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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SomeSoldSoul
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SomeSoldSoul Worrying Waltz

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Or, "My Terrible Rival Saga Volume One [Alternate Take]; Forgiveness is Borrowed, Never Bought."


As a concept, this roleplay (which is my first on this site. huzzah!) is intended to blend elements of old school RPGs, anime/manga and various other influences with a tongue-in-cheek attitude. Basically, I want us to hit the middle ground with this; alternating between unwavering respect and awe of our beloved genres and stereotypes as well as the story we're making with inspiration from these sources...and then bashing them to death with a humor stick (or something else that's funny and heavy).

Some Things to Know Out of Character (to entice your undying love) :

This will be a modern setting with anachronistic examples of highly advanced technology, as well as rampant use of magic and other such mystical (or scientific) forces.

Everyone possesses a unique ability, called their Core Ability. You will get to design this.

Most characters will be of high school age, due to the setting.

There will be a few precreated classes to choose from, though 'Custom' is always an option in my book. Custom all the way!

Fighting will happen. Probably often. (Except for filler arcs.)

Life is kind of (exactly) like a video game; meaning that characters in this world can do things like access their inventory, check their stats, communicate with their friends and loved ones through chat boxes that seem to appear from nowhere, advance their level/ job class. Imagine the possibilities! Hilarious, right? Right? :/ I hope so.

Character interaction will happen. Probably often.

People have either very normal or very odd names.

I intend for us to make a story, together.

Clothing functions as armor.

Characters can change appearance when switching to combat mode. (usually accompanied by transformation scene)

How Combat Works; It'll be a rather simple system of rolling 1d6 (one six sided die), whether you're on offense or defense, attempting to match (and hopefully supersede) their roll. Modifiers for appropriate stats will be added to the die roll; for example, an attacking character using Physical Melee type damage would roll 1d6+ their Strength modifier. Combat between players will be divided into turns, which consist of an attack and defense action, and will run a default time of 10 turns (five for each character). This is to ensure fairness in combat and streamline the overall process. Die rolls will be made here, under your character's name. Now, this method of combat requires players to collaborate in their victories as well as their defeats; so I expect a fair bit of co-operative work to go into this.

Statistic Changes: To determine your Stat Pool at level 1, you will roll 5 3d6 (three six sided dice, five times). These rolls can be distributed among your statistic categories (as they are). You will also determine your beginning HP Pool in a similar way (1 roll of 3d6) and please be sure to link your roll (link found in the section above) in your character sheet. These points can be distributed however you wish among your five stats. Every two points above ten ranks you gain a +1 Modifier to that stat and actions attributed to that stat. Alternatively, for every two points below 10 your stats are, you will receive a negative Modifier. As for leveling up, a defeated opponent gives you half their EXP, rounded up. To level up you need your level +1. So at level 1 you need 2 XP to level up, at level 2 you need 3, at level 4 you need 5, and so forth.
Statistics List (to know how mad your skills are) :

Information: Statistics are vital to characters, some stats more so than others. Statistics are increased as a character wishes, but bonuses are only applied on numbers above 10. These distributable points are gained on leveling up,at a rate of 1 per level.. Stats also tie into the usage of certain skills. For example, Intelligence governs Magical damage type skills and Strength influences Physical damage types, whereas Willpower governs Energy type attacks.

Strength; Determines the potency of Physical type attacks and skills. A basic measure of a character's physical capabilities.

Agility: A character's speed is governed by Agility. If a character intends to focus on speed, rather than raw strength, they may put points into Agility. This ability grants bonuses to a character's dodge.

Intelligence: Governs the damage and efficiency of Magical type attacks and skills. A crude measurement of one's capabilities in the realms of information retention, logical reasoning and problem solving capabilities.

Willpower: Creates more energy within the character's form. Used to determine the amount of control a character exerts over energies latent in themselves and their immediate surroundings.

Regeneration: Gauges how quickly a character's body can recover from sustained damage.

Things To Know In Character (to crush your friends) :

You only live once...most of the time.

The city you live in is called Bridge City. Its huge and has an astounding variety of architectural styles.

