[Male | 38 | Cata | Role ]Vasily "Koschei" Voskresensky is outwardly an actually kind and sociable man who tries to be as welcoming to recruits as he can. He sees it as his duty as a more senior agent to ease the sometimes less than smooth transition that comes with joining HAND. Though when apart from others Vasily struggles with survivors guilt and a unhealthy dose of PTSD from his service during WW1 and the October Revolution. He tries to hide these feelings around others and is known to overcompensate on the training field to deal with his frustration and anger sometimes to the point of hurting himself which due to his powers are momentary at best. He has delved into depression before and has attempted suicide at least once though he failed and caused rather extensive damage to the facilities around him. He recovered and has not reattempted since then more out of fear he would hurt someone should he fail.
Traits and AbilitiesRegeneration: Vasily can regenerate damaged tissues incredibly swiftly up to and including damaged organs. Tests have clocked him in at being able to replace an entirely removed liver in less than ten minutes.
Bone Growth: Vasily is able to consciously direct the growth of his bones and is capable of projecting spurs of bone from his body which he can utilize as impromptu weapons or tools.
"Koschei": Discovered during an accident on a firing range, when Vasily has been sufficiently damaged his abilities go into an effective overdrive. His bones begin to grow and warp until they cause his flesh to rip and split which in turns causes his damaged flesh to attempt to knit itself back together. These effects combined cause Vasily to take on a skeletal appearance with what flesh remains attached to his form writhing and thickened into incredibly dense musculature. In this state Vasily exhibits increased aggression and dramatically invigorated reflexes.
Military Training: Vasily was a member of the Russian Army and has also received specialized training as a shock trooper making him familiar with assaulting defended positions and close quarters combat.
WeaknessesLimited: Vasily can't access most of his power until he has underwent enough damage which can hamper his ability to assist in small engages.
Monster Within: When Vasily does manage to unleash his fullest power he is hazy at best on what or who he is supposed to be fighting and can present a serious friendly fire risk if an ally were to get in his path.
H.A.N.D. Status
Vasily is a currently contracted agent of HAND and has been working for them for some time now though only relatively recently as a fully empowered agent.
Vasily Olegovitch Voskresensky was an officer in the Imperial Russian Army during The Great War. He served under Aleksei Brusilov and saw most of his action during the brutal and costly Brusilov Offensive during which he watched as his squads were wiped out more times than he cared to remember with him consistently surviving. In any other army losing as many men as Vasily did might have been grounds for a demotion but this was Russia where a mans life was cheaper than the gun he carried and as long as he advanced he was given more men to continue. His repeated survival in the face of loss after loss earned him the nickname Koschei after the fabled unkillable bogeyman. However after the beginning of the October Revolution Vasily left the army as he did not share most of the other officers Bolshevik leanings as he had been an ardent Tsarist.
In the end Vasily ended up drawn back into war once more except this time it was a civil war and now he was fighting his old comrades who were supporting the Bolsheviks at the behest of General Brusilov. This was perhaps the hardest thing for him to face but face it he did and proved himself a capable enough threat. Throughout the fighting he would end up burying most of his old friends and finally when the west pulled the plug on their support of The Whites in late 1919 he was approached by representatives of HAND who told him he was an ideal candidate for the relatively new process that would express his true potential. Vasily, depressed and desperate to get out of Russia, agreed to join them and was taken to America where he was told he had tested positive for Pre-mutant DNA and with administration of the CA04 serum could truly unlock his potential.