I need to get Googer back in here.
Muttonhawk said
They do not have the rank and file, centralised system and most of the cultural philosophies of the Federation, but they are tied together by a very-much-up-to-interpretation oral law between each tribe that has been used for a long time. Some of them might practice druidism. Other than that they would probably just live day by day and wouldn't be bothered with things beyond their own holdings. Except for the odd khari male that might leave a tribe to join another to find a mate. They would share similarities with the Azu, but probably not with burning hatred for wide-sweeping concepts as they are probably ignorant of them. Treat them however you like.
ASTA said
Hm, they could ally with these guys---in theory---if only for the fact that their society isn't nearly as heretical as that of the Uraka Federation's. I know I've been granted permission to interact with them however I please but, hypothetically, what would you say would happen between both groups should the azu come around to looking favorably upon these tribes? Realistically, would such an alliance hold, and what would the Uraka Federation have to say about it? I may have a first post in mind depending on your answer.
Dinh AaronMk said
Well then, welcome aboard.Obviously I'll need to cut down your territory. Which I'll do when I get around to opening Photoshop.
gorgenmast said
I know I've been really bad and haven't posted in forever. Here's some RP-related art, if that makes you feel any better.http://imgur.com/Ijc1gAw
Attila said
Aaron, I can't post until you put me on the map and add me to the front page post. :PI've been waiting for days! You're the worst! D=<