Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by True Self
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True Self

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Walking Dead: Last Life

Warning: If you are easily offended by swearing or you are easily disturbed in general, this thread is not for you.

Back when I was sane, brain eaters were absent from everyone's awareness and most of us took our normal lives for granted. Those dead shits ruined a lot of things and they took over so easily. Ya see, people are so use to being safe that they forget that tragic things can happen unexpectedly. When people started to change, no one knew how to react and some mindless idiots even turned on each other. My dad guessed it was some sort of chemical attack from a third world country, but the government couldn't figure out who to blame. People accused government testing gone wrong for the spreading disease, because the president had no answer. Everyone thought that the government was trying to hide their mistake, until we found out that it was an international epidemic. States were quarantined and people were held against their will inside their own homes. That's when something very fucked up happened. Word got around that government officials and even the president evacuated the country, because the virus was getting out of hand. Ever since then, the military has become selfish, dicks who abuse their authority I heard. Most don't even know how many of us are left, because even those who die without physical infection come back with a hunger for living flesh. The bastard terrorists have attacked often thinking America was to blame. Our own kind are killing each other out of confusion and assumption and their kind just keep growing. Feeding. My brother Josef showed us a way out of this shitty place after our foster parents and sister died a few days ago....It still hasn't hit me yet that they are really gone. I refuse to believe they are dead, but I can still feel an intense pain eating at my core that makes it impossible to fool myself even how hard I try. Our brother-n-law, Nathan, is along with us too. I use to hate his guts, but now I don't, because I've done something that could make him want to kill me if he knew. Something I can't even forgive myself for. I've tried to kill my sorry piece of shit self for awhile now, but I can't bring myself to finish. I should try one last time, because we're all just going to die anyway. They'll find out what I did in time. For now, my brothers and I found a place near the mountains here in Colorado where we can survive for the time being. It's nothin special, but it sure beats living in the hell hole that my sister use to call home.

Lead Characters -

Name: Joan Spinner
Age: seventeen
Personality: The hot headed tomboy of the group and the main protagonist of Last Life. You'll discover when you talk to her, that she must subconsciously love to swear like a sailor. Surviving in the zombie apocalypse as a teen has really changed her world around and has opened her mind to all of the bizarre possibilities. She doesn't understand her brother's constant courtesy, and she tells him that he's too nice on a regular basis. Killing zombies is her favorite thing to do, because she despises them so much and there's only one thing that even has a chance of scaring her, but she keeps it to her self. She thinks logically on a regular basis and she rarely shows her emotions except in private. On the inside, she is very self critical and she even has destructive thoughts toward herself.
Background: Joan Denise Spinner was adopted into a foster family when she was four. Before that she lived in an orphanage for two years after her biological mother abandoned her near a park when she was only two years old. She and her foster siblings grew up together and learned to see eachother as true brothers and sisters. Her foster dad was never around, because he was off being Governor of Georiga and her mom was always busy on the computer with her job and hardly spent time with her. Her foster parents took care of her like they should, but they were too blind to realize that they weren't spending enough personal time with her. This lead to Joan being isolated in school and making friends wasn't easy. She preferred to keep to herself and listen to her favorite death metal bands on her i-pod. In high school, Joan finally began to open up, but she didn't care to be apart of the popular crowd. She got caught up in the wrong crowd and learned that she was quite impressive with grafitti art. She became interested in drawing tatoo designs and she gained a lot of recognition and popularity from other kids in school that way. This made her want to become a tatoo artist and she decided that she would get her sleeves done when she turned eighteen. She never got around to getting her first tatoo, because the world turned for the worst. For many weeks, her and her foster family were trapped inside their sisters house after they went down to Colorado to visit. Joan's brother-n-law, Nathan, proposed to Josef's sister Lana and Joan, Josef, and his parent came down to congratulate and spend time with them. Unfortunately for Nathan and Lana, there would not be a wedding. The rude behavior of the military pissed off Joan and she hated to feel contained inside the house for as long as they had to stay there. Nothing was the same and it was so strange not having power like they were living in the passed. She kept herself occupied by journaling her thoughts on paper and keeping them stashed in a shoe box under the guest bed. Writing was her escape from all of the crazy shit that was now reality. She couldn't wrap her mind around the fact that the horror portrayed in films could actually exist in real life and she was still shocked that it was happening now.
Weapon of choice: Anything Joan can get her hands on.
Hometown: Atlanta, Ga