Powers are pretty normal. Like, everyone and their mom has one. Seriously.

Various systems exist within the world. One such system is the "Rival" system, that tethers two characters together in an undeniable bond of repressed emotions and constant confrontation. This occurs when former party members, or friends, or lovers, or pets, or whatever have a violent or significantly bitter falling out; turning them into fully-fledged, official nemeses. Most people have a nemesis. Some don't. That's cool, too.

Adaptive Weapon System: Though various weapons can be found, or crafted, throughout the city, some choose to keep their starting weapon. This is due to the weapon's potential for growth. As the person gains levels, the weapon begins to adapt to its wielder's preference; becoming more effective in certain areas and gaining a sweet new appearance!

Job System: At some point in your life, you have to be tired of being a Nobody. When you get tired of being a Nobody, you pick a class. Upon picking a class, you set out upon your grandiose adventure! There are several classes to choose from, with the bases being the ever present Warrior, Thief, Mage and Archer. The option to create a custom class exists and is probably the option most often used in the world. Jobs gain levels as players do, eventually becoming something more potent and impressive.

Nobodies: People that haven't taken a job class. While they still have their Core Ability, most of them aren't noteworthy...except taking up background space. Who knows, they could do something unexpected one day...maybe. Nobodies give 0 Exp. when killed.

Skills: Encompassing the realm of abilities or attacks learned by obtaining levels in your respective Job Class. Most perform archetypal functions, unless the character has used a Custom Job Class; in which case they develop customized abilities.

Character Sheet Template (to know yourself) :

Name: (Doesn't have to be revealed)
Alias: (Because everyone has one)
Age: (Simple)
Class: (Make something up! Be sure to include strengths and weaknesses in terms of combat.)
Level: (Should be 1.)
Combat Mode: (Physical Melee, Physical Ranged, Magic Melee, Magic Ranged, Energy Melee, Energy Ranged, Devices)
Core Ability: (Can be about anything you want. Don't be OP.)
Weapon: (Appearance and function to be listed here.)
Appearance: (An image is fine)
History: (Can be short)
Catch Phrase: (Totally optional...or, you can replace it with a theme song.)

Character Statistics:

Hit Points





Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sicarius


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I dig it, I'm in.

Name: ???
Alias: Hazard Star
Class: Volatile Mage
Level: 25
Combat Mode: Magic Ranged
Core Ability: "Melt" Chameleon like camouflage
Weapon: Despite not wielding any weapon, Star's horns are a rare drop item that give her a magic defense boost.

Brief History: W.I.P

Name: Hoshido Hiroyuki
Alias: Death Meister
Class: Choas Reaper: A class all Hoshido's own due to his core ability, sacrificing all magic capabilities in favor of switching between being the ultimate weapon and ultimate tank. He does this via manipulating his body and stats, either allowing great defense or strength, even speed however he cannot sustain any of these together and therefor switches in battle.
Level: 30
Combat Mode: Energy/Physical Melee
Core Ability: Body Manipulation; Hoshido can turn his skeleton frame into a powerhouse of strength, grant himself speed or even make his skin like steel. Among other things.
Weapon: Ethereal Scythe. A swipe of his blade sends out energy blasts, devastating the field and giving him the true definition of his class.

Brief History: W.I.P
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SomeSoldSoul
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SomeSoldSoul Worrying Waltz

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Excellent! Loving the work you've done with your characters. (Hoping they're finished soon!) Welcome!

Edit: Going to add some Statistic details and what Levels actually mean sometime later today.

Second Edit: Added Statistics to the first post. Will add necessary info to the Character Sheet Template in a moment.

