As Glenn rolled over and tried to sleep, Roan threw one last piece of wood on the fire before lingering; keeping his eyes and ears out for any trouble. As he waited, he had nothing but himself for company. He began thinking about the tale he was planning on sharing in exchange for Glenn’s, he wondered what might happen if he gave the unaltered version. Glenn seemed to think Roan was a good person, sure, but Roan knew that opinion didn’t hold for everyone he’d known. However, at the end of the day, Roan wasn’t the type of person to let things like that bother him, so at the end of this day, he fell asleep, just like any other. The thought of waking Glenn for watch had fled from Roan’s mind completely.
The next morning, the light sleeper Roan woke to a shuffling in the bushes near his side of their campsite. Rolling over, he looked around, seeing the morning dew reflecting what little daylight there was, the sun’s light not going very far early in the morning. Realizing what woke him up, he crept to his feet, reaching for his knife. Of course, his fears were alleviated as a squirrel darted out of the bush, scampering away. Returning his knife, he looked around, seeing that the fire had burned out and that Glenn still slept. It was only then that he recalled that he was supposed to have woken Glenn up. Oh well, no harm done, Roan figured. Taking his knife, he figured he’d do some gathering for breakfast, heading into the woods, eyes peeled for some food to roast or little animals. He decided against the last one in the end though: too much work to clean out...