Non newb?
Darkmatter said
Not all magic users need a direct connection. It is just one method of enhancement.Having a short lived race with very potent magic doesn't fit the lore really. I like the idea of the character and I trust you to RP it responsibly and not OP'd but I'm just wondering of how well it fits into the setting is all.
Callthecops said
I thought the issue with magic dwindling had more to do with size of the race, (shorter lived races have to reproduce in greater numbers) which is very small in comparison with one like humans. If humans have enough magic to produce a single wizard with generation after generation of having such an enormous population (I assume there are a great deal more than 1 thousand humans out there), I think it makes sense for the Keeper's magic to be strong. By keeping their population low since their origins I figure they accidentally preserved their magic in a way very few other races did. If the lore dictates low magic I'd have to blow up the population of the race, at which point they would no longer make sense as an obscure race of monks.As for my playing style, it is safe to assume I'm not going to an ass. My character is essentially a monk, and will act accordingly: no murder-death-killing his way out of every problem, and even in combat he is forced to either be reserved, or risk dying."Interestingly, all of these individuals had also at some stage connected with another deity other than Trayig." -Gregarious Fogs^This is all I'm referring to with the god connection thing, taking the 'All' literally.
Darkmatter said
You're actually right here mostly. I misinterpreted how you presented it initially. See I assume that short life span equates to high pop and vice versa, but of course it is the actual population figures through the generations which would have dictated the distilling.Good call.Just play the character fairly and I am sure you will :)So we now have three overtly magical characters in the party?Mine, Frozen's and Cop's?
FrozenEcstasy said
Seems like it. But my character's magic currently isn't any more than Chrono's. When his curse is lifted it will sky rocket though, but by then I assume we'll be amidst major conflict.
Darkmatter said
If/when it does shoot up, expect me as GM to try to kill you
FrozenEcstasy said
Kill me as a Roleplayer or kill my character? 0-0If you want me to talk to you in PMs about it I'd be more than glad.I'm trying to keep my character as far away from OP as possible. Yet I do want him to be a big asset. Just not like.... Ugh. Can't talk about this here without ruining the surprise for everyone QQ
NewSun said
I can't wait to convert all the religious characters to Eeiys' way of thinking! >:D
Nantafiria said
Okay, thank you. One completely mundane character, right here.
NewSun said
I can't wait to convert all the religious characters to Eeiys' way of thinking! >:D
El_Tigre said
@Cops; I just read over the Keepers Faction sheet. They are pretty awesome and mildly similar to the Alunei :D I think our characters will get along greatly! The only differences between the two it seems the Keepers are more focus on the Balance of power and civility within the world while the Alunei are more focus and concerned with the preservation of life and tranquility. lol Similar yet different. HahaEDIT: I also added a section in the CS mentioning the capabilities of their wings.
Darkmatter said
You're actually right here mostly. I misinterpreted how you presented it initially. See I assume that short life span equates to high pop and vice versa, but of course it is the actual population figures through the generations which would have dictated the distilling.Good call.Just play the character fairly and I am sure you will :)So we now have three overtly magical characters in the party?Mine, Frozen's and Cop's?
I'm unclear as to Eeiys' way of thinking, does he deny the existence of the gods, or simply reject them as being good for mortals or whatever?