Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShuffleCat


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Would love to be elendria if possible!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by StarWight
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StarWight Rising from the Burrow Downs

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sorry Shufflecat, she's the char I made for the RP--along with the mayor. That's all in the roster, who has taken what characters :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ArcGamer


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I'd like to be the gas station attendant if thats ok. This RP sounds awesome.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by StarWight
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StarWight Rising from the Burrow Downs

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Excellent ArcGamer! Glad you like the sound of the RP. Tori and I have a lot of surprises in mind for you guys in terms of plot too! I'll update the roster to include you Arc :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ArcGamer


Member Offline since relaunch

Sweet! I'm excited for this RP. Did you want me to start on a character sheet?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by StarWight
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StarWight Rising from the Burrow Downs

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yeah, everyone can begin their Character sheets now. I'll probably write mine up tomorrow! Also, people are allowed more than one character (you can have two), AND Tori and I don't mind a small number of out of towners (chars you entirely make up that aren't in the role list--people visiting the town. Tourists, travelers, what have you). You just have to clear it with us first, so we don't get *too* many of them :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShuffleCat


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Mellory Grennich
Age: 23
Physical Description:
Role: General Store Owner
Personality: Reserved for the most part. Mellory is usually reading a book, or drawing. She often paints at an easel she has set up behind her register desk in the store. She can be nasty with her words, and likes to argue. She is also very quick to judge, and will often kick people out of the store. As hers is the only store for quite some distance, people always end up returning.

She can be rude, argumentative and often won't say a word to people on some days but Mellory is a nice, cheerful girl once she makes friends with someone. She has a tendency to offer to do piercings or tattoos for people, in a makeshift studio behind the shop.

Biography: Mellory grew up in Ashenport and when she turned 18, she inherited the town's General Store. Her Father passed away when Mellory was 8 years old from cancer, and her Mother died the week of Mellory's 18th birthday; she had been swept away by flood waters during a bad rainy season.

Mellory's most prized possession is her 1958 Ford F100. The car is a bright baby blue; at least it had been. Mellory exchanged tattoo work for the rusty, old car when she was 17. The car has a heavy layer of rust on the outside, with patches of blue peeking through. The interior of the car is rough; torn seat covers, scratched up carpeting and stains of various colours covering the seat fabric. The bonnet of the car is almost completely covered in a red layer of rust, with blue only in the centre of the hood. The hood ornament; a sitting cat. is covered in rust, with some main features snapped off. The stereo barely works, the brakes are dreadful and the power steering has long been broken but Mellory adores it.
Car in glory days:
Her cat, Felix, comes to work with Mellory and lounges around the store. Felix loves people and will wander up to people and purr while he rubbed against their legs.

Relationships: Mellory has no real friends but she does often fight and bicker pettily with townsfolk i the store. One girl, Audrey, is quite a fun person to talk to. She often improves Mellory's day, even though they mostly fight. She likes when the girl visits and thinks that maybe she could convince the girl to let Mellory tattoo her one day. Hopefully. Mellory has been invited to a number of parties by one of the women in the town, Montana. The woman was nice and extremely attractive and an absolutely doll to tattoo. Mellory has been designing a few other pieces for the woman.

A man in the town, Flint, worked as a lumberjack. Mellory only knew the man because he had to come into the store for food. Mellory liked him enough; he was fairly polite and always understood if there was a shortage of product in the store.She had begun a few paintings for him but never knew what to realy paint. She'd need some inspiration. Mlellory had never really had a fight with Flint, he never took the bait. He seemed nice s Mellory left him to his shopping.

Since a young age, around 4 or 5, Mellory has had night terrors. These terrors make cause her to make herself stay awake for as long as possible, days at a time. She has panic attacks when she begins to doze and has harmed herself a few times. The terrors have gotten worse the last few weeks, Making Mellory think of seeing a Doctor out of town.

Mellory lives in a small house near the lake with two cats and a dog;
A black and white cat called Toby,
A full black cat called Felix,
A border collie called Oliver.

Nightmare: Mellory has nightmares of people with dead pale skin, whose eyes have been gouged out of their sockets; leaving behind deep red spaces. Their hair is long and matted, with twigs and dead leaves sticking out. They wear dirty hospital gowns, with no shoes. Their hand and fingernails are long and sharp, like flaws. They walk slowly, then suddenly will appear in front of her and screech horrendously. She has no idea why they follow her, for days at a time in silence to suddenly... scream at her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ArcGamer


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Name: Rory Asuda
Age: 28
Physical Description:
kinda cheesy pic but closest I could find.
Somewhat scrawny, his uniform tended to be a big saggy as his hung down over his more fitting khakis. A bland and boring uniform, its bland tan with an orange and green stripe made his darkened bronze skin seem to stick out like a sore thumb. Underneath his annoyingly baggy shirt he wore a comfy white v-neck, that matched his ordinary yet unbelievably reliable sneakers. His mouth seemed to constantly dip down in a scowl and his dark chocolaty brown eyes peeked through his thin but somewhat long messy hair.