Name: Josef Chance
Age: twenty five
Personality: A southern gentleman who remains optimistic in the zombie apocalypse. He encourages the last of his family to keep on moving and reminds them that there is always a way to survive in 90% of situations. When it comes to figuring what to do or where to go next, Josef always thinks up an answer quickly and decisively. One could consider him the leader of the trio, but he sees everyone as a potential leader and believes that joint leadership is the smartest way to survive. Because he is so nice and considerate, often times he is too trusting towards others. This could very much lead to the wrong choices and it's in his nature to remind himself of all his past regrets. The constant reminders of his past regrets also lead him to be very self doubtful at times. He has a strong will tho, and his usual optimistic self dominates all of his faults, because he chooses to think positively at all times.
Background: Josef Riley Chance is the biological son of Joan's foster parents, James and Abigail. His father, James, was the well known Governor of Georgia and his mother, Abigail, was a stay at home mom and self employed graphic designer. He and his sister Lana are quite close, tho, they only see eachother occasionally now ever since she moved to Colorado to pursue her career in photography. Before society collapsed, Josef was a highly popular football player at the university of Georgia. His girlfriend was a track star and he had a lot of friends and an impressive social status. He wanted badly to become a professional football player for the Atlanta falcons, but his dream ended when the outbreak started. Things were even worse when he discovered that his track star girlfriend cheated on him with some dude on the same track team. After that, things went to hell and everyone's rights seem to have been taken away. He and his parents, along with his adopted sisters and brother-n-law, were quarrantined inside their sister's house in Denver, Colorado. Things were looking very badly, and his father even tried to leave the house in a furious rage, but he was shot at. No one even came to help when a richoted bullet pierced him in the neck. It didn't kill him, but over the course of a few days the wound got infected badly and it eventually took his life. This was before anyone even knew that even the non infected would come back as decomposing demons. Josef found that out the hard way when he found his parents eating on eachother in bed one morning. He locked them in the room and that's when he decided that the rest of his family had to leave some how.Weapon of choice: His high school, metal baseball bat.
Hometown: Atlanta, Ga

Name: Nathan Hulridge
Age: twenty three
Personality: The "Big Apple Bad Boy". Nathan has a hard time adjusting to the country life ever since the Walkers took over. The city life runs through his veins and some would say he acts reckless at the worst times possible. Regardless of his recklessness, Nathan is quite clever and he uses this to his advantage when surviving encounters with flesh eaters. Before he embraced his rebellious side, he was actually at one time the Prom king at his high school before he dropped out. That's where his charming side comes to play and works quite well with the ladies whenever he cares to show it. He can be overly confident at times with the choices he makes which can get him into trouble, but sometimes things work out and he likes to brag everytime. This can make him appear immature a lot, but his sense of humor can be refreshing when comical relief is appreciated.
Background: (in the works)
Weapon of choice: Twin machetes that he found.
Hometown: New York City, New York
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by True Self
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True Self

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by True Self
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True Self

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Espatier
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by True Self
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True Self

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sweet, finally some interest. We only need the interest of two or three more members in order to take the idea further.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vgirl
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm interested... though I must admit I don't know a lot about the walking dead tv show I have read a bit of the comics and well....watched the video game being played.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ribcageroses
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by True Self
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True Self

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Great :) Nice to see you all are interested.

Vgirl said I'm interested... though I must admit I don't know a lot about the walking dead tv show I have read a bit of the comics and well....watched the video game being played.