Third Edit: Statistics added with base descriptions. Will add higher rank descriptions when needed. Currently working on some example skills for classes and a Skill section of the Character sheet. As well as example item modifiers.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SomeSoldSoul
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SomeSoldSoul Worrying Waltz

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Adding a cohesive d20 system to ensure fairness in combat and character creation, as well as to add a measurable impact to Skills. This should be completed sometime soon. Following the implementation of this system, I will be making major changes to the Character Sheet and Skill sections.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WolfsRose


Member Offline since relaunch

Okay, this seems a bit complicated, but I really like the ideas you're giving, so I'm gonna do my best with this. Also, I'm putting it out there now that all the images come off of Google, so if you recognize them, it's because they're not mine. But they *do* fit the characters.
Name: Kept secret
Alias: Raider
Age: 16

Class: Portal Gunner - Raider's knack with technology offers him a somewhat unique class that he made up on his own. Using his portal-generating device and a rapid-fire energy pistol, Raider can swarm an enemy with shots from several angles at once. Though his magic and speed are impressive, he lacks any serious physical attack or defense, meaning an enemy that can get close will cause him a very hard time. ((Unlike Peace, Raider can open several portals at the same time. However, they are only large enough for objects about the size of one's hand to fit through, so full-body teleportation still eludes him.))

Level: 19
Combat Mode: Energy Ranged/Devices

Core Ability: Tech-Minded - Raider can control certain technologies with his mind alone. To do this, he has to 'tune' his mind to their wavelengths and subvert their programming with his own. While entirely tuned to the guns and portal device that he has created, other machines, depending on their complexity, can take time to attune to, and the results may not always be as expected. If anyone else is actively using the machine, or if the machine is run by AI, tuning may be impossible. He also has the ability to mentally scan any device he's attuned and understand exactly how it works and how to build it.

An energy-firing machine pistol that can be set to single, semi, or full auto. It charges with sunlight, and can even charge from moonlight, though that takes longer. With direct exposure, ammunition is limitless. When cut off, a full charge is worth about 300 shots. He calls it "Fly-by", denoting his preferred style of hit-and-run attack. When cornered, he has a small energy blade used for self-defense, though he is not entirely skilled at using it.


History: Raider has always been the kind of guy to make life fun, but not take it seriously. His life's been pretty normal, all things considered. He grew up the youngest of two, with his older sister Terra watching out for him. Their personalities are direct opposites, but they love each other very deeply... though it may not look that way to outsiders. Unlike his sister, Raider has always lived life by his own rules, much to the chagrin of his parents. He uses his tech savvy not to change the world, but to play hilarious pranks on other people. When in battle, he can fight well, but it's very rare to see him act serious.
Theme Song:

Character Statistics:
Strength: 10
Intelligence: 16
Willpower: 12
Regeneration: 10

Skill Name: Enhanced Focus (available to all ranged classes)
Level Obtained: 10
Damage Type: none
Element Type: none
Effect: The user speeds up his brain's processing speed, causing time to appear to slow down. This allows for enhanced accuracy with rapid-fire weaponry. Lasts 1 minute. Cooldown: 5 minutes. This effect must be active in order to use Portal Storm.
Range: Self

Skill Name: Portal Shot (Portal Gunner only)
Level Obtained: 10
Damage Type: Energy
Element Type: Null
Effect: The user opens a portal in front of himself and another behind his enemy. By firing into his portal, he can attack his enemy from the rear, negating most defenses. Affects one shot; on critical, three shots. Cooldown: 30 seconds.
Range: 10 meters

Skill Name: Portal Storm (Portal Gunner only)
Level Obtained: 20 (he hasn't unlocked it yet, but it's his current goal)
Damage Type: Energy
Element Type: Null
Effect: Dozens of portals are opened: one group in a horizontal line in front of the user, and the other scattered around the enemy. By firing into the portals before him, the user can unleash a devastating rain of energy from all sides. This attack cannot be guarded against except by a full-body force field or energy-resistant armor. Enhanced Focus must be active in order to use this ability. Cooldown: 1 hour.
Range: Any enemy in clear sight
Name: -
Alias: Nightlock
Age: 18

Class: Assassin - One who fades into and out of shadows, then strikes with terrible precision. This class offers high speed and strong attack damage. However, physical defense is low, and magic offense is almost nonexistent. It relies heavily on the user's ability to dodge or deflect blows with speed, rather than sheer power.
Level: 27
Combat Mode: Physical Melee

Core Ability: Fade This ability allows Nightlock to literally become one with shadows. ANY shadows. If they are connected, she can travel to any point they cover instantaneously. While faded, Nightlock is completely intangible, unable to be attacked, but also unable to interact with the world in any way. While faded, she can see what is around her, but she cannot hear it.