Role: Gas Station Attendant

Personality: Positive traits: Resourceful, Intelligent, Laid back, Witty, Cautious. Negative Traits: Condescending, Loner, Spiteful, Lazy, Callous.
Biography: Rory grew up a good kid, in fact a great kid, He always did well in school, and was liked by the community, When he got older, He enjoyed the town so much he stayed and helped by getting involved in the community and working a part time job at the gas station. His parents had moved out to a bigger city when he was 21, He sometimes felt that he didn't get enough back from the town he had looked up to so much as a kid. As the years begin to go by, as the city began to change, So did Rory. His inner thoughts and demons begin to surface, he begin to close himself off to the town, looking down at anyone who dared glance his way, After the accident, he noticed that he wasn't the only one that had changed, the people, even the town itself had seemed to warp before his eyes.

VLAD:The only relationship he had after his family left ,albeit a unhealthy one was with the Hotel Mogul. He used to work with vlad part time growing up. After his family left he saw vlad as a sort of father figure. It wasn't until Rory found out about the secrets he had been keeping from him that forced them to part ways. Deep down rory still looks up to Vlad but Rory's pride and Vlad's arrogance keep them from ever reconciling anytime soon.

MORRISON: Rory had seen Morrison around town, and part oh fim wished to raise his head and greet the old man, but even though Rory had good memories of him, he felt that due to his experience with Vlad that Morrison might not be able to be trusted either.

MELLORY: If there was one person Rory should feel compelled to talk to it was Mellory. Her personality seemed to wake him up from the town when ever she came in, whether or not they actually talked, Something about Mellory seemed to keep this town from sleeping forever. On a side note, Rory has been wanting a tattoo, but can't seem to get himself to ask Mellory.

AUDREY: Rory has been wanting to talk to audrey, he can sense that she means well, but isn't used to having others step into his life to help. After Vlad Rory can't help but unconsciously look down on everyone, though he never means any harm by it. Rory isn't one to usually make the first step, but he's hoping someone, most likely Audrey to shake him loose.

JOHN: Rory never talked much to John, except when he was little and attended church, but grown up He hadn't seen the need to go there, let alone talk to John. He doesn't have anything against the church leader, but no real desire to interact with either.

MONTANA "MO": Rory envied Mo a bit, Though she never talked to him much when she came for her late night munchies, He envied the way the way she seemed to not let anything get to her, at least from an outside perspective, He knew everyone in this town had their issues, but MO didn't let hers show, and he often thought about asking her to join her on a night of drinking, if for nothing other than to try to put these problems behind him.

MYLES: roray had always liked Myles. Though he didn't know him as well as his parents did, He seemed like a kind man, and a great mayor, but even rory knew that that was too good to be true. Still he tried to hold onto what he knew and that was a gentle kindness and a warm smile.

FLINT: Like Mellory, there was something also about Flint that Rory was drawn to, his rugged earthy nature, made him seem more real then the stuff he would see out of the corner of his eye, He and flint never talked, but he did enjoy the smeell of the earth he brought into the gas station with him.

Nightmare: It started in his dreams, or nightmares, but they soon became something he could see out of the corner of his eye,A tall awkwardly slender creature with long ghastly arms and huge claws, it formed a picasso like face with large grey eyes and a mouth so twisted its teeth felt like they could chew away your breath if you dared to breath. they ambled slowly making an unnerving clicking sound with their teeth.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Can I reserve lumberjack?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sorry for my absence yesterday, I've been battling a flu-like sickness, and was not having a very good day yesterday at all.

I will wait until LoneSilverWolf comes on before I accept anyone or make any decisions- but i'm glad to see so many interest in our roleplay!

We will be sending out the "secret" information in PMS later today- and other information/concerns/questions will be answered.