No worries, I didn't intend for the role-play to be based off the show. All you really need to know is the basics.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vgirl
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Awesome! Still interested and I look forward to hearing more about this idea.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vgirl
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Damn the lag!!! Also I wish I could delete posts.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vgirl
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

REALLY wish I could delete posts....
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vgirl
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by True Self
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True Self

Member Seen 2 mos ago

That's a feature Mahz has yet to implement I suppose. & thanks, feel free to share ideas any of you may have.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vgirl
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alright. Though I'm not quite sure what ideas I could share at this stage.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RomanTheEgo


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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by True Self
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True Self

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Feel free to post your character sheets here, so that I can review them early. I'll post the OOC a bit later on.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vgirl
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Chloe Soung
Age: 21
Personality: For the most part she tries to keep to herself but she always seems to have an open ear and will give advice to whoever comes to her for it. She does the best with what she knows but when thrown into a social situation that she’s never dealt with before she becomes flustered. When you first meet her, Chloe comes off calm, taking everything in stride as it happens, and keeping a rather neutral face, but when she panics or in times of great stress she can become extremely impulsive, working on instinct instead of rational thought. For the most part she does what's expected of her but finds most ordinary tasks boring and would much rather be out running than stuck in one place for too long.
Background: For most of her life Chloe was amazingly average. She had an average family, got average grades in school and kept out of trouble or any big events that would cause her to be in the spotlight. Not a lot of things interested her however, after a bit of pressure from her friend in high school she found herself trying out for the track and field team and discovered that she had a gift. She could run and she could run fast and the most amazing thing, she enjoyed it. Her parents were overjoyed that she could finally excel at something and although she tried to stay out of competitions, she found that she just couldn’t avoid them anymore. When she entered college she wasn’t able to run as much, having to study for a class that her parents had forced her into, knowing that running alone wouldn’t be enough to earn a decent living. Once again, her life went back to being average and boring until after finals. Her friends convinced her to join them on a road trip and camping in Colorado. About halfway through their trip, when they stopped somewhere in New Mexico, Chloe began to feel uneasy about the trip. The further they had gone, the more emergency vehicles they had passed. As they were setting up camp for the night, a rather sickly man wandered onto their campground. Though they tried to convince him to leave and find some help, they weren’t able to get him to leave fast enough and he bit Jake, one of her friends. They went to sleep without too many worries that night, Jake and his girlfriend Emily in one tent with, Jake’s sister Marissa, and Chloe in the other. That night they were awoken by screams of pain and growling. With only the blood seeping through the tent for indication, Chloe grabbed an axe out of the trunk of the car and upon opening the tent immediately swung at the snarling beast. The force of the swing split Jake’s head open. The torn open Emily was barely moving as she gasped for air and Marissa could do nothing but collapse at the scene. Chloe tried to convince her that they had to leave but you wouldn’t believe how quickly one lost friends after they had committed a murder. Not knowing what else to do, Chloe took the car and drove, finding herself following the trip plan until she ran out of gas in Denver. Using her axe she broke into a motel room, left to contemplate everything that had happened.
Weapon of Choice: Axe
Hometown: Phoenix, Arizona
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DR_TRAPEZOID


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hm. I suppose this would be interesting.
Quick question, are you just going for a 'Hey, there's zombies guys! Survive!', or will you take it down a route more focused on the military, and their slaughter of citizens?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by True Self
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True Self

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Vgirl, accepted. Nice job.

Trapezoid, It's good that you mentioned that, because I'd like to the role-play to be a mixture of both. The corruption of the military will be highlighted, but the main focus will be the struggle of the characters as they try to survive in a hopeless dying world.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DR_TRAPEZOID


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alright, I can get behind that. I would post a CS soon, but unfortunately, it wouldn't work out to well, as I am on mobile currently, and sleep deprivation has not been helping my writing skills. Expect something tomorrow.
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