Azreal "God of Death"
Goal: Because his Territory is a realm, no one can actually enter into his realm from the outside, unless allowed. BUT he will still be defensive because he does not need fighting, for fighting leads to more souls that he will have to accept.
Domain: Death, Destruction, Hatred

Azreal has natural dark black hair, like that of darkness and huge red cat like irises that contrast the color. The intensity of his eyes make him seem evil almost, making him almost unapproachable, even more so when noticing his aura. His eyes are fierce and piercing to the soul, when he looks at you it's almost as if he is trying to look through you into the windows of your very soul. They are an interesting match around his hair, but fit almost perfectly it seems. His silky hair only makes his crazed and almost sadistic look even more evil. Honestly he could be mistaken for a vampire almost, having the complexion of a ghost if he were to have red eyes, not mention he loves to the sight of blood, not so much that he'll drink it, but he loves the color and liquid appearance if that makes sense.
When his mask is not on, he rarely even smiles, and he uses it to his advantage when it comes to fighting. Though there are small things that will cause him to crack a smile every now and then. His lack of love or liking of anything, causes him to be very monotone and look very uninterested with everything going on around him. Unless he really does lose himself in the madness that is his domain, which he finds happening more and more often. He doesn't mind it actually, he prefers the others think him insane and mad, better than them trying to make conversation with him, which he doesn't want. He has a weird voice to match, deeper than a lot of other men and sort of raspy like, It has a way of making him sound very ominous and way more evil than he really is.
He also has a very young looking appearance, almost mistaking him as a young man and not a god at all. He's a rather tall guy, being 6'7 in height (2.04m), and his arms are very lengthy. He has a well chiseled face that matches his all around weird and freaky eyes that almost make him look like a deranged lunatic, which of course isn't to far off from what he really is deep, deep, deep down. He has a snow white complexion that could almost make him blend in with a pure white wall, all around he has the complexion of casper the ghost, but this comes from a skin condition that he ended up inheriting when he became the god of his domain, his power some what draws the color from his skin and making him very very far skin, like that of a ghost.
Nether Manipulation-
Azreal can create, shape and manipulate Nether, the "Chthonian Element" that flows through the realms of the living, and the Dead. Nether is most known as the substance that makes up the Underworld, a subterranean dimension where all souls go when they pass on. Nether is very similar to Aether “the Celestial Element” in that is from a Plane that exists between the planes of both matter, and energy. However, although it can partake in the nature of either substances, Nether is neither of these things. Nether is more than the source of what drains life away from living things, it is the destructive aspect of reality, the source and very concept of entropy and destruction, disasters and all degeneration in matter, energy and concepts. It is the power that makes possible and ensures severing the soul's connection to their mortal body, so they can pass onto the after life. It is also the power that summons and controls the souls of the deceased. Azreal acknowledges that Nether exists in Elemental, Cosmic, and Spiritual forces. Nether exists in the cosmos as sort of a gateway between the land of the Living and the Dead, stretching out to anywhere where death has potential to occur. (Basically Azreal can deny or accept the souls of the dead and the departing. On top of this, Azreal can bring forth objects, such as weapons or small constructs into existence, using Nether Elements.)
Death Sense-
Azreal is capable of sensing the coming of death, able to determine when someone is dead or dying or if others have died in a specific location. At times, this extends to seeing the names and lifespans of those who's faces the user sees.
Azreal is able to animate corpses and dead beings, making them to move and react. They are usually under users control, but because the corpses are likely mindless they have to be carefully monitored. Azreal is able to make semi sentient undead beings, however he can only have one up at a time and once he uses it, that undead being MUST be killed in order for him to use it again.
Death Appearance-
When death happens, Azreal is able to use the dead body as a teleport of shorts. This ability only extends to outwards in the radius of a mile, but if death is apparent, Azreal is able to warp to that dead body, so that he can send the soul into his territory, virtually the underworld. This can only be used when death happens, this also only includes animals about the size of a boxer dog, and everything after that. He cant teleport to bugs, or rats or anything smaller as a means of getting away. This also means on the battle field, this power becomes exceedingly stronger.
Ring of Lilith- This ring is said to be the one of the daughters of Azreal, once on, the user is able to see and talk to the dead, on top of this, the ring will forever attach to it's host until the host is dead.
Scythe of Razel- This weapon was said to be made from Azreal's body, once a weapon Azreal had, this weapon grants anyone who uses it, a key of sorts into Azreal's territory. Not only that but also allows the user to summon one of Azreal's three great beast that he holds with in his own castle. However the user must be full of hatred in order to summon one of Azreal's pets, else the beast will turn on the user.
