Name: Lucas Foster
Sex: Male
Age: 22

This, I guess, though his hair is more messy.Lucas is a little underweight (he blames it on his fast metabolism) and he has little to no muscle. He's taller than average and pretty lanky. His skin is pale from spending a lot of time in doors.
Personality: Kind of a slacker, though he's a pretty friendly guy.
Bio: Lucas grew up on a diet of Dungeons & Dragons, video games and fantasy novels, always dreaming that he'd be some sort of game designer or something once he grew up. He wasn't the most popular kid at school, though he wasn't really an introvert either. Nowadays he works at the local game store. Not the best job out there, but he likes it. It's simple, and kinda fulfilling. Recently though he's started having back aches, and he's called in to work to say he was sick a couple times when they were really bad.
Relations: Lucas' parents, Taylor and Joshua, live across the country, but check in on him over the phone. He's single and lives alone.
Fears: He hates heights, and while it's not phobia status he doesn't like bugs one bit. Too many legs.
Back Ache: To be assigned