Name: Lilith
Age: Unknown
Azreal's Gift-

Lilith's Aura is so vast and so powerful, that simply moving can become an attack. By flexing and extending her muscles, she causes large arms of Aura to reach from her being. These "arms of pure destruction" are completely visible to the naked eye, thanks to the sheer amount of their power causing them to glow. They appear much like Lilith's arms, lithe and elongated...but outrageous strength hidden within. Though the ends form into hands, with fingers, there is no fine motor control. The fingers do not move, nor do they bend or squeeze. These behave more like an animal's' paw, in that, they digits are merely their for support or clawing. The size of the arms can vary, depending on the level of exertion Lilith uses. She can range the length of her arms from 1 single foot, all the way to 30 feet. The radius of the arms, which often take the very cylindrical form of her own anatomy, will vary from 1 foot to 5 feet. She can sling arms the size of people or buses, it all depends on her effort. What they lack in tactile function, they make up for with devastation. Whatever becomes struck by these limbs is hit with the full force of Lilith's strength. The arms themselves are as strong as Liliths strength is, meaning without effort they can push a car. Naturally if used together they're stronger, but still hold the strength of Lilith's punch in total (I.E She uses two arms to punch something, it will receive equal amount of her strength.) The arm is a conduit for her deceptively, horrifying physicality. Though they cannot grab or clutch their targets, they can pummel and pulverize them to nothing. Dodging them is quite difficult, as they move at as fast as a normal demon's reaction time would be. These arms can be cut, and they can even be severed by something that negates her ability for a short amount of time or if the user has something made of metal or other earth metals. These arms are an extension of Lilith, meaning when she is injured they're injured, weakening them. (She can only use 4 arms at a time as of right now, as she gets stronger the arms will begin to grow in number. When the arms are cut, she must wait 4 minutes to use the set of arms or arm again. These arms are also like stated above, and extension of her, meaning it will take the same amount of strength to cut the arms as if they were trying to cut Lilith.)
Physical Description:

Calm, Collected, and the aura that seems to change. These are the few of many simple words that can be used to describe Lilith. She is has rather average sized female who has shown her experience to many who know her. Her hair is deep crimson red and has a weird shine to, the evidence of power circulates around her. These are small descriptions that will be expanded later, the most noticeable her body is her physical frame. She has a rather slim and toned body, having a sense of balance in the middle, she is not skinny to the point where it seems she has no muscles but her muscles are not toned to the point where it seems that she is mainly muscle and thats it.
Her face is also the place that shows a great story. The first things that one would notice on her face is it's changing demeanor. She is able to go from a calm and very collected to exasperated and angry. The scar that goes from her left eye to her chin are the remnants of the warrior that killed clansmen, telling the story of how she obtained her scar. The scar is a remnant of the faithful event that left Lilith asking for help until meeting someone capable of healing her eye. Now she uses it as a base for her personality and to remind her never to fall into the same trust and trap she was in when she killed the Women who killed her mother. Besides her scar, her cheeks are a bit chubby and give her a cutesy face, which she hates with a firm passion. Others might notice her lips that somehow fit her chubby cheeks and make her even cuter, which again she hates. Her wrinkles don't show much anymore, instead giving her dimples when she smiles. One would not be able to tell that she is many many years old, nor does she lead on to be, the only thing that would tell a person that she is old, is her infinite wisdom and attempts to guide the younger generation in the right path.
Lilith's voice is another way of telling how old she is, it is not that it's that old sounding, but it is deep and somewhat raspy, some might even say a bit seductive, but she likes her voice, she claims it makes what she says much more deeper than intended. Though it is deep, when she is embarrassed her voice will crack and she gets even more embarrassed. Her tone can very different though from time to time, it's a tad bit childish at times, but at the same time have a mother or aunt vibe. It can be quite the opposite as well, as when she is training or fighting it can be rather harsh to the extent you would not recognize her if your back was turned and you were completely focused on the task at hand. She does have a bit of an accent as well, though it is mixed and something completely different then one would expect to come from her mouth. It is not at all hard to understand but it is some how mixed between what a real world French and Romanian mixed accent. She has no idea where she picked it up from, but it has a french swuaving sound when she is anxious or angry.
Home Location:
Azreal's realm
Other Info:
Lilith is not only Azreal's daughter, but leading force behind his army as well as the person who talks mostly when having to go to a meeting with other gods or anything like that in fact. She is seen always next to him as his right hand gal and his reasonable mind basically.
Lilith is a generally nice natured person, not hating of anyone, no race, no color of skin, all that stuff is nothing in her mind, even gender doesn't matter to her. She cares nothing of the color of skin or race because simply it is not one act that defines a group of people but individuals acts that determine the person. Make them who they are and give them a reason to make Lilith not like them. Even the most vile people on earth, Lilith can get along with because she is simply fascinated with how they think and would love to have a one on one conversation with that said person. Nor does she discriminate or hate a certain race because she believes that everyone gets a second chance, with what they do with that is none of her business just that they deserve at least one more chance and if nothing was learned from the last time then they are only then a lost cause she will give up on them. In her eyes even the meanest of people can be nice, whether it be small or big, she will show kindness to all people until they prove to her that they don't deserve her niceness what so ever. The reason behind her kindness and acting like a mother, is because of having no one for her when she was younger, she knows what it means to be alone.
She can also be much like a sage when helping people through physical hardships, like giving advice, helping them social problems, even helping them with the problem directly. She tries her best to help strugglers out whenever possible, even ones that others think are a lost cause. If the person is willing, she do her best to help them , just ask nicely and she'll do her best to "fix" the situation. She loves giving advice that is honest regardless of if they will hurt your feelings she will not lie to you even if it comes down to saying something mean, she only wants you to get better and if things need to be said then she will say it, granted she does understand feelings and try to dial it back some but other then that you will get the truth out of her and nothing more. In the event that she does lie to you, which rarely will happen she would do it for the protection of not only herself but you and the people involved if it is that serious then at that point she will keep it to herself and only the people she is sure can handle it so that she does not cause mass panic.
She is a very particular person for someone of her race and stature someone that a lot of people would say a left curve for what job she has, some might even say it's a wonder how she’s wasn’t a human. She is one of the nicest beings one could meet, but there is something a bit off about her sometimes, it's not always apparent and some might even say one wouldn't notice it at all but there is sometimes a sudden change that she does when going from fighting to angry, it's almost like a 0-60 deal and it's scares a lot of people from how funny and quirky she can be to almost cruel like, one would call her unrecognizable when she is angry or serious. That being said she is able to hold in that part of her mind and personality in check and keep it from becoming who she is outside of fighting or training, though she could be considered Bipolar. She can also sport a sprouting of good spirit when the moment arrives and can be for the most part easy to hang out with and sometimes even a jokester when needed to be. Though when drunk she is almost a completely different person, one who is a bit of a flirt and tease and a big partier.(Her personality might seem like a left swing, but try living with the "God of Depression" and you would try to be happy and help others)