Example of Forests
Most of Azreal's territory is quite sad in truth, he has two main cities within his territory, Aelburn and Lo'DeRaug. Aelburn is city tucked away in the middle of the some of the only healthy forests in this territory. It's almost unknown to the outside world if the city even exist, but in truth the city is very rich and healthy. It's full of life and livelyness, which is ironic considering their god. It's located in a dense forest, which the forest is infested with chimera's and twisted beast, made and ordered by Azreal himself to guard the city. It's more modern than one would think, just short of being self sufficient, it's otherwise one of Azreal's prized possessions when it comes to his territory. Lo'DeRaug however is almost completely different. This is where Azreal himself stays and keeps some of his greatest warriors for if he gets into a war with a neighboring territories. This "City" is nothing more than Nether built structures made from Azreal, it floats above the ground below and is surrounded in a wasteland of huge rib like stone structures. The people with in this city or souls, hundreds and hundreds of souls that Azreal has deemed unworthy of living free in his territory.
Aside from this, the rest of his territory is very....barren or so it appears. In the center lay the two cities, but around the cities lay dead forest, healthy swamps full of broken down buildings and houses. Souls run rampant in these places, free to do as they please. To the naked eye, there is nothing but the creatures that lay within the territory, but anyone who is experienced with seeing spirits or anything of the short will see a city of souls. There is a lot of ruins as well with in the territory, but other then that, that is the how the territory is set up. Also not only that but his "territory" is more so a realm then a territory. In order to get to the place you have to do one of two things, one you have to be killed or die. or two, you have to make the journey of the lost in order to get to him. To even find the entrance to his realm, you have to have the ability of manipulating a dead person.

Skulls are a pretty major symbol for Azreal, marking death, but cross bones as well. Beyond those, there is pretty much the most direct sign of Azreal. The "Rune of Death" that he made when he officially gained his god status, it's left whenever he uses his teleport ability, and it's marked on Nether materialized structures or weapons he uses.
Godly Relations:
P'kegatu/Betalaqul- He is not particularly fond of the god of vengeance much. A lot of the time he is the one who has to pick up her damn carnage, or the other gods. Needles death for him is a big reason for him to not like most of the gods in truth if they resort to that, but P'kegatu in particular as the habit of killing souls who's time was later in life, not because they were not into revenge and violence. Hell he understands Vengeance, as his domain also stretches to Hatred, a stem of vengeance, but killing needlessly is hard on his realm.
Tyzitia- He likes him most out of the group of gods, simply because deep in his mind, he loves seeing his youngest daughter bicker with his daughter, it makes him feel old. Which in his book doesn't happen often. Beyond that, he is a pretty nice god, willing to even help him, if asked for, though he did say at a price, which made Azreal feel a type of way. BUT he is still lively company when Azreal is feeling "lively" which is him pretty much showing his face.
All the other gods- In all honesty, as of right now in the current time and situation, Azreal really doesn't care much for many of the other gods, and it's not because he doesn't care, but he's more focused on doing his job most of the time. He's not a real social god, truth be told, if he didn't have Lilith, he would be an introvert, so his opinion for much of the other gods is yet to be discovered, even to himself as of right now.
Other Info:
Despite being the God of death, Destruction and Hatred, Azreal actually doesn't want war,, in truth most everyone should understand what he does for everyone around him. He's responsible for the souls of dead, a lot of dead for that matter. When war roles around, he usually appears in the aftermath to make sure that the lost souls find their way to his territory. Else they might be forever wandering the places they died. For this reason, is why he refuses to have war within his territory. Death means more souls, more souls means effort, effort of which he does not want to deal with more than he already does. Azreal is a very quiet soul, almost rarely does he talk, he hates life and everything about it, the happiness, the joy of feeling the warmth of others, like he did when he was alive. he use to show compassion but now its just simply nothingness, no regret, no anger, no happiness, just a feeling deep down of sorrow. The sorrow of never being able to take back what he did so many many many years ago, the sorrow of leaving the loved ones long dead. Also allows herself to not be the center of attention which he does not favor when not fighting. he likes the quiet in general and nothing more, he will try to end a fight as quick as possible to return to silence. He does however have a much darker side to her that many others do not know about. His demon side, though he can hide it extremely well, craves violence and the sight of death. He loves fighting no matter how much he tries to hate it, and this side appears on the battle field. What arises is something that little to anyone alive has seen, a second personality within Azreal, a true monster. He appears on the battlefield and this will be someone you wish not to meet, for blood lust resides in this version of him, a person that Azreal calls, Sis. He can be heard sometimes whispering to Sis, arguing with her.