Also- friendly reminder to update your relationship panels with the people of the town as they get accepted as well as- as the role play start and is going on (:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wayne


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Vlad Simkov

Age: 45

Role: Hotel Mogul

Personality: Prideful, accommodating, cheery, optimistic, wealthy ; Greedy, narcissistic, untrustworthy, lazy, cowardly

Biography: Vlad was born in communist-era Bulgaria, in the northwestern city of Vidin. He lived in poverty with 5 other siblings, being the second Simkov child born. Their father was taken in by the Committee for State Security on charges of affiliation with organized crime in 1981, and was never seen again. As a teenager in the 1980s, Vlad and his siblings had to resort to theft and scamming in order to make what they could of their life. It was hard. It was tough. That's all there was to it. When the communist regime in Bulgaria collapsed in 1989, Vlad fled his homeland for the Netherlands, abandoning his family in the process. The most he knows about what happened to them is that his older brother died during the revolution. In the Netherlands, Vlad worked in Amsterdam as a bouncer for a night club. He managed to work his way up to become the night club's owner in 1995. By this time, Vlad had become a very promiscuous individual, and hosted wild orgies in his apartment suite. He was revelling in the riches of capitalism. In 1997, Vlad moved to the United States and started up a low-scale hotel chain, buying up various low-grade hotels across America. By now, Simkov's hotel chain is infamous as the trashiest in America, as Vlad is only concerned for the money he's getting out of them. The majority of his profits go to his own leisure. In 2009, Vlad married a long time colleague of his by the name of Melanie, had a daughter with her, converted to the Catholic faith, and vowed to abstain from his past promiscuity as a night club owner in Amsterdam. Vlad has been living with his wife and child in Ashenport for the past 5 years, enjoying a simple life in small town America. However, he's still the kind of person that seems nice at first, but you hate him more and more as you get to know him more.

Relationships: His wife Melanie, and his daughter Joy. He used to have Rory Asuda as his most trusted colleague in Ashenport, but they have since fallen out as a result of Vlad's lying and manipulation.

Nightmare: Recently, Vlad has been encountering an aberration in his nightmares. A writhing mass orgy of flesh, faces, and limbs, slowly growing outwards with each passing minute. In each nightmare involving this creature, it's always in Room 204 in the Ashenport Hotel. It always starts out covering the bed, with each part of it moving about as if in some mad perversion, groping of any other part of it that it can grab, each mouth lustfully licking wherever it can. Vlad claims that these nightmares are because God is still angry at him for his promiscuous behaviour back in Amsterdam.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jannah
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I figured I'd get started, but before proceeding further I'll wait until I get my PM, as stated in the biography section. I'd hate to have something planned only to have to change it because it doesn't fit with the plot.

Name: John Linscott
Age: 44
Physical Description:
Role: Church Leader
Personality: (5 positive traits, and 5 negative traits)
Biography: (Please be detailed here! For plot important characters: wait until you get a PM)
Relationships: (Please update as characters are being accepted into the roleplay. Describe your relationship with each person; That could be anything from enemy, crush, to stranger. This is something we'd like to update as the roleplay advances too!)
Nightmare: (Each character has their own unique monsters that only they can see--at first. The longer people spend together, the greater the chance that these “hallucinations” bleed over, allowing others to see them. These should be unique only to your character--be detailed here)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by General Scales
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General Scales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Morrison Crowley.
Age: 56.
Physical Description:
Morrison stands at 5'7" and still appears somewhat burly in his older age though he does have a small hunch from age.

Role: Caretaker.
Positives- Defines hardworking, never took the easy route his whole life.
-His age has given him a lifetime of experience to draw on.
-Fairness is something he lives by and he thinks everyone one will get their fair shake in the end whether it be good or bad.
-There is an obvious intelligence about the man in his expression and eyes beyond his life experience though what it is most don't care to figure out.
-He is a normally calm, respectful individual when he isn't working or otherwise occupied.
Negatives- He makes a mule seem agreeable considering how set in his ways he is.
-He is a rather private man preferring to keep most of his business to himself, a loner to some or secretive to others however one chooses to look.
-If there is something to be said about the older man one is to not invoke his anger because is rarely ends well for the recipient.
-The man can be rather cold to strangers and locals alike, he is not a social man and intends to keep it that way.
-His memory is starting to slip ever so slightly as he nears his sixties, though it is mostly unnoticed by anyone but his daughter, if at all.

Biography: Morrison was born, raised, and never thought to leave the peaceful little town of Ashenport because in his eyes there was hardly a better place to settle down for a simple hardworking man. When he was young he was quite different from the old man everyone knows in current times and learning of it might prove a shock to some who doubted the possibility. He was happy and outgoing with a town full of friends during his younger years and he enjoyed every minute of it on the advice of his parents who were lifelong residents themselves. There wasn't a patch of dirt he didn't know in the town and surrounding area because exploring the outdoors was a wonderful way to forget school as well as finding places no one else knew about. Then of course finding more about the asylum and graveyard beyond it was something all the local kids wanted to do out of curiosity, Morrison was no different though he would eventually have a more lasting tie to them later in life. As he got a bit older he ended up with a kid sister whom he did care about though he was starting to become a more quiet mature person making for a rather boring older sibling. He knew he could never leave Ashenport unlike many of his friends who left over time which had a bit of an impact on him in knowing he might not see any of them again.

Morrison ended up working in the asylum as an orderly for the original caretaker of the building looming above the town. It was one hell of a time for him seeing just how bad people could get which came as a surprise to him not ever having known it. However, if he was good at one thing it was dedicating himself to the task at hand no matter how unpleasant it was for him. His family life suffered because of it of course with him getting absorbed into his routine often forgetting his younger sister was there at all, not to mention his parents who got a bit worried about him at times because he denied himself the chance to be around others while he burned the candle at both ends. He eventually had to slow down which happened in a peculiar way, because the current caretaker rose him up to a less intensive job while still being important. It gave him more time to be with his family which helped ease the stress which he put himself under while helping to keep the household going. It went great for a few years like that and he could hardly have complained about it up until a life changing event struck him rather hard.

Morrison was beside himself when his father died to a fatal heart attack, it apparently ran in the family. He shutdown emotionally for months afterwards resembling a machine more than the still strong, proud young man he was. If it took a toll on his mother and sister he hardly noticed it just wanting to work for his pay, eat, and sleep to keep distracted from the loss he felt. He eventually came back to his senses doing his best to make up for his inability to be part of the family though any damage was already done but he did his best feeling guilty for not being there in spirit. His mother ended up leaving to stay with relatives unable to stay where her husband died, it was far too painful, leaving Morrison to take care of his sister which he did without question to the best of his ability.

It went like that for a long time, him taking care of her but never really able to be an older brother more like a makeshift father who was almost always working to bring in the money for both of them. He had risen up through the ranks of the asylum staff to the assistant of the now seventy year old caretaker who was still going despite his age, the younger man admired his dedication seeing him as almost a replacement for the father he lost. Not long later he got word of his mother passing in a city he never cared to remember but it meant he inherited the house and he became more like a strict father to his sister seeming to not care quite in the same way he used to about the young woman who would eventually move out leaving him alone. This absence of another person left a void for him which took time for him to fill and when he finally did he was married to the woman who would be his first wife.

Morrison had felt something he had been missing for a long time and unable to find, happiness. He had emotionally separated himself for years but opening up had a healing effect on him to an extent making him feel better than he had in a long time. He realized the money he was making wasn't enough when he realized his wife was pregnant and he found a rather unorthodox way of looking for money. There was far to much pride in him to get a loan and considering he worked only a short distance from the graveyard he armed himself with a shovel and started digging graves as a side job while keeping his normal hours at the asylum, though he was really looking through coffins in hopes of finding something worth a large chunk of change. His former employer soon kicked the bucket and the younger man's surprise he became the caretaker of the asylum himself at the request of the old man in his will. It would be a job he kept until current time in the memory of the man he admired and more income for his family.

There was hardly a happier moment in his life than when his first daughter was born and it would be his motivation to keep his work going so his wife and child would never have to lift a finger. It worked for awhile though he did worry about his family being alone but his wife assured him they would be fine and seemed accepting enough of his choice to keep them together while he was gone for long hours though she worried about him equally. It was working fine up until he came home early to surprise his family only to find a drunk driver had crashed into his wife. Something in him shattered that day and it was the same day that he put his daughter under the care of the town preacher finding himself unable to care for her without his wife and it being his greatest regret upon realization of what he had done. His grief made him withdraw deep into himself for years causing him to sever ties with practically everyone in town at the time, he became as close to a hermit as possible despite getting food and the like on occasion. There was nothing he wanted to do with the rest of the townspeople so he kept to himself ignoring the rest of Ashenport for several years unable to bring himself around.

Morrison ended up remarrying and having another daughter which sort of brought him back to reality, though he had never truly gotten over his first marriage. He managed to shorten his hours he spent at work to stay close to his family not willing to let them get broken because of his absence. As well as they hid it, him and his second wife had issues between each other which eventually blew up into a full scale argument over their daughter's future in which his wife decided to get away and go out of state to visit family, an idea Morrison got behind quite easily in his anger. He has done his best to be a good father and attempt to make it up to himself for his failure during his first marriage, though money wasn't entirely an issue this time because of some business he had made over the asylum and graveyard. He still hardly socializes with anyone but his own daughter finding it far easier to ignore them as much as possible and deal with them when absolutely necessary.