Weapon: Midnight Sakura

With a mix of ninjutsu, bushido, and assassination techniques, Nightlock has developed her own unique fighting style. She wields only one katana, which she has named Midnight Sakura, in honor of her favorite flower.


History: Unlike her brother, Nightlock was always the studious one. She trained hard, studied often, and did exactly as she was told for most of her life. Though her little brother Raider is often a pain, she loves him very dearly and is always looking out for him. She's also the one who usually disciplines him whenever he gets out of line. She was recruited as an assassin (they're more common than you might think, but it's more of a special class profession than a criminal activity) just before entering high school, and has trained diligently ever since. Though quiet, she enjoys spending time with those few brave enough to look past her very guarded appearance.
Theme Song:

Character Statistics:
Strength: 20 (speed)
Intelligence: 10
Willpower: 12
Regeneration: 15

Skill Name: Shadow Strike
Level Obtained: 2
Damage Type: Physical
Element Type: Dark
Effect: Anytime the user strikes while faded, the attack is treated as a Dark elemental attack. Passive ability.
Range: Melee

Skill Name: Seek Weakness
Level Obtained: 15
Damage Type: Physical
Element Type: none/Dark (if used while faded)
Effect: By carefully studying an opponent, a skilled Assassin can find and exploit their weakness. This attack nullifies armor except for full-body force fields. Cooldown: 5 minutes
Range: Melee

Skill Name: Debilitate
Level Obtained: 25
Damage Type: Physical
Element Type: none/Dark (if used while faded)
Effect: With a carefully placed strike, the Assassin cripples her opponent. Reduces target's Strength by 5. At level 50, reduces target's Strength by 10. Lasts 10 minutes. Cooldown: 15 minutes.
Range: Melee
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SomeSoldSoul
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SomeSoldSoul Worrying Waltz

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Still looking for one or two more people. (but I suppose it isn't necessary)

Your characters look good, WolfsRose, consider them accepted.

Going to continue work on the statistical and technical aspects of the combat system, They'll most likely be implemented (even if its just the three of us) to provide a test-run and work out some kinks.

Edit: Thought of some things to give the story a bit of form. Let me know if you happen to like any of them.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WolfsRose


Member Offline since relaunch

I rather like the F.S.N. It gives us a lot more personal freedom while still having an overall story objective.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sicarius


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I like the Babel Rock idea the most. Will have my characters sorted out more thoroughly sometime soon, got some other stuff that I need to take care of though.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sathanas Rex
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Sathanas Rex

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

hello yes this is cool my interest is manifested

edit: so we'd all be starting at around rank 20? damn, not bad.

another edit: F.S.N scenario could lead to the Babel Rook easy, might be far more interesting that way too.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sicarius


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Your level should be roughly to your age but yeah we're around rank 20 for the majority of the story unless Soul state's otherwise
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sathanas Rex
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Sathanas Rex

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

ok so another question, my character is say lv 25, does that mean he gets 35 points to distribute across his stats?

edit: also, I think we should determine attack cooldowns in posts, minutes are too easy to get around in combat.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SomeSoldSoul
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SomeSoldSoul Worrying Waltz

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Welcome, Sathanas Rex.

Actually, your character would only have 34 points to spend. I agree about post-based cooldown counters. Minutes would've worked when I intended to use die rolls for a lot of the action, but it seems a bit too much trouble for me to struggle through in its entirety. I'll have everyone go back and edit their stuff.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sathanas Rex
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Sathanas Rex

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I think a somewhat functioning system should be created before we can start roleplaying. I do like dice rolls, and think they should be implemented. Perhaps something simple though. Say, in opposition, character a's dice roll + modifiers vs character b's roll + modifier. Something along those lines.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SomeSoldSoul
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SomeSoldSoul Worrying Waltz

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alright, that'd be rather simple to do; so I'm down for it.
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