The Nexerus said
I totally don't know what the blog's about. ; D
I actually think you don't. I'm not talking about my personal.
The Nexerus said
I totally don't know what the blog's about. ; D
Awson said
Sometimes the stars just happen to align at the right time.EDIT: Have fun loading this page on mobile LOL
idlehands said
ImANargleHunter said
...I actually think you don't. I'm not talking about my personal.
The Nexerus said
Whatever you say, old lady.
ImANargleHunter said
Halo said Aw
The Nexerus said
ImANargleHunter said
NO YOU HAVEN'T? ?? You're thinking of the other thing which I think I actually deleted.I was literally just made mod on this one a few days ago.
idlehands said
I've peeked into tumblr and I can't do it. I don't know if it's as obnoxious as facebook but it looks pretty close.
Sherlock Holmes said
This thread vaguely reminds me of old Spam. In a literal sense, as well as a metaphorical sense.Huh.
Azarthes said
Speaking of Lily Allen's fuck you
Smiral said
Smells like 14 years old in here
idlehands said
I've peeked into tumblr and I can't do it. I don't know if it's as obnoxious as facebook but it looks pretty close.
Smiral said
It's only good if you're able to find the perfect crowd to follow right off the bat.
Larfleeze said
What Smiral said, just avoid the "HURRR DURRR STRAIGHT WHITE MALES ARE SATAN'S CHILDREN" crowd and you'll be fine.
TP said
That fucking crowd. Ugh. I once had this girl bitch me out after they were following me for like half a year because, and I quote, I never told her I was a straight white male. I told her that she had been following me for half a year, and would've known I was a white male if she had ventured onto the 'me' tag that's available on my blog. And I said, I don't make it obvious what my sexual orientation is, because not many people really care.