Vlad Simkov- If there is one thing Morrison can tell about the man when he had the unfortunate timing to have to talk to him is that he has a past that vexes him. That and the man is a snake in the grass as far as he can tell, the old man really doesn't like him.

Rory Asuda- The younger man seems to be a decent enough person, hates Simkov which is a relatable point, but he seems to look down on the town itself which annoys the long time resident. Morrison had stayed in the town because it was his way and he couldn't imagine staying if he was unhappy with the location as a whole, he feels a bit of pity for the kid though he wouldn't mention it.

Mellory Grennich- Morrison was surprised that there was someone who could match him grump for grump that was nearly a quarter of his age, though he respects the need to be alone. It is rather hard to kick the old man out of anywhere and he never speaks unless the mood strikes him so there have been few confrontations between him and the young woman but she keeps the store running so he will keep shopping as he pleases for a long time to come.

Audrey Crowley- Audrey is the pride and joy of Morrison. He has noticed her ambitiousness, something he is proud of in a way, though he worries she might not like what she finds when the girl gets older and likely leaves Ashenport but he would still stand by the decision.

Montana Crowley- If anything has remained constant in his life its that Morrison never stops worrying about family. The relationship has been rocky since she left but he would have a place for her regardless and her recent attempts to reconnect have been positive for both of them. The interaction between his daughter and sister make him happy as if the family was more or less complete.

Myles Reeve- Morrison doesn't know much about the mayor beyond him trying to be friendly to everyone. Though he does keep the asylum in line so every now and again he has to talk to the man about business. He has no ill will towards him as of yet or any like of the man, a neutral stance as it were.

Nightmare: Morrison's dreams have lately held one figure in particular that often causes him to wake up in cold sweats and leave him unable to return to sleep for hours at a time. A woman in a wedding gown with the shroud pulled over her head, deathly pale skin from what is visible, who continues to move to him slowly drawing out the suspense before throwing the shroud off to show the twisted face. It is literally twisted with the mouth enlarge covering the entire bottom half of the face with what seems like rows upon rows of dagger like teeth with the bunched and strained skin above showing one dead, solid black eye through the folds. The hands appear to have thorns which help it grip onto him while it engulfs his head in the mouth. Then he always wakes up having the feeling he knows exactly why this image keeps coming back to him night after night in the most recent week.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

ShuffleCat...You are ACCEPTED! (: Great character, we loved her! Make sure you update the relationships as people get accepted into the roleplay. ^^

ArcGamer...You are ACCEPTED! Great character as well! Just like I said to ShuffleCat, please make sure you update your relationships as people get accepted into the roleplay. With how long everyone has lived here and how small the town is- everyone is sure to know everyone, whether it be "that girl I slept with once in high school during the homecoming game or the guy I buy gas from"

My only small complaint is if you can space out your character sheet a tiny bit- it would make it easier to read!

Wayne...You are ACCEPTED! Wow, we love your character's back story. Same as the other two, just update as we go. ;D I hope Melanie doesn't mind that the town drunk is probably gonna want a piece of that sometime. LOL. :'D Relive Amsterdam- you know what im saying? Also if you can space your CS out a tiny bit that'd be appreciate as well ^^

solamelike Definitely can have the lumberjack role- post a CS whenever you're ready.

Jannah & General Scales Looking good so far- we'll be sending out the pm for you right now so you can finish up your CS's
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ArcGamer


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edited to include a little more about the relationship. and future posts will be spread out and easier to read. (sorry about that.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

ArcGamer said
edited to include a little more about the relationship. and future posts will be spread out and easier to read. (sorry about that.)

(: No problem hun! Easy fix- and no harm done.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by StarWight
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StarWight Rising from the Burrow Downs

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hey, I wanted to say to all of you guys, I am very impressed with the Character sheets ya'll have turned in. Excellent writing them up, you put a lot of thought into them, and I think this RP will go a long way!

ArcGamer, you are a new member, I remember welcoming you in your thread x) I love the updated relationship status, you have a good feel for making characters; I think you'll go a long way at the guild; way to make your debut!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ArcGamer


Member Offline since relaunch

Thank you! :) I'm really excited about this RP.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lilacs


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

This was kinda rushed and not exactly the best, but here we go! I'm sure I'll be adding things here and there.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShuffleCat


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Oooh Mizuho, our interactions are gonna be great fun :P
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