board", the creator of the champion is given real-world money. As AI, champions possess their own free will, able to do as they please within the virtual-reality world of Agar Mythos (to a degree), and can undertake "Free Board" missions as often as they like. Real-world users can pay a sum of money to employ a specific champion to complete "Special Missions" and if the Champion succeeds, the player is given small sums of money (a greater amount than they paid) as well as "Boost Credits" that they can use during the end-season Champion Royale.
At the end of each year (during the month of December), all missions are prohibited and instead Champions participate in a large tournament. Boost Credits may be spent upon any number of Champions by users which increases their abilities. If the Champion wins the tournament (or a branch of it), the user once more wins cash depending on the amount of Boost Points they used on the Champion. Gambling, essentially.
You, as the Roleplayer Guild player, will not be a human... you will not be a user. There will be no "players stuck in a video game" setting here. You will play as the Champions -the AI. Born in the world of Agar Mythos, and forever chained to it. With all your so-called free will, as Champions of the game you must adhere to the rules regardless of your desires for freedom or otherwise. How will you take it?

Champions are the virtual-reality avatars of artificial intelligences created by any number of people, private or corporate. Your cores can be in anything from a pedestrian's mobile phone to a series of computers locked away in a secret corporate safe. Regardless of your origin, you are bound to the programming your creators set you with. As AI you possess the ability to be self-aware, display emotions, and to make decisions. There are a few things that every AI is required to do:
-All AI will always execute a Special Mission proscribed to them that has been paid for. They must be purposefully executed.
-All AI will follow the commands of their creators or controllers.
-All AI will participate in the End Season Royale. Matches will be purposefully executed.
Champions can be virtually anything the creator can come up with; a mage, a giant robot, a pigeon with a rocket launcher. No matter what they are, the Agar Mythos directive automatically balances powers and abilities such that a Champion just created will have the same combat skill as another recently-created Champion. Lifespan and missions completed boost the strength of Champions passively.
Here is the sheet for Champion creation:
[Appearance at top of sheet]
Origin Myth: